
Safety Instructions .......... 9-4
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemaker . .......... 7
Care and Cleaning ............ 8
Shelves .................... 5, 6
Storage Drawers ............... 6
Temperature Controls .......... 5
Models 18,17,18
Installation Instructions
Preparing to Install
the Refligerator . .............. 9
Reversing the Door Swing . . .l 3-16
Water Line Installation ..... 10-12
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You Call Fox Service .. 17, 18
Normal Operating Sounds ..... 17
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .... Back Cover
Product Registration
(Canadian) .............. 91,92
Product Registration (U.S.) . 90-22
V(arranty fox
Canadian Customers ......... 19
Warranty fox U.S. Customers . . . 93
Write the model and serial
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label on
the upper lett side of the fresh ti)od
c OIX/p}l I'[ IX/e IX [,
197D7799POO# 49-80521 07-07 Jfl

Child entrai)ment and suffocation are not
problen_s of the past.Junked or abandoned
refl_igeratox_ are still dangerous...even if they
will sit for 'iJust a few da}_s." ff you are getting
rid of yore" old refi_igerato_; please follow the
instructions below to help prevent acddents.
Before YouThrowAway YourOld
All refrigeration products contain refrigerants,
which under federal law must be rein oved prior
to product disposal. If wm are getting rid of an
old refrigeration product, check with the
company handling the disposal about what
to do.
Refrigeratoror Freezer:
_: _ke off the doo_.
iJi::i,eaxe the shelves in place so that children
mm not easih' climb inside.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend
against the use of an extension cord.
Howe\'et; if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a UL-listed (in the United
States) or a CSA certified (in Canada), 3-wire grounding D'pe appliance extension cord having a grounding
t)pe plug and outlet and that the electrical rating (ff the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 volts.
Les eMimts pris au pibge ou morts d'asphyxie
SOIl[ [Ot!iOtllN d'acmalit6. Les rOfiig_rateurs
abandomlOs sent tot!iours aussi dangeieux,
m6me si on n'attend que <<luekluesjotu_,,
pore" s'en d6barmsse_: Si vous ne gardez pas
votre anden r6fi'ig6rateuc veuillez suivre les
directi_vs ci-dessous afin de prOvenir les accidents.
Avant de vous dObarrasser de votre ancien
refrigorateur ou congo/ateur :
::Ji::t)(_m ontez les portes.
_: I,aissez les clavettes en place afin d'emp_cher
les enfimts de grimper fi l'int_rJem:
Nous vous recommandons fortement de no pas utiliser de cordons prolongateurs _ cause des risques
potentiels qu'ils prOsentent dans certaines conditions.
Tousles appareils de r(_fl'ig_ration contiennent
des r(_fl'ig(_rants qui, conform_ment aux lois
f_d_rales, doivent _tre enlev_s avant route
01imination de l'appareil. Si vous vous
d0barrassez de vieux appareils de r0frig0ration,
v0rifiez, aupr_s de la soci0t0 qui s'occupe de
leur 01imination, ce que wins devez taire.
Toutefois si vous d_ddez d'ufiliser tout de m_me un cordon ptx)longateut; il est absolument n_cessaire
qu'il s'agisse d'tm cordon _'l3 ills avec inise _'lla terre pour appareils 01ectrom0nage_5 homologu0/Ji, (aux
Etats-Unis) ou certifi0 (_SA (au Canada), poulvu d'une fiche et d'une prise raises _'_la terre de 15 amperes
(minim um) et de 190 volts.

Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appfiances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
_i: This refrigerator m ust be properl) instnll ed
and located in accordance with the lnstnllation
Instructions heft)re it is used.
:#;_Do not allow children to climb, st;rod or hang
on the shelves in the refligeratoi: They could
damage the refligerator and seriously injure
::_Do not touch the cold sm_i_ces in the fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet.
Skin mm stick to these extremely cold StllS[ilces.
k¢<Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\'aport and liquids in the vicini b' ot this or any
other appliance.
i)_:Keep finge_ out oI the "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the do(ns and between
the do(n_ and cabinet are necessmih' small.
Be careflfl closing do(n_ when children are
in the area.
