Safety Instructions ............. 2
System Overview ............ 3-5
Installation Instructions ..... 5-15
Battery Installation ............ ] 3
Faucet Installation .............. 9
Feed _'ater Supply ............ 6-8
Filter Replacement ............ 14
Flush Procedure .............. 15
System Installation .......... 10, 11
System Startup ................ 14
Tubing Connection ............ 19
Troubleshooting Tips ......... 16
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Cover
Parts List/Catalog ............. 17
_'arranty .................... 18
_e° COrn
CNS V7 5k_'VW
GNSV70FBLand GNSV75FWWare Tested and Certified by
NSFInternational against NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for the
reduction of Chlorine: Taste and Odor and Particulate Class I
and Standard 53 for the reduction of Lead, Cyst, Turbidity,
Asbestos, Mercury, Lindane, Atrazine, Benzene and VOC.
184D1069PO02 49-50197 01-06JR

A WARNING:Foryoursafe_,theinformationinthismanualmustbefollowedtominimizetheriskofpropertydamage
or personal injury.
[] [Jse the \_te_" Fi]m_dol) s}stem ol) :_ potable, sMe-to-(_!_'im)k,home COLDwater" slq:)p]} ore)I}.The fi]tex" cam)istex's;viii m)otpmif_ d)e ;_'_tex;
o_"m:d_e it sate to (]dm_k
[] De not use ore) a hot water" slq:)p]y ( 100°F m_x.).
before or after the system, Systems certified for cyst reduction may be used on disinfected water that may contain filterable cysts,
This Water Filtration system must be properly installed and iocated in accordance with the/nstaiiation Instructions before it is used,
[] ]]_sta]] ox" stox'e whex'e it _rH]] _0_ be exposed to tempex_m*x'es below f_'eezh_g ox" exposed to _my b'pe of wead_ex: W_tex" f_'eezh_g 1_ t]_e
system wi]] (]am_ge it, Do _ot _ttempt to t_'eat w_te_" o\ e_" ] 00°[4;
W_R_IN_: Discardallunusedand'packa_in_materia!afterinstallation.Smallpartsremainin_afterinstallationcouldbe
a choke hazard',
is higher" t]_m ] O0 psi, ]_sta]] a p_'essm'e _'e(]_ci_g valve be{b_'e ]_sta]]i_g the Water" Fi]t_;_ti<m s_tstem.

The WaterFiltrationSystemUsesthe Following Canistem
Filte_White cam_]ster_ with greem_ bam_d
o Red_mes dirL rest m_d sedime_t
o f<edl_ces Chlorim_e: _ste m_d Odor
o Redlmes i,ead
o Redl_ces filterable Cysts (sl_ch as c_7[)tos[)oridim_ amid giardia)
* Redl_ces Tl_rbidir_
* Redl_ces Asbestos
* Red_ces Mercl_rv
* Red_ces I,im]dm_e
* Redl_ces Am_zh_e
o Ued_lces Bem?zene
* Red_*ces VOC
* 0.5-1 micro]_ m_omim_a] [:>articl_]:_te red_ct]o_
This system co]_ti_rms to NSF/ANSI 42 m_d 53 fi_r the specific
Perfim_a_ce D_ta Sheet fin" details.
:_erfkn'mmlce claims as "_'eI_if]ed a_ld sl_stai_led b_ test data. See
_nsta#atien Overview
Locate the drinking water system on the cdd water supply pipe, under the kitchen and/or bathroom shflC to filter _hecold
drinldng water,
FilteredWater Faucet
_ Adapter
Inlet I Outlet

