GE GNULQ01 Installation Guide

I stallation
Kitchenand BathMain Faucet
I structio
Filtration System- G×ULQ/GNULQ
Check with gour state and local public works department for plumbing and sanitation codes. You must follow these guidelines as gou install
Besure the water supplg conforms with the Performance Data. If the water supplg conditions are unknown, contact gour municipal water compang.
WARNING- Donotuse withwaterthatis
microbiologicallg unsafe or of unknown qualitg without adequate disinfection before or after the sgstem.
Itis highlg recommended that a water shut-off valve be placed directlg upstream of gout Kitchen and Bath Main Faucet Filtration System.
Filter Cartridge
Filter Head/Bracket
6 Feet of 3/8" Tubing
3/8" x 1/2" Faucet Adapter
3/8" Compression Hex Nut
3/8" Ferrule
3/8" Tube Insert
Mounting Screws
1/2" Compression to 3/8" Adapter
7/16" Compression to 3/8" Adapter
Optionalaccessoriesare availableMisa,MasterCardor Discovercards accepted)5g visitingourWeSsiteat
or from PartsandAccessories,calf800.626.2002(U.S.)or
This Kitchen and Bath Main Faucet Filtration Sgstem must be properly installed and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.
Check with gour local public works department for plumbing codes. You must follow their guides as gou install the Kitchen and Bath Main Faucet Filtration System.
Use the Kitchen and Bath Main Faucet Filtration Sgstem on a potable, safe-to-drink, home COLD
water supplg onlg. The filter cartridge will not purifg water or make unsafe water safe to drink.
DO NOT use on HOT water (IO0°F max).
Protect the Kitchen and Bath Main Faucet Filtration Sgstem and piping from freezing. Water
freezing in the sgstem will damage it.
Your Kitchen and Bath Main Faucet Filtration Sgstem will withstand up to 100 psi water
pressure. If gour house water supplg pressure is higher than 100 psi during the dag (it mag reach higher levels at night), install a pressure reducing valve before the sgstem is installed.
Do not install on HOT WATER. The temperature of the water supplg to the Kitchen and Bath Main
Faucet Filtration Sgstem must be between the
minimum of 40°F and the maximum of 100°E See the Performance Data section.
Do not install the Kitchen and Bath Main Faucet
Filtration Sgstem using copper solder fittings.
The heat from the soldering process will damage the unit.
IkWARNING - Discard all unused parts
and packaging material after installation. Small parts remaining after installation could be a choke hazard.
Do not install filter in an outside location or angwhere it will be exposed to sunlight.
Phillips-Head Screwdriver
Adjustable Wrench
Drill with 1/8" Drill Bit
238C3375P001 49-50225-1 07-07 JR :1 Printedin Chino
Sgstem is Tested and Certified bg NSF International against NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for the reduction of
Chlorine, Taste and Odor and Particulate Class I and Standard 53 for the reduction of Turbiditg.
Installation Instructions
Performance Data - Filtration Sgstem GXULQ Using Filter GXULQR
ThisSystemhasbeentestedaccordingtoNSF/ANS142and53forthereductionofthe substanceslistedbelow.Theconcentrationofthe indicatedsubstancesinwaterenteringthe systemwasreducedto a concentrationlessthanor equaltothepermissiblelimitforwaterleaving thesystem,asspecifiedinNSF/ANS142and53.
Actualperformancemayvarywith localwaterconditions.
Donotusewithwaterthat ismicrobiologicallyunsafeor withwaterof unknownqualitywithoutadequatedisinfectionbeforeor after
the system.
USEPA Influent
Parameter MCL Challen_te Concentration Chlorinetaste and odor -- 2,0 mg/L _+10%
Particulate Class I partices 0 5to <lum** - ->i0000 porticles/mL
Turbidity *Tested using a flow rate of 2 gpm (7,6 I/min); pressure of 60 psrg;
pH of 75 _+0,5;temp. of 68° _+5°F (20°_+3°C) **Measurement in particles/mL Particles usedwere 0.5-1 microns. ***NTU--Nephelometric Turbidity Units
USEPA Influent
MCL Challen_te Concentration
1 NTU*** 11 ± 1 NTU***
Standard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects
Influent Effluent
Avera_/e Avera_te Maximum
1.9 mg/L <005 mg/L O.O5 mg/L
10333333 #/mL 20,500 #/mL 41,0OO #/mL
Standard No. 53: Health Effects
Averacle Avera_te
11.O0 NTU 0,1 NTU
Maximum Average Minimum Requirement
O1 NTU 991% 991% O.5NTU
Operating Specifications Capacity: certified for up to 2000 gallons (7,571 I);upto six months
Pressure requirement: 35-100 psi (2,8-6 9 bar} Temperature: 33°-1OO°F(0,6°-38°C)
% Reduction
Avera_te Minimum
>974% 974%
998% 996%
% Reduction
Installation Overview NOTE: Be sure to allow o minimum space of11/8"-2"
under the system for removing the filter cartridge. lf b!ouhave copper tubing with 3/8" compression fittings,
gou'tt need to follow Step 3 Option B (Optional Installation).
