Safety Instructions ........... 9-4
Operating Instructions
Additional Features ............. 9
Automatic Icemaker ........... 10
Controls ...................... 5
Shelves and Bins ............. 6, 7
Crispers and Pans ............ 8, 9
Care and Cleaning
Care and Cleaning .......... 11, 12
Replacing the Light Bulbs ....... 19
Models 18& 19
Cong61ateur sup&'ieur
Installation Instructions
Preparing to Install
the Refiigerator . .............. 13
Reversing the Door Swing .... 18-93
_'ater Line Installation ...... 14-17
Troubleshooting Tips ....... 94-96
Normal Operating Sounds ...... 94
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Cover
Product Registration ........ 97, 98
V\'arranty fox
Canadian Customers ........... 99
_4'arranty fox U.S. Customers ..... ,9,0
La section fran_aise commenceh la page 32
Congelador superior
La seccion enespa#olempiezaen la pagina 62
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on the gray label
on the left side, near the top of the
reti'igera tot compartment.
197D3354PO02 49-60178 10-01JR

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precaufions should be followed, including the following:
This refrigerator must be properl_ installed
and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used.
Do not allow children to climb, st;rod or hang
on the shelves in the refi-igerato_: They could
damage tile reli_igerator and seriously iqiure
Do not touch tile cold sm_i_ces in tile fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet.
Skin may stick to these extremely cold surli_ces.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\:q)ms and liquids in the vicinity ot this or anv
other appliance.
In refiigerato_ with atltOll/atic icemake_,
avoid contact with the moving parts of the
ejector mechanism, or with the heating element
located on tile bottom _ff tile icemake_: Do not
place finge_ or hands on tile autolnatic
icemaking mechanism while tile reliigerator is
plugged in.
Keep finge_ out ot tile "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the dom_ and between
the doo_ and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be caretul closing dom_ when children are
in the area.
Unplug tile refrigerator betore cleaning and
making repai_.
NOTE."We stronglyrecommendthatany servi&)g be
performedby a quafifiedindividual.
Setting either or both controls to tile 0 (Of/)
position does not remove power to tile light
Do not refl'eeze fl'ozen fi_ods which haxe
thawed completely:

Child entrapnmnt and suffocation are not
problems of the past, Junked or abandoned
refrigeratoi_ are still dangerous,, ,even if they will
sit fin" "just a few days." If you are getting rid of
your old refi_igerato_; please follow tile instructions
below to help prevent accidents.
Before YouThrowAway YourOld
:_ Take off the doo_.
i,ea_e the shelves in place so that children may
not easily climb inside.
Your old refi_igerator may have a cooling system
that used CF(_s (chlorofhlorocarbons). CFCs are
believed to ham_ stratospheric ozone.
If w_u are throwing away your old refligerato_;
nlake sure tile (;FC reliJgerant is removed t0r
proper disposal by a qualified service_: If wm
intentionally release this CFC reflJgerant you
can be subject to fines and imprisonment under
provisions of environmental legislation.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against
the use of an extension cord.
Howevei; if you IlltlSt rise an extension cord, it is absolutely necessai'y that it be a UL-listed (ill tile United
States) or a CSA-lismd (in Canada), 3-wire grounding _'pe appliance extension cord having a grounding
type i)lug and outlet and that tile electrical rating of tile cord be 15 amperes (minim urn) and 120 volts.

Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety, this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped with
a 3-prong (grounding) plug which nlates with a
standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet to
minimize tile possibili_' of electric shock hazard
from this appliance.
Have tile wall outlet and circuit checked by a
qualified electridan to make sure tile outlet is
propedy grounded.
Where a standard E-prong wall outlet is
encountered, it is your personal responsibili_, and
obligation to have it replaced with a propedy
grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
The refl-igerator should always be plugged into its
own individual electrical outlet which has a voltage
rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides tile best perfimnance and also
I)rexents oxerloading, house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard from oxerheated wires.
Never uni)lug your refrigerator by pulling on tile
power cord. Mways grip i)lug firefly and pull
straight out ti'oln tile outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that
have become ti'ayed or otherwise damaged. Do not
use a cord that shows craclcs or abrasion damage
along its length or at either end.
When moving tile refi-igemtor away ti'om tile
wall, be carotid not to roll over or damage tile
power cord.
Because of potential safely hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against
the use of an adapter plug.
Howe\'et; if )_)u must use an adapter; where local
codes i)e_nit, a temporary connection ma) be made
to a properly grounded 2-prong wall outlet by use
of a UiAisted adapter a\:filable at most local
hardware stores.
Tile linger slot in tile adapter must be aligned Mth
tile larger slot in tile wall outlet to provide proper
polariS' in tile connection of tile power cord.
When disconnecting tile power cord fl'om tile
aclapte_; always hold tile adapter in place with one
hand while pulling tile power cord i)lug with tile
other hand. If this is not done, tile adapter ground
te_ninal is very likely to break with repeated use.
If tile adapter ground temfinal brealcs, DO NOTUSE
tile refrigerator until a proper ground has been
Attaching the adapter ground terminal to a waft outlet
cover screw does not ground the appliance un/ess the
cover screw is metal, not insu/ated, and the wall outlet is
grounded through the house wking. Youshould have the
circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the
outlet is proper/y grounded.

Aboutthe controlsonthe refrigerator, www.GEAppliances.com
Initially, set the refrigerator control at 5 and the freezer control at 5, and allow 12hours
for the temperature to stabilize.
Several adjustments may be required. Adjust the controls one increment at a time and
allow 12hours after each adjustment for the refrigerator to reach the temperature you
have set.
Setting the refrigerator control to 0 stops cooling in both the freezer and refrigerator
compartments but does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator. The freezer
control has no effect on electrical power to the refrigerator.
Controlsettings will vary based on personal preferences, usage and operating conditions,
and may require more than one adjustment.

