GE GS05120, GS05130, GSD5112, GSD5122, GS05132 Owner's Manual

6SD5110 6SD5112 6S05120 6SD5122 6S05130 6S05132 6S05114 6S05124 6S05134 GSD5216 GSD5226 GSD5236 GSD5310 GSD5320 GSD5330 GSD5340 GSD5350 P._t No. 165D4700P199 Pub.No. 49-5B73lo-99JR
YouAm Now Partof theGEFamily.
products and we are committed toproviding
dependable service. You'll see it in this easy-to-use
O_mer's Manual and you'll hem it in tile flJendly voices
of our customer service department.
l_st of all, you'll experience fllese values each time you
use your dishwasher. That's important, because your new
dishwasher will be part of your tamily tot many years.
And we hope you will be part
of ours tbr a long time to
Wethank you tk_rbuying GE.We appreciate your
purchase, and hope you willcontinue 1orelyon us
whenever you need quality appliances for your home.
Fill out and remm file Consumer Product
irealien Card. There me t:woeasy ways to
register your appliance.
Through the Internet at
Complele and ulail file enclosed card.
Write the model and serial numbers
# #
Youcan find them on the tub wall just
inside the door.
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here.
Proof of the original purchase date
is needed to obtain service under the
GE& You,
A ServicePartnership_
Ask any GEappliance owner and they will
tefl you we stand behind our products with unmatched quality service. However, did you know that most questions result from simple problems that you can easily fix yourseff in just a few minutes? This
Owner's Manual can tefl you how.
Inside you _dll rind many helpf_al hints on how to use
and mainlain your dishwasher properly..lust a liule preventive care on your part can save you a
Deat deal of time and money over dm life of your dishwasher.
Safety Information ...... 4-7
Operating instructions ControlPaneland
Settings .............. 8-11
Usingthe Dishwasher ... I2-13
LoadingtheRacks ...... 14-16
OptionalAccessories ....... I7
Careand Cleaning ......... I8
Before You
CallForService ....... I9-23
You'll find many answers to
common problems here. If you rexdew our chin1 of
Troubleshooting Tips first, you m W not need to call tbr
se_ice at all.
If YouNeedService
If you do need sewice, you can relax know,ringhelp is only a
phone call away. A list of toll-tiee customer se_Yicenumbers is
included in the back secdon. Or you can alwws call tl_e
GE Answer Center ® at
800.626.2000, 24 hours a d W, 7 days a week.
ProductRegistration..... 29-30
Warranty ............. 3I
Numbers ......... BackCover
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury,
or loss of life.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in
a water heater that has not been used for two weeks or more. HYDROGENGAS iS EXPLOSIVE.
If the hot water has not been used tbr t_voweeks or more, prevenl the possibility of damage or injul T by turning on all hot water
thucets and allow dram to run fbr several minutes. Do this bet_re using aW elecn_ical appliance which is connecmd/o the hot water
system. This simple procedure _qll allow aW buih-up hydrogen gas 1oescape. Since d_e gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open
flame or appliance dunng d_isprocess.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual
This dishwasher must be properly instated and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions
sheet with your dishwasher, you can receive one by calling us toll-free at the GEAnswer CenteP; 800.626.2000.
Connect 1o a grounded metal, pennanenl wiring syslem; or mn an equipmenl_
gTounding conduc/or _dfl_ tim circuil conductors and
connect _o II_e equipmenl_ gTounding lenninal or lead
of Ihe appliance.
Improper connection of tim equipmem-grounding
conduclor can resuh in a risk ofeleclric shock. Check wifl_
a qualified elecuician or service represenlafive it
you me in doubt wheflmr fl_e appliance is properly
Dispose of discarded appliances and shipping or packing mamfial properly.
Do nol at/erupt lo repair or replace aW part of your
dishwasher unless it is specifically recommended
in fl_ismanual. All oilier se_icing should be retened
to a qualified mchnician. To minimize ll_epossibili b, of
elecuic shock, disconnecl fl_is appliance fiom the power supply befbre attempting any mainmnance. NOTE."Turning
flom the power supply. We recommend having a
qualified lechnician se_,ice your appliance.
Do not lamper u4fl_ connols.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on tim door or dish rack of
tim dishwasher.
Do not discmd adishwasher uqthout first removing the
door of fl_e washing companmenl.
Do not s/ore or use combustible mamfials,
gasoline or other flalnmable vapors and liquids in fl_e vicinity of this or any other
Do not allow children 1o playinside, on or _fl_ fl_is
appliance or aW discarded appliance.
Use only powder, tabs, liquid detergents or rinse
agents recommended for use in a dishwasher and keep
them out of the reach of children. Cascade +,
Automatic Dishwashing
Detergent has been approved tbr use in all GE dishwashers.
