e I%EWreyour dishwasheris properlygrounded
beforeyou operateit.
* Do x~otuseyour dishwmhtn%ielectriccircuit
for any other applianceswhilethe dishwasher
e Be carefulnot to touch the CalrodWheating
unitatthebottom of tub duringor immediately,
aftercycleis completed—itmaybe hot.
* Carefullyloadall sharpkniveshandlesup to
protectyour handswhenunloading.
o Wash only “dishwasher-safe” items in yo,ur
dishwasher(see page 10). Load light plastic
items so they will not become dislodged and
drop to the bottom of the dishwasher–they
might come into contact with the heater and
be damaged.
e Use only special low-sudsing detergents de-
veloped especially for automatic dishwashers
(seepage 9).
“ Dishwasher detergents and wetting agent
compounds should not be taken internally—
keepthemoutof reachof smallchildren.
s Whenfillingrinseagentdispenser,takeextra
careto avoid spillingwetting agent. If some is
accidentally spilled, wipe it up with a damp
clothto avoidexcessive foam during next dishwashingoperation.
o Your dishwasher uses very little electric
power—about 0.65 kilowatt/hour or less per
normalwash cycle. The power consumption of
your dishwashercanbe minimizedif you follow
1.A dishwasherwillusually hold a wholeday’s
dishes.To savetime, detergent, water andelectric power, operate the dishwasher only when
it is full.
2. When you have only a partial load, use the
Rinse&Hold cycle to rinseoff heavy soils.
3. Always select the shortest cycle that will removethe soilfrom theload.
4. When fast drying of dishes is not necessary,
depressthe Drying Option pushbutton marked
HEAT OFF and allow them to dry by their
residual heat. This saves 3570to 4070of the
power consumed in a normal wash cycle.
* YourPotsmwbber~dishwasherhas
aPowerScrubTMcycle designedto removedried.on
andbaked-onsoils,Thesesoilswillberemovedfromutensilsthat arein good condition
if yow follow loading instructions carohdly as explained on pages 5, 6 and 7, and
operatinginstructionsthat camewith your dishwasher.It is especiallyimportant to
I.oaditemswith heavy dried-on and baked-onsoils such as pots, pans o.ndcasseroles
open end down in the lower rack facing direct!y toward the lower wash arm. Iri this
posititintheywillreceivethemost vigorous washaction for maximumsoilremovaLAs
you wiuld expect, severely burned-on soils occasionally may not be completely removed, especially if the surface of the utensilis etched, pitted or otherwisein poor
condition.After washingitems of this type, anyremainingsoilshould be removed by
hand.Discolorationof utensilscausedby overheating cannot be removed in the dishwasher.
Temperatureof waterenteringthetub shouldbe140° to 150°F.Measurewatertemperatureas explainedonpage 11,
On ~ModelGSDI050, when water temperature is low, use High Temperature Power
Scrub or High TemperatureN“ormalSoil and dishwasherwill automaticallyheat main
wash and final rinsewater to 145°F.
~Use only fresh recommended dishwasher detergents as indicated on page 9. Do not
useold detergentthatis very hardor cakedin thecontainer,
* Hard food wastes, such as bones and corn cobs, must be removed. These belong in a
food waste disposer.
* Largeamounts of food soil on tablewaremust be removed—particularlystarchy foods
such as mashed potatoes, rice or cooked cereals, because they do not readily dissolve
in water.
~Some food soils will tarnish silver if allowed to dry. If you do not plan to wash the
dishes soon after loading, you should rinse soils off the silver to prevent tarnishing
(the Rinse& Hold
cycle willdo thisfor you automatically).
Thisis arandom“mixed-load”... the most common type you will have. It is the kind of load
theaverage family might have after any large
Bothracksofyour dishwashermaybe loaded at
random as illustrated.Cushionedmulti-fingers
cradle every dish or utensil firmly.. .in whateverloadingpattern fits best. Racks move out,
one at a time,for convenientindividualloading.
Pots, pans, casseroles and other items with
0 For best washing results, wash water must
be able to reach soiled surfaces of each dish
andutensil. Load deepitems face down.
~Load dishes to face the source of water. Do
not overload or allowdishes to nest together so
theyblock thewateractionto allsoiledsurfaces.
e Make certain allsmall, light items areloaded
so they won’t be washed out of the racks by the
heavy, dried-on and baked-on soils must be
loaded in the lower rack with the open end
down, facing directly towardthe wash arm beIowthelowerrack.Shallowitemsmaybe angled
provided the lower side does not shield soiled
surfaceinsidefrom directwateraction.
Lightly-soileditemsmay beloaded ineitherthe
upper or lower rack, with the soiled surfaces
facing downwardtoward the center as illustrated onpages 6 and7.
forcefulwater action. Be particularlycareful of
smallglassitems—placethemin the upperrack,
wedged securelyto prevent them from moving.
o Check tub occasionally and remove any ob-
jects which mayhave dropped into the bottom.
~When removing any articles from the tub
bottom, be careful not to touch the Calrod@
heating unit–it may be hot.
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