Aboutthe automaticicemaker.
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12-24 hours to begin making ice.
Automatic Icemaker (onsomemodels)
Thereare two types of icemakers:
Green/_ ,4'
PowerLight EeelerArrn
Powerswitch model
Feeler Armin
FeelerArmill (uP)position
theON (down)
The icemaker will produce api)roMnmtely
100-130 cubes in a 24-hour period,
depending on the fl'eezer compartment
teilli)ei'attli'e _ i'ooi11 teillpei'attli'e_ ntli/lber
of door openings and other rise conditions.
There are two t}pes ot icemake_: power
switch models and feeler am/models.
If the reti_igerator is operated befi)re the
water connection is made to the icemaket;
set the power switch to 0 (off)or inove the
ti_eler axm m the STOP(up) position.
When the reliJgerator has been connected
to the water sui)ply, set the power switch to
the I (0n)position or m ore the ti_eler am/to
the ON (down) position. On power switch
models, the green light will come on.
The icemaker will fill with water when it
cools to 15°E A newl}qnstalled refrigerator
may take 12 to 24 hom_ to begin making
ice cubes.
Throw away the first troy batches of ice to
allox_ the x_ater line to clear
Be sm'e nothing inte_fi_res with the sweep
of the feeler amL
X._]_en the bin fills to the level of the teeler
am/, the icemaker will stop producing ice.
It is nomml fin" several cubes to be joined
If ice is not used fl'equenfl> old ice cubes
will become cloud}; taste stale and shrink.
On power switch models, the green power
light will blink if' ice cubes get stuck in the
icemaker To correct this, set the power
switch to 0 (off}and remove the cubes. Set
the power switch to I (on) to restart the
icemaker _Mier the icemaker has been
turned on again, there will be a delay of
about 45 minums before the icemaker
I'eS tllI/es opei'ation.
NOTE:Inhomes with lower-than-averagewater
pressure,you mayhear the icemakercycle multiple
times whenmabbg onebatch of ice.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If your refl_igerator did not ah'eadv come
equiI)I)ed with an automatic icemake_;
an icemaker accessory kit is axailable at
extra cost.
Check the back of the refl_igerator
fin" the specific icemaker kit needed fin.
VOI/I" II/odd.
Water Filter Accessory
The water filter is an option at extra cost
and is a\_filable ti'om yore" deale_: Specif}'
WR97X0214. It has complete installation
instructions and installs on 1/4" O.D.
COl)per water line or plastic tubing that is
included in a GE Sn/art(_onnect TM
Refiigerator Tubing kit. When using the
plastic robing, an additional piece of plastic
robing (_._X08X10002) must also be
ordered since the plastic robing should not
be cut.
suppliedin GESmartConnectTMRefrigeratorTubing
becausethefineis underpressureatafltimes.