Safety hlformation ....... 4-7
Opera ting lnstructions
Connecting Elecuici/y ..... l l
Control Panels ............ 12
Control Settings ........... 13
Dial Cycles ............ 14, 15
I,oading the
Dishwasher Racks ...... 18, 19
Optional Accessories ...... 21
Unicouple .............. 8-10
Using the Dishwasher . .16, 17
Care and Cleaning ........ 20
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You Call
for Service ............. 22-27
Customer Service
Product Registration ....... 29
Service Telephone
Numbers ....... 3, Back Cover
Win'rainy ................. 31
www.geappliances.com 16504700,°213 49-5887 07-OOJR

GE& You,A ServicePartnership.
Two easy ways to register your appliance /.
5_' Throtl¢_h tile ....interrlet at x_ o°eatl:-) -)liances.... (onl
Complete and mail tile enclosed Product Registratior_ Card
Write themodel andserial numbershere.
Youcan find them on the tub wailjust insido the door.
Staple sales slip orcancelled check here.
Proofof the origina/ purchaso date is needed to obtain
service under the warrant.
Inside ?()u will find many helptill hirers on how to use and maintair_
}our dishwasher properl}, lust a little preventive care (m }our part
can save yOU a g-real deal of time aild nlolley over the lile ot your

You'll tind man} answers to common problems here. [tyou review our
chart ot Troubleshooting Tips tirst, you ma) not need to call for sea-vice
If YouNeedService
lfyou do need service, you can reke_, knowing help is only a phone call
away, A list of toll-ii'ee (alstomer service numbers is included in the back
section. Or you can always call the GE Answer Center <')at 800.626.2000,
94 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Visit our $\ebsite at: www.geappliances.com

For your safe_ the information in this manual must be
foflowed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury,
or loss of life.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in
a water heater thathas notbeen used for two weeks or
If tile hot water has not been tlsed tot two weeks or more, prevent
the possibilit 3of damage or ir{itu), by turning on all hot water
tm_cets and allow them to run tor several minutes. Do this betore
using any electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water
s_stem. This simple procedure will allow any built-up hvdro_,-en oas
to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open
fianm or appliance during this process.

Use your dishwasher only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before #is
used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions
sheet with your dishwasher, you can receive one by calling
us toll-free at the GEAnswer Cente_ 800.626.2000.
s_,Connect to a grounded
metal, permarmr_t wiring
system; or run an equipment-
grour_dir_oconductor with
the cirolit conductors and
connect to the equipment-
groundino terminal or lead
of the appliance.
N Improper connection ot the
conductor can resuh in a risk
of electric shock. Check with
a qualified electrician or
service representative if you
are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly
_ l)ispose of discarded
appliances and shipping or
packing material properl).
N I)o not attempt to repair
or replace any part ot ?x_ur
dishwasher unless it is
specitically recommended
in this manual. All other
servicing should be reterred
to a qualitied technician.
N To minimize the possibility ot
electric shock, disconnect this
appliance ti'om the power
supply betk_re attempting any
maintenance. NOTE:Turning
the disl'rwasher otl does not
disconnect the appliance
t;'om the power supply.
We recommend having a
qualified technician service
your appliance.
iiiiHi!i iiiiii!!
iii!!iii i iiiHH

i¢ Do not tamperwith controls.
i_ Do not _tbuse, sit on, or stand
on the door or dish r_tck oi
die dishw_tsher.
s_i'I)o not discard a dishwasher
without first removing the
door of the washing
i_ Do not store or rise
combustible materials,
g_/soline or other tlammable
vapors and liquids in the
vicinity ot this or any other
i¢ Do not allow children to play
inside, on or with this
appliance or any discarded

