Safety Instructions ............. 2,s
Operating Instructions
Control Panels ...................... 4, 5
Control Settings ..................... 6, 7
Features ........................... 8-10
Loading and Using the Washer .... 10, 11
Cleaning the Washer ............. 12-14
Installation Instructions ..... 15-20
Preparing to Install Your Washer ...... 15
Rough-In Dimensions ................. 16
Location of Your Washer ............. 16
Unpacking Your Washer .............. 17
Drain Requirements .................. 18
Electrical Requirements ............... 18
Water Supplg Requirements .......... 18
Installing the Washer ............. 19, 20
Replacement Parts ................... 20
Troubleshooting Tips ......... 2t-24
Consumer Support
Warrantg ............................ 25
Service Telephone Numbers .......... 28
As an ENERGYSTAR®partner,
GE has determined that this
product meets the ENERGYSTAR®
guidelinesforenergg efficiencg.
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Youcan find them on 6 label on the
side of the washer.
12/08/09 GE

WARNING! or.,,our in,:ormo ionin ,ismon.o mus minimi ris,
of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury or
loss of life.
Theinstructions in this manual and all other literature included with this washer are
not meant to cover every possible condition and situation that may occur. Good, safe
practices and caution MUSTbe applied when installing, operating and maintaining
any appliance.
Undercertain conditions,hydrogen gas may beproduced ina water heaterthat has not beenused for two weeks
or more.Hydrogen gas can be explosiveunder thesecircumstances.
Ifthe hot water hasnot beenusedfor two weeksor more,prevent the possibilitgof damage or injurgbg
turning on all hot water faucets and allowingthem to run for severalminutes. Dothis before usingang electrical
appliance which isconnected to the hot water sgstem.Thissimple procedurewill allow ang built-up hgdrogen
gas to escape.Sincethe gas isflammable, do not smoke or usean open flameor applianceduring this process.
Thiswasher must beproperly installedand located inaccordance with the InstallationInstructions beforeit is used.
[] Installor storewhere itwill not beexposed [] Properlyground washerto conformwith allgoverning
to temperaturesbelowfreezingor exposed codesand ordinances.Followdetailsin Installation
to the weather,which couldcausepermanent Instructions.
damage andinvalidatethe warranty.
[] Keepthe area underneath and around gout
appliances free of combustible materials such as
lint, paper,rags and chemicals.
[] Do not leave the washer door open.An open door
could enticechildren to hang on the door or crawl
insidethe washer.
[] Closesupervision isnecessarg ifthis appliance is
used bgor near children.Do not allow children to
plag on,with or inside this or ang other appliance.

onlyfor its
this Owner's
Never reach into washer while it is moving.
Wait until the machine has completelg stopped
before opening the door.
Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia
or acids such as vinegar and/or rust remover.
Mixing different chemicals can produce a toxic
gas which mag cause death.
Do not wash or drg articles that have been
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in or spotted
with combustible or explosive substances (such as
wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degreasers, drg-cleaning
solvents, kerosene, etc.) which mag ignite or
explode. Do not add these substances to the
wash water. Do not use or place these substances
around gour washer or drger during operation.
The laundry process can reduce the flame
retardancg of fabrics. To avoid such a result,
carefullg follow the garment manufacturer's
wash and care instructions.
To minimize the possibilitg of electric shock,
unplug this appliance from the power supplg
or disconnect the washer at the building's
distribution panel bg removing the fuse or
switching off the circuit breaker before
attempting ang maintenance or cleaning. NOTE:
Pressing the power button does NOT disconnect
the appliance from the power supplg.
Never attempt to operate this appliance
if it isdamaged, malfunctioning, partially
disassembled, or has missing or broken parts,
including a damaged cord or plug.
Do not slam the washer door closed. Do not trg
to force the door open when locked (LOCKED
indicator ON).This could result in damage to
the washer.
Thewasher isequipped with an electrical
overload protector. The motor will stop
if it becomes overheated. The washer will
automaticallg restart after a cool-down
period of upto 2 hours, if the washer
has not been manuallg turned off
during this time.
Turn off water faucets to relieve pressure on
hoses and valves and to minimize leakage if
a break or rupture should occur. Check the
condition of the fill hoses; GErecommends
changing the hoses everg 5 gears.
Before discarding a washer, or removing it
from service, remove the washer door to prevent
children from hiding inside.
[] Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of
this appliance unless specifically recommended
in this Owner's Manual, or in published user-repair
instructions that gou understand and have the
skills to carrg out.
[] Do not tamper with controls.

