with I-Ion’ water
theproper temperature,your
dishwasherhasa WATERHEAT
toturndownyour householdwater
willingto letthedishwasherrun a
li~e longerwhileit heatswater.For
120”Fand140”F.Toprevent dish
How to test water temperature:
Check the water temperature inside
your dishwasher with a candy or
meat thermometer.
Let the dishwasher run through one
fill and pump out cycle, then let the
dishwasher fill with water the
second time, approximately 5
minutes after starting the machine.
When you hear the water stop
filling,-urdatch the door and ;lowly
open it.
Measurethe temperatureofthewater
in the bottom of the tub this way:
Remove the silverware basket and
place a candy or meat thermometer
in the water towards the middle of
the tub. If the temperature is less
than 120”F,you will not get good
washing results. Raise your water
heater temperature, wait 30 minutes
and test again. I+igherwater
temperature is needed to dissolve
grease and activate powder
detergents. If the water temperature
is less than 140”F’,use the WATER
HEAT Option (see page 4).
He#pfulhints: If outside
temperaturesareunusually low, or
if your water travelsa long distance
from waterheater to dishwasher,
you may need to setyour water
heater’sthermostatup. If you have
not usedhot waterfor sometime,
the water in the pipeswill be cold.
Turnon the hot water faucet at the
sink and allowit to run until the
water is hot. Then start the
dishwasher.Ifyou’verecently done
laundryor run hot water for
showers,give your water heater
time to recover before operating the
How to use a Rinse Agent
A rinse agent makes water flow off
dishesquickerthan usual. This
lessens water spottingand makes
drying faster,too.
For best dishwashingperformance,
use of a rinse agent such as JETDRY brand is recommended.
Rinse agents come in either liquid
or solidform. Yourdishwasher’s
dispenseruses the liquid form.
EIowto fi~lthe rinse agent
dispenser. Unscrew the cap. Add
the liquid rinse agent until itjust
reaches the bottom of the lip inside
the dispenser opening. Replace the
cap. The dispenser automatically
releases the rinse agent into the
final rinse water.
Myou accidentally spill: Wipe up
the rinse agent with a damp cloth.
Don’t leave the spillin the
dishwasher. It can keep your
detergent from working.
If you.can’t find any rinse agent,
411 W. Putnam Ave.
Greenwich, CT 06830
Yourdishwasher’s rinse agent
container holds 4X ounces. This
should last about 3 months. Fill as
needed. Do not overfill.
How tod-momand we
First, use only powderorIiquid
use in dishwashers.Othertypes
wiUcause ovenmlsing.
content.Phosphatehelps prevent
hard-watermaterialsfrom forming
spotsorfilm un yourdishes.If your
wateris hard(7 grainsor more),
Detergentswitha higherphosphate
orless),you’llhaveto useextra
Yourwater departmentcan tell
you how hard your water is. So
canyour county extensionagent
or your area’s water softener
company.Just call and ask them
how many “grains of hardness”
there are in your water.
How much detergent shodd you
use? That depends. Is your water
“hard” or “soft”? With hard water,
you need extra detergentto get
dishes clean. With soft water, you
need less detergent.
Toomuch detergentwith softwatel
notonlywastesmoney,it can be
harmful It can cause a permanent
“etching.” A~outside layer of glass
is etched away!Of course,this takes
sometime. Butwhy take a chance
when it’seasy to find out the
hardnessof yourwater,
Keep your detergent fresh and.
dry. Under the sink isn’t a good
place to store detergent. Too much
moisture. Don’t put powder
detergent into the dispenser until
you’re ready to wash dishes, either.
(It won’t be fresh OR dry.)
If your powder detergent gets old
or lumpy9throw it away.Itwon’t
wash well. Old detergent often
If you use a liquid dishwasher
detergent, these precautionsare not ~~~
necessary because liquid detergents “%””
don’t “lump” as they age or come L3:t
in contact with water.
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