GE HDA3640R20SA, HDA3640R15SA, HDA3640R00SA, HDA3600R20WW, HDA3600R20CC Owner’s Manual

Safetg Instructions ........ 2-s
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning .............. 14
Control Panels .................... 8
Control Settings ............... 617
Flashing Display Lights .......... 10
Loading the
Dishwasher Racks ............... 12
Loading Place Settings .......... 13
Optional Accessories ............ 14
Using the Dishwasher ........ 10, 11
Troubleshooting Tips ... 15,16
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ............. 18
Warranty ....................... 17
Standard Tub
Write the model and serial
numbers here: Model # Serial #
Youcanfind them on a label on the tub walljust insidethe door.
165D4700P387 49-55063 07-09 JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, and to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
Undercertainconditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that hasnot beenusedfor two or more weeks. HYDROGENGASISEXPLOSIVE.
Ifthe hotwater has not been used for two or moreweeks, prevent the possibility of damage or injury
by turning on all hot water faucets and allow them to run for several minutes. Dothisbefore using any electrical appliance connected to the hot water system. Thissimple procedure will allow any built-up hydrogen gas to escape. Sincethe gas isflammable, do not smoke, usean open flame, or usethe appliance
during this process.
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with your dishwasher, you can receive one by visiting our website at
Connect the dishwasher/appliance to a grounded metal, permanent wiring system; or run an equipment-grounding conductor with the circuit conductors and connect to the equipment- grounding terminal or lead of the appliance.
Improperconnection ofthe equipment-grounding conductor can resultin a riskof electric shock.
Checkwith a qualifiedelectrician or service representative ifyou are in doubt whether the appliance isproperly grounded.
Disposeofdiscarded appliances andshipping or packing material properly.
Donot ottempt to repoir orreploceony port of your dishwosher unlessit isspecifically recommended inthis monuol. Allother servicing should bereferredto oquolified technicion.
To minimize the possibility of electricshock, disconnect this opplionce from the power supply beforeottempting ony mointenonce.
NOTE:Turningthe dishwasheroff doesnot
disconnecttheappliancefrom thepower supply. Werecommend having o qualified technician
serviceyour appliance.
.tkCAUTION: To prevent minor injury and property damage
Contents washed in Anti-bacterial mode, if available,may be hot to the touch. Usecore
before handling.
Usinga detergent that isnot specifically designedfor
dishwashers will cause the dishwasherto fill with suds. __
If your dishwosher isconnected to o woll switch,ensure thot the switch ison prior
to use.
On dishwasherswith electronic controls, if you chooseto turn the wall switch
off between wash cycles, allow 5-10 seconds offer
turning the switch on before touching START/RESET to allow the control to initialize.
Non-Dishware Items:Do not wash items such aselectronic air cleanerfilters, furnace filters and paint brushes in your dishwasher.Damage
to the dishwasher and discoloration or staining of the dishwasher may result.
Closesupervisionis necessary ifthis appliance isused by or near children.
Load light, plastic items sothey do not become dislodgedand drop to the bottom of the dishwasher-they might come into contact with the heating element and be damaged.
Para su seguridad, debe cumplirse con la informaciSn de este manual a fin de minimizar el riesgo de incendio o explosi6n, descarga el_ctrica o para prevenir dafios a la propiedad,
lesiones personales o la muerte.
Bojo ciertascondiciones,puedeproducirse gasde hidr6geno en un calentador deagua que noseha usado durante dossemanas o m6s. ELGASDEHIDROGENOESEXPLOSIVO,
Siel agua caliente no se ha utilizado par dos semanas o m6s,evite la posibilidad dedaflos o lesiones abriendo todos los grifos de agua caliente g dej6ndolascorrer durante varios minutos. Haga esto antes de utilizar cualquier aparato el_ctrico que se encuentre conectado al sistema de agua caliente. Estesimple procedimiento permitir6 que se liberecualquier clasede acumulaci6n de gas de hidr6geno.Yaque el gas es inflamable, no fume o utilice una llama abierta o un aparato durante este proceso.