Aboutthe shelvesandbins.
Not all features are on all models.
Rearranging the Shelves
Shel',es in the refl_gerator and fl'eezer ('On_l)artments are a(!justable.
Refrigerator Compartment
0 Tilt the shelf up at the fl'ont.
0 I,ifl the shelf up at the back and bring
the shelf out,
Some models have wire shelves that
can be adjusted in thesame mam_e_
To replace:
_'_hile tiltino_., the shelf u ), insert the toi )
hook at theback of thelshelf in a slot
on the track,
0 I,ower the fl'ont of the shelf until the
bottom of the shelf locEs into place,
Freezer Compartment
i,ift up the left side of the sheff and
slide it left into the center of the shelf
Rotate the right side of the shelf up and
out of the shelf supports.
0 Holding the shelf diagonally, insert the
lefi end of the shelf into the center of
the lower shelf sui)ports on the side
0 Insert the right end of the shelf into the
shelf sui)ports at the same level. Rest
each end of the shelf on the bottom of
the shelf sui)ports.
"Walking" the shelf
In sore e models, moving the shelf between
the lower and uI)per position may require
"walking" the shelf as shown, I,ifl up the left
side of the shelf and slide it left into the
center of the shelf suI)ports. Then swing the
right side upwards and insert it into the
NOTE: Formodels with an automatic icemaker,
the freezer shelf must be/b the lower position for
the ice cube bucket to catch the cubes.
center (ff the upper shelf supports. Slide the
left side out of the shelf supports, swing it
upwards until level with the right side and
slide it into the shelf sui)i)orts. Rest each
end of the shelf on the bottom of the shelf
i a
Spillproof Shelves (onsomemodels)
Spillproof shelves have special edges to
hel I) prevent spills ti'om dripping to lower
shelves. To remove or replace the shelves,
see Rearranging the Shelves.

Slide-Out Spillproof Shelf (onsomemodels)
The slide-out spillprooI shelf allo_:s )_m
to reach items stored behind othe_s. The
special edges are designed to hel I) prevent
spills from dripping to lower shelves,
0 Relnove ;Ill items ti'om shelf.
0 Slide the shelf ()tit until it stops.
0 I,ift the fl'ont edge of the shelf until the
robs are aboxe the shelf fl'ame.
O Continue pulling the shelffi)rward until
it can be lifted ()tit and removed.
Adjustable Bins on the Door
0 Place the rear of the shelf on the shelf
fl'amejust behind the front bai;
@ Slide the shelf back until the tabs are
aboxe the oi)enings, .
I,ower the shelf so that the robs go into
the oi)enings;, then slide the shelf all the
WaY in.
Makesure that theshelfsits fiat after re/bsta//ation
and doem't move freelyfrom sue tosue.
Makesure youpush theshelvesaft the way in
before youdose thedoor.
A(!justnble bins can easily be carried fl'om
refiJgerator to work area.
To remove: I,ift bin straight up; then pull ()tit.
Toreplace or relocate: Engage the bin in the
molded SUl)l)orts of the door and push
down. Bin will lock in place.
Non-Adjustable Shelves on the Door
Det;whable shelves deepen and enclose
fixed door shelves, pro\iding more storage
room and greater storage flexibili_':
The snuggerhelps prevent tipping, spilling
or sliding of small items stored on the door
shelf. (hi I) the finger hold near the rear of
the snugger and move it to fit your needs.
To remove: iJfl the shelf straight up; then
pull ()tit.
Toreplace:Engage the shelf extender in
the molded SUl)ports on the door and push
down. It will lock in place.
Freezer Tilt-Out Bin (onsomemodels)
Push the button as you tilt ()tit the bin.
Toremove: Hold the sides of the bin and
lift it straight tip; then pull ()tit.
Toreplace'En ,ao-e the ends of the bin
in the molded SUl)l)orts on the door and
push down. It will lock in place.
NOTE: Do not overload the bin.

Aboutthe crispersandpans.
Not all features are on all models.
Fru# and Vegetable Crispers
Excess water that may accunmlate in
the botton] of the drmvers or under the
drmve_ should be wiped (h T.
Adjustable Humidity Crisper (onsomemodels)
Slide the control all the wm to the Slide the control all the wm to the LOW
HIGHsetting to provide high humidit_ .settino_ to provide lower humidi_ le_ els
recommended fi)r most xegetables, recommended fin" most fl'uits.
Sllac/( Pall (onsomemodels)
This pan can be moxed to the most tlseftll
location fin" xom" fhmilx's needs.
To remove, slide the pan out to the stop
position, lift the pan up and past the stop
position, and lift out.

