
PartNo, 165D4700P203 Pub No 49-5877 2_JR

YouAre Now PartoftheGEFamily.
Welcome I_ file (;E l:mfily.
We're [)mud afoul qualit)
pro(hi( Is _111(1\_( alt •
(omnfittcd Io providing
dependable secdce. You'll
SCCit ill Ibis c_l_;}-10 llS_
Owner's Mtumal and }ou'll
h_ar it in file fliendly voices
ofou r ( ustomcr selxi(c
lk, sl o[ all, }ou'll experience
Ill(',,(' values 1,_1h [illlC you
[ise you r (li,;hw_lsh(q. Th_ll'S
illlpoll_lllt, be(:_ltlsc }_ )Ill"
new dishwasherxdll be part
Olyour l_lmily for Illally
_ears. And _ hope Vm will
[X' p_lrt O] otlrs 1_)17_1long
[iHle [0 (OlIle.
We fllank}ou fin-bu)ing
CE. We appwciaw }our
pmEhase, and hope you
will COIllillue I0 I-el} Oil IlS
whenc_er 7,ouneed qualily
appliances lot yore home.
Fill lltll and retlllll Ihe (_onsumer Produ( _
Ownership Registralion card thai is packed
with this plx)duck IIyou (annol find il,
please send in Ihe duplicate card primed ill
fl_e back (ffthis manual.
Write the modeland serial
Youcan find them on the tub waft just
inside the dooc
Staple sales slip or cancelled check
Proof of the original purchase date is
needed to obtain service under the

GE& You,
A ServicePartnership.
Ask any GEappliance owner and they will
tell you we stand behind our products with
unmatched quality service, However, did
you know that most questions result from
simple problems that you can easily fix
yourself hTjust a few minutes? This
Owner's Manual can tell you how
Inside ?ou will find many
helplill hinls on how 1ouse and
mailll_lill }Olll dishwasher
properly.Jusl a lilde preventive
care (Ill }_ )Ill7 part C_ill saY(' }()tl _1
great deal ol Illlle and money
over Ihe lile ol yotll7 dish_zlsher.
You'll []lld lllally allswers 1o
COlDIIIOll problems llel'(%
llyou review om charl o1
'1rlmbleshooling Tips first,
yOll may IlOI need Io (:all fbl
scrdce al all.
If YouNeedService
llyou do need sclx-ice, }_m (all
wlax knowing hdp is onl)a
phone call awa). A lisl o1 I_fllqi-ce
(:tlSIl)lllel" se£@.:e lll-ll)lb( 1_; is
ill(:hlded ill Ihe I)3£k se( fion.
Or )ou can alwa) s (:all the
(;1,:Answer Cenler:' al
8(}(1.62i'_.201)(t,24 hours a d_t),
7 d_/}sa week.

For your safe_ the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury,
or loss of life,
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may beproduced in
a water heater that has not been used for two weeks or
[t Ihe hot \_atcr has 11o1 beell t/sed fl)r t\_o _eeks or i_l()l-_, prc_ Clll
Ihe possibilit} ol damage or iqjmy byturning on all hot \xaler
l{lllCets and allow Ihelll to FUll t(_1"scvela] illillutes. 1)o Ibis be[( )lc
llg]llg }]llv ele(tri( a] appliaIIC(: whi(h iS (ollnecled 1o Ihe hol watur
s}slem. 'lhis simple pro(edure will allow am buih-up hydrogen gas
io escape. Since Ille gas isflammable, do i1Ol smoke of u _,,2.all opell
flame or appliance dufi_g this process.

Use your dishwasher only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used
If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with
your dishwasher, you can receive one by calling us toll-free
at the GEAnswer Cente_ 800,626,2000.
)_ (]Olllle(l I_) _/glOl/nded
metxfl, permanent wiring
_slenl; Or l__lll all equip_llelll-
gl_)un(ling conducl_}r wilh
lhe (:il_ui[ ¢ondtl(:lors alld
Collne(:l I_)file e(]uiplllenl-
grounding _rminal or I_ad
olthe appliance.
)_ lnlplx)per (:Olllleclioll olflle
equipmenl_,rou nding
CoIIdlA( lor C_/[I I'UStl] I ill a risk
ol elet:lric shock. (heck widl
_lqu_llified ele( Iri( i_mor
St'l_i( c l-cprescllt_ltivc il }oil
m-cin doubtwhcther lilt,
_pplian(e is pmperb
;_'_;Dispose ol discarded
appliances and shipping or
p_l(king mamfi_fl properly.
_o_;1)o not _tltt'lllpl I_) l('p_lir or
wplace may pa_ ol your
dishw_Jsher u nless ilis
specifically recommended in
Ihis manual. All {)l[lel
scl-_icing should be rllcrred
IOa qualilied Icchnician.
i_, I'o minimiz_ tile possibilit? of
ele(:n:ic shock, discom_ect
Ihis appli_m(e 1iota Ihe
power supply beli n-u
altelllpliilg allX lll_lillfeilallCe.
NOTE: I'urning the
dishwa,;h(T olfdoes IlOI
dis(:onllec[ Ihe applian(:e
liom die power supply. We
I't'COllllllCll(I having a
qualified lechnician set, ice
}_mr appliance.