About the washer control panel.
Find the illustration that closely matches your mode! and see the cycle descriptions starting on page 6 for details.
o •

• •

About the washer control panel.
press to "wake up" the displag. Ifthe displag is active, press to put the washer into standbg mode.
NOTE: Pressing POWER does not disconnect the appliance from the power supply.
Wash Cycles
The wash cgcles are optimized for specific tgpes of wash loads. The chart below will help gou match
the wash setting with the loads. The GentleCleaff _ lifters lightlg tumble the clothes into the water and
detergent solution to clean the load.
WHITES For heavilg to lightlg soiled white cottons, household linens, work and plag clothes.
COLORS/NORMAL For heavg to lightlg soiled colorfast cottons, household linens, work and plag
STAINWASH For heavg soiled colorfast cottons, household linens, work and plag clothes.
EASYCARE Forwrinkle-free and permanent press items.
(some models)
ACTIVEWEAR For active sports, exercise and some casual wear clothes. Fabrics include modern
(some models) technologg finishes and fibers such as spandex, stretch and micro-fibers.
DELICATES For lingerie and special-care fabrics with light to normal soil. Provides gentle
(some models) tumbling and soak during wash and rinse.
HANDWASH For items labeled hand-washable with light soils. Provides gentle rocking to mimic
the handwashing action.
WASHABLE Forthe washing of machine washable wool products, provided that theg are
WOOLS washed according to the instructions on the garment label. When selecting this
(some models) cgcle, gou must use a detergent suitable for washing wool.
MY CYCLE Pressto use, create or modifg custom wash cgcles.
(some models)
SPEEDWASH For lightlg soiled items that are needed in a hurrg. Cgcle time isapproximatelg
30 minutes, depending on selected options.
DRAIN & SPIN Drain and spin at any time.
RINSE& SPIN To quicklg rinse out ang items at ang time.

Soil Level
Changing the SOIL LEVELincreases or decreases the wash time to remove different amounts of soil.
To change the SOIL LEVEL,press the SOIL LEVEL button until gou have reached the desired setting.
Spin Speed
Changing the SPIN SPEEDchanges the final spin speed of the cgcles. Alwags follow the fabric
manufacturer's care label when changing the SPIN SPEED.
To change the SPIN SPEED,press the SPIN SPEED button until gou have reached the desired setting.
Higher spin speeds are not available on certain cgcles, such as Delicates.
Higher spin speeds remove more water from the clothes and will help reduce drg time, but mag also
increase the possibilitg of setting wrinkles on some fabrics.
Wash Temp
Adjust to select the proper water temperature for the wash cgcle. The prewash and rinse water is
alwags cold to help reduce energg usage and reduce setting of stains and wrinkles.
Follow the fabric manufacturer's care label when selecting the wash temperature.
To change the wash temperature, press the WASH TEHP button until gou have reached the desired
setting. The Sanitized wash temperature is not available on certain cgcles, such as Delicates.
When selecting the Sanitizewash temperature (on some models), the washer increases the water
temperature to sanitize and kill more than 99% of mung common bacteria found in home laundrg. The
sanitize wash temperature is onlg available on Stain Wash and Whites wash cgcles. For best results,
the heavg soil setting when using the Sanitize wash temperature setting.
NOTE: The first !0 seconds of the wash fill is always cold. This feature assists in conditioning the fabric
and preventing stains from setting on garments.
Pressto start o wash cgcle. If the washer is running, pressing it once will pause the washer and unlock
the door. Pressagain to restart the wash cgcle.
NOTE:If the washer is paused and the cycle is not restarted within 2 hours, the current wash cycle will
be cancelled.
NOTE:The washer performs automatic system checks after pressing the STARTbutton. Water will flow
in 45 seconds or less. You may hear the door lock and unlock before water flows; this is normal.