Aboutcrisperremoval, vvvvw.GEAppliances.com
Not all features are on all models.
Crisper Removal
Unloadthebottomshelf beforeattemptingto
To Remove:
I,ifl the drawe_ up slightly while pulling
then] past the stop location.
When the door cannot be fully opened:
Pull the drawer fin'thest fl'om the door
straight out. Slide the other drawer toward
the middle and remove it.
I f
Toremove the glass cover:
Remove the glass, then the ti'ame. \_l]en
replacing the glass, push the rear edge
fimflv into the fl'ame.
0 Push up the glass cover at the fl'ont.
Slide the glass cover f'or_m'd tmtil the
back edge comes out of the fl'ame.
Removing the glass cover
Removing the frame
Rotnte the side of the glass cover up.
O Remove the glass cove_:
Toremove the frame:
0 I]ft up the ti'ont el the ti'ame using
both hands.
Slide the fl'ame fin'ward.
0 Rotnte the side of the ti'ame up.
O Remoxe the ti'ame.
Aboutthe additionalfeatures.
Not all features are on all models,
ShelfSaver TM Rack
This slide-olaf rock holds twelve cm)s of
soda or two wim_e/_ter botdes (]em_gthwise).
(all be removed %I" c]eaN)h)g
7"0remove, slide die rack out to tile stop
position, ]if_ d_e ]_ck Iq):rod past d_e MOp,
:rod lift ouL

Aboutthe automaticicemaker.
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12-24 hours to begin making ice.
Automatic Icemaker (onsomemodels)
Therearetwo typesof icemakers:
Green/_ ,4'
PowerLight EeelerArrn
Powerswitch model
Feeler Armin
FeelerArmill (uP)position
The icemaker will produce api)roMnmtely
100-130 cubes in a 24-hour period,
depending on the fl'eezer compartment
teilli)ei'attli'e _ i'ooi11 teillpei'attli'e_ ntli/lber
of door openings and other rise conditions.
There are two t}pes ot icemake_: power
switch models and feeler am/models.
If the reti_igerator is operated befi)re the
water connection is made to the icemaket;
set the power switch to 0 (off)or inove the
ti_eler axm m the STOP(up) position.
When the reliJgerator has been connected
to the water sui)ply, set the power switch to
the I (0n)position or m ore the ti_eler am/to
the ON (down) position. On power switch
models, the green light will come on.
The icemaker will fill with water when it
cools to 15°E A newl}qnstalled refrigerator
may take 12 to 24 hom_ to begin making
ice cubes.
Throw away the first troy batches of ice to
allox_ the x_ater line to clear
Be sm'e nothing inte_fi_res with the sweep
of the feeler amL
X._]_en the bin fills to the level of the teeler
am/, the icemaker will stop producing ice.
It is nomml fin" several cubes to be joined
If ice is not used fl'equenfl> old ice cubes
will become cloud}; taste stale and shrink.
On power switch models, the green power
light will blink if' ice cubes get stuck in the
icemaker To correct this, set the power
switch to 0 (off}and remove the cubes. Set
the power switch to I (on) to restart the
icemaker _Mier the icemaker has been
turned on again, there will be a delay of
about 45 minums before the icemaker
I'eS tllI/es opei'ation.
NOTE:Inhomes with lower-than-averagewater
pressure,you mayhear the icemakercycle multiple
times whenmabbg onebatch of ice.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If your refl_igerator did not ah'eadv come
equiI)I)ed with an automatic icemake_;
an icemaker accessory kit is axailable at
extra cost.
Water Filter Accessory
The water filter is an option at extra cost
and is a\_filable ti'om yore" deale_: Specif}'
WR97X0214. It has complete installation
instructions and installs on 1/4" O.D.
COl)per water line or plastic tubing that is
included in a GE Sn/art(_onnect TM
Refiigerator Tubing kit. When using the
plastic robing, an additional piece of plastic
robing (_._X08X10002) must also be
ordered since the plastic robing should not
be cut.
Check the back of the refl_igerator
fin" the specific icemaker kit needed fin.
VOI/I" II/odd.
suppliedin GESmartConnectTMRefrigeratorTubing
becausethefineis underpressureatafltimes.

Careand cleaning ofthe refrigerator. CUpp,iancescem
Cleaning the Outside
The door handles and trim. Clean with
a cloth dampened with soapy water.
Dry with a soft cloth.
Keep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean
cloth lightly dampened with kitchen
appliance wax or mild liquid dish
detergent. Dry and polish with a clean,
soft cloth.
Cleaning the Inside
Tohelp prevent odors,leave an open box of
baking soda in the fl'esh toed and fl'eezer
COII/pa I'tlIl ents.
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning. If this
is not practical, wring excess moisture out
of sponge or cloth when cleaning arotmd
switches, lights or controls.
Use wam_ wamr and baking soda solution--
about a tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda
to a quart (1 liter) ot wam_: This both
cleans and neutralizes o(lo_s. Thoroughly
rinse and wipe dry:
Donot wipe the refrigeratorwith a soileddish
cloth orwet towel.Thesemayleavearesidue
that canerodethepaint.Donotusescouring
scratchand weakenthepaintfimsh.
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves (on some
models) with hot water because the extreme
temperature difference may cause them to
break. Handle glass shelves carefully Bumping
tempered glass can cause it to shatter
Do not wash any plastic refrigerator parts in
the dishwasher
Do not clean with any products containing
detergent, bleach or ammonia. Theymay
damage the refngerato_
There is no need fi)r roudne condenser
cleanings in nomml home operating
environiilents. Howevei; in envii'onillents
that may be particularly dusty or greas 5 the
condenser should be cleaned periodically
for efficient reflJgerator operation.
Removing thebase grille:
First remove the base grille. Grasp the base
grille about 6 inches fl'om each end and
pull its bottom edge toward win.
Behind the Refrigerator
Be carefi_] _]_e_ mo_im_g the re{}ige_tor
away {_'om t]_e wail. All Fpes of floor
co_e_Jm_gscm_ be damaged, particularly
o_shio_ed co_e_Jm_gs amid those with
embossed sm'fi_ces.
Cleaning the condenser:
Sweep away or vacuum up dust.
For best results, use a brush specially
designed fi)r this puq)ose. It is a\_dlable at
most appliance parts stores.
Replacing the base grille:
Replace the base grille by inserting the
tops of the metal clips into the o\_d vents,
making sure one of the plastic tabs on the
back ot the grille goes into each ot the owd
vents. Then push the bottom of the grille
forward tmtil it snaps into place.
b4/henpushbg feterefrigerator back, make sure
you don't roll over the power cord or icemaker
supply line (on some models).
IPl_]] the ref_'ige_vm>r straight ol*t amid remrm_
it to positio_ bv }mshh_g it straight h_.
Movim_g the rei_Jge_tt_r im_a skle directitm
may res_dt h_ damage to the floor cove_J_g

