GE GLDT696DSS, GLDT690DWW, GLDT690DBB Owner's Manual
Safety Instructions
Operating Instructions
Control Panels and Settings .... 6,7
Loading the
Dishwasher Racks ...............10
Using the Dishwasher ..........8, 9
Care Instructions
Care and Cleaning ...........11, 12
Troubleshooting Tips
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .............. 16
Warranty ....................... 15
......... 2-5
. . . 13–15
Owner’s Manual
GLDT690 Series GLDT696 Series
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model # ___________________ Serial # ____________________
You can find them on a label on the tub wall just inside the door.
49-55074-1 10-11 GE
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, and to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been used for two or more weeks. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE.
If the hot water has not been used for two or more weeks, prevent the possibility of damage or injury by turning on all hot water faucets and allow them to run for several minutes. Do this before using any electrical appliance connected to the hot water system. This simple procedure will allow any built-up hydrogen gas to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not smoke, use an open flame, or use the appliance during this process.
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with your dishwasher, you can receive one by visiting our website at
Connect the dishwasher/appliance to a grounded
metal, permanent wiring system; or run an equipment-grounding conductor with the circuit conductors and connect to the equipment­grounding terminal or lead of the appliance.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly grounded.
Dispose of discarded appliances and shipping or
packing material properly.
Do not attempt to repair or replace any part
of your dishwasher unless it is specifically recommended in this manual. All other servicing should be referred to a qualified technician.
To minimize the possibility of electric shock,
disconnect this appliance from the power supply before attempting any maintenance.
NOTE: Turning the dishwasher off does not
disconnect the appliance from the power supply. We recommend having a qualified technician service your appliance.
CAUTION: To prevent minor injury or property damage
Contents washed in Anti-bacterial mode, if
available, may be hot to the touch. Use care before handling.
Using a detergent that is
not specifically designed for dishwashers will cause the dishwasher to fill with suds.
If your dishwasher is connected to a
wall switch, ensure that the switch is on prior to use.
On dishwashers with electronic
controls, if you choose to turn the wall switch off between wash cycles, allow 5–10 seconds after turning the switch on
before touching ON/OFF to allow the control to reboot.
Non-Dishware Items: Do not wash items such
as electronic air cleaner filters, furnace filters and paint brushes in your dishwasher. Damage to dishwasher and discoloration or staining of dishwasher may result.
Close supervision is necessary if this appliance
is used by or near children.
Load light, plastic items so they will not become
dislodged and drop to the bottom of the dishwasher³they might come into contact with the heating element and be damaged.
Para su seguridad, debe cumplirse con la información de este manual a fin de minimizar el riesgo de incendio o explosión, descarga eléctrica o para prevenir daños a la propiedad, lesiones personales o la muerte.
Bajo ciertas condiciones, puede producirse gas de hidrógeno en un calentador de agua que no se ha usado durante dos semanas o más. EL GAS DE HIDRÓGENO ES EXPLOSIVO.
Si el agua caliente no se ha utilizado por dos semanas o más, evite la posibilidad de daños o lesiones abriendo todos los grifos de agua caliente y dejándolas correr durante varios minutos. Haga esto antes de utilizar cualquier aparato eléctrico que se encuentre conectado al sistema de agua caliente. Este simple procedimiento permitirá que se libere cualquier clase de acumulación de gas de hidrógeno. Ya que el gas es inflamable, no fume o utilice una llama abierta o un aparato durante este proceso.
Este lavaplatos debe instalarse de manera adecuada y ubicarse de acuerdo con las Instrucciones de Instalación antes de comenzar el uso. Si usted no ha recibido una página de Instrucciones de instalación con su lavaplatos, puede obtener una visitando nuestro sitio Web en
Conecte el lavaplatos/aparato a un sistema de
cableado permanente con conexión a tierra o debe utilizarse un conductor de conexión a tierra del equipamiento con los conductores de circuito, y debe conectarse a la terminal de conexión a tierra o conductor del aparato.
Una conexión inadecuada del conductor de conexión
a tierra de equipo puede provocar un riesgo de descarga eléctrica. Consulte a un electricista calificado o representante de servicio técnico si tiene dudas sobre la correcta conexión a tierra del aparato.
Elimine los aparatos que no va a utilizar más y el
material de empaque o envío como corresponde.
No intente reparar o cambiar ninguna pieza de
su lavaplatos a menos que esté específicamente recomendado en este manual. Cualquier otro servicio debe realizarlo un técnico calificado.
Para minimizar la posibilidad de una descarga
eléctrica, desconecte este aparato de la fuente de energía antes de realizar cualquier clase de mantenimiento.