About the washer features.
NOTE:Features may not be available on all washer models.
Cycle Signal
Usethe SIGNALbutton to change Pressthe button until gou reach
the volume ofthe end ofcgcle signal, the desired volume.
Prewash Ion some models)
Prewashisan extra wash before
the main wash. Useit for heavilg soiled
clothes orfor clothes with a care label
that recommends prewashing before
washing. Besureto add high-efficiencg
Extra Rinse
Usean extra rinsewhen additional rinsing
isdesiredto remove excessdirt and
detergent from soiled loads.
Delay Start (on some models)
Youcan delagthestart of awash cgcle
for 10-18 hours,depending onthe model.
Pressthe DELAYSTARTbutton to choose
the numberof hours gou want to delag
the start of the cgcle,then pressthe START
button.The machine willcount down and
start automaticallg at the correct time.
detergent, or the proper wash additive
to the prewash dispenser.
NOTE:When selecting prewash,
it is recommended to use powder
detergent in the main wash (detergent)
NOTE:Ifyou forget to fullyclosethe door,
a reminder signalwill beepremindingyou
to do so.
NOTE:Ifyou open thedoor when the delay
iscounting down, the machine willenter
thepause state.Youmustclosethe door
and pressSTARTagain in orderto restart
Youcan lock the controls to prevent ang
selections from being made. Orgou can
lockthe controls after gou have started
a cgcle.
Children cannot accidentally start
the washer by touching pads with
this option selected.
To lockthe washer, pressand hold
the DELAYSTARTbutton for 3 seconds
(onsome models useSIGNALbutton).
To unlockthe washer controls, press
and hold the DELAYSTARTbutton for
3 seconds.
Thecontrol lock icon on the displagwill
light up when it is on.
NOTE:The POWERbutton can still be
used when the machine is locked.
MY CYCLE (on some models)
ii_iii_iiill_I i__ !_ ii_i_
Tosavea favoritecgcle,setthe desired
settingsforwash cgcle,soillevel,spinspeed
and washtemp settingsand holddownthe
NOTE: When using MY CYCLE, wash
options cannot be modified after the
cycle has been started.
MYCYCLEbutton for3 seconds.Abeepwill
soundto indicatethecgclehas beensaved.
NOTE:If you change wash options with
MYCYCLEbefore starting the cycle, the
To usegour custom cgcle,pressthe
MYCYCLEbutton beforewashing a load.
MYCYCLElight will turn off and you will
be returned to the base cycle.
Tochange the saved cgcle,set the desired
settings and hold down the MYCYCLE
button for 3 seconds.
BasketClean isa cgcle that freshens up
the insideof gour washer. The cgcle uses
bleachor other availablewashing
machine cleanersand morewater to
once evergmonth to reduceodor and
residuebuildup insidethe washer.
Formore information on BasketClean,
referto the Careand Cleaningsection
on page 12.
refresh gout washer. UseBasketClean

