GE GLD6560L00SS, GLD6500L00WW, GLD6500L00CC, GLD6500L00BB, GLD6360L00SS Owner’s Manual

ED WSO00 Series
PTl)W6000 Series GHDA 4 50 Series GHDA 650 Series
GLD4 l O0 Series GLD4200 Series GLI) 4 300 Series GLI) 55 O0 Series GLI) 5800 Series GLI) 62 O0 Series GLI) 6300 Series GI2) 65 O0 Series
Safety Instruc_tions ....... 2, 3
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning ......... 12
Control Panel and Settings . . 4-7
Loading Place Settings ...... 11
Loading tile Racks ......... 10
Optional Accessories ........ 11
Using tile Dishwasher ...... 8, 9
Troubleshooting Tips... l 3, 14
Write the model and serial
numbers here: Model # Serial #
Ybu can find them on the tub wall
just inside the dooi:
Consumer Support
(Mnsumer Support .... Back Coxer
Warranty ................. 15
165D4700P311 49-5987 05-05JR
Foryoursafety,the informationin this manualmustbefollowed tominimize the risk of fire or explosion,electric shock,or topreventpropertydamage,personalinjury,or death.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been
used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE.
If the hot water has not been used for two weeks or more, prevent tile possibility of damage or ii_jury by turning on all hot water faucets and allow them to run for several minutes. Do this
before using any electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water svstem. This simple procedure will allow any built-ui) hydrogen gas to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not
smoke or use _lll open flame or appliance during this process.
Use th& appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in th& Owner's Manual
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with your dishwasher, you can receive one by visiting our Website at
Connect to a grounded metal, permanent wiring system; or run an equil_ment-
grounding conductor with the circuit conductors and connect to the eqtfipment-
grounding terminal or lead of the appliance.
hnproper connection of the equii)ment-
grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified
electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is
properly grounded.
Use suI)ply conductors rated at least 75°C
Dispose of discarded appliances and shii)ping or packing material properly.
Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of your dishwasher unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual, All other servicing should be reterred to a qualified
To minimize the possibility of electric shock, disconnect this appliance fl'om the power
SUl)ply before attempting any maintenance.
NOTE:Turning the dishwasher oH does not
disconnect tile appliance from the power suI)ply. We recommend having a qualified
technician service your appliance.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door
or dish rack of the dishwasher.
Do not discard a dishwasher without first
rei/lo_,ing the door or i'elllO_,ing the door latch.
Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other
Do not allow children to play around dishwasher when opening or closing door
due to the possibility of small fingers being pinched in door.
Do not allow children to play with, on or inside this appliance or any discarded
applia nce.
Junked or abandoned dishwashers are
da ngerous...even if thev will sit for 'iJust a few days." If you are getting rid of wmr old
dishwasher; please follow the inst_ uctions below to help prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old Dishwasher:
Take off the door of the washing compartment or remove the door latch
keeper (as shown).
Door latch keeper
a, CAUTION: i.
Anti-Bacteria cycle may be hot to the touch.
Use care befl)re tmloading.
Use only powder, tabs, liquid detergents or rinse agents recommended for use in
a dishwasher and kee I) them Otlt of the reach of children. Cascade ® and ElectrasoP
Automatic Dishwashing Detergents, and
Jet-Dry _ and Cascade Crystal CleaW rinse agents have been approved for use in
all GE dishwashers.
Using a detergent that is not specifically designed tot dishwashers will cause the
dishwasher to fill with suds.
I,ocate sharp items so that they are not likely to damage the door seal.
i,oad sharp knives with the handles up to reduce the risk of cut-type ii_jm'ies.
Do not wash plastic items tmless marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For
plastic items not so marked, check the
Ilia n t I_;I ctt II'e I"S Fecoi_li/] endations,
Non-Dishware Items: Do not wash items such as electronic air cleaner filters, fiu'nace filters
and paint brushes in vom" dishwasher. Damage to dishwasher and discoloration
or staining of dishwasher may result.
Do not touch the heating element dm'ing or ilnlnediatelv after use.
Do not operate yore" dishwasher unless all enclosure panels are properly in place.
Close supervision is necessary if this appliance is used by or near children.
I,oad light, plastic items so thev will not become dislodged and drop to the bottom
of the dishwashe_they might come into contact with the heating element and be
If xour dishwasher is connected to a wall
switch, insure that the switch is on prior
to rise.
If wm choose to turn the switch off between wash cycles, allow 5-10 seconds after
turning the switch on befi)re touching the
START/RESETpadto allow the control to boot.
Aboutthe dishwashercontrol
panel. (Formodels with sensor. EDW6000Series,
GHDA650Series, GLD6200Series, GLD6300Series, and GLD6500Series)
Youcan locate your model number on the tub wall just inside the door. Throughout this manual, features and appearance
may vary from your model.
Cgcles Options o_tp.....
D n n
O tatusIndicator Lights
The Stares displa} tells _r_t_ _d_at S happenh Nowhile tile dislmasher is in openJtion and ma_ flash, indicating a malflmcfion (see page 8). Tile lights will come ON indicating tile sequence of operation the dishwasher is in.