SmartWater Filtration SystemGNSV7OFBLand GNSV75FWW
UsingFilter FQSVF
[] This S_stem has been tested according" to NSF/ANS[ 42 and 53 fbr tile reduction of the substances listed below, The concentration of tl_e
indicated substances in water entering the system was reduced to a concen0"ation less than or equa! to the permissible limit tbr water leaving
tile system as specified in NSF/5NS[ 42 m_d 53.
[] Actual peHormance may vat} with loca! water cot?diti(_ns.
[] Do not use with water that is microbiologJcally tmsa_e or with water of m_known quality without adequate disinfection be[bre or after the
system. S_stems certified D_r c_st reductioo may be used o_? disinfbcted waters that may c(_ntain filterable cysts.
Standard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects
USEPA #ffluel_t
Parameter MCL Cl_lleuge Colmeutra#e_
( hlodm, -- 2.0 m_/[ + 10%
hffluetlt Efflue_t
Average Average
13}4m_i[ <0.05 m_i[
T &O -- --
Pa_dctllate** -- k 10000 particles
4100000 #im[ 2440(} #iml
S_and;u d No. 53: HeMd_ Effects
Turbidi 9
i AQ)est os
1 NTU *:_* ll + ! NTU *:_*
99.95',/, _ad. Min. 50000L
99% red. 1(F and 111a [ibe_.',i [;
] 1.08 NTU
141750 #iL
168 MFiL
{}.21 NTU O.38 N'I/I
</#/[ 2 #/[
O.99885891 MFi[ <1 MFi[
fibers >10 ttm long
0.11!5mgil, 0.13 mgi[ + 10'/,
0.147 mgiL
<0.(}01 mgi[ <0.(}0l mgi[
i pH 62,
0.0! 2-,mgil, 0.15 mgi [ + I{1%
0.002 mgiL 1t.(}06mgi[ + i0'/,
0.143 mgi[
0.(}0t;0ggggg mgi[
<0,(}01 mgi[ <(},(101 rag j[
<{}.(}002 mg/[ <0.(}002 mgi[
p[ I 1i2_
\H l/i/?e
0.002 mgiI, 0.(}06 mgi[ + IOn/
0.(}002 m_i[ 0.002 m_i[ + 10%
0.001 mgi[ 0.013 mgi[ + }0'/,
0.(}0gmgil, 0.(109 m_i[ + I{1_/,
0.0058 mgi[
0.002(}16{;67 _H_/
0.(t1417 m_i[
0.00830 m_i[
0.000333 m_U[ 0.0005 mgi[
<0.000(}2 m_i[ <0.0(}(}(}2 mgi[
{}.000500 m_i[ 0.000500 m_i[
0.(}02000 m_i[ 0.002000 m_i[
VOC Reduction
0.30 + I0'/_ 0./1429 rags [ {}.0018{i429 m,4/[ 0.0055 rag, [ 99.409 98.2S9_ 9Yd
*'Ik,sied using a fl(_w m_e {}f0.60 gpm (2.27 Umh]); p]_ssuR, of 60/:Mg; pH el 7.5 + 0.5; romp. o[ 68 + 5F (20 + 3(2)
*Measll_x_Hel_t _I_])_tI[i( _esi_HL, P;w_icles used were {},/_l _Hi{i_i_s,
*:'* NTU--Nephelomeuic "1mbidky tnhs
Capaciiy: (:ertiIied fi}r tq:__o160 gallons (603 l); _q:}to six momhs
P_sal_ e _quit emem: B5-12{} psi (2.8-8.2 bin)
"Ic_pe_t/I]c: 33-I 00F (0.{%38_C)
Now role: 0.6{}%)m (2.27 limm)
<0.05 rag, I,
67000 #,m[
Average Mh_imo, m
97.4/% 97229,
99.3,:,% 97._4%
98.04% 9620%
>99.99% >99.999,
99.89% 99.82%
99.329, 9929%
99.30% 99.29%
96.{k_9, 96.49%
94.34% 92.06%
99.0{t% 98.9,:,%
96.479, 9<43%
74.82% 61.54%
Mit_. Bequired
0.0!{} mgil,
{}.{}02 mgil,
0.002 mgI.
{}.0002 mg, I
{}.{}03 mgil.
{/.003 m_il,
I (_SVF--Rq l _(_m_nt hlt_ (a / st_r $) )M0
For repla(ement pans, (all _ol]-ti'ee 800.626.2002 (U.S.), 800.663.6060 ((;mw_da-English), 800.361.3869 (Canada-Fren(h)
Wate_ Tream_em Device
Certificate N,,mber
04 1601
_;xs_6_v v_vv
_;qs__ v VQSVV
_;mvT{,_L VQSVV
_;ss_ 7__ww ves_v
Sn)re c,r Seller's Name
City State Zip Telephone
Seller's signature
()lstolner's signature Date