The Dispenser Drawer
Slowlyopen the dispenser drawer by pulling
it out until it stops.
After addinglaundry products,slowly dose
thedispenserdrawer.Closingthe drawer too
quicklycouldresultin earlydispensingof the
bleach,fabricsofteneror detergent.
i Only usethe PrewashCompartmentifyou
are selectingthe Prewashcyclefor heavily
soiledclothes.Add measureddetergentor
prewashadditiveto the backleft prewash
compartment of the dispenserdrawer.
[] Detergentor prewashadditive isflushed
from thedispenserinthe prewashcycle
Youmay seewater in thebleachand fabric
softenercompartmentsat theendof thecycle.
Thisis aresultofthe flushing/siphoningaction
and is part of thenormaloperationof the
NOTE:Liquiddetergentwill drain intothe
washerdrumas itis added.
[] Detergentusagemay needto be adjusted
for watertemperature,water hardness,size
and soil levelofthe load.Avoid usingtoo
muchdetergent inyour washerasit can lead
to oversudsinganddetergent residuebeing
lefton the clothes.
The Detergent Compartment
[]High-efficiency detergent is required
for this washer. Usethe detergent
manufacturer's recommendedamount.
Thedetergentselectioninsertmust beplaced
inthe detergentcompartment in a specific
positionaccordingto what type ofdetergent
you areusing.
m PowderDetergent-Placethe insert
in the rear position.ThePowderIcons_
mustline up oncenter when the insert
isinthe powderposition.
[] Liquid Detergent- Youwill needto adjust
the insertaccordingto the type ofLiquid
Detergentyou are using.The iconson the
sideof the detergentcompartment must line
up onthe center whenthe insertisin
NOTE:Not allmodels have the 2x and 3x
detergentsettings.Some have only regular
HEdetergentsettings. Youmust reducethe
amount of detergent for 2x or 3x detergent
per bottleinstructions.
The Liquid Bleach Compartment
IMPORTANT:The bleach compartment
position varies by model.Besure to identify
thecorrect compartment for bleach before
tf desired,measureout the recommended
amount of liquid bleach,not to exceed
1/5 cup(80ml),and pourinto the center
compartment labeled"LIQUIDBLEACH"
markedwith this symbol,/_,.
Hovethe insertby pullingit upand replace
it bysliding itdown betweeneither the rear
or front detergent compartment moldedrails,
asdesired,for powder or liquiddetergent.
[] Add measureddetergent to thefront left
detergent compartment ofthe dispenser
Detergentis flushedfrom the dispenser
at the beginningof thewash cycle.Either
powderedor liquiddetergent can be used.
Detergentusage may needto beadjusted
for watertemperature,water hardness,
sizeand soil levelof the load.Avoidusingtoo
muchdetergent in your washeras itcan lead
to oversudsingand detergent residuebeing
left onthe clothes.
[] Usingmore detergent than the
recommendedquantity cancause
residuebuildupon your washer.
Donot exceedthe maximumfill line.Overfilling
cancauseearlydispensingof the bleach which
couldresultin damagedclothes.
NOTE:Do notusepowderedbleachin the
Compartmentisontheright. 9

About the washer features.
The Fabric Softener Compartment
IMPORTANT:The fabric softener compartment
position varies by model. Be sure to identify
the correct compartment for fabric softener
tf desired,pour the recommendedamount
of liquidfabric softener into the comportment
Loading and using the washer.
Useonly liquidfabric softener inthe dispenser.
Dilutewith water to themaximum fill line.
Donot exceedthe maximumfill line.Overfilling
cancauseearlydispensingof the fabric softener
which could stain clothes.
NOTE:Do notpour fabricsoftener directly
on the wash load.
Always follow fabric manufacturer's core label when laundering.
Sorting Wash Loads
Sort laundry into loads that can be washed together.
Colors Soil Fabric Lint
Whites Heavy Delicates Lint Producers
Lights Normal Easy Care Lint Collectors
Barks Light Sturdy Cottons
[] Combine large and small items in a load. Load large items first. Large items should not be more than
half the total wash load.
[] Washing single items is not recommended. This may cause an out-of-balance load. Add one or two
similar items.
[] Pillows and comforters should not be mixed with other items. This may cause an out-of-balance load.
Pre Clothes
[] To avoid snags during washing.
Follow these steps to maximize garment care.
Closegarment zippers, snaps, buttons and hooks.
Mend seams, hems, tears.
Empty all items from pockets.
Remove nonwashable garment accessories such as ornaments and nonwashable trim materials.
[] To avoid tangling, tie strings, draw ties and belt-like materials.
[] Brush away surface dirt and lint; treat spots and stains.
[] Promptly wash wet or stained garments to maximize results.
[] Mix garments using recommended maximum load sizes on page !!.
[] Use nylon mesh garment bags to wash small items.
[] Wash multiple garments at one time for best results.