NOTA: Apagar el lavaplatos no desconecta el aparato
del suministro de energía. Recomendamos que un técnico calificado realice el servicio técnico de su aparato.
PRECAUCIÓN: Para evitar lesiones menores y daños a la propiedad
Los elementos lavados en el modo anti-bacterial, si
se encuentra disponible, pueden quedar calientes al tacto. Tenga cuidado antes de tocarlos.
Utilizar un detergente no
diseñado específicamente para lavaplatos provocará que el aparato se llene de espuma.
Si su lavaplatos se encuentra
conectado a un interruptor de pared, verifique que el interruptor se encuentre encendido antes del uso.
En lavaplatos con controles electrónicos,
si usted elije apagar el interruptor de pared entre ciclos de lavado, deje pasar 5-10 segundos después de encender el interruptor antes de presionar ON/OFF para permitir que el control se inicie.
Elementos no aptos para lavaplatos: No lave
elementos como filtros de limpiadores de aire electrónicos, filtros de hornos y pinceles de pintura en su lavaplatos. Pueden producirse daños en el lavaplatos y decoloración o manchas en el aparato.
Se requiere una supervisión estricta cuando cualquier
aparato es utilizado por niños o en su cercanÌa.
Cargue elementos livianos y plásticos de modo que
no se desplacen y caigan al fondo del lavaplatos, ya que pueden entrar en contacto con el elemento calentador y dañarse.
Junked or abandoned dishwashers are dangerous… even if they will sit for “just a few days.” If you are getting rid of your old dishwasher, please follow the instructions below to help prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old Dishwasher:
Take off the door of the washing compartment
or remove the door latch keeper (as shown).
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose
as described in this Owner’s Manual.
Use only powder, tabs, liquid detergents or rinse
agents recommended for use in a dishwasher and keep them out of the reach of children. Cascade®, Cascade® Complete Automatic Dishwashing Detergents, and and Cascade Crystal Clear® rinse agents) have been approved for use in all GE dishwashers.
Locate sharp items so that they are not likely
to damage the door seal.
Load sharp knives with the handles up to reduce
the risk of cut-type injuries.
Do not wash plastic items unless marked
“Dishwasher Safe” or the equivalent. For plastic items not so marked, check the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Do not touch the heating element during or
immediately after use.
When using your dishwasher, follow basic precautions, including the following:
Hold nut at top of dishwasher while removing screw
Door latch keeper
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place.
Do not tamper with controls.Do not abuse, sit on or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not allow children to play around dishwasher
when opening or closing door due to the possibility of small fingers being pinched in door.
Do not discard a dishwasher without first removing
the door of the washing compartment or the door latch.
Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not allow children to play with, on or inside this
appliance or any discarded appliance.
Un lavaplatos desechado o abandonado resulta peligroso…aún si quedará en un lugar por “sólo unos días”. Si va a desechar su viejo lavaplatos, siga las siguientes instrucciones para prevenir accidentes..
Antes de desechar su viejo lavaplatos:
Quite la puerta del compartimento de lavado
o saque la traba de la puerta (como puede verse).
Use este aparato sólo con el objetivo para el que
fue creado, como se describe en este Manual del Propietario.
Utilice sólo detergentes en polvo, líquido o tabletas
o agentes de enjuague recomendados para uso en lavaplatos y manténgalos alejados del alcance de los niños. Los detergentes para lavaplatos automáticos Cascade®, Cascade® Complete, y los agentes de enjuague Cascade Crystal Clear® han sido aprobados para el uso en todos los lavaplatos GE..
Ubique los elementos filosos de modo que no
dañen el sellado de la puerta.
Cargue cuchillos filosos con los mangos hacia
arriba para reducir el riesgo de una lesión personal.
No lave elementos plásticos a menos que
estén marcados como aptos para lavaplatos o equivalente. En el caso de elementos plásticos que no estén marcados así, verifique las recomendaciones del fabricante.
Cuando use su lavaplatos, siga precauciones básicas de seguridad, incluyendo las siguientes:
Hold nut at top of dishwasher while removing screw
Traba de la puerta
No toque el elemento calentador durante el uso o
inmediatamente después de finalizar el uso.
No haga funcionar el lavaplatos a menos que
todos los paneles del recinto se encuentren en su lugar.
No altere o modifique los controles. No maltrate, ni se siente o se pare sobre la puerta
o bandejas de los platos del lavaplatos.
No permita que los niños jueguen alrededor del
lavaplatos cuando abra o cierre la puerta debido a la posibilidad de pellizcar sus dedos con la puerta.
