GE GSD4420X73BB, GSD4420X66BB, GSD4420X65BB Owner’s Manual

GSD4410 GSD4420 GSD4425 GSD4430 GSD4435 GSD4910 GSD4920 GSD4930 GSD4940
Part No. 165D4700P162 Pub.No. 49-5829
YouAm Now Partof the GEFamily.
Welcome to the GE thmily. We're proud of our qualib_
products and we are committed to providing dependable se_@e. You'll
see it in this easy-to-use Owner's Manual and you'll .
hear it in the fliendly voices of our Custolller sei_qce
department. Best of all, you'll experience
fl_ese values each time you use your dishwasher. Thaffs
important, because your new dishwasher will be part
of your family for ma W years. And we hope you will
be part of ours tor a long time to come.
Weflmnkyou tor bwing GE. We appreciate your
purchase, and hope you _ll continue to rely on us
whenever you need quality appliances toryour home.
Staple sales slipor cancelled check here.
Proof of the original purchase date isneeded to obtain service under
the warranty.
Write the model and serial
Youcan find them on the tub walljust
inside the door.
GE& You,
A Service Partnership.
Ask any GEappliance owner and they will tell you we stand behind our products with
unmatched quality service. However, did
you know that most questions result from
simple problems that you can easily fix
yourseff injust a few minutes? This
Owner's Manual can teflyou how.
Inside you _dll find many helpflll }finis on how lo use and
maintain )x)ur dishwasher
properly..lust a lillle preventive
care on your part can save you a greal deal of time and money over the life of your dishwasher.
Safety Information ....... 4- 7
Operating Instructions
ControlPanel ............... 8
ControlSettings........... 8,9
Display ............... 70,1!
DiagnosticCodes ...... 12-14
Soil SenserSystem ......... 15
LoadingtheRacks ....... 18, 19
OptionalAccessories........ 20
CareandCleaning.......... 21
CarlForService......... 22-26
You'll find many answers 1o common problems here.
If you review our charl of Troubleshooting Tips firsl,
you InW nol need 1ocall for sel_ice al all.
If YouNeedService
If you do need sewice, you can relax knoxdng help is only a
phone call mvay.A lisl of loll-flee
cuslolner service nulnbers is
included in the back secdon. ()r)_m can always call ll_e
GE Answer Cenler ®at
800.626.2000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Warranty ................ 27
Numbers .......... BackCover
Foryour safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, or toprevent property damage, personal injury,
or loss of life.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in
a water heater that has not been used for two weeks or more. Hydrogen gas can be explosive under these
If the hot water has not been used tbr l_vo weeks or more, prevent lhe possibilily of damage or injm 7 by luming on all hot water
/hucels and allow them lo run tbr several minums. Do Ibis betore using any eIecliica] appliance which is connecled 1o the hot waler
syslem. This simple procedure will allow any buih-up hydrogen gas 1o escape. Since the gas is flammable, do nol smoke or use an ()pen
flame or appliance dining ibis process.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual
This dishwasher must beproperly installed and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.
Ifyou did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with
your dishwasher, you can receive one by calling us toll-free
at the GEAnswer Center7800.626.2000.
Connect lo a grounded metal, permanent _dfing
sysleln; or nln an equipmenl_
gTounding conductor with lhe circuil conduclors and
connect 1olhe equipmenl: gTounding lenninal or lead
of lhe appliance. hnproper connection of the
equipment-grounding conducu)r can result in a risk
of eleclfic shock. Check xdlh a qualified eleclfician or
sel_ice represenlafive if}xm are in doubl wheflmr lhe
appliance is properly gTounded.
Dispose of discarded appliances and shipping or
packing malefial properly.
Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of)xmr
dishwasher unless it is specifically recommended in
this manual. All other sel_icing should be referred
u) a qualified technician. To minimize lhe possibilily of
elecuic shock, disconnecl lhis appliance flom lhe power supply betbre attempting any maintenance.
NOTE:Turning the dishwasher offdoes not
disconnect the appliance flom the pox_r supply. We
recommend hming a qualified lechnician selaice
your appliance.