Este lavaplatos debe instalarse de manera adecuada g ubicarse de acuerdo con los Instrucciones de
Instalaci6n antes de comenzar el usa. Si usted no ha recibido una pdgina de Instrucciones de instalaci6n con su lavaplatos, puede obtener una visitando nuestro sitio Web en
Conecte el lavaplatos/aparato a un sistema Nointente reparar ocambiar ninguna piezade de cableado permanente con conexi6n a tierra
o debe utilizarseun conductor de conexi6na tierra del equipamiento con los conductores de circuito,
g debe conectarsea la terminal de conexi6n
a tierra o conductor del aparato.
Unaconexi6n inadecuada del conductor de conexi6n a tierra de equipopuede provocar
un riesgode descarga el@ctrica.Consultea un
electricistacalificado o representante de servicio t@cnicositiene dudas sabre la correcta conexi6n
a tierra delaparato.
Eliminelosaparatos que no va a utilizar m6s g el
material de empaque o endo coma corresponde.
su lavaplatosa menosque est_ especificamente
recomendado en este manual. Cualquierotro
serviciodebe realizarloun tOcnicocalificado.
Paraminimizar la posibilidadde una descarga el_ctrica,desconecte este aparato de lafuente de energfaantes de realizarcualquier clasede
NOTA:Apagar el lavaplatosno desconectael aparoto delsuministro deenergia.Recomendamos que un tdcnicocolificodorealiceel serviciotdcnico de suaparoto.
PRECAUCION: Para evitar lesiones menores g dafios a la propiedad
Los elementos lavados en el modo anti-bacterial, sise encuentra disponible,pueden quedar
calientes altacto. Tenga cuidado antes de tocarlos.
Utilizar un detergente no dise5ado espedficamente para lavaplatos provocar(i que el aparato se Ilene
Sisu lavaplatos se encuentra conectado a un interruptor de pared, verifique que
de espuma.
el interruptor seencuentre encendido antes del usa.
Enlavaplatos con controles electr6nicos,si usted elUeapagar el interruptor de pared entre ciclos de lavado,deje pasar 5-10 segundos despu@sde encender elinterruptor antes de presionar START/RESETpara permitir que el control se inicie.
Elementosno aptos para lavaplatos: Nolave elementos coma filtros de limpiadores de aire electr6nicos,filtros de hornos g pincelesde pintura en su lavaplatos. Pueden producirsedanos en el lavaplatos g decoloraci6n o manchas en el aparato.
Serequiereuna supervisi6n estricta cuando cualquier aparato esutilizado par ninoso en
su cercanfa.
Cargue elementos livianos y pl6sticos demodo que no se desplacen g caigan al rondo del lavaplatos, ga que pueden entrar en contacto con el elemento calentador g da_arse.
Junked or (]b(]ndoned dishw(]shers (ire
d(]ngerous.++evenif they will sit for "just (]few d(]ys." If you (ire getting rid of your old
dishw(]sher, ple(]se follow the instructions below
to help prevent (]ccidents.
Before You Throw Awag Your Old Dishwasher:
lT(]ke off the door of the w(]shing comp(]rtment
or remove the door I(]tch keeper ((is shown).
Doortotch keeper
WARNING! including the following:
When using gour dishwasher, follow basic precautions,
Use this (]ppli(]nce only for its intended purpose (is described in this Owner's M(]nu(]l.
Use only powder, t(]bs, liquid detergents or rinse (]gents recommended for use in (] dishw(]sher (]nd keep them out of the re(]ch of children.
Cascade ®, Cascade ®Complete Automatic Dishw(]shing Detergents, (]nd Cascade Crystal Clear ®rinse (]gents h(]ve been (]pproved for use
in (]11GE dishw(]shers.
Loc(]te sh(]rp items so th(]t they (ire not likely
to d(]m(]ge the door se(]l.
Lo(]d sh(]rp knives with the h(]ndles up to reduce
the risk of cut-type injuries.
Do not w(]sh pl(]stic items unless m(]rked dishw(]sher s(]fe or the equiv(]lent. For pl(]stic items
not so m(]rked, check the m(]nuf(]cturer's recommend(]tions.
Do not touch the he(]ring element during or immedi(]tely (]fter use.
Do not oper(]te your dishw(]sher unless (]11enclosure p(]nels (ire properly in pl(]ce.
Do not t(]mper with controls.
Do not (]buse, sit on or st(]nd on the door or dish r(]ck of the dishw(]sher.
Do not (]llow children to pl(]y (]round the dishw(]sher when opening or closing the door due to the possibility of sm(]ll fingers being pinched in the door.