:_i)In refl_igeratcns with automatic icemake_s,
avoid contnct with the moving parts of the
ejector mechanism, or with the heating element
that releases the cubes. Do not place finge_ or
hands on the automatic icemaking mechanism
while the refrigerator is plugged in.
:)_Unplug the refligerator heft)re cleaning and
making _epai_s.
;)_Tm'nh_g the control to the 0 posidon does
not reillove power to the light circtlit.
i)::Do not refl'eeze fl'ozen fi)ods which have
thawed completely:
N'utilisez cet #lectrom#nager que pour I'usage auquel il est dentin#, comme expliqu# dans le
pr#sent manuel.
Lorsque vous utilisez un appareil #lectrique, observez toujours los mesures de s#curit# de base,
y compris los suivantes.
iJi::Instnllez le r(ffiig_ratem" confimnC_ment aux
direcfixes d'installafion axant de l'utilise_:
::Ji::Ne laissez pan let enfimts gfimpe_; s'asseoi_;
se tenir debout ni se pendre aux clayettes du
r_fiig&'atem: Ils pomTaient endommager le
r_flig_rateur et se blesser gravement.
_: N'entreposez et n' ufilisez pas d'essence ou
autres vapeurs et liqtfides inflammables fi
proximit_ de cet appareil ou de tout autre
appareil _lectrom&mge_:
_: t_loignez les doigts des parties du r_flig_rateur
off l'on peut fi_cilement se pincer : les espaces
entre les portes et entre les portes et les placards
sont tot!jOtlIN _troits. Soyez prudent lo_sque
vous termez let p(>rtes de l'appareil en presence
des enfimts.
iJi::Si votre r_flig_rateur est dot_ d'tme machine _'l
glacons automatique €)xitez le contact axec les
pi0ces mobiles du m_canisme _jectem; ou avec
l'_l&nent chattflimt qtfi lib_ere let gla<ons.
Ne posez pas les doigts ou les mains sin" le
m_canisme de la machine _'_gla(,ons pendant
que le r_flig_ratem" est branch,.
::_i::Ne touchez pan let sui_ilces fl'oides du cong_latem"
si vous avez let mains humides ou mouill_es : la
peau risque d'adh_rer _'_ces surfilces ti'_s fl'oides.
_: D_branchez votre r_flig_ratem" avant de le
nettover ou de le r_pare_:
REMARQUE : Noun vous recommandons vivement de
_: Ix)I'Sqtle VOtlS r_glez la commande sur 0 (_teint),
l'alimentntion (_lectfique de l'ampoule n'est pas
::_?::Ne recongelez pas les aliments smgel_s qui ont
compRetement d_gel_. 3

Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety, this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of dfis appliance is eqtfipped _d_ a 3-
prong (grounding) plug which nlates _lfl_ a standard
3-prong (grounding) wall outer to minimize fl_e
p(_ssibilit}' of electric shock hazard from tiffs appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked b) a qu_flified
electrician to make sm'e fl_e outlet is properly
_Aqmre a standard 2-prong _dl outlet is encotmtered, it
is yore" personal responsibili_, and obligation to haxe it
_I'O _eI'lx grounded 3- )rong x_lll outlet.replacedwifl_ai I., - I ,
The reflioemtor_ should al_m_, beI)lugged,, into its (ma_
indi_(hM electrical outlet which has a _oltage rating
that matches fl_e rating plate.
This provid_ the b_t pettimnance and also pre\ ents
o_erloading house wifino circuits which could cmLse a
fire hazard fi'om oxerheated _res.
Never un I)lug,,_om" refligemtor, b',,I )tilling, on d_e
power cord. Pdx_ws grip plug fim_ b and ptfll smfight
out fl'om tim outlet.
Repair or replace imme(fiately all p()wer c( )l'(1.sd_at
have bec()me flayed or otherwise damaged. Do not use
a cord that sh()_:s crocks or abrasion damage ahmg its
lengfl_ or at either end.
_A_en moving fl_e refligemtor m_z_y fl'om the
_dl, be careflfl not to roll oxer or damage die
power coFd.