D)cate sharp ilems so flint they are not likely to damage
the door seal.
Dmd sharp knives with the handles up to reduce the risk
()fcut,lype iqjuries.
Do not wash plastic items unless marked dishwasher
safeor the equivalent. For plastic items not st) marked,
check the manuf:acmrer's recommendations.
Non-Dishware Items: Do not
wash items such as electronic
air cleaner fihers, t;amace fihers and paint brushes in
your dishwasher. Damage to dishwasher and discoloration
or staining of dishwasher may resuh.
Do not touch the heating element during or immediately after use.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels me properly in place.
Close superxdsion is necessaty if this appliance is used by or
neat children.
Ixmd light, plastic imms so troy _qll not become
dislodged and drop to the bottom of the dishwashet_
they might come into contact with the heating element and
be damaged.
Read and foflow this Safety Information carefully.
Aboutthe dishwasher contro/pane/.
Youcan locate your model number on the tub wall just inside the door. Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model
! LoadSelections
Thelight abovetheselectedpad willbe ONtoindicate which LOADSELECTlONhas beenselected,
POTS& PANS Forheavilysoileddishesor cool<warewith dried-on orbaked-onsoils.Everyday
NORMAL Forloadsofeverydaydishesandglasswarewith mediumsoils.
LIGHTWASH Fordisheswith lightsoils.
CHINA CRYSTALForlightlysoiled chinaandcrystal.
RINSEONLY Forrinsingpartial loadsthatwill bewashedlater.Do notusedetergentwith thiscycle.
dishesmaybe included.This cyclewill notremoveburned-onfoods.
Thelight abovetheselected pad will be ON to indicate which OPTIONhasbeen selected.
HI TEMP Turnsonthe heaterin all postrinseandfinal rinsecyclesto helppreventspotting
RINSE on dishware.Thisoptionmaybeturned ONor OFFduringthewash cycle.
HI TEMP Energizestheheaterto boostwatertemperaturein all prewashandmainwashfill
WASH cycles.Recommendedfor usewith heavilysoileddishes.Optionmaybeturned ON
or OFFduringthewash cycle.
HEATEDDRY Shutsoff thedryingheat option.Dishesairdry naturallyand energyissaved.You
OFF canpropthe door openafterthe CLEANlightilluminates.
HEATEDDRY Turnsthe heater onfor fast drying.Thiscyclewill extendthe timeto your wash
ON cycleby30 minutes.NOTE:Cannotbeselectedwith RINSE ONLYcycle.
LOCK Whenthe LOCKpadistouchedtwicewithin3 seconds,allpadsbecomeinoperative.
controlsafteryouhavestarteda cycleorse/ectedDEZAYSTARTsothecycleorDELAY
STARTisnotinterrupted Children cannot accidentafly start dishwasher by touching pads with this
option selected.
Tounlockthedishwasherafterit hasbeenlocked,touchthe LOCKpadtwicewithin 3seconds.Thelight abovetheLOCKpadwill turnoff.
Youcandelaythe start of awash cyclefor upto 8 hours.Pressthe DELAYSTART padto choosethenumberof hoursyou want to delaythe start ofthe cycle.The machinewill countdownandstartautomaticallyatthe correcttime. Pressing the
START/RESETbutton will cancel the DELAYSTARTselection,
NOTE:If youforgetto latchthe doora remindersignalwill beepuntil you do so.
RESET Tochangea cycleafter washing starts, touchthe START/RESETpadto cancel
thecycle.After water is pumpedout and the motorstops,youcanreprogramand restartthe dishwasher.Thiswill take approximately90seconds.
Close and latch the door. Touch the START/RESETpadto begin the Q,cle. Water till begins and approximately 40 seconds later the wash action begins.
NOTE'The dishwasher remembers your last cTcle so you don't have to reprogTam each time. When the dishwasher is loaded and the door latch is in the locked
position, the control panel lights will be ONand display the last settings you selected.
If you don't want to change any of the settings, simply touch the START/RESET pad to begin the cycle.
Also, ifa power t_dlure occurs, NORMALand HEATEDDRYwillautomatically be programmed. Make any new selections and louch the START/RESETpadIo begin
the cycle.
This lig]_t is illmninated when a wash (T(le is (omplete. The light will stay ON until the door is opened.
WhatIt Means
This isnomml.
has been pressed.
Control Error
Control Error
What To Do
Allow the dishwasher to drain and
reset beik_re you start a new wash _Tcle.
Press the START/RESETpad to turn off the beeper. If the CLEANlight
conlinues to tlash, call t))r sex_qce.
Press the START/RESETpadto mrn offthe beeper and tl_e dishwasher will attempt twreset. Then restmt the wash cycle. If Ibisenor continues,
call t)_r se_,ice.
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