GE GTH22SBSARSS Owner’s Manual

Safety Instn_ions
Adapter Plugs .................... 3
(?onnect Electficiw ................ 3
Extension Cords .................. 2
Proper Disposal ................... 2
Safetv Precautions ................. 2
Operating Instru_Ttions
Additional Features ................ 9
Aurora atic Icemaker . ............. ] 0
Controls ...................... 4, 5
Crispers and Pans .............. 9, 10
Sheh'es and Bins ................ 7, 8
VVamr Dispenser ................. 11
_4'ater Filter ...................... 6
Care and Cleaning .............. 11
Models 22,25
Installation Instrut_tions
Preparing to Install
the Refrigerator .................. 13
Reversing the Door Swing ...... 18-22
_'amr Line Installation ......... 14--18
Troubleshooting Tips ......... 24-26
Nomml Operating Sounds ......... 23
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ........ Back Co_r
Performance Data Sheet ........... 27
Stare of Calitbmia Water
Treammnt Device Certificam ....... 28
_4'anantv for Canadian Customers ...29
_'anantv tbr U.S. Customers ....... 30
Write the model and serial numbers here: Model # Serial #
Find these numbex_ on the gray label on the left side, near the top ot the
refrigerator compartment.
200D2462PO06 49-60337 07-04JR
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
This refrigerator must be i)roperl,v installed and located in accordance with tile Installation
Instructions betore it is used.
Do not allow children to dimb, stand or hang on tile shelves in tile retiJgeratm: They could
damage the refl_igerator and seriously iqim'e themselves.
Do not touch tile cold sm'fi_ces in tile fl'eezer compartment when hands are damp or wet.
Skin mm stick to these extremely caM surii_ces.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\'ape,s and liquids in tile vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
In refl_igerato_s with automatic icemake_, avoid contact with tile moving parts of tile
ejector mechanism, or with the heating element located on the bottom at the icemaker
Do not place finge_ or hands on tile autolnatic icemaking mechanism while tile reii_igerator
is plugged in.
Keep finge_s out of tile "pinch point" areas; clearances between the (lom_ and between
the doo_ and cabinet are necessarily small. Be careflfl closing doo_s when children are
in the area.
Uni)lug tile refrigerator beliwe cleaning and making _ei)ai_s.
NOTE: We stronglyrecommend that any servicingbe
Setting tile controls to tile 0 (Off)position does not remove power to the light drcuit. On some
models, only the refl_igerator control has a 0 (off) setting.
Do not reti'eeze fl'ozen fi_ods which have thawed completely:
Child entrapment and suffocation are not
problems of tile past. Jtmked or abandoned
reffigerato_ are still dangerous...even if they
will sit tar "just a tew da):s." If you are getting
rid of yam" old refrigerato_; please tallow tile
instructions below to hel I) prevent accidents.
Before YouThrowAway YourOld RefrigeratororFreezer:
Take off tile dom_.
I,ea_e tile shelxes in place so that children
mm not easilx climb inside.
M1 refl-igeration products contain reli_igerants, which under fi_deral law must be removed prior
to product disposal. If you are getting rid of an old reli_igeration product, check with tile company
handling tile disposal about what to do.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord.
HoweveI; if vet! IllllSt use }111extension cord, it is absohltely necessary that it be a UL-listed (in tile United Stares) or a CSA-listed (in Canada), 3-wire grounding type appliance extension cord having a gromMing
type plug and outlet and that tile electrical rating _ff tile cord be 15 amperes (minimmn) and 120 volts.
Donot, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal safety this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet
to minimize the possibili F of electric shock hazard fl'om this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and ci_vuit checked bv a qualified electt{cian to make sure the outlet
is properly grounded. If the outlet is a standard 2-prong outlet,
it is your i)e_onal responsibilib' and obligation to have it replaced with a properly grounded
3-prong wall outlet.
The refl-igerator should always be plugged into its own individual electrical outlet which has
a voltage rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides the best perlkmnance and also prevents overloading house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard fl'om overheated wires.
Never tml)lug your refl'igerator b)' pulling on the
power cord. Mwa):s grip plug firefly and pull
straight out from the outlet.
Rel)air or replace immediately all power cords that have become fl'aved or otherwise damaged.
Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abI'asion damage along its length or at either end.
_._]_en moving the refi_igerator away ti'om the wall, be careflfl not to roll over or damage the
power cord,
USEOFADAPTERPLUGS(Adapterplug notpermittedincanada)
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an adapter plug.
However; if win, must use an adapter; where local codes pemfit, a temporary connection may be made
to a properly grounded 2-prong wall outlet b)' use of a UIAisted adapter available at most local
hardware stores.
The linger slot in the adapter must be aligned Mth the larger slot in the wall outlet to provide proper
polarity in the connection of the power cord.