Do not disc(]rd (] dishw(]sher without first removing the door of the w(]shing comp(]rtment or the I(]tch keeper.
Do not store or use combustible m(]teri(]ls, g(]soline or other fl(]mm(]ble v(]pors (]nd liquids in the vicinity of this or (]ny other (]ppli(]nce.
Do not (]llow children to pl(]y with, on or inside this or (]ny disc(]rded (]ppli(]nce.
Un lavaplatos desechado o abandonado resulta peligroso...a0n si quedar6 en un lugar por "s61o
unos dfas".Siva a desechar su viejo lavaplatos, siga las siguientes instrucciones para prevenir
Antes de desechar su viejo lavaplatos:
mQuite la puerta del compartimento de lavado
o saque la traba de la puerta (como puede verse).
Traba deta puerta
Ik iADVERTENCIA! Cuando use su lavaplatos, siga precauciones b6sicas
Useesteaparato s61oconel objetivo para el que fue creado,como sedescribeen este Manualdel
Utilices61odetergentesen polvo,Ifquidoo tabletas
o agentesde enjuaguerecomendadospara uso en lavaplatosy mant@ngalosalejadosdel alcance de losniBos.Losdetergentespara lavaplatos
autom6ticos Cascade ®,Cascade ®Complete,
g los agentes de enjuague Cascade Crustal ClearQ han sido aprobados para el uso en todos los
Ubique loselementosfilososde modo que no da_en
el selladode la puerta.
Carguecuchillosfilosos con losmangos hacia arriba
para reducirel riesgode una lesi6npersonal. Nolave elementos pl6sticosa menosque est@n
marcadoscomo aptos para lavaplatoso equivalente.Enelcaso de elementos pl6sticos que no est@nmarcadosasf,verifiquelas
de seguridad, inclugendo las siguientes:
Notoque el elementocalentador durante el uso o inmediatamente despu@sdefinalizar el uso.
Nohaga funcionar el lavaplatos a menosque todos lospanelesdel recinto seencuentren ensulugar.
Noaltere o modifique loscontroles. Nomaltrate, ni sesiente o separe sobrela puerta
o bandejasde los platos dellavaplatos. Nopermita que los nihosjueguen alrededor del
lavaplatoscuando abra ocierrela puerta debido a la posibilidadde pellizcarsus dedoscon la puerta.
Nodesecheel lavaplatossinantes quitar la puerta delcompartimento de lavadoo la traba dela puerta.
Noalmacene o use materialescombustibles, gasolinau otrosvaporeso Ifquidosinflamables
cerca de esteo cualquierotro aparato. Nopermita que los nihosjueguen sobre,con
o dentro de esteo cualquierotro aparato desechado.
About the dishwasher control panel
Control Settings
O Cycles
Anindicator light above the selectedpad wilt beON to indicate which CYCLEhas beenselected,on some models.
POTS&PANS/ Forheavily soiled dishes or cookware with dried-on or baked-on soils. Everyday dishes may be included. HEAVYWASH This cycle will not remove burned-on foods.
NORMAL/ For loads of everyday dishes, glasses and cookware with medium soils. NOTE: Many dishes have lighter
NORMAL WASH soil than normal. Choosing a cycle other than NORMAL WASH will save energy and waten
SHORT WASH For quickly washing loads of everyday dishes with medium soils that have not dried on, such as loads
onsomemodels) consisting mostly of glasses.
WATER SAVER For dishes with light soils.
RINSEONLY For rinsing partial loads that will be washed laten Do not use detergent.
DRYING For warming clean dishes and serving plates. This cycle will take approximately 30 minutes.
HOT PREWASH Preheats wash water to the correct temperature.
CHINA CRYSTAL For lightly soiled china and crystal. (onsomemodels)
O Options
An indicator light above the selectedpad wilt be ONto indicate which OPTIONhas been selected,on some models.
HI TEMP Turns on the heater in all final rinse cycles to help prevent spotting on dishware. This option may be
(electronic models
(on some models)
(electronicmodels) and then turn off the dishwashen Do not touch START/RESETmore than one time unless you intend to
RINSE turned ON or OFFduring the wash cycle.
HI TEMP Energizes the heater to boost water temperature in prewash and main wash fill cycles. Recommended
WASH for use with heavily soiled dishes. Option may be turned ON or OFFduring the wash cycle.