_ Use only powder, tabs or
liquid detergents, or wetting,
agents recommended for use
in a dishwasher and keep
them out of the reach of
children. Cascade ')
Automatic l)ishwashing
I) r? lere ge -_thas been approved
ti)r use in all GE dishwashers.
s_?'1Jocate sharp items so that
they are not likely to damage
the door seal.
i_ I,oad sharp knives with the
handles up to reduce the risk
ot cut-t}T)eir_juries.
N I)o not wash plastic items
unless marked dishwashor
solo or the equivalent. For
plastic items not so marked,
check the mamfli_cturer's
_ Non4)ishware Items: Do not
wash items S[lch as electronic
air cleaner fihers, furnace
filters and paint brushes in
your dishwasher, l)amage to
dishwasher and discoloration
or staining of dishwasher
may result.
s_?,I)o not touch the heatino-
element during or
immediately _ffter use.
i¢ Do not operate y)ur
dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly
in place.
N (;lose supervision is necessa U
if this appliance is used by or
near children.
s_i' 1 h( h
oad "g t plastic items so
they Mll not become
dislodged and drop to the
bottom ot the dishwasher-
the} might come into contact
with the heating element and
be damaged.

Aboutthe unicouple.
Before Operating the Dishwasher the First -time
Attachthefaucetadapter.The special faucet adapter
supplied with your dishwasher must be assembled to
the sink tim(el betbre you can use your dishwasher,
The taucet adapter is designed to tit standard spouts
having internal or external threads. Youwillfind the
adapter and two washersin the faucet adapterpacketin
your dishwashe_
iii_iiiiiii _ _iii _ i
ilii i:iiii!i:ii ! iliii!iiiii
Toinstall faucet adapter, first remove the old aerator or
trim ring on your tm_cet spout.
Iffaucet has external threads: Insert the thinner otthe
m'o washers into tile faucet adapter and attach it to tile
taucet spout.
Tighten with pliers.
Iffaucet has internal threads: Insert both otthe washers
into the faucet adapter and attach it to the faucet spout.
Tighten with pliers.
If tile faucet adapter threads do not match your t_tucet
spout, }our local hardware or phmfl)ing suppl} store
normall} has additional fittings to adapt }our tm_cet
spout to the special faucet adapter.
NOTE: A sink sprayattachment hose can burst ff it is installed
on the samesink with your dishwasher Wesuggest that you
disconnect thesick sprayattachmeet ff your sick has one and
plug thehole.

How to Connect the Unicouple
Pull Unicouple and its hoses completely ()tit fl'orn
storage cornpam-ner_t located at rear oI dishwasher
and attach it to the timcet adapter,
Attach tile Unicouple connector to tile taucet
adapter b) depressing the collar at the top of the
connector. When Unicouple is all the wayup onto
the adapter, release file collar. It will then snap into
position to h)ck the Unicouple in place.
The U nicouple's small hose carries xcater ti'om tile
tmlcet to the dishwasher. Its large hose carries drain
water to tile sink. Be sure Unicouple is pointing
toward the sink bowl drain opening and tile sink
drain is open tier water that will drain tram your
dishwasher. If your dishwasher drains into a
disposer, operam the disposer until it is completely
empty beti)re starting the dishxcdsher.
Turn hot water rill} on beiore starting the
d shwasher.
How to Disconnect the Unicouple from Faucet Adapter
iiii iiH!
!i ii iii iiiiii!
P,elease tile water pressure b} depressing tile pressure release
btltton. This relieves water pressure and protects '_OII, and the
room, fi'om severe splashing.
Rele_tse Unitouple ti'()nl thucet b} depressing tile collar at tile
.....................top of the Unicouple connector.

Aboutthe unicouple.
How to Disconnect the Dishwasher
Remove..... the power (ord plug, fl'om the....wall re(eptacle.
i)isconnect Unicouple fl'om taucet adapter.
NOTE:Whenmotorstopsat theendof thefinal dnse,theUnicouplecanbe
How to Drain Excess Water From Unicouple Hoses
11the sink is 34" or higher ti'om the floor, the excess
water in Unicouple hoses cannot be drained directly
into the sink. It will be necessat T to drain excess water
fl'om hoses into a bowl or stfitable container that is held
outside and lower than the sink.