No deseche el lavaplatos sin antes quitar la puerta
del compartimento de lavado o la traba de la puerta
No almacene o use materiales combustibles,
gasolina u otros vapores o líquidos inflamables cerca de este o cualquier otro aparato.
No permita que los niños jueguen sobre, con
o dentro de este o cualquier otro aparato desechado.
About the dishwasher control panel.
Control Settings
With door open, press ON/OFF button to turn the unit ON to begin operation and OFF at the end of a wash cycle. The ON/OFF light is displayed when the dishwasher is ON.
Wash Cycle Selections
Press SELECT button to choose wash cycle. The light under the cycle name will display to indicate which cycle has been selected.
on several factors including, but not limited to, inlet water temperature and household water pressure.
SANITIZE 4.8 gallons, 130 minutes This cycle is meant to sanitize dishes and glasses with added heat. If you select sanitize cycle, at the end
HEAVY 6.7 gallons, 125 minutes T
LIGHT 4.8 gallons, 78 minutes T GLASSES 3.9 gallons, 76 minutes T
SPEED 5.8 gallons, 78 minutes T
RINSE 1.9 gallons, 26 minutes F
cycle times and water usage information contained in this section are approximate values. Actual results will depend
of this cycle, the sanitized indicator will turn on .
his cycle is meant for heavily soiled dishes or cookware with dried-on or baked-on soils. This
cycle may not remove burned-on foods. Everyday dishes are safe to be used in this cycle.
NORMAL 3.8 gallons, 140 minutes
his cycle is meant for loads of everyday dishes, glasses and cookware with medium soils that have not been
his cycle is meant for loads of everyday dishes, glasses and cookware with light soils that have been pre-rinsed.
his cycle is meant for lightly soiled glassware. This cycle has less heating during the wash and rinse to protect
your glassware. This cycle also has a lower temperature heated dry.
his cycle is meant for loads of everyday dishes, glasses and cookware with medium soils that have not been pre-rinsed. This cycle features reduced wash times to allow for faster cycle completion. This cycle also has a reduced time heated dry.
or rinsing partial loads that will be washed later. Do not use detergent with this cycle. This cycle does not include heated dry.
Delay Start Option
This option allows you to delay the start of a wash cycle for up to 24 hours. With the door open, turn the dishwasher ON by pressing the ON/OFF button; then press the DELAY button to choose
the number of hours you want to delay the start of the wash cycle. The hours will show in the display window.
OTE: To cancel the DELAY HOURS option before the start of the cycle, repeatedly press the DELAY HOURS button
until the display is blank or reads “00.”
2 Digit Display
This display is used for DELAY START and cycle time countdown. When a cycle is selected, this display is populated with the total number of minutes in the cycle (up to 99 minutes).
For cycle times above 99 minutes the display will read “99”.
Starting a Cycle
After selecting the wash cycle (Step 2) and DELAY START (Step 3), if desired, close the door of the dishwasher to start the cycle or begin the DELAY START countdown. When the door is closed, there will be a 5 second delay followed by a 60 second pump out before the water fill begins.
Status Indicators
SANITIZED If the SANITIZE cycle is selected, the sanitized indicator light will be turned on at the end
of the cycle. If the NSF requirements for sanitization are not reached, the light will not turn on.
CLEAN If the door is NOT opened, the beep will sound 4 times.
The green light will display and a beep will sound to alert you that the wash cycle is complete.
Using the dishwasher.
Check the Water Temperature
The entering water should be at least 120°F and not more than 150°F for effective cleaning and to prevent dish damage. Check the water temperature with a candy or meat thermometer.
Turn on the hot water faucet nearest the dishwasher, place the thermometer in a glass and let the water run continuously into the glass until the temperature stops rising.
Use Cascade Crystal Clear® Rinse Agent
Cascade Crystal Clear® rinse agent removes spots and prevents new film buildup on your dishes, glasses,
flatware, cookware and plastic.
Filling the Dispenser
The rinse agent dispenser holds 3.5 oz. of rinse agent. Under normal conditions, this will last approximately one month. Try to keep it full, but do not overfill.
Make sure the dishwasher door is fully open.
Turn the dispenser cap to the left and lift it out.
Add rinse agent until the indicator window looks full.
Clean up any spilled rinse agent with a damp cloth.
Replace the dispenser cap.
Rinse Aid Setting
The amount of rinse agent released into the final wash can be adjusted. The factory setting is at the midpoint. If there are rings of calcium (hard water) spots on dishes, try a higher setting. If you observe foam in the final rinse, try a lower setting.
