H Cycles
POTS& PANS Forheavilysoileddishesor cookwarewith dried-on
or or baked-onsoils.Everydaydishesmaybeincluded.
HEAVYWASH Thiscyclewill notremoveburned-onfoods.
HOTSTART Preheatswashwater to correcttemperature.
NORMALWASH Forloadsof everydaydishes,glassesandcookware
with mediumsoils.NOTE:Manydisheshavelighter
soil thannormal.Choosinga cycleotherthan
NORMALWASHwill save energyand water.
LIGHTWASH Fordisheswith lightsoils.
CHINA CRYSTALForlightlysoiledchinaandcrystal.
SHORTWASH Forquicklywashingloads ofeverydaydisheswith
mediumsoilstbat havenotdried on,suchas loads
consistingmostlyof glasses.
RINSEONLY Forrinsingpartial loadsthatwill bewashedlater.
Donot usedetergent
PLATEWARMER Forwarming cleandishesand servingplates.This
cyclewill takeapproximately32 minutes.
HITEMP Providesextrabeatfor bestperformance,it isused
WASH bestwith heavily-soileddishes.
HITEMP RINSETurnsonthe beaterinfinal rinsecyclesto help
preventspottingon dishware.This optionmaybe
turnedONor OFFduringthe wasbcycle.
HEATEDDRYON/Turnsthe dryingbeateron for fast drying.This
HEATEDDRYcyclewill extendtbe time toyourwashcycle.
iiii iiH!
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Make sure the l)ial is at an OFFposition,
s_i'Select the desired Cycle and ()ptions. Indicators will
show selections.
s_i'Turn the Dial to the desired C} cle. I)on't turn it past
the Selected C}cle position, or you could accidentall}
miss a rinse.
1Jatch the door. Cycle On lights up. There is a time
dela} between start-up and water till so )ou will not
hear an}wash action right awa},