3/8" x 1/2" Push to
Connect Ado Filter Head/
Hex nut
IN Filter
HOT COLD Optional installation
Shut-Off Valve
TO REPLACEFILTER: [] Push filter into the filter head/bracket. Turn filter
1/4 turn to the right until it stops. The top surface
of the filter will be flush with the bottom of the filter head/bracket when fully installed.
NOTE:When correctly installed, the label willface out.
[] Turnon the cold water faucet to flush the filter for
5 minutesto remove air.
[] Changethe batteriesinthe timer.
NOTE: Remove the water in the line to minimize the water released
duringfiltercartridgereplacement.TurnoffthecoldwatersupplbJ valveandturnon thefaucetfor5seconds.
[] Select a location for the sgstem that is:
Protected from freezing.
Notexposed todirect sunlight.
[] Select and murk a location under the sink that allows
access for u filter cartridge change. SeeSection 4,
The sgstem can be mounted verticallg or horizontallg. DO NOT MOUNT THESYSTEMUPSIDEDOWN.
Replacement Filter Canister/Estimated Replacement Casts
GXULQR--Replacement filter canister $29-34 For replacement parts, call toll-free 800.626.2002 (U.S.),
800.663.6060 (Canada-English), 800.361.3869 (Canada-French)
Turn filter 1/4 turn to the left. The top surface of
the filter will move away from the bottom of the head. Pull the filter down to remove.
[] Remove items from under the sink. Place a
bucket and some towels under the sink to collect any water that may run out when disconnecting
the water supply lines.
[] Turn offthe cold water supply valve and remove
the existing water supply tubing and fittings.
NOTE: For copper tubing, leave the 3/8" compression fitting on the faucet stem. Go to Step 3, Option B.
Installation Instructions
Installthe 3/8" x 1/2" faucet adapter to the faucet
Option A - Typical Installation
_ Faucet Threads
---- Adapter
Option B - Optional Installation
If you have copper tubing with a compression
adapter, you will NOTuse the 1/2" faucet adapter.
Use a section of tubing, slide the compression
hex nut and 3/8" ferrule (tapered end away from the compression nut) onto the tubing, and put in the tubing insert.
Determine the length of tubing necessary from
the filter head/bracket to the faucet and from the water supply line to the filter head/bracket by
holding the tubing in place to ensure it is the correct length.
NOTE: 6 feet of tubing is supplied. Cut the tubing into two sections according to your
[] Cut tubing.
NOTE: Do not kink tubing. NOTE: Check the end of the tubing to make sure
there are no cuts, nicks, flat spots or sharp edges.
If any of these are present, cut the end of the
tube with a utility knife.
[] Measure 3/4" from the end of the tubing
provided and mark with a pencil.
l ...I Copper tubing
_ _.-_---- 3/8"Compression adapter
CD _---_.._ Ferrule
H _'----- Tubing
[] Using the filter head/bracket as a guide, mark hole
locations so that there is 1" between the center of each screw. Fasten the filter head/bracket to the
wall with the Phillips screws provided with the unit. NOTE: Predrill 1/8" holes for easier installation.
[] Make sure to leave at least 2-1/2" _, i,/
from the bottom of the sgstem 2-1/2" to allow for easg replacement
of the filter cartridge. '_
[] Install screws onlg halfwag so gou can slip the
bracket onto the wall during installation. NOTE: There ore three installation configurations.
Select the appropriate screws for installation: For Cabinet Side Wall Installations, use 1" screws; For
Drywall into Stud Installations, use 1-1/4" screws; For Drywall with No Stud Installations, use log bolts.
CAUTION: Be sure screw point does not protrude through the wall into adjacent cabinet.
[] Tighten screws to secure the bracket.
[] Push the tubing firmlg into the collet on the
faucet adapter fitting until the pencil mark is pushed next to the collet. (If the tubing
is removed, recut the end, measure, mark and reinsert.)
Tubing must be fully inserted to avoid leaks. To remove tubing: Depress and hold the white
collet; pull the tubing out to remove.
White Collet (DONOT REMOVE) ___
Pencil mark line ---:1_1_'_
Insert tubing ._
[] Pull out slightlg on the tubing to ensure a good seal. [] Pressthe other end of the tubing into the outlet
side of the filter.
' 3/4"
I 3/4" (1/4"tubing)
Installation Instructions
[] Take the remaining section of tubing, slide the
compression hex nut and 3/8" ferrule (tapered end awag from the compression nut) onto the tubing, and put in the tube insert.
