About the automatic icemaker.
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A newlg installed refrigerator may take 12 to 24 hours to begin making ice
PowerLight FeelerA.n
Automatic icemaker
The icemuker will produce seven cubes
per cgcle-appro×imotelg 100-130cubes
in a 24-hour period, depending on freezer
compartment temperature, room
temperature, number of door openings
and other use conditions
See below for how to access ice and reach
the power switch on dispenser models
If the refrigerator is operated before the
water connection ismade to the icemaker,
set the power switch in the 0 (off/position
When the refrigerator has been connected to
the water supplg, set timepower switch to the
I ton) position
Theicemokerwillfillwith water when it cools
to 15°F(-IO°C}Anewlginstalledrefrigerator
Youwill heara buzzingsoundeach time
theicemakerfillswith water.
Throwowag the firstfew batches of ice to
allow thewater lineto clear,
Besurenothing interfereswith thesweep
of thefeelerarm
When the bin fills to the level of the feeler
arm. the icemuker will stop producing ice
Itis normal for several cubes to be joined
If ice is not usedfrequentlg,old ice cubes
willbecome cloudg,tastestale end shrink.
NOTE:In homeswith lower-than-average
water pressure,you may hearthe icemaker
cyclemuttiptetimes when makingone batch
Models without a shelf
above the ice bin
To access ice end reach the
icemaker power switch:
o Lift the bin. tl_enpull it
forward until the bin stops
O Lewer the bin to access ice
or reach the power switch
NOTE:In orderto take full
advantage of the tflt_out ice bin,
on0 store items on the shelf below
the ice bin that are no taller than
the lowest point on the bin
Accessing Ice and Reaching
the Power Switch on Dispenser
Thereare two types of ice storage bins
on dispensermodels,Onehasa shelfabove
the bin,the other does not
Specialnote about dispenser models
without a shelfabove the icebin:
Thesemodelshavee tilt-outice bin.
Thebincan be tiltedout asshown in
the illustrations,andit willhold itself
up while goutake ice out or turn the
icemokerpowerswitch on and off
Besureto put thebin beck in place
beforedosing thedoor.
To restore gour icelevelfrom an emptg
bucket stage,the following steps are
O 12hoursafter thefirst botch of ice
hasfallen into the bin,dispense
3to 4 cubes
After an additional 6 hours, dispense
3 to 4 cubes again
These steps will restore t.,Jourice Ievei
in the shortest amount of time
Hodels with a shelf
above the ice bin
To access ice.pull the bin forward
Toreach the power switch, pull the
shelfstraight out Always be sure to
replace the shelf
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