When disconnecting the power cord fl'om the
a(lapte_; always hold the adal)ter in place with one hand while pulling the power cord plug with the
other hand. If this is not done, the adapter ground temfinal is ve_' likely to break with repeated use.
If the adapter ground temfinal brealcs, DO NOT USE the refl'igerator until a proper ground has been
Attachk_gtheadaptergroundterminaltoa wall outlet coverscrewdoesnotgroundtheapphanceunlessthe
coverscrewis metal,andnot insulated,andthewall outer isgroundedthroughthehousewiring. Youshould
havethe circuitcheckedbyaquafifiedelectriciantomake suretheoutlet isproperlygrounded.
Aboutthe controlsontherefrigerator.
Thecontrols will look like one of the following:
Initially, set the refrigerator control at5 and the freezer control at5 and allow 12-24hours for the temperature to stabilize.
Several adjustments may be required. Adjust the controls one
increment at a time, and allow 12hours after each adjustment for
the refrigerator to reach the temperature you have set. Setting the controls to # stops cooling in both the refrigerator and
freezer compartments but does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator. Onsome models, only the refrigerator control has a #setting.
Touchpad controls
* Setting either control at 0 will automatically set the other control at O.
Thezeros will blink until you set the controls.
* If both controls are set at 0 and either COLDERpad is pressed, the
controls will automatically reset to 5.
Controlsettingswill varybasedon personalpreferences, usageand
operatingconditions andmay require more than oneadjustment.
Locking the Controls (onsomemodels)
This teature allo_:s you to lock the controls so the settings cmmot be changed.
Tolock the controls:
O Set the controls to the desired settings.
Press and hold the lock pad fl_r 3 seconds.
&._l_en the controls are locked, the indicator light will come on and the control settings
will not be displayed.
Tounlock the controls:
Press and hold the lock pad fl:,r 3 seconds. Mter unlocking the controls, the settings
will be displayed, the lock indicator light will go out and the settings can be changed.
Aboutthe temperaturecontrols,
The temperature controls are preset in the factory at 37°F for the refrigerator compartment and O°Ffor the freezer compartment. Allow24 hours for the temperature to stabilize to the preset recommended settings.
The temperature controls can display both the SET temperature
as well as the actual temperature in the refrigerator and freezer.
The actual temperature may vary slightly from the SET
temperature based on usage and operating environment.
Setting either or both controls to OFFstops cooling in both the
freezer and refrigerator compartments, but does not shut off
electrical power to the refrigerator. NOTE: The refrigerator is shipped with protective film covering
the temperature controls. If this film was not removed during installation, remove it now.
Tochange the temperature, press and release the
WARMER or COLDERpad. Tile SETlight will come
on and tile display will show tile set temi)eramre. To change the temperature, tap either the
WARMER or COLDERpad until tile desired
telnl)erature is displayed. ReflJgei'ator telnl)eratures
can be a(!justed between 34°F and 44°F and tile fl'eezer teinperatures can be ac!justed between
-6°F and +6°E
Once the desired temperature has been set, the temperature display will return to the actual
refi_gerator and fl'eezer teinperatures after 5 seconds. Several ac!jusm/ents may be required.
Each fiine yotl a(!]/lSt controls, allow 24 ho/li'S tk)i"tile refl_igerator to reach tile temperatm'e you have set.
Locking the Controls (onsomemodels)
This teatm'e allows w)u to lock tile controls so the settings cmmot be changed.
Tolock the controls:
O Set tile controls to tile desired settings.
Press and hold tile lock pad tot 3 seconds.
When tile controls are locked, tile indicator
light will come on and the control settings
will not be displayed.
Toturn the cooling system off, tap tile WARMER pad
for either tile refl_gerator or tile fl'eezer tmtil tile
display sho_vs OFF.Toturn the unit back on,press tile
COLDERpad fin" either tile refrigerator or fl'eezer
The SETlight will illuminate on the side w)u selected. Then press the COLDERpad again (on the
side where the SErlight is illuminated) and it will go to the preset points ot O°Ftor the fl'eezer and
37°Ftor the reti_igeratox: Setting either or both controls to OFFstops cooling in both the fl'eezer
and refl_igerator compartments, but does not shut off electrical power to tile refl_igerator
Tounlock the controls:
Press and hold tile lock pad fin" 3 seconds.
?dter unlocking the controls, the settings will be displayed, the lock indicator light
will go out and the settings can be changed.
Aboutthe water filter.(onsomemodels)
Water Filter Cartridge
The water filter cartridge is located inside the cartridge holder in the back upper right
corner of the reflJgerator compartment.
/VOTE:Some models ship with the filter bypass plug in place of the filter cartridge.