Careand cleaning of therefrigerator.
Preparing for Vacation
For long \_lcations or absences, Yei//ove
ff_od and Ulq)lug the reti_igeratoi: Move
the refl_igerator control to the 0 (off)
position and clean the interior with a
baking soda solution of one tablespoon
(l 5 ml) of baking soda u) one quart
(1 liter) of watei; I.eave the dooi3 open.
Set the icemaker power switch to the 0 (off)
position or move the teeler am_ to the
STOP(up) position (depending on model)
and shut off the water supply to the
If the temperature can drop below fl'eezing,
have a qualified servicer drain the water
st q)ply system ( on sore e models ) to prex'ent
serious property damage due to flooding.
Preparing to Move
Secm'e all loose items such as grille,
shelves and drawe_ by taping them
sectlrely in place to prevent damage.
Besuretherefn)eratorstaysin anupright
Setting either or both controls to 0 (off) does not remove power to the light circuit.
Some models have only one light.
Refrigerator Compartment--Upper Light
CAUTION: Light bulbsmaybe hot.
O Unplug the refrigerator.
@ The bull)s are located at the top of the
compartment near the opening.
Some models have light shields. To
remove the light shield, grasp the shield
as shown with wmr thumb and index
finge_; and gently pull back on the leve_:
This will release the shield and allow
you to pull it to the side and remove it.
O Replace xfith an appliance bulb of
the same or lower wattage (60 watts
Replace light shields (on some
Plug the refrigerator back in.
Freezer Compartment Dome Light (onsomemodels}
[ , , •
O Un )lug the refl'igerator
The bulb is located at the top of the
fl'eezer compartment inside the dome
light shield. To relnoxe the shield,
place yore" finge_ in the pockets at
the back of the shield. Pull the shield
_'i)rward and down•
O _Mter replacing with an appliance bulb
of the same or lower wattage (4(1 watts
maximmn), replace the shield.
Plug the refrigerator back in.

Models 18and 19
ffyou have questions,call 1-800-GECARESor ,isit oro-X_ebsite at: www.GEAppliances.com I
Read these instructions completely and carefully;
i_]st_roti(ros Iti)r local im]spector's line.
*JMPOR'FANT - Ob e -ve
_over])im)g codes a])d ord]m);_m)ces.
* Note to Installer - Be slate to leave these
]m]st_ro;ti(ros witl] the Conslm_er.
* Note to Consumer - Keepthese h_strl*ctiom_s
fl)r flmn'e relbre]_ce.
* Skill level - b_staHat]o_ of this app]im_ce re(pfires
basic mechm_ica] skills.
° Coropletlon t_ne - Ref_igemtro" lm_sta]]ati(ro
15 m impl0res.
* Proper h]stallatiom_ is the resp(msibility of the
° Prodro;t tift]ro'e (b_e to improper ]m_sta]]ati(m is m_ot
covered m_der the _rraN_tv;
If the refrigerator has an iceroaker, it will have to be
c(ronected to a cold water line. AGE water sui)ply kit
(containing tubing, shutoff wflve, fittings and
instructions) is awfilable at extra cost fl'oro voro" dealer
or by visiting oro" Website at _v.GEAppliances.com
or Parts and Accessories, 800.626.2002.
• Do not install the refrigerator where the temperature
will go below 60°F (l 6°C) because it will not rro] ot[ell
enough to maintain proper mroperatures.
• Do not install the reti_igerator where the temperature
will go above 100°F (37°C) because it will not i)erfi>rm
• h]stall it on a floor strong enough to supi)o_t it hilly
Allow the fl>lh)xfing clearances for ease of installation,
proper air circulation and i)lurobing and electrical
•Sides 1/8" (3 roro)
•Top 1" (25 taro)
•Back 1" (25 taro)
If the reti_igerator is to be installed next to a wall on the
hinge side, alhav 5/16" (8 roro) door clearance.
The rollers have 3 purposes:
• Rollet_ a(!iust so the door closes easily when opened
about 4:5°.
• Rollers adiust, so the refri,*erator_ is firofly positioned on
the floor and does not wobble.
• Rollers allow vou to move the refrigerator away fl'oro the
wall tot cleaning.
NOTE: X&]mn rollers are properly ac!iusted, the top ot the
reti_igerator will not be level but will have a slight backward
To adjust the rollers, remove
the base grille by grasping it
about 6 inches fl'om each end
and pulling its bottom edge
t()ward VOtl.
Tro'n the two front roller
adiustino screws clockwise
to raise the refrigerator;
coro]terclockwise to lrover it.
Replace the base grille b} 11[ _-._'_
inserting the tops of the
roetal clips into the roal
xents, Illakillg StlI'e ()tie 0_
the plastic tabs on the back
of the grille goes into each of
the rofl xents. Then push the bottom
of the grille fi)rward until it snaps into place.