No coupez ni retirez on aucun cas la troisibme broche (mise _ la terre) de la fiche du cordon
d'alimentafion. Pour votre s6curit6, cet appareil doit Otrecorrectement mis _ la terre.
I,e cordon d'alimentafion de cet appareil _t muni
d'une fiche 5 24broch_ (raise 5 la teII"e) qtfi se bmnche
darts une prise m male ordinaire 5 3 _flv&)les (raise 5 la
rune) pour r&hfi_e au minimtun les fisques de chocs
1_2fitesexaminer la prise de commit et le circtfit par un
(dectricien qt_difi(_ pour xotts assurer que la prise est
c(m'ectement raise 5 la ten'e.
Si la prise mumle mt du t},i)e ._tan(la_d a 2 alvg_olm, il
xous incombe de la faire remplacer par tree prise 5 3
alx&)Im COlTectement raise 5 la telTe.
I.e r_fiig_mteur dolt tot_ioms _tl'e bmnch_ darts sa
propre p_ise de coumnt, dent la tension nominale est
idenfique 5 celle in(fiqu_e sur la plaque signal_tique.
N • > (
Cette precaution _t recommandSe pour g:mmfir tm
rendement optimum et 6xiter une surchat_4e d_
drctfits (:lectfiques de la r_sidence, ce qtfi poum_R
crier tm risque d'incendie par sm'chaufle des ills.
Ne dg_bmnchezjamais le r6li'igOmteur en tirant sur le
cordon d'alhnentation. Sa_sissez tem_ement la fiche du
cordon et firez droit pour la refirer de la prise.
R_parez ou remplacez imm&liatement tout cordon
effiloch_ ou endommag_. N'ufilisez pas un cordon
fen(fill_ ou prg_sentant (1_ signes d'usure.
I,olsque ,,()its dg_placez xotre "}" "_ } "tetlr du Illt/I'_
fifites attention de ne pas le fifire fouler sur le cordon
d'alimenmtion afin de ne pas l'endommage_:
Iefll(reI ,I

Aboutthe temperaturecontroldial ge.com
Turningthe dial to 0stops cooling in both compartments--fresh food and freezer.It does not shut off power to the refrigerator.
Temperature Control Dial (on some models)
Tile temperature control dial has nine Insert a coin into tile slot in tile middle
settings phls O. I is the wax'mest. 9 is the of the dial and you can turn the dial to
coldest, At first, set the dial at 5. the setting that is best suited to your needs,
_Mier using the refl'igerator, a(!just the Allow 24 hours fin" the refl'igerator to
dial if necessary, get cold,
Shelf supports at various levels aflow you to custom-space your shelves. Not all features are on all models.
I_ .......
121 Lift upand 0ut
Toremovethe full-width shelves
Half-Width Shelves
One end of the shelf rests on a molded side- NOTE."Theshelftothewht of thetrackis
_all SUl)l)ort; a bracket on the other end desli?ned to hookintothewht-handdot, theshelf
hooks into a track on tile rear cabinet _all. tothelefttsdesigned tohookintotheleft-handslot
Te remove, lift the shelf ul) at flont, then off _
To rep[.ce, select desii'ed shel, height. _&ith
the ..t.,the
bracket's top lug into tile track, then lower
shelf fi'ont raised slightly, hook the l_
tile shelf onto tile SUl)l)O_t.
Full-Width Shelves
Some models have a steel wire sliding
shell, a stationary teml)ered glass shell,
a spillproof shelf or two steel wire
stationary shelves. These shelves can be
moved to another place in tile fl'esh ti)od
COIIll)}l I'tIIl en t.
The flfll-width sliding shelf has stop-loclcs.
When placed correctly on the shelf
supports, tile shelf will stop belin'e coming
completely out of the refl-igerator and will
not tilt wh'en you place toed on it or
remove ti)od fl'om it.
Toremoveafull-width shelf when
the freshfood compartment door
cannotbe openedfully
Spillproof Shelves (onsomemodels)
Spillproof shelves have special edges
to hel I) i)revent spills from dfipl)ing
to lower shelves. To remove or replace
the shelves, see the above instructions.

About the freezer compartment shelves.
Step Shelf
[] I,ifl left side ot shel_ slightl).