The filter byl)ass I_lug needs U) be removed betore the filter cartridge is installed. Keep
the filter bypass I_lug fin" flmu'e use.
When to Replace the Filter
The filter cartridge should be replaced e\'erv six months or earlier if the flow of
water to the icemaker and dispenser decreases.
Installing theFilter Cartridge
0 If }ou are replacing the cartridge,
fi_t remove the old one. To open the
cartridge cove_; push in where indicated and the cover will drop down.
@ Remoxe the cartridge b) slowl) rotating
it to the left. A small amomlt of water
may drip down.
Filter BypassPlug
Y)u must use the filter b)pass plug
when a replacement filter cartridge is not available. The dispenser and the icemaker
will not operate without the filter or filter bypass plug.
Replacement Filters
Toorderadditionalfilter cartridges
in theUnitedStates,visitourWebsite,,orcall GEPartsandAccessories,800.626.2002.
Filter Model (;S_4'F Suggested Retail Price $34.95 USD
CtlStOlllei_ in Canada should constllt tile yellow pages fin" the nearest Camco
Service Center:
CAUTION_ If air has been
trapped in the system, the filter cartridge may be ejected as it is remoxed. Use caution
when i'eiilo_,in r
O Mark yore" calendar to remind you to
replace the filter cartridge in sixmonths.
0 Remove the protective foil fl'om the end
of the cartridge.
Position the cartridge inside the
cartridge holder and slowl) rotate the
cartridge to the right tmfil it stops. _]_en the cartridge is properly installed,
vou will feel it "click" as it locks into place. The blade on the end of the
cartridge should be positioned
xertically: Do not overtighten.
O Close the cartridge cove_;
@Rtm water fl'om the dispenser fin.
3 minutes (about gallons) to clear
tile system and prevent sputtering. See To Use the l)isponser section.
NOTE:A newlxqnstalled water filter cartridge may cause water to spurt flom the dispensex:
Not all features are on all models.
Rearranging the Shelves
Shel',es in the refi-igerator and fl'eezer (On_l)artments are a(!iustnble.
Refrigerator Compartment
0 i 0
Some models have wire shelves that can be adjusted in the same mamTer.
ii i i
0 Tilt the shelf up at the fl'ont.
I,ift the shelf u I) at the back and
bring the shelf out.
To replace:
0 _'_hile tilting the shelf up, insert the top
hook at the back of the shelf in a slot
on the track.
I,ower the fi'ont of the shelf tmtil the
bottom of the shelf locks into place.
Freezer Compartment
I,ifl up the left side of the shelf and
slide it left into the center of the shelf
0 Rotnte the right side of the shelf up and
out of the shelf sui)ports.
0 Holding the shelf diagonall}_ insert the
left end of the shelf into the center of
the shelf SUl)poxls on the side wall at the desired level.
Insert the right end of the shelf into the
shelf supports at the same level. Rest
each end of the shelf on the bottom of the shelf suI)ports,
Spillproof Shelves (onsomemodels)
SI)illproof shelves have sl)e(ial edges to hel I) prexent spills fi'om dripl)ing to lower
shelves. To remme or replace the shelves,
NOTE."Formodelswith an automatic icemaker,
the freezershelf must be in thelower position fortheicecube buckettocatch the cubes.
Sfide-Out Spil/proof Shelf (onsomemodels)
The slide-out spilli)roof shelf allows )ou Toreplace: to reach items stored behind othe_. The
special edges are designed to help prexent 0 Place the rear shelf tabs just in fl'ont of spills from dripping to lower shelxes.
To remove: _ Slide the shelf in until the central tabs
0 I,iJt the fl'ont edge ot the shelf until the
0 ())nfinue pulling the shelf fi)r_n'd
' ' the central notches on the shelf frame.
Remove all items fl'om shelfl
Slide the shelf out tmfil it stops.
central tabs are above the fl'ont l)a_;
until it can be removed.
are slightly behind the front l)a_;
I,ower the sheff into place tmtil it is
horizontal and slide the shelf in.
Make sure that the shelf sits fiat after relbsta//at/on anddoesn'tmove freely fromside to side.
Make sure youpush theshelvesall the wayin before youclose the door
Adjustable Bins on the Door
A(!iustable bins can easily be carried fi'om
I'etiJgeI':ltoI" to woYk _lI'e_l,
To remove: i,ifi bin straight ui), then
pull out.
To replace or relocate: Engage the bin in the
molded supports of the (loox; and push in. Bin will lock in place.
Non-Adjustable Shelves on the Door
To remove: Lift the shelf straight up, then
pull out.
To replace:Engage the shelf in the molded
SUl)l)orts on the door and push down.
It will lock in place.
Freezer Tilt Out Bin (onsomemodels)
Push the button as you tilt out the bin.