mnstaJiation mnstructions
Recomme]_ded copper _ater slq)p]y kits are WXSX2,
WXSX3 or WXSX4, depel_dim_g ol_ the amom_t of
mbh_g you _]eed. Approved plastic water slq)p]y ]im_es
are (;E Smart(2mN_ect rM Re{]'igerator Tl*bing
(WX08X 1001}2, WX 08X 10006, WX 08X 10015 am_d
WX 08X 10025).
Wile]l com]ecth]g yore" refrigerator t() a GE Reverse
Osmosis Water System, the o(_]y approved im_sta]]atio(_
is with a (;E RVKit. For other reverse osmosis water
s}stems, follow the mamlfi)ctm'er's
This water lim_e im_sta]lation is m_t warrm_ted bv the
]cem a ke r m a m)II{i) CtHrer. Fol]ow these
im_strl*cti(ms carefi_]]y to mim_imize the risk of expeN_sive
Water hammer (water bam_gh_g im_ the pipes) i_l hol*se
phm_bim_g cam_ cause damage to reIHgerator parts amid
]ea d to wa te r ]ea ka ge o r fl o odi _]g. Call a q I*a]i fi ed
phm_ber to correct water hammer before ]m_sta]]im_g the
water slq)p]y ]im_e to the ref_']gerator.
To prevent bm'ns aN_d product &m_age, do _ot hook
_*[:)the water ]i_e to the hot water ]i_e.
If vim _*se vom" ref_']gerator be]ore con_ect]_g the
water ]i_e, make sm'e the icemaker power switch is i_
tile _ (off) posi ti(m (o_] power swi tc]l m ode]s) or tile
ieeler arm is i_ the STOP (_*[)) positi(m (o_ iee]er arm
Do _ot ]_sta]] the icemaker mbi_]g 1_ areas where
temperatm'es fid] below f}'eezi_g.
W]le_ _*si_lg a_v electrical device (s_*th as a poD, rel"
drill) din'big ]_sta]]ati(m, be sm'e the devi(e is do_*b]e
i_s_l]ated or grom_ded i_l a ma_er to prevent the
hazard of electric shock, or is battery powered.
A]] ]_sta]]atitms m_st be i_ accorda_ce with Iota]
phm_bi_g code req_fireme_ts.
• Copper or GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator Tubing
kit, 1/4" outer diameter to connect tile refrigerator
to the water sui)ply. If using coppe_, be sure both ends
of tile tubing are cut square.
To detei]nii]e how much tubii]g you i]eed: Measure
the distance ti'ou] tile water valve on tile back of the
refl'igerator t(> tile water supply pipe. Then add 8'
(2.4 m). Be sure there is sufliciei]t extra tubii]g (about
8' [2.4 m ] coiled into 3 turns of about 10" [25 cn/]
diau]eter) to allow the refrigerator to move out fl'om
the wall alter installation.
GE Si]lart(]onnect TM Refl'igerator Tubing Kits are
available in the fi}lh>wing lengths:
2' (.6 m) - WX08X10002
6' (1.8 m) - WX08X10006
15' (4.6 m) - WX08X10015
25' (7.6 m) - WX08X10025
Be sure that tile kit vou select allows at least 8' (2.4 m)
as described above.
NOTE: The only GE approved plastic tubing is that
supplied in GE SmaxtCmmect Refrigerator Tubing
kits. Do not use m_y other plastic water supply fine
because the line is under pressure at all times. Certain
types of plastic will crack or rupture with age mad cause
water damage to your home.

Installation Instructions
Install the shutoff valve on the nearest frequently used
drinking water line.
* A GE water supply kit (comainim/g mbim/g, shmoff
valve a]/d fittimlgs listed below) is available at extra
cost {]'om yore" dealer o1" t}'om Parts amid Accessories,
* A cold water supply. The water pressm'e midst be
90 = p.s.i.betwee]/ 2 amid 190 (1.4-8.1 bar).
* Power drill.
* 1/2" or adjustable wrench.
* Straight and Phillips blade screwdriver.
* Two 1/4" outer diameter compression nuts and
2 ferrules (sleeves)--to com]ect the copper ml)im/g to
the shutoltvah'e amid the rehigerator water vah'e.
Turn on the nearest fimcet long enom,h_ to clear
the line of water.
Choose a location fl:,r the valve that is easily
accessible. It is best to connect into tile side of a
vertical water pipe. When it is necessary to connect
into a horizontal water pipe, make the connection
to the top or side, rather than at the bottom, to
avoid drawing off any sediment fl'om tile water pipe.
If" _r(_ are i_sim/g a (;E " _o TM
* , S n,t] t(, m/m/ect Refrigerator
Tl_bim/gkit, the m/ecessar_, t]tti m/_._,s"tre preassemb]ed to
the mbim/g
* If yore" existi_]g copper water ]]_]e has a flared fhth/g
at the end, you will m/eed am/adapter (aw6]ab]e at
phm/bing supply stores) to co]mect the _ater ]im/e to
the refrigerator OR ytm cam/ cllt off the flared {]ttim/g
with a tube cutter amid theN/ ilse a compression tittim/g.
Do not cllt formed e]/d t}'om (;E SmartCom/m/ect rxl
* Shutoff valve to conm/ect tit the cold water ]]m/e.
The s]mtoff valve should have a water h/let with a
m ira/im m// ira/s]d e di am e ter of 5 / 32" at t]1e poi m/t of
corn/m/ect] oil to the COLD WATER LINE. Saddle-type
s]mtoff valves are i_]c]uded ira] manly water slq:_p]y ]<its.
Be%re pm'c]lasJm/g, make sm'e a saddle-type valve
complies _ith vollr local [)hm/bim/g codes.
Drill a l/4" hole in the water pipe (exen if usino__ a
self:i)iercing, xahe), using a sharp bit. Remme any
burrs resulting from drilling the hole in the pipe.
Take care not to allow water to drain into the drill,
Failm'e to drill a 1/4" hole ma) result in reduced
ice production or smaller cubes.