Loading the Washer
Wash drum may be fully loaded with loosely added
items. Do not wash fabrics containing flammable
materials (waxes, cleaning fluids, etcJ.
Maximum Lauding Sizes*
4 Jeans
5 Workwear Shirts
5 Workwear Pants
2 Bath Sheets
10 Bath Towels/
12 Washcloths
7 Hand Towels/
2 Terrycloth
Bath Mats
2 Flat Queen-Sized
2 Fitted Queen-
Sized Sheets
4 Pillowcases
4 Pillowcases
2 Hand Towels
2 Flat Sheets/
2 Fitted Sheets
2 Bath Towels/
4 Washcloths
6 Shirts (Men's
or Women's)
4 Pair Pants
or Twills)
5 T-Shirts
7 Pairs of Boxers
4 Pairs of Shorts
6 T-Shirts
4 Pairs of
4 Sweatshirts
2 Hoodies
7 Pairs of Socks
To add items after washer has started, press
START/PAUSEand wait until the door is unlatched.
The washer may take up to 30 seconds to unlock
the door after pressing START/PAUSEdepending
on the machine conditions. Do not try to force open
the door when it is locked. After the door unlocks,
open gently. Add items, close the door and press
START/PAUSEto restart.
7 Bras
7 Panties
3 Slips
2 Camisoles
4 Nightgowns
2 Casual Wear
Work Shirts
! Pair Casual Wear
Work Pants
3 Soccer Uniforms
*Exceeding maximum recommended load sizes may affect cleaning performance and garment care.
**Using a nylon mesh bag for small items is recommended.

Cleaning the washer.
Careand Cleaning
Exterior: ImmediatelLl wipe off anLl spills. Wipe with damp cloth. Do not hit surface with sharp objects.
Moving and Storage: Ask the service technician to remove water from drain pump and hoses.
Do not store the washer where it will be exposed to the weather. When moving the washer,
the tub should be kept stationurg bLlusing the shipping bolts removed during installation.
See Installation Instructions in this book. If these parts are not available, theg can be ordered
bg visiting our Website at GEAppliunces.com or bg calling 800.GE.CARES.
Long Vacations: Be sure the water supplg is shut off at the faucets. Drain all water from the hoses if the
weather will be below freezing.
Cleaning the interior
of the Washer
To clean the interior of the washer, select
the BasketClean feature on the control
panel. The cgcle will use more water,
in addition to bleach, to refresh gout
NOTE:Readthe instructions below
completelLl before starting the
1. Remove any garments or objects from
the washer and ensure the washer
basket is emptLl.
2. Open the washer door and pour
one cup or 250 ml of liquid bleach
or other washing machine cleaner
into the basket.
. Close the door and select the
BasketClean cgcle. Pushthe START
4. When the BasketClean cLlcle is
working, Llouwill see CLn on the
displuLl.The cLlclewill complete in
about 90 minutes. Do not interrupt
the cLlcle.
5. After the cgcle is complete, leave
the door open slightlLl for better
If for anLlreason the cLlcle needs to
be interrupted, the door will not open
immediatelLl. Forcing open the door at
this stage mall cause water to flood.
The door will open after the water is
drained to a level where it would not
flood the floor.
BasketClean mall be interrupted
bll pressing the START/PAUSEbutton
in between cllcles. A power outage in
the house might also interrupt the cllcle.
When the power supplll is back, the
BasketClean cllcle resumes where it had
stopped. When interrupted, be sure to run
a complete BasketClean cllcle before
using the washer. If the POWER button
is pressed during BasketClean, the cllcle
will be lost.
[] Run BasketClean with 1 Cup
(250 ml) of bleach once a month.
[] After the completion of a BasketClean
cllcle, the interior of llour washer mall
have a bleach smell.
[] It is recommended to run a light color
load after the BasketClean cllcle.