HEATED DRY Shuts off the drying heat option. Dishes air dry naturally and energy is saved. Open the dishwasher door
OFF to speed drying.
HEATED DRY Turns the heater on for fast drying. This cycle will extend the time to your wash cycle by 30 minutes.
DELAY HOURS Delays the start of a wash cycle for up to 8 hours.
(timer models)
START/RESET Touch START/RESETone time to start dishwasher cycle. Touch START/RESETa second time to pump out
ON DO NOTuse with RINSE ONLYcycle.
RESET Touch RESETto cancel options.
When the LOCKpad is touched twice within 3 seconds,all pads become inoperative. Youcan lockthe controls to prevent any selectionsfrom beingmade. Or you can lockthe controls after you havestarted a cycle or selected
DELAYSTARTso thecycle or DELAYSTARTisnot interrupted. Children cannot accidentally start dishwasher by touching pads with this option selected.
To unlock the dishwasher after it has been locked, touch the LOCKpadtwice within 3 seconds. The light above the LOCKpad will turn off.
end the cycle.
Control Settings
Cycle Chart
Models Cgcle Water Usage (gal.)
Timer Models
Electronic Models
Hot Start Option1 Heavg Wash
Pots & Pans Normal Wash*
Light Wash/Water Saver RinseOnlg PlateWarmer/Drging
Pots & Pans Heavg Wash
Normal Wash
Cgcle Time (min.)
1Hot Start Option adds water amount and cgcle time shown when selected. *Normal Wash button should be pushed to run this cgcle.
NOTE:Not all models have everg cgcle listed.
10 120 118 110
112 108
95 80
About the dishwasher control panel
You can locate gout model number on the left tub wall just inside the door. Throughout this manual,
features and appearance mag varg from gour model.
Please match the control panel for gour unit to a similar control panel below.
Normal Wash
Heavy r- Light Wash or Water Saver
Pots Normal
& Pans Wash
Hot Prewash or Hot Start
Off 0 H On
HI Temp Wash Heated Dry
On Off On Off
Heated DrU
Cgcles Options
pot_ N_orma_l H_i-Te_
Hot Start
Off 0
(Heated Drg On)
Cgcles Options C_EA,
0 I I I J I I ._-0-_ rO-_ 2 4 8
LT,sjLW s,jL? s,9 Lo_UILT,M_L,oo_ _,sU
Light Wash
(Heated Drg Off)
Operation ofmodelswith cycle dial
Rinse Only
_tlS_t s..... Forrinsing partial loads that will be washed later.Donot usedetergent.
sto_t Oelay _1,_ e ® .....
............... _[ Slowly turn the Dial to RINSEONLV.
offo_, Lg,,,_'_,,,N_ Makesure HEATEDDRVisn°t selectedBesurePloteWarbler _ .................
MiLi ii' the door isunlatched. Latchthe door to start the
Forwarming clean dishesand serving plates.This cyclewill take approximately 39 minutes.
Plate Warmer or Drying
Loadclean dishwareto be warmed.
Hot Start
Option Start
s or Oe_o_l. ,_
ii off o _!_!ii_i _i_htWa_h
Plate Wormer '_
(Heqted Or O!fJ
Op_ion Start . . .
Besurethe door is unlatched.
Hot Start or Hot Prestart Option Preheatswash water.
....................cycle and any other option on the push
button pad.
Besurethe door isunlatched.
Short Wash or Light Wash or Water Saver
Slowly turn the Dialto PLATEWARMERor
Latch the door to start the cycle.
Slowly turn the Dialto HOTSTARTor
.... ,4¢_,_,__,_---_. ...... Forquickly washing loadsof everyday disheswith lightto medium soilsthat have not dried on.
oZ ,_,-,_o,. ...........Be
. . surethe door Isunlatched. _ Latchthe door to start the cycle.
Plate Wormer I _ ]
'1!:_![[,_[£_ _!i_Slowly turn the Dialto SHORTWASH,
.......................................LIGHTWASHor WATERSAVER.
Start (Models with a Dial) Slowly turn the Dialto the STARTor ONposition, or the selectedcycle. Don'tturn it past the START,
ON orcycle position;you could accidentally missa prewash, Thereis a time delay between start-up and water fill so you will not hear any wash action right
Latch the door to begin the cycle.