_ _ _.-_'__\. [] Moxe shelf to the left to flee its right
Toreplace the step shelf."
[7]_'_ ith shel_ tilted as shown, tit left ends
of shelf into holes in cabinet wall.
About the storage drawers.
Not all features are on all models.
Fru# and Vegetable Drawers
Excess water that ma)' accumulate in the
bottom of the drawers should be emptied
and the drawe_s wiped dry.
_] I,ower right side of shelf, moxe shelf to
the right and take it out.
[_Lifi left side of shelf slightl), swing shelf
up, fit right ends of shelf into holes in
cabinet wall, and lower shelf into place.
Snacks Drawer
The snacks drawer can be moved to the
most useful location tier your fim_ily's

About storage drawer and cover removal, ge.com
Not all features are on all models.
Adjustable Humidity Drawer (onsome models)
Slide the control all the way to the Slide tim control all tim way to the LOW
.nail Low HIGH setting to provide lfigb lmmiditv setting to provide lower lmmiditv levels
reconnn ended for m()st vegetables, reconnn ended fin" m ()st fl'uits.
Drawer and Cover Removal
Drawers can be remo_ ed easily, by, ,grasl)ing, the sides and lifting up slightly while I)ullin"
(lraweis past the stop location.
Full-Width Drawer with
Plastic Cover
Toremove the cover, lift it off its supports,
pull it torward, tilt it and take it out.
Twin Drawer Shelf
E_] Remo',e the (lrawei_.
_ Reach ill, push the fl'ont of glass coxer
up, and at tim sanle dine, pull it fin'ward
as fin" as it will come.
Tilt it and take it out. A_oid cleaning the cold
glass coxer with hot t_lter because the extreme
temt/eIature (tifterence ma) cause it to break.
_] Remoxe the drawer ti'alne. (_wa)_
renlo',e the glass co',er befi)re you take
out the drawer fl'anle.)
i Jfl the fi'ame off the supports at each skte
and back, pull it fi)rward, tilt it and take it out.
[_ i,ower the ti'ame until it rests on the
supports at each side and back.
Re )lace the glass co_ei; )ushino its rear
] l , l
edge firefly into the rear fl'ame channel
and gently lowering the fl'ont into place.
_] Replace the drawet_.
About the automatic icemaker.
A newly-installed refrigerator
Thereare2 types oficemakers."
GreenPowerLight FeelerArm
Powerswitch model
FeelerArmin (up)positi0n
Feeler arm model
may take 12to 24 hours to begin making ice,
Automatic Icemaker (on some models)
The icelnaker will llr()dtlce apllroxin-latel )
100-130 cubes ill a 24-hour I/eriod,
depending on the fl'eezer compartnlent
telnl/eiattu'e, rooln telnpeIature, number of
door openings and other rise conditions.
If the refl'igelator is opelated befi)re the water
connection is inade to the icemakei; moxe the
feeler arm to the STOP(up) position.
When the refligerator has been connected
to the wamr SUl)ply, move the teeler aml to
the ON(down) position.
Tile icemaker will fill with _Jter when it cools
to l 5°E A newl}qnsmlled refl'ig_iator ma) rake
12 to 24 hours to begin making ice cubes,
Once the icelnaker starts to inake ice,
it Inay take up to 48 bouI_ to fill the bin,
dei)ending oil the telni)eramre settings
and nulnber of door ol)enings.
You will bear a buzAng sound each tilne
the icelnaker fills with watei:
Throw awm the fiist tew batches of ice
to allow the water lille to deal:
Be sure nothing interteres with the sweep
of the teeler aml,
Wben tim bin fills m the level at the ti_eler
aim, the icelnaker will stop produdng ice.
It is noiinal fi)r several ctlbes to be joined
If ice is not used fl'equenfl> old ice cubes
will become cloudy, taste stale, shrink or
fllse togetbei:
On power switch models, the green power
light will blink if ice cubes get stuck ill the
icemakei: To correct tiffs, set tim power
switch to 0 (off) and relnove the cubes. Set
the power switch to I (on)to restart the
icelnakei: _Mtei" the icelnaker has been
turned on again, there will be a delay of
about 45 nfinutes betoi'e the icelnaker
I'eStlllleS ol)eration.
