Safety Instructions ........ 2, 3
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning ........... ] 0
Control Panels and Settings . . 5, 6
I _oading the
Dishwasher Racks ............ 9
Optional Accessories .......... 9
Using the Dishwasher ....... 7, 8
7koubleshooting Tips .... 12, 13
Consumer Support
(:onsumer Support . . . Back (h)ver
Warran b' .................. l5
G&_I 1800 Series
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Y_mcan lind them on a label on the
nil) _11 just inside the do(n:
165D#700P337 49-55077 72-05 dR

Foryoursafety,theinformationinthis manualmustbe followed tominimize the risk of fire
or explosion,electric shock,ortopreventpropertydamage,personalinjury,or death.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been
used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE.
If the hot water has not been used fin" two weeks or more, prevent the possibility of damage
or ix_iury by turning on all hot water fimcets and allow them to mn for several minutes. Do this
heft)re using any electrical appliance which is cmmected to the hot water system. This simple
procedm'e will allow any built-u I) hydrogen gas to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not
smoke or txse [ixl open flaxne ox" appliance dm'ing this process.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with your
dishwasher, you can receive one by visiting our Website at ge.com.
• Connect to a grounded metal, permanent
wiring s)_stem; or Hm an equipment-
grotmding conductor with the circuit
conductors and connect to the equipment-
grotmding terminal or lead of the appliance.
• lmi)roper connection of the equipment-
grounding conductor can result in a risk
of electric shock. Check with a qualified
electrician or service representative if wm
are in doubt whether the appliance is
properly grotmded.
• Dispose of discarded appliances and shiI)ping
or packing material properly,
Do not attempt to repair or replace any part
of yore" dishwasher tmless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other
servicing should be referred to a qualified
To minimize the possibility of electric shock,
disconnect this appliance fl'om the power
supply befi)re attempting any maintenance.
NOTE: Turning the dishwasher off does not
disconnect the appliance from the power
SUl)ply: We recommend having a qualified
technician service your appliance.
• Do not tamper with controls.
• Do xlot abuse, sit on or stand on the doox"
or dish rack of the dishwasher.
• Do not discard a dishwasher without first
x'ex/lox, ixlg the door or x'exilox, ixlg the (loox"
• Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the vicinity of this or any other
• Do not allow children to play arotmd
dishwasher when opening or closing door
due to the possibility of small fingers being
pinched in door.
• Do not allow children to play with, on
or inside this appliance or any discarded

Junked (:,r abandoned dishwashers are
dangerous.., even if they will sit fl)r 'ijust a
few davs." If you are getting rid of vour old
dishwasher; please fl)llow the inst_ uctions
below to hel I) prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old Dishwasher:
• Take oft tile door of tile washing
compartment or remove tile door latch
keeper (as shown).
• Use only powder; tabs, liquid detergents
or rinse agents recommended for rise iil a
dishwasher and kee I) them out of the reach
of children. Cascade and Electrasol=
Automatic Dishwashing Detergents, and
Jet-Dr,v _ and Cascade Crv_tal Clear '_ rinse
agents have been approved t0r use in all
GE dishwashers.
• Using a detergent that is not specificall)
designed fl)r dishwashers will cause the
dishwasher to fill with suds.
• Do not wash plastic items tmless marked
dishwashor safe or tile equiwflent. For
plastic items not so marked, check the
Ilia II tl[;I ct tlI'eI"S i'e COil/ill eil da tioiis.
• Non-Dishware Items: Do not wash items such
as electronic air cleaner filte_, fln'nace filters
and paint b_ ushes in yore" dishwasher.
Damage to dishwasher and discoloration
or staining of dishwasher may result.
• Do not touch the heating element during or
immediately after use.
Holdnut at topof dishwasher
• Do not operate yore" dishwasher mfless all
enclosm'e panels are properly in place.
• Close supervision is necessary if this
appliance is used by or IleaI" children.
• I,oad light, plastic items so they will not
become dislodged and drop to the bottom
of tile dishwasher--they might c(:,me into
contact with tile heating element and be
• Ix)cate sharp items so that they are not likely
to damage the door seal.
• i,oad sharp knives with the handles up to
reduce the risk of cut-type ii_jm'ies.

Featuresof thedishwasher (a side view).
Upper rack.__
__r sCOntrolpanel
Upperspray arm __
Lower rack--_-
n n _ Panel

Aboutthedishwasher contro/panel. 9e.co,,
Youcan locate your model number on the tub wa// just inside the door. Throughout this manual, features and appearance
may vary from your model
@ @0
POTS& PANS Forheavilysoileddishesorcool<warewith dried-onorbaked-onsoils.Everydaydishesmay
HEAVYWASH Forheavilysoileddishesorcool<ware.Fordried-onorbaked-onsoils,usethe POTS& PANS
NORMALWASH Forloadsof everydaydishes,glassesandcool<warewith mediumsoils.NOTE:Manydishes
LIGHTWASH Fordisheswith lightsoils.
CHINACRYSTAL Forlightly soiledchinaandcrystal,usethe CHINACRYSTALcycle.
RINSEONLY Forrinsingpartialloadsthatwill bewashedlater.DO NOTusedetergentor
........E.!((I I ))J°.....'°
beincluded.Thiscyclewill notremoveburned-onfoods.
cycle.Everydaydishesmaybe included.
havelightersoilthan normal.Choosingacycle otherthanNORMALWASHwill save
PLATEWARMER Forwarmingcleandishesandservingplates.Thiscyclewill takeapproximately36 minutes.
_'_ Options
HEATEDDRYON Turnstheheatingelementonforfastdrying.Thisoptionwill extendthe timeofyour
HEATEDDRYOFF TurnsHEATEDDRYONoff. Dishesair drynaturallyandenergyis saved.
_ Start
Slo_dx turn the Dial to the desired poshi(m on the Dial a_te_" selecting, the drvino, _ option. Don't turn it
past that position, or )ou could accidentall_ miss a rinse. There is a time dela} between start-up and
water fill so )ou will not hear an)wash action fight away.