Operation of electronic models (model GSD4000 Only)
Using the Dishwasher Door
The door must be closed and locked into place to selecta LOADSELECTIONor an OPTION.
_:i Ifthe door is openedduring a cycleand leftopen, thedishwasherwillbeeponceevery50 secondsuntil the
.......door isclosedand latched into place.
Close and latch the door.Touch the START/RESETpad to begin the cycle. Water fill begins and approximately 60 seconds later the wash action begins.
NOTE:The dishwasher remembers your lost cycle so you don't hove to reprogram each time. When the dishwasher is loaded and the door latch is in the locked position, the control panel lights will be ON
and display the lost settings you selected. If you don't wont to change any of the settings, simply touch the START/RESETpod to begin
the cycle. Also, if a power failure occurs, NORMAL and HEATEDDRYwill automatically be programmed.
Make any new selections and touch the START/RESETpad to begin the cycle.
This light isilluminated when a wash cycle iscomplete. The light will stay ON until the door isopened.
Flashing Display Lights
Lights What It Means
hasbeen pressed.
Th snormal
Control Error
Control Error
What To Do
Allow the dishwasher to drain and reset before you start a new wash cycle.
Pressthe START/RESETpod to turn off the beeper.Ifthe CLEAN light continues to flash, call for service.
Pressthe START/RESETpod to turn off the beeper and the
dishwasher will attempt to reset. Restartthe wash cycle.
Ifthis error continues,turn off the power to the dishwasher at
the circuit breakerfor 30 seconds.Trythe dishwasher again.
Ifthe error isstill present,call for service.
Using the dishwasher
Check the Water Temperature
Theentering water must beat least 120°Fand not more than 150°F,for effectivecleaning and to prevent dish damage. Check the water temperature with a candy or meat thermometer. Turn onthe hot water faucet nearest the dishwasher,place the thermometer in a glassand let the water
run continuously into the glass until the temperature stops rising.
Adjust the maximum/minimum temperature of the water heater if necessary to deliverwater at the proper temperature.
UseCascadeCrgstal Clear®RinseAgent
Cascade Crystal Cleare rinseagents remove spots and prevent newfilm buildup on dishes,glasses,flatware, cookware and plastic.
Filling the Dispenser
Fillthe rinseagent dispenser until it reachesthe bottom of
lip insidethe opening. Replacecap. Tocheck if rinseagent isneeded,remove the cap and look
into the dispenser.
A full dispensershould last about one month.
If the rinseagentspills, wipe up the excess.
Proper Use of Detergent
Useonly detergent specifically made for usein
dishwashers.Cascade®Automatic Dishwashing
Detergents havebeen approved for use in all GE
dishwashers.Keep your detergent fresh and dry.
Don't put powder detergent into the dispenser until
you're ready to wash dishes. Theamount of detergent to usedependson whether
your water is hard orsoft. With hard water,you need extra detergent. With soft water, you need less detergent.
Protectyour dishesand dishwasher by contacting your water department and asking how hard your water is.Twelve or more grains isextremely hard
water.A water softener isrecommended. Without it, lime can build up inthe water valve,which could
stick while open and causeflooding. Too much detergent with soft water can causea permanent cloudinessof glassware, called etching.
Usethe information inthe table below as a guideline to determine the amount of automatic dishwasher
detergent to place inthe dispenser.
of Grains Detergent Cups to Fill
Less than 4 Fillto 1/5 of main cup
4 to 8 Fillto 2/5 of main cup
8 to 12 Fillmain cup
Greater than 12 Fillmain cup and open cup
You'llfind two detergent dispenserson the insidedoor of your dishwasher.Allwash cycles requiredetergent in the main cup. Whenusingautomatic dishwashing detergent tabs,simply place onetab in the main cup
and close.
Besurethe Dialis OFF before adding detergent. Otherwise,the detergent cup will not closeand latch properly. Add detergent then closethe main cup.
Open cup _
NOTE:Toopen detergent cup after it has been closed,simply turn the detergent cup handle counterclockwise until it releases.A snapping sound may be heard.
NOTE:Usinga detergentthat is not specificallbl designedfor dishwasherswill causethe dishwasher to fill with suds.During operation,thesesuds will spill out of the dishwasher vents,covering thekitchen floor and making the floor wet.