Installation Instructions
Fasten the shutott _al_e to the cold water pipe with
the pipe clamp,
NOTE: (:ommonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing
Codes 248CMR shall be adhered to, Saddle wflves
are illegal and use is not pemfitted in Massachusetts.
Consult with wmr licensed i)lumber.
Tighten the clamp screws tmtil the sealing washer
begins to swell.
NOTE: Do not overtighten or vou may Clush the
Pipe End
Place the compression nut and feHule (sleexe)
fin" COl)per tubing onto the end of the tubing and
connect it to the shutoffxalxe.
Make sure the tubing is flflly inserted into the valve.
Tighten the compression nut secm'elv:
For plastic tubing fl'om a GE SmartConnect TM
Refrigerator Tubing kit, insert the molded end
of the robing into the shutott wflve and tighten
compression nut tmtil it is hand-tight; then tighten
one additional turn with a wrench. Overtightening
ill,iV ca rise lea ks.
OutletValve-- Ferrule(sleeve)
NOTE: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing
Codes 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle wflves
are illegal and use is not permitted in Massachusetts.
Consult with wmr licensed plumber.
Route the tubing between the cold water line and
the reli'igera tot.
Route the tubing through a hole (hilled in the wall
or floor (behind the _efl'igerator or a(!jacent base
cabinet) as close to the wall as possible,
NOTE: Be sm'e there is stflticient extra tubing
(about 8' [2.4 m] coiled into 3 tm'ns of about 10"
[25 cm] diameter) to allow the refl'igerator to move
out fl'om the wall alier installation.
Tm'n the main water sui_ply on and flush out the
tubing until the water is clear.
Shut the water olt at the water valve alter about
one quart (l liter) of water has been flushed
through the tubing.

Installation Instructions
• Before making tile connection to the relYigerator,
be sure tile refl'igerator power cord is not
plugged into the wall outlet,
• We recommend installing a water filter if your
water stti)ply has sand or particles that cotdd clog
the screen of the refrigerator's water wdve. Install
it in the water line near the refi'igerator, If using
GE Snlart(_onnect ''_ Refl'igerator Tubing kit, you
will need an additional tube (_&3X08X10002) to
connect tile filter. Do not cut plastic tube to
install filter.
Remove the screws holding the right side of the
access cover. Fold back the cover.
Remoxe tile plastic flexible cap
from tile water xalxe
(refl'igerator connection),
Place tile compression nut and
terrule (sleeve) onto tile end of
the tubing as shown, On GE
Smart(]onnect _'_Refrigerator
Tubing kit, the nuts are already
assembled to the tubing.
Insert the end of the tubing into the water wdve
connection as tar as possible, While holding the
tubing, tighten the fitting,
For plastic tubing fl'om a GE Smart(:onnect "_
Refrigerator Tubing kit, insert the molded end
of tile tubing into tile water wdve connection and
tighten compression ntlt until it is hand-tight;
then tighten one additional ttli'n with a wrench.
Overtightening mav cause leaks.
Fasten tile tubing into tile clamp provided to hold
it in a vertical position. You may need to pry open
tile clamp.
Tighten an) connections that leak.
Reattach tile access co_ei',
&_rranoe tile coil ot tubing so that it does not _ibrate
against the back of the refrigerator or against the
wall. Push tile refrigerator back to tile wall.
On power switch models, set tile icemaker power
switch to the I (O/I) position. On feeler arm models,
move tile feeler arm to tile ON(down) position. Tile
icemaker will not begin to operate until it reaches
its operating temperature of 15°F (-9°(:) or below. It
will then begin operation automatically.
1/4" Tubing
Power switch model
the ON (down) position
Feeler arm model
NOTE: In lower water pressure conditions, tile
water xalxe may turn on up to 3 times to delixer
enou_*h water to tile icemaker.

Installation Instructions
_hen reversing the door swing:
• Read the instluctions all the way throuoh before
• Handle parts careflfllv to axoid scratching, I)aim
• Set screws down b'_ their related parts to a_oid usino,
theln in the wrong i)laces.
• Provide a i_oi>scratching work surtace fi_i"
the dooi_.
IMPORTANT: Once xou begin, do not inoxe the
cabinet until doo>swing rexersal is completed.
These inst_ uctions are for changing, , the hinoes_, from
the right side to the left side--if _ou e'.er want to change
the hinges back to the right side, follow these same
instructions and reverse all reterences to left and right.
Unplug the refrigerator from its electrical outlet.
Empty all door shelves, including the dairy
Tape the door shut with masking tape.
I_.etno_ e the hinge co_er on top of the fl'eezer door
(on some ulodels).
Relno_e the two Tolx'' screws, then lift the hinoe
straight up to free the hinge pin from the socket in
the top of the dooi:
Masking tape
3/8" Headsocketdriver
Remove the tape and tilt the door awav fl'Oln the
cabinet. I.ifl it off the center hinge pin.
Set the door on a non-scratching surtace with
the inside up.

mnstaliation mnstructions
%q_e the door shut with masking rope.
Remove the center hiw,e_ pin with a ./8 socket
and ratchet.
Rem_we the tape and flit the door away fl'om the
cabinet. Remove and save the washer on the hinge pin.
I,ift the door straight up to fl'ee its bottom socket fl'om
the pin in the bottom hinge bracket.
Set the door on a non-scratching stm'i_ce with the
inside up.
Interchange, hiw,e., and screws at toi _ right, with screws
at the top left of cabinet.
Do not tighten screws on hinge side at this time.
CAUTION: Do not let door drop to the floor.
To do so could damage the door stop.