Dispenser cap
Adjustable setting
To adjust the setting
Remove the dispenser cap; then turn the adjuster counterclockwise to increase the amount of rinse agent or clockwise to reduce the amount of rinse agent dispensed.
Dish Preparation Prior to Loading
No prerinsing of normal food soil is required if using Heavy, Normal or Speed wash cycles.
Scrape off hard soils, bones, toothpicks, skins and seeds.
Remove large quantities of any remaining food.
Remove leafy vegetables, meat, trimmings and excessive amounts of grease or oil.
Remove acidic food soils that can discolor stainless steel.
Proper Use of Detergent
Use only detergent specifically made for use in dishwashers. Cascade® Automatic Dishwashing Detergent has been approved. Keep your detergent fresh and dry. Don’t put detergent into the dispenser until you’re ready to wash dishes.
The amount of detergent to use depends on whether your water is hard or soft. With hard water, you need extra detergent. With soft water, you need less detergent.
Protect your dishes and dishwasher by contacting your water department and asking how hard your water is. Twelve or more grains is extremely hard water. A water softener is recommended. Without it, lime can build up in the water valve, which could stick while open and cause flooding. Too much detergent with soft water can cause a permanent cloudiness of glassware, called etching.
Use the information in the table below as a guideline to determine the amount of automatic dishwasher detergent to place in the dispenser.
When using automatic dishwasher detergent tablets, simply place one tablet in the dispenser and close the cover.
of Grains
Less than 4
4 to 8
8 to 12
Greater than 12
Detergent Cups to Fill
15 cup 25 cup
15 and 25 cups
15, 25 cups and the open cup
Open cup
For heavily-soiled loads, use the HEAVY wash cycle and add a little extra detergent.
NOTE: Using a detergent that is not specifically
designed for dishwashers will cause the dishwasher to fill with suds. During operation, these suds will spill out of the dishwasher vents, covering the kitchen floor and making the floor wet.
Because so many detergent containers look alike, store the dishwasher detergent in a separate space from all other cleaners. Show anyone who may use the dishwasher the correct detergent and where it is stored.
While there will be no lasting damage to the dishwasher, your dishes will not get clean using a dishwashing detergent that is not formulated to work with dishwashers.
To open the wash cover, press the button and the cover will flip back.
Forget to Add a Dish?
A forgotten dish can be added any time before the main wash.
Unlatch the door to interrupt the cycle. Pull
the door handle to release the door.
Do not open the door until the water spray
action stops. Steam may rise out of the dishwasher.
Add forgotten dishes.
Close the door and push it in to relatch.
Loading the dishwasher racks.
For best dishwashing results, follow these loading guidelines. Features and appearance of racks and silverware baskets may vary from your model.
Upper Rack
The upper rack is for glasses, cups and saucers. This is also a secure place for dishwasher-safe plastics. A cup shelf may be placed in the up or down position to add flexibility. The upper rack is good for all kinds of odd-shaped utensils. Saucepans, mixing bowls and other items should be placed face down.
Secure larger dishwasher-safe plastics over two tines when possible. Make sure small plastic items are secure so they can’t fall onto the heater. Be sure that items do not protrude through the bottom of the rack and
block rotation of the middle spray arm. This could result in poor wash performance for items in the upper rack.
Lower Rack
When loading the lower rack, do not load large platters or trays in the front left corner. They may prevent detergent from circulating during the wash cycle.
The lower rack is best used for plates, saucers and cookware. Large
items should go along the sides. Load platters, pots and bowls along the sides, in corners or in the back. The soiled side of items should face the center of the rack.
Be careful not to let a portion of any item such as a pot or dish handle extend through the bottom rack. This could block the wash arm and cause poor washing results.
Three-piece basket
Through bottom
To remove end baskets, grasp the basket at opposite corners and slide apart.
Silverware Basket
The silverware basket may be used without the topper for quick loading. With the topper, flatware is better positioned for the dishwasher to thoroughly wash and dry all pieces by preventing nesting.
Without the topper
Put the flatware in the removable basket with fork and knife handles up to protect your hands. Place spoons in the basket with handles down. Mix knives, forks and spoons so they don’t nest together. Distribute evenly. Small plastic items, such as measuring spoons and lids from small containers, should go in the bottom of the silverware basket with silverware on top.
With the topper
Place small plastic items, such as measuring spoons and lids from small containers, in the bottom of the basket and snap the topper in place. Insert spoons and forks, handles first, through the holes in the topper. Place knives, blades first, through the holes in the topper.
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