SENSINGDisplayedwhilethe sens0rismeasuringtheam0unt0fs0ilandtemperature0fwater.
time RemainingDisplay/onsomemodels)
Dining operation, tile (fispla) sho_:s the mimltes remaining until the c) cle is complete. Tile displa_ _r _st tile remaining time \_hile fl_e sensing light is on. The time displ_tyed at file start of each Qvle _r change ti'om
the fi_ctorysetting asfl_eunit customizesitself to home use. During a (tekffstart, tile displa}willsho_ hom_ of time remaining until the cycle starts.
Thisdishwasherisequippedwithadirtandtemperaturesensor.Cyclelengthandtimewillvarydependingonthesoil levelandtemperature.
Heavy8.5gal.,84min. Medium7.3gal.,78min. Light6.1gal.,75min.
Thiscycleraisesthewatertemperatureinthefinalrinsetosanitizeyourdishware.Thecyclelengthwill van/
dependingonthetemperatureofyourinletwater. NOTE:TheAnti-Bacteriacycleis monitoredforsanitizationrequirements.Ifthecycleisinterruptedduringor
afterthemainwashportionoriftheincomingwatertemperatureissolowthatadequatewaterheatingcannot beachieved,thesanitizingconditionsmaynotbemet.Inthesecases,thesanitizedlightwillnotilluminateat
NOTE:NSFcertifiedresidentialdishwashersarenotintendedforlicensedfoodestablishments. Heavy10.9gal.,102min.
Medium8.5gal.,78rain. Light7.3gal.,73min.
Heavy8.5gal.,65min. Medium7.3gal.,60min. Light4.9gal.,49min.
(onsomemodels) CHINACRYSTAL 7.3gal.,48rain.
(onsomemodels) Thiscycleisforlightlysoiledchinaandcrystal. RINSEONLY 2.5gal.,12min.
NOTE:Only tile ,Mlfi-gactelia cttle has been dedg-ned to meet tile l_qtdrements of Section 6,
NSF184 for soil l_mo_al and sanidzafion efficacy.
Op ons
Thelightabove_e selee_dpadw_beON_ in_ca_ whichoptionhasbeenselee_
PRESCRUB Forusewithheavilysoiledand/ordried-on,baked-onsoils.ThisoptionMUSTbeselectedPRIORtostartingthe (onsomemodels) cycle.Thisoptionadds16minutesto thecycletime.NOTE:CannotbeselectedwithRINSEONLYcycle.
HEATEDDRY Shutsoffthedryingheatoption.Dishesairdrynaturallyandenergyissaved.Forfasterairdry,youcanprop LightOFF thedooropenaftertheCLEANlightilluminates.
HEATEDDRY Turnstheheateronforfastdrying.Thiswill extendthetotalruntimeby8minutesfortheSPEED LightON CYCLE,38minutesforNORMALandPOTS/PANS,and30minutesforallothercycles.NOTE:Cannotbe
startedacycle. Childrencannotaccidentallystartdishwasherbytouchingpadswiththisoptionselected.
HEA_DDRYpadwill turnon.ToUNLOCKthedishwashercontrol,touchandholdtheHEATEDDRYpadfor
ADDED Whenselected,thecyclewillrunlongerwiththeheatingelementontoimprovebothwashanddryperformance. HEAT NOTE:CannotbeselectedwithRINSEDNLYcycle.
DELAYHOURS Y_ucande_aythestart_fa_ashcyc_ef_rupt_9h_urs.T_uchtheDELAYHOURSpadt_ch__sethenumber_f
downandstartautomaticallyatthecorrecttime.TouchingSTART/RESETasecondtimewill cancelthe
RESET Tochangeacycleafterwashingstarts,touchtheSTART/RESETpadto cancelthecycle.TheSTART/RESETlight
willflashwhilethewaterispumpedoutifneeded.Thistakesapproximately90seconds.Whenthelightstops flashing,thedishwashercanbereprogrammedandrestarted.
D Start
Close and latch the dish_asher door and select the cycle and desired enhancements. Touch the START/RESETpad once to beg_n the cycle. Water beg-ins to fill fl_e disln_'ashel, and approximately 60 seconds later tile wash action
begins. Touching tile START/RESETpada second time will cancel the c\cle ail(] cause tim water to dndn ()tat. This
will take approximately 2 minutes.
NOTE:T]_e dish'_asher remembers your last cycle, so you, don't hme to reprognun each time. When the dish'_ asher door is fully closed, the control panel lights _ill displaytile last settings you selected.
If you don't x_ant to chan_,'e am', of tile setting,s, simi,)lv touch tile START/RESETpad once to begin the Qcle.
If tile door is closed, tile indicator lights will turn off if"the STAR'r/RESETpadis not pressed within two minutes. To actix_Jtethe displa:_,open and close tile door or toud_ all) pad.
_Mso,if a power fidlure ocous, NORMALand HEATEDDRYxdll automatically be prognunmed.
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