mnstaliation mnstructions
Remove the base grille b) grasping it about 6" t_'om
each end and pulling its bottom edge toward )ou.
Using a Torx C'_drive_; move the bottom hinge bracket
and plastic washer fl'om the right side to the left side.
NOTE: If the washer is not on the hinge bracket,
check to see if it is stuck to the bottom of the dora:
q @_1 PlasiicWasher
Befi)re replacing the base grille, remoxe the grille
cap by remoxing the screw, Screw the cap to the
opposite side,
Relnove the center hinge bracket by removing the
three Torx <'_screws.
NOTE: Kee I) these screws with the hinge bracket.
They are long screws and will be used when installing
the hinge on the other side.
On some models, you will need to remove the colo_ _
matched caps fl'om the screw heads belin'e )xm can
remove the screws. Use the edge of a thin flat blade to
gently I)_y the caps off the screw heads. (A put_' knife
works well t0r this.) Cover the blade with tape to
prevent scratching the paint.
Remove the three Torx <:screws from the center lett
side of the cabinet. Screw them into the holes on
the right side.
Place the center hinge bracket over the holes at
the center lett side of the cabinet. Insert and
tighten the three long screws.
Replace the caps by snapping them over the screws
with yore" finger.
Replace the base grille by inserting the tops _d the
metal clips into the oval vents, making sure one of the
plastic tabs on the back ot the grille goes into each of
the oven vents. Then push the bottom ot the grille
fin'ward tmfil it snaps into place.
On each doo_; moxe the metal door stop from the
right to the left.
Moxe any screws from the left to the right.
LeftSide RightSide
Screw Cap

Installation Instructions
To remove the handle: P.emo_e the plug button by
carefllllv, I)rving,, under the edge with a putl) knife.
Remoxe the exposed screw holding the handle.
Remove the two screws holding the handle to the
top of the do(n:
Transli_r the door I_lug, button to the opposite side.
Reinstalling the hm_dle: Attach the handle to the
dght side of the doo_:
Plug_ ,_
After removing the hmadle: Move the small plug
buttons fl'om the top right side of the door top and
insert them into the holes on the opposite side,
Move the large,I)lug, button from the left edge of the
door and inse_X it into the hole on the opposite side.

Installation Instructions
Remo_e the screws holding the handle to the top and
botton] of the door. Remoxe handle.
Move the plug button on the right side of the door to
the handle screw hole on the left side,
Reattach the handle on the opposite side using the
holes closest to the edge of the door;
I,ower the refl_gerator door onto tl]e bottom
hinge pin.
Straighten the door and line it up with the center
hinge bracket.
Reinstall the center hinge pin with a 3/8" socket.
Tm'n it tmtil it extends through the hinge bracket
and into the dora:
PlasticWasher ._
Hinge Pin--------_
Center Hinge '_
Refrigerator Door

Installation Instructions
I,ower the fl'eezer door onto the center hinge pin.
ge sure the washer is in place.
I,ifl the top hinge so the pin fits into the door socket.
Support the door on the handle side and make sm'e
the door is straight and the gap between the doo_s is
even across the fi'ont. While holding the door in
place, tighten the top hinge screws.

NermM eperating seunds.
0 Evaporator Fan. Yi)u may hear air being t0rced through the cabinet by the tim.
_ Defrost Heater. During defi'ost cycles water dill)ping onto the heater may
0 Cold Central and Defrost _mer. These parts can produce a snapping sound
Icemaker(on some models). Occasionally )ou will hear ice cul)es dropping
into the ice 1)in. If this is your fi_t k'emake_; )ou'll hear occasional sounds
that mm be tmtmniliar. They are nomml icemaking sounds and are not a
Catlse J[()I" conceiql.
Evaporator. The flow of reii_igerant through the ewq)orator may create a
boiling or gmgling sound.
cause a hissing, or sizzlin.._ sound _ter (lefrostin_ a III)°) )ing, sound ulav
occur and the evaporat()r Inay create a boiling or gmgling s()und.
when turnino_ the refl_igerator on or off. The timer also produces a sound
similar to an electric clock.
Plastic Liner. Cmckiw*m or lll)°) )ing, sounds due to expansion of the plastic lineL
Water Valve (on models equipped with an automatic icemaker). _4qten tit e
icemaker fills with watex; a 1)uzzing sound and running water will be heard.
These sounds are normal and
are due mostly to highly efficient
WaterPan. X&_Kermay be heard running into the maintenance-fl'ee drain pan
dining the deli'ost cycle.
Compressor. Modern, high-eflicienc) compresso_ operate much tipster
than older models. The compressor mm ha_e a high-pitched hum or
pulsating sotmd,
Condenser Fan. Y)u may hear air being fi)rced o_er the condenser by the tim.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
Possible Causes
Refrigerator doesnot Refrigerator ill defrost cycle.
Refrigerator control in
Refrigerator is unplugged,
The fuse is blown/circuit
breaker is tripped.
What To Do
• _Mfit about 40 minutes tot defi'ost cycle to end.
• Move the refi_igerator and fl'eezer control to a
temperamre setting.
• Push the l)lug complemly into the outlet.
• Replace fllse or reset the breaker.
Vibration orrattling Rogers need adjusting. * See Rollers.
(slight vibration
is normal)

