
Safety Instructions . ....... 2, 3
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning ........... 10
Control Panels ............... 4
Control Settings ............. 5
Flashing Display i,ights ........ 6
Loading the
Dishwasher Racks .......... 8, 9
Optional Accessories ......... 11
Using the Dishwasher ....... 6, 7
Troubleshooting Tips .... 12, 13
Consumer Support
Consumer Support... Back Cover
Warranty .................. 15
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label on the
mb wall just inside the dooL
165D#700P257 49-5931 10-01JR

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire
or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been
used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE.
If the hot wateI has not been used foi two weeks oi moie, pievent tile possibility of damage oi
i_jmy by turning oil all hot watei faucets and allow them to Iun foI seveial minutes. Do this
befoie using any electrical appliance which is connected to tile hot water system. This simple
piocedme will allow any built-up hydiogen gas to escape. Since tile gas is flammable, do not
smoke oi use an open flame oi appliance dming this piocess.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Instaflation
Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with
your dishwasher, you can receive one by visiting our website at GEApplianees.eem.
• Gonnect m a gnotmded metal, pei_nanent
wi_ing sysmm; oi run an equipment-giounding
conductoi with tile ci_cuit conductors and
connect m tile equipment-giounding mmdnal
oI lead of the appliance.
• Impropei connection of file equipment-
gnounding conducmi can result in a iisk of
elecuic shock. Gheck with a qualified elecuician
oi seivice iepresenmtive ifyou aIe in doubt
whetheI tile appliance is pIopeIly gIounded.
• Use supply conductoIs Iated at least 75°(;
• Dispose of discaIded appliances and shipping
oi packing mateiial propeily.
• Do not attempt to repair oI ieplace any pait
ofyoui dishwasheI unless it is specificaUy
iecommended in this manual. All othei
servicing should be refeITed m a qualified
• To minimize die possibility of elecuic shock,
disconnect this appliance flom the power
supply before attempting any mainmnance.
NOTE'.Turning tile dishwasheI off"does not
disconnect tile appliance flom tile poweI
supply. We iecommend having a qualified
mchnician seIMce youI appliance.
• Do not tampei with contiols.
• Do not abuse, sit on, oi stand on tile dooi oi
dish i_ck of tile dishwasheL
• Do not discard a dishwasher without fi,st
iemoving tile dooi of tile washing compaitment.
• Do not stoie oi use combustible materials,
gasoline oi othei flammable vapors and liquids
in tile vicinity of this or any othei appliance.
• Do not allow children to play around dishwashei
when opening oi closing dooi due to the
possibility of small fingeis being pinched in dooL
• Do not allow chilchen to play with, oil oi around
this appliance or any discaided appliance.

.]unked or abandoned dishwashers are
dangerous...even if they will sit for "just a few
days." If you are getting rid of your old
dishwasher, please follow the insuuctions below
to help prevent accidents.
Before You ThrowAway Your Old Dishwasher:
• Take off the door of the washing
compartment or remove the door latch
keeper (as shown).
Door/atch keeper
• Use only powdex, robs, liquid detergents
or rinse agents recommended for use in a
dishwasher and keep them out of the reach
of children. Cascade :, Cascade Complete :
and ElectrasoU Automatic Dishwashing
Detergents, and.let-Dry _:rinse agent have
been approved for use in all GE dishwashers.
• I,ocate sharp items so that they are not likely
to damage the door seal.
• Load sharp knives with the handles up to
reduce the risk of cut-type i_juries.
• Do not wash plastic items unless marked
dishwasher-safe or the equivalent. For
plastic items not so marked, check the
manufacturer's recommendations.
• Non-Dishware Items: Do not wash items such
as elecuonic air cleaner filters, fllrnace filters
and paint brushes in your dishwasher.
Damage to dishwasher and discoloration
or staining of dishwasher may result.
• Do not touch the heating element during or
immediately after use.
• Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place.
• Close supervision is necessary if this
appliance is used by or near children.
• Load light, plastic items so they will not
become dislodged and drop to the bottom
of the dishwasher--they might come into
contact with the heating element and be