Shut-Off Valve Tubing Insert Ferrule Hex Nut Tubing
[] Fasten the assemblg onto the cold water supplg
valve. Do not overtighten.
Shut-Off Valve Tubing Insert Ferrule Hex Nut Tubing
NOTE: Overtightening will cause the tubing to separate from the fitting.
NOTE: For shut-off valves with 1/2" or 7/16" compression fittings, please use appropriate
adapters provided in the kit.
[] Connect the other end to the inlet side as
indicated bg the arrow on the filter head/bracket.
[] Insert the filter into the filter head/bracket, Turn
the filter 1/4 turn to the right until it stops. The top surface of the filter will become flush with
the bottom of the filter head/bracket when it is fullg installed.
[] Slowly turn on the water supplg. [] Check the entire sgstem for leaks. If there are
leaks, refer back to the Cut the Tubing section to reinsert the tubing.
[] If leaking from fittings, shut off water pressure
and tighten or reseal fittings. If leaking from the filter, tighten the filter.
[] After installation, let water run for approximatelg
5 minutes to flush the filter and to remove air. NOTE: It is normal for there to be air in the sgstem causing bubbles in the wate[
] Insert coin or screwdriver in Blue Reset Button
the slot between the timer _,_ /Timer cap and base.
[] Gently pry open and separatethe _" CP2aAA
timer bosefrom the cap. Installor _ Batteries
change2 new AAAbatteries.After _.._.----Timer havingthe batteries in place,line _ Base
up the baseandcap and snap NOTE:Timer
them backtogether, appearance man vary.
[] Afternewbatteriesareinstalledorfilterischanged,
pushand holdthe timer blue resetbutton for
the lightflashes5times,Thelight willflash againin 180
days to remind youthat it istime to change thefilter.
[] Attachtimer to remotelocationfor easy viewing.
Whatdoesthiswarranty cover?
- Angdefectinmaterialsorworkmanshipinthe manufacturedproduct.
Whatdoesthiswarranty notcover?
- Filtercartridgeandbatteriesafter 30dagsfromdate of purchase.
- Servicetripsto gour hometoteach gouhowto usethe product.
- Improperinstallation,delivergor maintenance.
- Failureof the productifit isabused,misused,altered,usedcommerciallgor used forotherthan theintendedpurpose.
- Useofthis productwherewateris microbiologicallgunsafeor ofunknown qualitg, withoutadequatedisinfectionbeforeorafterthesgstem.Sgstemscertifiedfor cgst reductionmag beusedondisinfectedwater thatmag containfilterablecgsts.
- Damageto the productcausedbgaccident,fire,floodsoractsof God.
- Incidental or consequentialdamaqecausedbtl possibledefectswith this appliance,its installation or repair.
Forhowlongafter theoriginalpurchase?
- One(1)geac
_-- -__ 003
_ 004
Ref.No. Part No. Part Description
001 GXULQR Replacement Filter Cartridge 002 WS19X10028 Filter Head/Bracket
003 GXULQ-KIT Kit 00/4 GXULQ-TIIVlER Timer and Batteries
To obtain replacement parts, call toll-free 800.626.2002 (U.S.),
800.663.6060 (Canada-English), 800.361.3869 (Canada-French).
GE Consumer & Industrial
General Electric Compang
Louisville, KY /40225
HowdoI makea warrantyclaim?
- Retumtothe retailerfromwhich itwas purchased,alongwith acopgof the"Proof of Purchase/'Anewor reconditionedunitwill beprovided.Thiswarrantg excludes thecost ofshippingthe producttogour home.
EXCLUSIONOFIMPLIEDWARRANTIES-Yoursoleend exclusiveremedy is productexchangeasprovidedin thisLimitedWarronty.Anyimpli_=dworranties,
includingthe implied worrantiesof merchantability or fitnessfor o porticular purpose,ore limited to oneyeor or the shortest period ollowed by low,
Thiswarrantg isextendedto the original purchaserandang succeedingownerfor productspurchasedfor homeor office usewithin the USA.InAlaska,the warrantg excludesthecost ofshippingor serviceto gour homeor office.
Somestatesdo not allowthe exclusionor limitation of incidental orconsequential damages.Thiswerrantg gives gouspecificlegal rights,and gou magalso haveother rights, whichvarg from state to state.To knowwhat gour legalrights are,consult gout localor state consumer affairs officeor gourstate's AttornegGeneral.,orcalltoll-fi,eeat800.952.5039inthe U.S.,or866,777.7627inCanada.
1 1
1 1
instatlation instructions
State of California
Department of Public Health
Water Treatment Device
Certificate Number
Date issued: July 10, 2007
Manufacturer: General Elecaric Company
Organic Contaminants
Re_placement Elements
Rated Service Capacity: 2000 gal Rated Service Flow: 2 gpm
Conditions of Certification:
Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality, without adequate disinfection before or after the system.
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