Possible Causes What ToDo
Motor operates for Normal when refrigerator * Wait 24 h om_ fin" the reli_igerat(n" t() c(mll_letelv
Iongperiods orcycles is first plugged in. cool (lowu.
on and off frequently
(Modern refrigerators
with more storage amounts of food are
space and a larger placed ill refrigerator.
freezer require more Door left open. * Check to see l
operating time. They
start and stop often Hot weather or frequent * This is nomml.
tomaintain even door openings.
temperatures.) Temperature controls * See About the controls
Refrigerator or freezer Temperatttre control not set * See About the controls.
compartment too warm cold enough.
Frostorice c_Mals Door left open. • Check to see if l)a(kage is holding door Ol)eU.
on frozen food
(from within package Too frequent or too long
Often occurs when large * This is u(mual.
if )a(-kaoe is holding door open.
set at the coldest setting.
Warm weather or frequent * Set the teml)eratm'e control one step (olde_:
door ope_fings. See About the controls.
Door left open. • Check to see if l)ackage is holding door ol)en.
is normal) door ope_fings.
Automatic icemaker Icemaker power switch is * On power switch models, set the l)ower swit(h to the I
(on some models) not on. (on) l)ositiou. On feeler am/models, move the teeler ;ran
does not work to the ON (down) position.
Water supply turned off or * See Installing the water line
not commcted.
Freezer compartment * Wait 24 h om_ fi)r the reliJgerat()r t() (()mpletelv
too warm. cool down.
Piled up cubes in the storage * l,evel (ubes by hand.
bila cause the icemaker
to shut off.
lee cubes stuck in icemaker. * Turn off the icemake_, l'elllOVe ('ubes and turn the
(Green power fight on icemaker ba(k on.
icemaker blhakilag.)
Ice cubes have Ice storage bill needs cleaning. * Eml)ty mad wash bin, Discard old (t/bes,
Food trmlsmitthag odor/taste * _.Vral) tends well.
to ice cubes.
Interior of refrigerator * See Care and cleaning.
needs cleaning.
if )acka,,e is holding door ol)eu.Slow ice cube freezing Door left open. • Check to see l
Telnperature control not set * See About the controls.
cold enough.
No ice cube production Supply fine or shutoff valve * Call a l_lumber,
is clogged.

Beforeyoucall forservice...
Possible Causes What To Do
Moisture forms on Not unusual during * _'ipe stu_ilce dxy; then at!just tile ti'esh tbod control
cabinet surface periods of high hmnidity. ,setfin,_ one number higher, and check again, in 24 hotu_,
between the doors
Refrigerator has odor Foods transmitting * Foods with strong odo_ should be tightly wrapped,
odor to refrigerator. *Keep a n ()pen b(>x of baking s()da in the reffigerat(>r;
replace every three lnonths.
Interior needs clemfing. * See Care and cleaning.
Moisture collects inside Too frequent or too
(in humid weather, air long door openings.
carries moisture into
refrigerator when doors
are opened)
InteriorligMdoes No power at outlet. • Replace ti/se (>r reset the breaker.
not work
Hot air from bottom Normal air flow cooling
of refrigerator motor. In the refrigeration
Light bulb burned out. *See Replacin9 the light bulbs.
process, it is normal that
heat be expelled in the
area under the refrigerator.
Some floor coverings will
discolor at these normal
and safe temperatures.
Foodfreezing in Food too close to air vent. * Move the fi_od away fl'om the air vent (near the controls).
the refrigerator
Door does not close Rollers need adjusting. * See Rollers.
by itself
Orange glow in the Defrost heater is on. * This is normal.
Refrigerator control is set * Move the refrigerator control to a wamier
too cold. temperatt/re.

GE Service Protection Plus '_'
GE, a imme recogifized _orkl_kte for qtmlhy a_d depeildabilhy; offers yot_
Ser_ke Protectkm t h_s --comp_ ehe_s_ e protecfio_ o_ all ?our appHai_ces--
No Matter What Brand!
WoTt Corot Any ApptMnco.
Benefits Include:
o Backed by GE
o A_I brands covered
o Unlimited service calls
o A]I parts and lal_or costs h_clnded
o No out=of-pocket expenses
o No hidden deductibles
o One 800 number to call
Yol_ wi]] be completely satisfied with <mr service protectiol_ or }ol_ ma} request y<mr m<mey back
<m the ]'emaim_im_g x'a]_0e ofxom" c(mtract. No q_esti<ms asked. It's that simple.
Protect yore" refi'igerato_; disbwas]]e_; washer ;rod (]_ye_; r;mge, TVI VCR mid ml_(b more--aoy brand!
Iph_s t]]ere's m_o extra c]]arge %r emergei_cy service a_(] low moi_t]]]y fi_]ai_c]_g is a_ai]ab]e. Eve]_ icemaker
coverage a _ d {ood spoilage prot ecti o_ is ofterecL Yo_ ca _ rest easy, kl_ o_i _ g th a ta]] vo_r va] _mb] e
ho_*sehoId products are protected agai_st expe_sive repairs.
for more i_[ormati(m.
AnDvhom. Anytimo.
\!1 b_mds c >x_*_d, up to 20 }<av_ okL in i1_ < mdm real [.S.
Please place in envelope and mail to:
GeneralElectric Compang
Warranty Registration Department
P.O. Box 32150
Louis_411e, KY 4{}232-215{}

Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Dear Customer:
Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us.
'_A/eare proud to ha_e you as a customer'.
Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:
Complete and nlall
your Consumer
Product Owuership
Registration today.
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c_.n contact you ill
th{ unlikely {v{nt of
a sa/;vW modJ/ic_Jion.
AJlcr mailing the
rcgistradon bch)w,
Store this (to([ll/ICllt
in a satb place. It
contains intbrmation
you will need should
you require service.
Our service mmlber is
800 (;E CARES
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Important: If you did not get a registration card with your
product, detach and return the form below to
ensure that your product is registered, or register
online at www.GEAppliances.com.
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
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