Aboutthe dishwasher controlpanel
You can locate your model number on the tub wall just inside the door. Throughout this manual, features
and appearance may vary from your model.
Models GSD4500
a @ @ i
Model GSD4800
Cycle Chart
Model Cycle Water Usage (gal.) CycleTime (rain.)
GSD4500 Pots & Pans 11.5 66
GSD4800 Pots & Pans 11.5 66
Normal Wash 9.9 58
Light Wash 8.2 52
Rinse Only 1.6 4
Normal Wash 9.9 58
Light Wash 8.2 52
China Crystal 8.2 36
Rinse Only 1.6 4

O Cycle Selections
Thelight abovethe selectedpad will be ONto indicate which CYCLESELECTIONhas been selected.
POTS& PANS Forheavilysoileddishesorcookwarewith dried-onor baked-onsoils.Everydaydishesmaybe included.
NORMAL Forloadsofeverydaydishes,glassesandcookwarewith mediumsoils.NOTE:Manydisheshavelightersoil thannormal.
LIGHTWASH Fordisheswith lightsoils.
CHINA CRYSTALForlightly soiled chinaandcrystal.
RINSEONLY Forrinsingpartial loadsthat will be washedlater.Donotusedetergent.
Thellghtabove theselected pad will be ON toindicate which OPTIONhas beenselected.
HI TEMP Turnsonthe heaterin all postrinseandfinal rinsecyclesto helppreventspottingon dishware.Thisoption maybe turned
HI TEMP Energizestheheaterto boostwatertemperaturein all prewashandmainwash fill cycles.Recommendedfor usewith
HEATEDDRY Shutsoff thedryingheatoption.Dishesairdry naturallyand energyissaved.Youcanpropthedooropenafterthe
HEATEDDRY Turnsthe heateronfor fast drying.This cyclewill extendthe timeto yourwashcycle by30 minutes.NOTE:Cannotbe
Thiscyclewill not removeburned-onfoods.
Choosingacycleotherthan NORMALwill saveenergyandwater.
RINSE ONor OFFduringthe washcycle.
WASH heavilysoileddishes.Optionmaybeturned ONor OFFduringthe wash cycle.
OFF CLEANlight illuminates.
ON selectedwith RINSE ONLYcycle.
LOCK WhentheLOCKpadistouchedtwicewithin3seconds,allpadsbecomeinoperative.Youcanlockthecontrolstopreventany
selectionsfrombeingmade Oryoucanlockthecontrolsafter youhavestartedacycleorselectedDELAYSTARTsothecycleor
Children cannot accidentally start dishwasher by touching pads with this option selected.
Tounlockthe dishwasherafterit hasbeenlocked,touchthe LOCKpadtwicewithin3 seconds.ThelightabovetheLOCKpadwill
Youcandelaythestart of a wash cyclefor upto 8 hours.Pressthe DELAYSTARTpadtochoosethenumberof hoursyou
wantto delaythe startofthecycle.Themachinewill countdownandstartautomaticallyat the correcttime. Pressing the
START/RESETbuttonwill cancel the DELAYSTARTselection,NOTE:If youforget to latchthe door,a reminder
signalwill beepuntil youdo so.
RESET Tochangea cycleafter washingstarts,touchthe START/RESETpadto cancelthe cycle.Afterwater ispumpedout and
themotor stops,youcan reprogramandrestart thedishwasher.Thiswill take approximately90seconds.
Close and latch the door. Touch the START/RESET pad to begin the cycle. Water fill begins and
approximately 40 seconds later the wash action begins.
NOTE:The dishwasher remembers your last cycle so you don't have to reprogram each time.
When the dishwasher is loaded and the door latch is in the locked position, the control panel
lights will be ON and display the last settings you selected.
If you don't want to change any of the settings, simply touch the START/RESETpadto begin
the cycle.
Also, if a power failure occurs, NORMALand HEATEDDRYwill automatically be programmed.
Make any new selections and touch the START/RESETpad to begin the cycle.
O Clean
This light is illuminated when a wash cycle is complete. The light will stay ONuntil the door is