Do not tamper with conlrols. Do nol allow children It) play
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of appliance or any discarded
the dishwasher, appliance.
Do not discard a dishwasher _dd_ou! first remoxing the
door of the washing
Do not store or use
combustible mamfials, gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the xicinily of this or any olher
inside, on or P_llh this
1Jse only powder or liquid detergents or x_lling agenls
recommended fbr use in a dishwasher.
Locate shm]) items so that lhey are not likely 1o damage
the door seal.
Load shm]) knives xdth the handles up 1oreduce lhe risk
of cul-lype injuries.
Do not wash plastic ilems unless marked dishwasher
safeor dm equivalent. For plasticimms nol somarked,
check lhe manutacmrer's recommendations.
Do not touch the heating element during or
immedialely after use.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels me properly in place.
Close supervision is necessm T if this appliance is used 1)yor
near children.
Load light plastic ilems so lhey x_ll nol become
dislodged and drop u) lhe bollom of lhe dishwashel_
lhey mighl come inlo conlact _dfl_lhe heating elemenl and
be damaged.
Yourcontinued health and safety are important to us.
Please read and follow this Safety Information carefully.
We want you to remain ahappy and healthy part of our
GE family.
Aboutthe dishwasher controlpanel.
Youcan Iocate your model number on the tub wall_just inside the door. Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from)our model.
This display tells you what is happening in tile dishwasher and can alert you to some possible
problems. It also remembers your |ast t3,cle so you don't
haveu) reprogram each 'dine. See',heAbout the display
Information displayed:
X4_lentile dishwasher issensing tile amount of soil in tile load.
Cycle phase, such as WASHING,RINSINGor DRYING.
Diagnostic codes to alert }_m to possible problems. Time remaining in tile cycle_dll be displayed approx.
10-15 minutes after cycle has slmled.
The mnount of soil in lhe load.
See tile Know the displaysection for explanation of displays and codes.
TheActiveVent--The vent xdll close during washing to
retain Ileal and reduce noise. After washing it xdll open
to vent moisture and help tile dishes dD_fhster.
NORMAL Forloadsof everydaydishes,glassesandcookwarewith
mediumsoils.NOTE:Many disheshavelightersoil than normal.Choosingacycleother thanNORMAL will save energyandwater.
POTSPANS Forheavilysoileddishesor cookwarewith dried-onor
baked-onsoils. Everydaydishesmaybe included.This cyclewill notremoveburned-onfoods.
CHINACRYSTALForlightlysoiled chinaandcrystal.Water isaeratedfor a
RINSEHOLD Forrinsingpartial loadsthat will bewashedlater.Make
sureENERGYSAVERDRY is selected.Do notuse detergentor DELAYSTARTwiththis cycle.
ENERGY SAVER Shuts offthe drying heat options. Dishes air dry naturally
DRY ON and energy is saved. You can prop the door open after the
ENERGY SAVER Turns the drying heater on for fast drying. This cycle will
DRY OFF extend the time to your wash cycle.
DELAY START Youcan delay the start of a wash cycle for up to 14 hours.
word CLEPNappears in the display.
Tap or press and hold the DELAY START pad to choose
the number of hours you want to delay the start of the
cycle. The machine will count down and start automatically at the correct time. NOTE: If you forget to latch the door a reminder signal will beep until you do so.
RESET Tochange a cycle after washing starts, touch the RESET
pad to cancel cycle. After water is pumped out and motor stops, you can reprogram and restart the dishwasher.
LOCI( When the LOCK pad istouched twice within 3 seconds,all
padsbecome inoperative. Youcan lock the controls to
prevent any selections from being made.Oryou can lock
the controls after you have started a cycleor selected DELAY START so the cycle or DELAYSTART isnot internJpted.Theword LOCKED appears in the display.
Children cannot accidentally start dishwasher by touching pads.
Tounlockthe dishwasher after it has been locked,touch the LOCKpad twice within 3 seconds. Theword LOCKEDwill
disappear from the display.
Latch the door and touch the STARTpad to begin the cycle. There is a time delay bet_veen start-up and water fill so you
will not hear any wash action right away.
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