Becauseso many detergent containers lookalike, store the dishwasherdetergent in a separate space from all other cleaners.Show anyone who may use the dishwasher the correct detergent and where it
is stored. Whilethere will be nolasting damage to the
dishwasher,your disheswill not get clean using a dishwashingdetergent that isnot formulated
to work with dishwashers. 11
Loading the dishwasher racks
For best dishwashing results, follow these loading guidelines. Features and appearance of rocks and silverware
baskets may vary from your model
Upper Rack
Theupper rock is for glosses,cups and saucers.Cupsand glosses fit bestalong
the sides.Thisis also o secure place for dishwasher-safe plastics.The upper rock is
good for oil kinds of odd-shaped utensils. Saucepans,mixing bowls and other items
should beplaced face down.
Lower Reck
Secure larger dishwasher-safe plastics over
two fingers when possible. Make sure small plastic items are secure so
theg can't fallonto the heating element.
Whenloading thelower rock, do not load largeplatters or tro_lsin the front right
comer.Thegmog prevent detergent from drculoting during the wash cycle.
i I
Do not cover upper rock tower
(not present on ell modelsl
Keepthe centerarea clear in the lower rock.
Thewash tower risesthrough the center ofthe lower rack during the
wash and rinse portions of the cgcle.
Wash Tower
Don't block the upper rock wash tower.
Thelower rock isbest usedfor plates, saucers and cookwore. Large items such as
broiler pansand rocks should go along the
sides.Load plotters,pots and bowls along the sides,in cornersor in the back. The
soiledside of items shouldface the center of the rock.
Don't block the wash
tower or load tall things next to it.
Be sureitems don't foil through rock and block
rotation of the sprog arm. Also,be careful not to
let oportion of on item such as o pot or dish
handle extend through the bottom rock.This
could blockthe wash arm and causepoor
washing results.
Silverware Basket
Putflatware in the removable basketwith fork and knife handlesup to protect sour
hands. Placespoons inthe basketwith handlesdown. Mixknives,forks and spoons
sotheg don't nesttogether. Distribute evenlg.Smallplastic items,such as
measuring spoons and lidsfrom small containers, should go in the bottom of the
silverware basketwith silverwareon top.
Loading place settings...
Follow these guidelines for loading 10 place settings. Features and appearance of racks and silverware baskets mag varg from gout model.
Upper Rack--lO place settings Upper Rack--lO place settings Lower Rack--lO place settings
Upper Rack--12 place settings Upper Rack--12 place settings Lower Rack--12place settings
Forget to Add a Dish?
A forgotten dish can be added any time before the main wash.
_Push the door latchto the left. _Once the water calms, openthe door.Steam may rise out of the dishwasher.
Add forgotten dish. Closethe door and push the latch to the far right.
Tips for Loading and Good Wash Performance
Don't block the lower rack wash tower.
Don't let items fall through rack and block sprag arms.
Caring for the dishwasher
Toclean the control panel, use alightly dampened cloth, then dry thoroughly. Toclean the exterior, use a good appliance
polish. Never use sharp objects, scouring pads or harsh cleaners on any part of the dishwasher.
Protect Against Freezing
If your dishwasher isleft in anunheated place during the winter, ask a servicetechnician to:
Cut off electrical power to the dishwasher.
...............Removefuses or trip circuit breaker.
_Turn off the water supply and disconnect the
Sump cover screws
Airgap Does Your Dishwasher Have an Air Gap?
Checktheair gapany time your
dishwasherisn'tdraining well.
.....water inlet linefrom the water valve.
An air gap protects your dishwasher against water backing up into it ifo drain clogs.
Theair gap is not o port of the dishwasher.
It isnot covered by your warranty. Not oil plumbing codes require air gaps,soyou may
not hove one.
Stainless Steel Panels
Thestainless steel panelscan be cleaned with StainlessSteelMagic or a similar
product using a clean, soft cloth.
Drain water from the inlet lineand water vave. (Usea pan to catch the water.
Reconnectthe water inlet line to the water vave.
_: Remove the plastic sump cover in the tub
.......bottom and usea sponge to soak up water
in the rubber boot.
The air gap is easy to clean.
Turnoff the dishwasher and lift off the chrome cover.
_} Unscrew the plasticcop and cleon with
......."""_o toothpick.
Youcan order StainlessSteelMagic #WX20X25through GEPartsby calling
Optional accessories
You con change the appearance of your
dishwasher by adding o custom panel trim kit.