PerformanceData Sheet.
Organic Chemicals Reduced by Chloroform Surrogate Testing
Con 'tasnhlmlt Influent (}N/L) _ Eflluem (}_g/L) 2
Alachlor 50 I.(P
Atrazine 100 _.0°_;
Benzen( 81 I.(P
(_arbofilran 190 1.0 _
Carbon Tetra(hlorid( - '18 1.8 _
(2hl<n-ob(mzen( 77 1.(P
Chloropicrin 15 0.24
2,4-I) 110 1.7 _
1)ibr(mlochloropropane (1)I_,CP) 52 0.02 _
o-1)ichlorob( nz( ne 80 1.(P
l)-I)ichlorobenz(m( 40 1.(P
1,2-I)ichloro( titan( 38 4.8
1 l-I)ichloro( flwlen(: 83 1.0 _
cis-1 2-1)ichloro( thvlene 170 1).5_;
mms-l,2-I)idfloroefllyl(m( 86 I.(P
1,2-I) ichloropr(q)ane 80 I.(P
(is-1,3-I)ic hloropropylen ( 79 1.0 _
I)inos(b 170 0.24
Endrin _ ): :_ 0.59 _
Ethvlb( nzell( 88 1.(P
EIh_'len( I)ibromid((EI)B) 44 0.02 _
I taloa(( tonitril(s (IIAN):
Brom(_( hloroa(et(nfiwil( 22 0.5 j
I)ibromoa(( tonitrile 24 0.6 _
I)ichloroac( tonitrile 9.6 0.2 j
Tri( hloroacelonitrile 15 0.3 _
fllfiueet chagengelevelsare averagefilfiuent concentrationsdetermbledin surrogatequalification testing.
2pg/Z meansMicrogramsPerLite_
3Maximumproduct water level was not observedbutwas set at tile detection grnit of tile analysis.
* Maximumproductlevel is setat a value detemlbled fll surrogatequafification testing.
5Chemicalreductionpercent and maximumproduct waterlevel calculated atcblorotorrn95% breaktkroughpointas detertT?inedin surrogatequagficafiontesting.
Tilesurrogatetestresultstor heptach/orEpoxidedemonstrateda 98%reduction.Thesedata wereused to calculateanupperoccurrenceconcentration,which wouldproduceamaximumproductwaterlevelat tile M(;L
"]('Stil/g WaS peltormed tlndei standald lab<mltory (<)l/dili<)lls: _1_Ilia] perll)llTlal/Ce ilia} \ill /_
NOTE: Substances tx.duced a_e not necex-afil} in }_)m waw_ Fiher must be mainl_fined acc<)_ding t_) manuta(ul_er's instructions, including _eplacement <)[filter cartridges.
V_kRNING: I)o not use with water that is micr<ff)i(dogJ(:alh un_lk, or of unkno_n qualil_ with<)tlt adequam disi_flcction befi_lc or aher the _t_mln. S)_lems (ertitied fiw (_t lcdu(fion may be
u_,t,d on disintc(ted waml3 that comain filmlahle c)_lb.
Avg. 1 Max.
InstMladon Instructions.
Impotent _nstMl_tion Recommendations
WARNING:_ead entire manuaL Failure to follow all guides and rules could cause personal injury or property damage.
[] Chock witfl your local public works department forplumfling codes, Youmust follow the#guides as you install the Water Filtration system.
Tools and Materials Required for InstMlation
* Phi]lips screwdriver
*T_o (2) a(!il*stab]e wre_lcbes
* Electric (]M]] m_d (]M]] bit to (]M]] 3/4" bole (t}_:)e as req_fired) if mom_th_g bole is _ee(]!ed for timcet
* ]i/]i6" drill bit (optio_a] tbr pilot holes)
* ff _o_r mah_ w_ter ]h_e is a _Jgid pipe, )o_ _ri]] req_fire a compressio_ fitth_g m_d possibly other [:)bmfl)h_g hardware to complete
the i_sta]Iatiom
CAUTION:Toa oiddamagingt,esink, onsulta ua/i iedplum erorinstallerford Hingprocedures.Specia!dril! itsmay
be needed for porcelain or stainless steel
ContentsIncluded with the Product
* Water ti] ter system _ssem hi), i_ c] _(]!i _ g m o m_ ti _ g screw
* Feed w_ter ad_q:)ter m_d s_q:)p]y wdve
* F_mcet assembly %ri[h eIectrolfic base molfitor a_(]! mbh_g

InstMladon lnsttucdons.
FeedWaterMapter andSupplyValve
(Utilizingexistingkitchen sinkwater supply valve[A] andremovablefaucettubing[B])
For!/2-incfl and 3/8-incfl instellations
I, Re{e_" to Fij4 1 to com_)]ete..... assemb]_, de_)e_dim_, om_ slq_p]_ ",'_]','e size (_).
2. Tin'l/off die COI,D _V{IteY SI[[)p]) v:_ive (A).
3, li h_scl"ew d_e exisfi_g _i_ucetmbi_g ]i_e (g) from d_e slq_p]yv_dve(A), COLD side o_fly.NOYE'Forn_]idp/pe,see C. Optional/nsta//ation
on page 7.
For 3/8-inch Valve For 1/2-inch Valve
(B}Faucettubing (B)Faucettubing
I--- line(netincluded) (I) Nut
l (H)Ferrule
(D)Coupling (F)Inletvalve _tf" (D)Coupling
@ Fig. 2
(F)Met valve @ (F)Met valve
valve(not included)
Fig. 1
valve(not included)