NOTE."In homes with lower-than-averagewater
pressure,you mayhear the icemakercyclemultiple
t/?neswhenmaklbg onebatch ofice.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If your refl'ig_i'ator dkt not ah'ead) come
equiI/ped with all automatic icemakeI; ml
icemaker accessoi? kit is mailable at extra cost,
Check the back _ff the refligemtor fin.
the specific icemaker kit needed fin" 7
yOtlI" lnode].

Care and cleaning of the refrigerator.
Cleaning the Outside
The door handles and trim (on some models), Clean
with a cloth (lampened with soapy water. Dry with a
soft cloth.
Keep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean cloth lightly
dampened with kitchen appliance wax or mild liquid
dish detergent, Dry and polish with a clean,
soft cloth.
The stainless steel panels and door handles (on some
models) can be cleaned with a commercially available
stainless steel cleaner. Do not use appliance wax or polish
on the stainless steel.
Donot wipethe refrigeratorwith a soileddishcloth or wet
towel. Thesemayleavearesiduethatcanerodethepaint
Donot usescouringpads,powderedcleaners,bleachor cleaners
Cleaning the Inside
To help prevent odors, leave an open box of baking soda
in the fresh food and ti'eezer compartments.
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning.
If this is not practical, wring excess moisture out of
sponge or cloth when cleaning arotmd switches, lights
or controls.
Moving the Refrigerator
Be careflfl when moving the refl'igerator away fl'om
the wall. All types of floor coverings can be damaged,
particularly cushioned coverings and those with
elilbossed S/lI'J[;I ces.
Tm'n the leveling legs at each fl'ont corner of the
refrigerator cotmterclockwise tmfil the rolle_ support
the refl'igeratoi: Pull the refligerator straight out and
return it to position by l)ushing it straight in. Moving
the refrigerator in a side direction may result in damage
to the floor covering or refrigerator.
Whenpushingtherefwerator back,makesureyoudon't roll over
thepowercordorlaemakersupplyline (onsomemode/s).
After rolling the refl'igerator back into place, turn the
legs clockwise tmtil the legs again bear the weight of the
refl'igera tor.
Light Bulb Replacement
To replace a burned-out bulb, tml)lug the refl'igerator
fl'om its electrical outlet, unscrew the bulb when cool
and replace it with an appliance bulb of the same or
lower wattage.
Turningthecentre/to the0positiondoesnot removepowerto
Use wam_ water and baking soda solution--about a
tablespoon (] 5 ml) of baking soda to a quart (] liter)
of water. This both cleans and neutralizes odors. Rinse
and wipe dry.
After cleaning the door gaskets, apply a thin laver of
petrolemn.jelly to the door gaskets at the hinge side.
This helps keep the gaskets from sticking and bending
out of shape.
Avoidcleaningcoldglassshelves(onsomemodels)withhot water
causeit toshatter
Donot washanyplasticrefrigeratorparts in thedishwasher
_..."-_ There is n,, need for routine
noi'illal hoille operating
emiromnents. Howe_er, in
condenser cleaning in
emironments that may be
• " . particularly dust) or greas),
cleaned periodically ti)r efficient refl'igerator operation.
To clean the condenseL turn the temperature control
dial to O.Sweep away or w_cumn up dust.
For best results, use a brush specially designed tot this
purpose. It is awfilable at most appliance parts stores.
the condenser should be
Preparing for Vacation
For long wlcations or absences_ relllOVe toed and
tmplug the reli'igerator. Move the temperature control
dial to the 0 position, and clean the interior with a
baking soda solution of one tablespoon (15 ml) of
baking soda to one quart (1 liter) of water. I,eave the
doors ol)en.
Move the libeler arm to the STOP (up) position and
shut off the water supply to the reli'igerator.
If the temperature can drop below fl'eezing, have a
qualified servicer drain the water supply system (on
some models) to prevent serious property damage
due to flooding.
Preparing to Move
Secm'e all loose items such as grille, shelves and drawers
by taping them securely in place to prevent damage.
Be sure the refrigerator stays in an upnght position dunng moving.