INSTALLER: Leave this manual with the appliance.
CONSUMER: Retain this manual for future reference.
WARNING: iftheinformation
in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury
or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinitg of this or ang other appliance.
[] Do not trg to light a match, or cigarette,
or turn on ang gas or electrical appliance.
[]Do not touch ang electrical switch;
do not use ang phone in gour building.
[] Clear the room, building or area of all
[] Immediatelg call gout gas supplier from
a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions carefullg.
ANSI Z21103 CSA 43
] lf gou cannot reach gour gas supplier,
call the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be performed bg a qualified installer,
service agencg or the gas supplier.
WARNING! or oursafety,
the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock,
or to prevent propertg domoge, personol injurg or loss of life.
Error codes,
Thiswater heater hasthe abilitgto check its own operation continuouslg. If a fault occurs,an error code will flash on the
displag of the remote control onlg when the water isrunning. Thisassistswith diagnosing the fault, and mag enable gou to
overcome a problem without a servicecall. Pleaseidentifg the code displaged when inquiring about service.
Error Code Table
WARNING: Some of the checks below mag
need to be done bg a qualified service technician.
02 No burner operation during freeze
protection mode
10 Air supplg or exhaust blockage
11 No ignition
12 Flame failure
14 Thermal fuse
16 Over temperature warning
LC(001 Scale buildup in heat exchanger No code Nothing happens when water flow is activated
Checkthat the gas isturned on at the water heater,gas meter or cglindeE
Ifthesgstem is propane, make sure gas is inthe tank.
Callfor service.
EnsureGE-approved venting materials are being used. Checkthat nothing is blocking the flue inlet or exhaust. Checkall vent components for proper connections. Checkthat the gas isturned on at the water heater,gas meter or cglindeE
Ifthesgstem is propane, make sure gas is inthe tank.
Ensureappliance is properlg grounded. Checkthat the gas isturned on at the water heater,gas meter or cglindeE
Checkfor obstructions in the flue outlet. If the sgstem ispropane, make sure gas is in the tank.
Ensureappliance is properlg grounded. Callfor service.
Checkfor restrictions in air flow around unit and vent outlet. Checkfor foreign materials in exhaust piping.
Callfor service.
Seepage 11 for Flushing Procedures. Clean inletwater supplg filtec On new installations, ensure hot and cold water linesare not reversed.
Ensuregou have at least the minimum flow rate required to firethe unit.
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