1/4 Wood panel trim kit--This accessory
contains trim and instructions for you to supply and install o 1/4 thick decorative wood door:
:: GPF25W (White)GPF325W/GPF425W
3/4 Trimless wood panel kit--This accessory
contains ports and instructions for you to supply and install a 5/4 thick decorative wood door:
, GPF375/GPF475
NOTE:The GPFIO0 dishwasher door spring kit must also be ordered and installed when the
door panel weighs four lbs. or more. This kit is included with the 3/4" trim kits.
Non-woodcountertop bracket kit--This isfor installations which have non-wood countertops
and includes side-mounting brockets ond instructions for securing the dishowasher:
ConsultFour GEAppliance dealerto getthe correct kit for Fourmodel.
Theseaccessoriesareavailable at extra cost from GE.Call800.626.2002to order,or seeFour
authorized GEAppliance dealer.Visa,MosterCordor
Discover cards are accepted. SpecifF occessorF number when ordering.
Beforeyou call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages, or visit You may not need to call for service.
Problem Possible Causes What To Do Dishwasher won't run Fuseis blown, or the Replacefuse or reset circuit breaker.Removeany other appliances
circuit breaker tripped from the circuit.
Try pressingthe START/RESETpad (Electronicmodels)two times.
Power isturned off In some installations,power to the dishwasher isprovided through a wall
switch, often located next to the disposer switch. Hakesure it ison.
Noise Some of the sounds Softfood disposal shredding action.
you'll hear are normal Drain valve opening to pump water out.
Timer control ascycle progresses.
Detergentcup opening.
Themotor stopping during the drying period.
Utensils are not secure Hakesure everything issecured indishwasher. in rack or something small hasdropped into rock
Rattling dishes when Hake sure dishesare properly loaded.Seethe Loadingthe
the spray arm rotates dishwasher rockssection.
Motor hums Dishwasherhas not been used on a regular basis. If you do not use
your dishwasher often, set it to fill and pump out once every week. Thiswill help keepthe seal moist.
Water standing in This isnormal A small amount of clean water around the outlet on the tub bottom
the bottom of the tub at the back ofthe tub keepsthe water seal lubricated.
Water won't pump Drain is clogged If you have an air gap, clean it.
out of:the tub Checkto see if your kitchensink isdraining well. Ifnot, you may need
a plumber.
Ifthe dishwasher drains into adisposer,run disposerclear.
Sudsin the tub Wrong detergent Useonly automatic dishwasher detergents to avoid sudsing.
was used Cascade®,Cascade®Complete and Electrasol®Automatic Dishwashing
Detergents have been approved for use in all GEdishwashers.
Toremove sudsfrom the tub, open the dishwasher and letsuds dissipate.Add 1 gallonof coldwater to the tub. On Hodels with a Dial: Closeand latch the dishwasher.Pump out water by slowly turning the
Dialuntil a drain period isreached. Repeatif necessary. On Hodelswith ElectronicControl: Pump out water by pressing the START/RESETpad,
then 10 seconds later,pressSTART/RESETpadagain. Repeatif necessary.
Rinseagent was spilled
Stained tub interior Some tomato-based
foods can cause reddish stains
Teaor coffee stains
An overall yellow or
brown film can be
caused by iron deposits
in water
White film on inside surface-hard water
° Always wipe up rinseagent spills immediately. ° Useof the RINSEONLYcycle after adding the dishto the load
con decreasethe levelof staining. GErecommends Cascade® Plastic Booster to help remove these types of stains.
Removethe stain by hand,using asolution of 1/2 cup bleach and 3 cups worm water.
Beforecleaning interior,wait at least20 minutes after a cycle for the
heating elements to cool down. Failureto do so can result inburns.
Antesde limpiarelinterior,espereparIomenos20minutosdespu#sdeunciclo paraqueloselementoscalentadoresseenfrien.Nohacerlopuedeprovocar quemaduras.
A special filter inthe water supply line is the only way to correct this problem. Contact a water softener company.
GErecommends Cascade Crystal CleaP to help prevent hard water mineral depositsfrom forming.
Rundishwasher with citric acidto remove mineral deposits.Citric acid (Portnumber: WD35X151)can beordered through GEPorts. Seeback cover for ordering information.
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