Safety instructions ......................... 3
Operating Instructions, Tips
Appliance Registration .................................. 2
China, Crystal,Sterling........................... 10
Cycle Features ............................................ 4, 5
Cycle Selection Chart .................................... 5
Detergent Guide ............................................. 7
Dispenser Cups ............................................... 7
Drying Options ................................................ 4
Energy-SavingTips......................................... 2
Features ........................................................ 4, 5
Loading ......................................................... 8, 9
Operating instructions .............................. 4, 5
Rinse Agent .................................................... 6
Water Temperature ........................................ 6
Care and Cleaning
AirGap........................................................... 11
WinterStorage............................................. II
Problem Solver .......................13-15
More questions ?_,call
GE Answer Center" 800.626.2000
FrontPanelChange..................................... 12
Consumer Services ...................15
ImportantPhone Numbers........................ 15
Model and Serial Numbers .......................... 2
Repair Service ................................................. 2
Warranty ........................................ Back Cover
] Models GSDTO0,GSD7301
GE Appliances

Before using your
dishwasher, read this
guide carefully.
It is intended to help you
operate and maintain your new
dishwasher properly.
Keep it handy for answers to
your questions.
If you don't understand something
or 'need more help, write (include
your phone number):
Consumer Affairs
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
To obtain a Spanish language
version of this book, call
GE Answer Center
consumer information service.
If you received
a damaged dishwasher...
Immediately contact the dealer
(or builder) that sold you the
Save time and money.
Before you request
Check the Problem Solver in the
back of this guide. It lists causes
of minor operating problems that
you can correct yourself.
Para obtener la version en
espahol de este manual,
name a
GE Answer Center, _'_
servicio de information
para el consumidor,
tel_fono 800.626.2000.
Write down the model
and serial numbers.
You'll find them on a label
fastened to the tub wall just
inside the dishwasher door.
These numbers are also on the
Consumer Product Ownership
Registration Card that came
with your dishwasher. Before
sending in this card, please write
these numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Use these numbers in any
correspondence or setwice calls
concerning your dishwasher.
To obtain setwice, see the Consumer Services page in
the back of this guide.
We're proud of our setwice and want you to be
pleased. If for some reason you are not happy with the
service you receive, here are three steps to follow for
further help.
FIRST, contact the people who setwiced your
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased. In most
cases, this will solve the problem.
.Operate dishwasher only when it's full. Let the
dishes accumulate in dishwasher. When you put in
only a partial load, use the RINSE & HOLD cycle to
rinse off heavy soils.
.Always select the cycle that uses the least amount
of water that will remove the soil from the load.
(See the Operating section.)
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the
details including your phone number to:
Manager, Consumer Relations
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
FINALLY, if your problem is still not resolved, write:
Major Appliance Consumer Action Panel
20 North Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606
,If you don't need your dishes right away, allow the
dishes to dt7 naturally over a longer period such as

Read all instructions before using this appliance.
WARNING--When using this
,Use this appliance only for itsintended
purpose, as you will find described in this
Use and Care Guide.
_i _ installed and located in accordance
receive an Installation Instructions sheet with your
dishwasher, you can obtain one by calling, toll
free, the GE Answer Center,_800_626.2000.
--This appliance must be connected to a grounded
metal, permanent wiring system; or an
equipment-grounding conductor must be run
with the circuit conductors and connected to
the equipment-grounding terminal or lead of
the appliance.
--Connect to a properly rated,protected and sized
power-supply circuit to avoid electrical overload.
in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
•Use only powder or liquid detergents or wetting
agents recommended for use in a dishwasher.
.Do not wash plastic items unless marked
"dishwasher safe" or the equivalent. For plastic
items not so marked, check the manufacturer's
.Load light plastic items so they will not
become dislodged and drop to the bottom of the
dishwasher--they might come into contact with
the heating element and be damaged.
To minimize the possibility of injury.
,When loading items to be washed:
A. Locatesharp items so that they arenot likely
to damagethe doorseal, and
B. Loadsharp knives with the handlesup to
reduce the risk of cut-type injuries.
appliance, always exercise basic
safety precautions, including the
with the Installation Instructions
"This dishwasher must be properly
before it is used. If you did not
materials, gasoline or other
.Do not store or use combustible
flammable vapors and liquids
,Do not touch the heating element during or
immediately after use.
,Do not operate your dishwasher unless all enclosure
panels are properly in place.
,Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
.Close supervisionis necessaryif this appliance
isused by or near children.Do not allowchildren
to playinside,onor withthis applianceor any
discardedappliance.Disposeof discarded
appliancesand shippingor packingmaterial
properly.Beforediscardinga dishwasher,remove
the doorof thewashingcompartment.
.Keep all washingdetergentsand wettingagents
outof the reach ofchildren,preferablyin a locked
cabinet.Observeall warningson containerlabels
to avoidpersonalinjury.
_,_ .To minimize the possibilityof
appliancefromthe powersupply
before attemptingany maintenance.NOTE:
Turningthe controldialto theOFF position
doesnot disconnecttheappliancefrom the
powersupply.We recommendhavinga qualified
produced by the chemicalaction
withinyour water heater.It can
accumulatein the waterheaterand/or
waterpipes ifhot waterhas not beenused fora
periodof two weeksor longer.HYDROGENGAS
IS EXPLOSIVE.Topreventthe possibilityof
damageor injury,if youhavenot usedhotwater
fortwo weeksor more, ormoved intoa residence
inwhichthehot watersystemmay not havebeen
usedfor sometime,turn onallhot water faucets
and allowthem to run forseveralminutesbefore
usingany electricalappliancewhichis connected
to thehot watersystem.Thiswill allowany
hydrogengasto escape.Also, sincethe gas is
flammable,do not smokeor use an open flame
or applianceduringthisprocess.
.Do not tamper with controls.