Cleaning the Pump Filter
Due to the nature of the front-load washer,
it issometimes possible for small articles
to pass to the pump. The washer has a
filter to capture lost items so they are not
dumped to the drain. To retrieve lost items,
clean out the pump filter.
1. Using a coin or flat screwdriver
in the notch on the door, open
the access door.
2. Place a shallow pan or dish under
the pump access door and towels
on the floor in front of the washer to
protect the floor. It is normal to catch
about a cup of water when the filter
is removed.
3. Pull down the pour spout.
Turn the pump filter counterclockwise
and remove the filter. Open slowly to
allow the water to drain.
Clean the debris from the filter.
Replace the filter and turn clockwise.
Tighten securely.
7. Flip up the pour spout.
8. Close the access door.
Cleaning the Door Gasket
Open the washer door. Using both hands,
press down the door gasket. Remove any
foreign objects if found trapped inside
the gasket. Hake sure there is nothing
blocking the holes behind the gasket.
While holding down the door gasket,
inspect the interior gasket by pulling it
down with your fingers. Remove any
foreign objects if found trapped inside
this gasket. Hake sure there is nothing
blocking the holes behind the gasket.
When you are finished cleaning
the door gasket, remove your
hands and the gasket will return
to the operating position.

Cleaning the washer,
Locktabisvisible onlyafter drawer
Dispenser Drawer Area: Detergent and fabric softener mag build up
in the dispenser drawer. Residue should be removed once or twice a month.
[] Remove the drawer bg first pulling it out until it stops. Then reach back into
the left rear corner of the drawer cavitg and press down firmlg on the lock
tab, pulling out the drawer.
I Remove the inserts from the bleach and fabric softener compartments and
the detergent insert. Rinsethe inserts and the drawer with hot water to
remove traces of accumulated laundrg products.
[] To clean the drawer opening, use a small brush to clean the recess. Remove
all residue from the upper and lower parts of the recess.
[] Return inserts to the proper compartments. Replace the dispenser drawer.

I structi
j If you hove any questions, call 800.GE.CARE5(800.452.2757) orvisitour Website at:6EApplionces.com J
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
. IH PORTANT - Savetheseinstructions
for local inspector's use.
" IM PORTJ_NT - Observe all governing
codes and ordinances,
. Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer.
, Note to Consumer - Keepthese instructions
for future reference.
, Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires
basic mechanical and electrical skills.
, Completion time - 1-3 hours
, Proper installation isthe responsibility of the installer.
, Product failure due to improper installation is not
covered under the Warranty.
[] !/4" nut driver
[] 3/8" socket with ratchet
[] 3/8" open-end wrench
[] Adjustable wrench or 7/!6" socket with ratchet
[] Adjustable wrench or 9/!6" open-end wrench
[] Channel-lock adjustable pliers
[] Carpenter's level
[] CableTie
[] Water Hoses(2)
, This appliance must be properly grounded and
installed as described in these Installation Instructions.
, Do not install or store the appliance in an area where
it will be exposed to water/weather. Seethe Location
of Your Washer section.
NOTE:This appliance must be properly
grounded, and electrical service to the washer
must conform with local codes and ordinances
and the latest edition of the National Electrical
Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
[] HoseGuide
A stack bracket kit is available at additional cost.
It can be ordered inthe United States by visiting
our website at GEAppliances.com or calling
800.GE.CARES.Order kit #WE25X!00!8 or GEFLSTACK.

Installation Instructions
Do Not Install the Washer:
1.In an area exposed to dripping water or outside
weather conditions. The ambient temperature should
never be below 60°F (15.6°C)for proper washer
2.In an area where it will come in contact with curtains
or drapes.
3.On carpet. The floor MUSTbe a hard surface with
a maximum slope of 1/2" per foot (1.27cm per
30 cm).To make sure the washer does not vibrate
or move, you may have to reinforce the floor.
NOTE:If floor is in poor condition, use 3/a" impregnated
plywood sheet solidly attached to the existing floor
Minimum Installation Clearances
. When installed in alcove: Sides, Rear,
Top = 0" (0 cm)
, When installed in closet: Sides, Rear,
Top = 0" (0 cm), Front = 1" (2.54 cm)
• Closet door ventilation openings required:
2 louvers each 60 square in. (387 cm2),located 3"
(7.6cm) from top and bottom of door
._ (68.6cm) _-
20.4"(51.9cm) _l
%_ ® OOo J
(772 cm)
_" (3.9cm)
*NOTE:With pedestal,62.6"
........................................[ t ......