Toremove: Hold the sides of the bin and
lift it straight uI), then ptfll out.
To replace:Engage the ends oI the bin in
the molded SUpl)orts on the door and
push down. It will lock in place.
NOTE."Do not overload the b/n.
The snuggerhelps prevent tipping, spilling
or sliding of small items stored on the door shelf. (h_iI) the finger hold near the rear of
the snugger and move it to fit w)ur needs,
Abouttheadditional features,
Not all features are on all models.
Shelf Saver Rack (onsomemodels)
Slide-out beverage rack holds 19 cans of soda (it _2_m_e/water" bottles (lengthwise).
It can be remoxed fin" cleaning.
Aboutthe crispersandpans.
Not all features are on all models.
Fruit and Vegetable Crisper
Excess water that may accumulate in tile
bottom of tile drawei_ or under tile drawei_
should be wiped dry.
Toremove, slkle the rack out to the stop
position, lift the rack up and past the stop
position and lift it out.
Adjustable Humidity Crisper (onsomemodels)
Slide tile control all tile way to tile Slide tile control all tile way to tile LOW
HIGHsetting to provide high humidit_ setting to l)rovide lower h umidit} levels recommended for most vegetables, recommended fin" most fl'uits.
Snack Pan (onsomemodels)
This pan can be moxed to tile most useflll location fi)r _our family's needs.
Toremove, slide tile pan ()lit to tile stop
position, lift tile pan up and past tile stop position and lift it ()lit.
Adjustable Temperature Deft Pan (onsomemodels)
When tile pan is placed in the top 6 slots
on the left side and the lever is set at COLDEST,air fl'Oln tile ti'eezer is fi)rced
arotlnd tile pan to kee I) it veI_' cold.
You can move the pan to any location if you don't want tile extra cold storage.
Tile settings can be a(!justed anywhere between cold , and coldest _ *.
When set at cold, the pan will stny at the
nomml reflJgerator temperature.
The coldest setting provides the coldest storage _1i'e_l.
Not all features are on all models.
Crisper Removal
To Remove:
These drawex5 can be remoxed easily b) lifting up slighfl) while pulling tile drawer
past tile stop location.
When the door cannot be fully opened,
rein eve the dra wet fi_rth est from the door fixst. Make sure the drawer closest to the
door is fifllv closed. There is a latch at the
front of the center slide rail. Push down on
the latch and slide the center slide rail, to
which the drawer is attached, away fi'om the
dora; Remove tile drawe_:
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12-24 hours to begin making ice.
Switch Icemaker
Automatic Icemaker (onsomemodels)
Tile icemaker will produce seven or eight cubes (depending on model) per cycle--
approMmately 100-130 cubes in a 24-horn"
period, depending on fl'eezer compartment tellll)ei'attli'e _ i'ooi/1 tellll)ei'attli'e _ntli/lber
of door openings and other rise conditions.
Powerswitch model
i//ii i i iii_i i i i
There are two t)pes of icemake_: power switch models and teeler am/models.
If tile reti_igerator is operated bet0re tile water connection is made to tile icemake_,
set tile power switch to 0 (Off) or move tile teeler am_ to tile STOP(up) position.
When the refl_igerator has been connected to tile water SUl)ply;set tile power switch to
tile I (on) position or move tile teeler am_ to
tile ON (down) position. On power switch
models, the green light will come on.
FeelerArmin (up)position
theON (down)
Feelerarm model
You will hear a buzzing so/md each time
tile icemaker fills with water:
The icemaker will fill Mth water when it
cools to approximately 15°F. A newly-
installed refrigerator may take ] 9 to 24
hom_ to begin making ice cubes.
Throw awm tile first tew batches of ice to allow the water line to clea_:
Be sure nothing intetTeres with tile sweep of the feeler am/.
\,_l/en tile bin fills to tile level of tile teeler am/, tile icemaker will stop produdng ice.
It is mmnal fin" several cubes to be joined together:
If ice is not used fl'equenfl> old ice cubes will become cloud> taste stale and shrink.
On power switch models, tile green power light will blink if ice cubes get stuck in tile
icemaket: To correct this, set tile power switch to 0 (off) and renlove tile cubes. Set
tile power switch to I (on) to restnrt tile icemaket: _Mter tile icemaker has been
turned on again, there will be a delay ot about 45 minutes before tile icemaker
I'eStllIleS operation.
pressure, you may hearthe icemaker cycle mu&p/e
times when making one batch of/ca
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If your refi_igerator did not come ah'ead_ equil)l)ed with an automatic icemake_;
an icemaker accessma kit is ax filable at
extI'a cost.
Check tile back of tile refl_igerator fin. the specific icemaker kit needed fin.
VOIII" model.
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