NOTE: The lights over the Cycle pads come ON to
indicate the cycle that has been selected. These Cycle
Indicator lights remain on while the door is latched.
If dishwasher drains into a food waste disposal,
operate the disposal until it is empty before starting
! !
Step 1. Load yore" dishwasher. (See Loading section.)
Step 2. Make sure the Cycle Indicator Dial is at
the OFF position• Add detergent to the detergent
dispenser• (See Detergent Guide.) Use a rinse aid
agent to help prevent spotting• (See How to Use
a Rinse Agent section. )
Step 3. Latch the door.
Step 4. Select desired wash cycle.
• POTSCRUBBER For items such as pots, pans
and casseroles with dried-on or baked-on soils.
Everyday dishes may be included. This cycle will
get heavily soiled dishes cleaner than the normal
cycle. It will not remove burned-on foods.
• NORMAL WASH--For most loads of evewday
dishes, glasses and cookware with medium soils.
Designed to yield high performance on normal soils.
Step 5. Select the desired drying option.
• HEATED DRY ON--Turns the &Ting heater on
for fast dwing. When selected, the cycle time will
be extended for 35 minutes.
• HEATED DRY OFF Shuts off the heating unit,
thus saving energy. Dishes air-dry naturally. It takes
longer but saves energy. You eau open the door after
the motor stops to speed drying. Excellent for
overnight drying.
features and appearance may vary slightl3;
Step 6. Turn the Cycle Indicator Dial to START.
• Turning the dial to START will begin the cycle
inunediately. To obtain the benefits of a complete
cycle, be careful that you do not turn the dial any
farther than is necessa W to start the dishwasher.
There is a time delay between start-up and water
fill so you will not hear any wash action right away.
Dial Cycles
The SHORT WASH cycle allows you to quickly
wash loads of evewday dishes with medium soils
that have not &ied on, such as loads consisting mostly
of glasses.
a. Select the NORMAL WASH cycle and a drying
option if desired.
b. Be sure the door is unlatched.
c. Slowly turn the Cycle Indicator Dial to
d. Latch the door to start the cycle.
The RINSE & HOLD cycle is for rinsing
partial loads which will be washed later. Do
not use dete_L,4ent.
b. Be sure the door is unlatched.
c. Slowly turn the Cycle Indicator Dial to
d. Latch the door to start the cycle.

Dial Cycles (continued)
The PLATE WARMER cycle (on some models)
is for warming clean dishes and serving plates for
the serving of hot foods. The cycle will take
approximately 35 minutes if selected.
a. Load clean plates and dishes to be warmed.
b. Select HEATED DRY ON.
c. Be sure the door is unlatched.
d. Slowly turn the Cycle Indicator dial to
e. Latch the door to start the cycle.
•" t-s'_]Z_'--,._ - SHORTWASH
llll _ -
t It( [I'll ,/ /
L_ //tl !/,I I1_11 HEATED
Cycle Selection Chart
• IWashCycle[
Water Use Time I
I Gallons I Minutes I
Wash Cvcles _ (approx,) I
RINSE & HOLD 3.0 12
HEATED DRY ON. Available onallwash cycles except RINSE & tlOI.D.Add35 minutes lowa_h cyclclime,
HEATED DRY OFF. Dr_/in_ghealer is turned off, Dishes drv_naturalk./
Cycle Sequence

Good Dishwashing Starts with HOT Water
To get dishes clean and d1% you need hot water. For good washing and dlTing,
the entering water nmst beat least 120°F. To prevent dish damage, inlet water should not exceed 150°F.
How to Test Water Temperature
Check your water temperature with a candy or meat
thern_ometer. Turn on the hot water faucet nearest
the dishwasher. Put the thernaometer in a glass and
let the water run continuously into the glass until the
temperature stops rising. If the water temperature is
below 120°E, adjust your water heater.
Helpful hints: If outside temperatures are unusually
low, or if your water travels a long distance fl_omwater
heater to dishwasher, you may need to set your water
heater's thermostat up. If you have not used hot water
for some time, the water in the pipes will be cold. Turn
on the hot water l:aucet at the sink and allow it to run
until the water is hot. Then start the dishwasher. If
you've recently done laundl 7 or run hot water for
showers, give your water heater time to recover before
operating the dishwasher.
To improve washability if the water is less than 120°F.
and you cannot adjust your water heater: Select a
longer cycle and fill both detergent cups at least half-
full with detergent.
How to Use a Rinse Agent
The rinse agent makes water flow off dishes
quicker than usual. This lessens water spotting
and makes dining faster, too.
For best dishwashing performance, use of a rinse
agent such as JET-DRY brand is recommended.
Rinse agents come in either liquid or solid form.
Your dishwasher uses the liquid form.
How to fill the rinse agent dispenser.
Unscrew the cap.
Add liquid rinse agent
until it just reaches the
bottom of lip inside the
dispenser opening.
Replace cap. The
dispenser automatically
releases rinse agent into
final rinse water.
You may check to see if you need to add rinse agent by
removing the fill cap and looking into the container.
You may also check the rinse agent, on some models,
by pressing the clear center of the fill cap 2 or 3 times.
If rin_o ':t_c'nf i_ drawn int_ the _-ontor ¢_f lho fill carl
Your dishwasher's rinse agent container holds
approximately 4½ ounces. This should last about
3 months. Fill as needed.
If you accidentally spill: Wipe up the rinse
agent with a damp cloth. Don't leave the spill in the
dishwasher. It can keep your detergent from working.
If you can't find any rinse agent, write:
Corporate Centre 1
55 Federal Road
P.O. Box 1991
Danbury, CT 06813-1991