Do riot latl]pet x_il]] ( ot]lrols+
DI) rio[ abuse, sit otl, Ol7 statld
oll Ihe doi)r or dish rack ol
the dishwash,:!r.
>o,Do not dis,. ard a dishwasher
wilhoul lit-st removing Ihe
doorol Ihe washing
}o_:Do hlO[ St 0 Ft" 017 USO
cotnbustible lllalcrials,
gasoline or other llammable
vapors and liquids in the
vi(:init 3 ol Ibis or all) olhel
)_ I)o n,._lallow dfildren Io play
inside, on or with this
appliance or ally (li_al_](:d

_ (se only pounder,robs or
liquid deiclgenis or _xciting
_lg('l 11S I eeollllll(-lld( (I ll)l"
US_" ill a (lishw_tsh_,l _llld
kccp Ihem Oulot th(, rt,a(h
Illchildren. Gas,.ade
Aul_mmti,. Dishwashing
I)etergem has been approved
tT)ruse in all (;E dishwash_rs.
}_ [ ,o(:ale shalTp ilenls so I]lal
lhe} are llot likel3to damage
lhe dool seal.
>>Ix_adsharp kniveswith Ihe
handles up IOreduce the risk
ot (:ut-typei]_juries.
!A;,1)0 11(11\_lsh plaslJe iWlllS
unless marked dishwasher
safeor the equiva]e]li, li_)17
plasii(i il_nis liot so marked,
cheek the nianulac/urel"s
i_conillielidallOl is.
}_ Noll-I)ishwal-e [lelliS: DO liO[
wa_l ilelliS such _ e]ectlonie
all-cleaner l]ltei s, ll]l-na_:e
tillers and paint bJxlshes in
your dishwashek I)amage lo
dishwashel7 all(] (lis( o101aiioli
or slaining el dishwash_q
may resuh
}_Do llot Ioueh the healing
elemenl during or
immediamly al)er use.
_;:_;Do not opel'ale }_)tll"
dishwasher tnfless all
enel()sure panels al_ pl_)per[y
in place.
_i_Close supe_xision is ne(essa_ 3
il Ibis appliance is used b} (tr
near ( hil(hTen.
_',:Ix)adlighl plaslie ilems so
Ihe) will not be( onie
dislo(lged and drop IOlilt:
botlOIll ()lille dish\xashel _-
IJley nlighl eoli]e inlo (]OliiilCI
wilh Ihe heating element and
be damaged.
Readand follow this

Youcan locate your model number on the tub wall just inside the door,
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model
GSD2000series models
GSD2600series models
o_le_ _,_[w_s _
.................. _°__ .....o_ or_

Controlo^..:__aULuuyS akes ,re Di lisat off osition
[] Cycles
POTS& PANS/ Forheavilysoileddishesorcookv,,arewith dried-onor baked-onsoils.
HEAVYWASH Everydaydishesmaybeincluded.Thiscyclewill not removeburned-onfoods.
NORMALWASH Forloadsof everydaydishes,glassesandcookwarewith mediumsoils.
NOTE:Many disheshavelighter soil thannormal Choosingacycleother
than NORMAL WASHwill saveenergyandwater.
SHORTWASH Forquicklywashingloadsof everydaydisheswgh mediumsoilsthat havenot
RINSEONLY Fordnsingpartialloads thatwill bewashedlater.Donot usedetergent
PLATEWARMER Forwarming cleandishesandservingplates.Thiscyclewill take
HOTSTART Preheatswashwater to correcttemperature
driedon, suchas loadsconsistingmostlyof glasses
[] EnergyOptions
HITEMP Providesextra heatfor the best pelformance,it isusedbestwith
WASH heavily-soileddishes.
HEATEDDRY Tu[nsthedrying heateronfor fast drying.Thiscyclewill extendthetk_e
HEATEDDRY Shutsoff the tilling heatoptions Dishesairdry naturallyandenergyis saved.
ON to yourwash cycle.
Onsomemodels I,a_chth_ door aud slowlyturn Ih_.Dial lo Ih_.STARTposilion.
l)oll'l lurn il pasl th_ STARTDosidon,<wyou (ould a(:(:id_-nlallymissa rillse.
Onsome modols--Sl{x_ly IUI'II Dial t_ t]l(! (lt._,il:L.(l C)'( 1_" _ln(] ]_t[ch d()of I() Sl_l[.
1)o11'1 I[]111 h ])_lSl tilt' d0sircd w_l_]l c) (!]_', or you (i_[]1(_ _l(!_:i(]._lll_lll_ ¸ ini_;s _1rhlsc,
l h('l't" is _l lilll(! (]t'l_l)' I)(!1_ ('('n SI _lll :t iD _411(| _ _ll(_l Iill SO y_)u will llol IlL'_II ?I11}'