Safety Instructions ........ 2-4
Operating Instructions
Getting Started ............. 5
Shelves, Bins and
V_'ater Dispenser . ........... 6
Crispers and Pans ........... 7
Additional Features .......... 8
Automatic Icemaker ...... 9, 10
Care and Cleaning ....... 11,12
Replacing the Light Bulbs .... 12
Installation Instructions
Preparing to Install
the Refiigera tot . ........... 13
V\'ater Line Installation . . .l 4-1 7
Reversing rite Door Swing.. 18-21
Model 18
Troubleshooting Tips ... 22-24
Normal Operating Sounds . . .22
Consumer Support
_'arranty (Canadian) ....... 26
VVarranty (U.S.) ............ 27
Consumer Support ......... 28
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label on the
left side, near the top of the fl'eezer
COIllpa I'tlllen t.
162D9629PO07 49-60301 lO-03Jfl

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
This refl-igerator must be i)roperly installed
and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used.
Do not allow chiMren to climb, st;rod or hang
on the shelves in the reti-igerat(n: Thev could
damage the refrigerator and seriously iqjm'e
Do not touch tile cold sm_fi_ces in tile fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet.
Skin may stick to these extremely cold sm_hces,
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\_q)(n_ and liquids in tile vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
Do not reti'eeze fl'ozen toods which have
thawed completel>
In refl_Jgerat(n_ with automatic icemake_, avoid
contact with the moving parts of the ejector
mechanism, or with the heating element located
on tile bottom of tile icemaket: Do not place
fingeis or hands on the automatic icemaking
mechanism while the refl-igerator is i)lugged in.
Kee I) finget_ out ot tile "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the dooi_ and between
the doo_ and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be caretul closing dom_ when children are
in the area.
Uni)lug tile refrigerator befin'e cleaning and
making repai_.
NOTE."Westrongiy recommendthat anyservicingbe
performedbya quaiified individual
Before replacing a btlFned-otlt light bulb,
tml)lug tile refl'igemtor or tm'n off power at tile
drcuit breaker or fllse box in order to avoid
contact with a live wire filament. (A burned-out
light bulb may break when being replaced.)
_ Tm'ning the control to the OFFposifion does
not remove power to tile light circuit.

Child entr;q)ment and suffocation are not problen_s
of the past.Junked or abandoned refl_igeratm_ are
still dangerous...even if' they will sit for 'ijust a few
dm:s." If vou are getting rid of yore" old refl_igerator,
please follow the instrucOons below to hel I) prevent
_M1refl'igera0on products contain refrigerants,
which trader fecleral law must be removed prior
to product disposal. If wm are getting rid of an
old refl'igera0on product, check with the company
handling the disposal about what to do.
Before YouThrowAway YourOldRefrigerator
or Freezer:
Take off the dome.
iiiiiiiiii!I,eave the shelves in place so that children
may not easily climb inside.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend
against the use of an extension cord.
However, if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a UI,-listed (in the United
States) or a CSA cer0fied (in (,anada), . -_re ,gr°tmding, t_,l)e api)liance extension cord having a grotmding
type plug and outlet and that the electrical ra0ng of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 xolts.

Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety this appliance must be properly grounded.
Tile power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates
with a stnndard 3-prong (grotmding) wall outlet
to minimize tile possibility of electric shock hazard
from this appliance.
Have tile wall outlet and circuit checked by
a qualified electrician to make sure tile outlet
is properly grounded.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is
encotmtered, it is yore" personal responsibili_'
and obligation to have it replaced with a propedy
grotmded 3-prong wall outlet.
Tile refligerator should always be i)lugged into
its own individual electrical outlet which has
a w)ltnge rating that matches tile rating plate.
This provides tile best pe_l'imnance and also
I)re_ents oxerloading, house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard fl'om oxerheated wires.
Never unI)lug your refrigerator by pulling on
tile power coM. Mways grip i)lug firefly and pull
straight out ti'Olll tile outlet.
Repair oI" replace immediately all power cords
that have become fi'aved oi" otherwise damaged.
Do not use a cord that sho_:s cracks or abrasion
damage along its length oi" at either end.
\.Vhen moving tile reflJgerator away fl'oin tile
wall, be carefld not to roll over or damage tile
power coM.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against
the use of an adapter plug.
HoweveI; if'you, must use an adaptei; where local
codes pemfit, a temporary connection may be made
to a properly grounded 2-prong wall outlet by use
of a UI Aisted adapter a\:lilable at most local
1/_1 I'(1W_lI'e stores.
Tile linger slot in tile adapter must be aligned with
tile laiger slot in tile wall outlet to provide proper
polarity in tile com_ection of tile power cord.
When discom_ecting tile power cord fl'om tile
a(laptei; alwa_:s hold tile adaI)ter in place with one
hand while pulling tile power coM i)lug with tile
other hand. If this is not done, tile adapter ground
temfinal is very likely to break with repeated use.
If tile adapter ground temfinal breaks, DO NOT USE
tile refl-igerator, until a I)r°I ,)er ground has been
Attaching the adapter ground terminal to a wall outlet
cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the
cover screw is metal andnot insulated, and the wall
outlet is grounded through the house wiring. Youshould
have the circuit checkedby a qualified electrician to make
sure the outlet is properly grounde_

Gettingstarted. GEAppliances.com
Initially set the refrigerator and freezer controls at 5. If you want colder or warmer temperatures, adjust the
For refrigerator and freezer,5 is normal, 9is coldest, refrigerator temperature first. When satisfied with that
setting, adjust the freezer temperature.
COLD 1 5 _///_/_//A D COLDEST
0 @
)Freezer Control
The freezer control maintains the teml)erature in the ti'eezer COml)artn_ent.
1Refrigerator Control
The reli_igerator control maintains the temperature throtlghot/t, the refFigerator, ('Oral)aftra ent.
Moxing the refi_igerator control to OFFstops coolino_ in both areas-refl_igerator, and fl'eezex_but
does not shut off power to the refl_igerat(n;
After changingthecontrols,allow24hoursfor the refrigeratorto reachthe temperatureyouhaveset.
0_ Install TopHinge Cover
If not ah'eadv installed, locate the I)lasti( hinge
cover inside the parts kit and careflflly snap it over
the top hinge.
G) Adjust Rollers So Doors/Drawer Automatically Close
The ref_igerator should be ele\_te(l slightly at the ti'ont so
the doo_/ch'awer will close automatically when partially
open, See Preparingto Install the Refrigerator
WR2S56 Bisque
WR2S72 Black
WRBS8 White

Aboutthe refrigeratorshelves,binsand water dispenser.
Not all features are on all models.
Rearranging the Shelves
(;lass and wire shelves in the refi_igerator compartment are ac!iustable.
E] Liftupandout r'_
/ ' \
Slide-Out Spillpmof Shelf
The slide-out spillproof shelf allo_vs )_m
to reach items stored behind others, The
spedal edges are designed to help prevent
spills fl'om dripping to l_m'er shelves,
Adjustable Door Bins
A(!justable bins can easily be carried ti'om
i'eflJgei';itor to work area.
Toremove:Tilt the bin up and pull out
on the molded supports until it comes
completely otlt of the (loo_:
7"0replace or relocate: Select desired height,
engage the bin in the molded sui)ports of
the door and slide the bin in. The bin will
hook in place.
in beforeyouclosethedoor
Thesnuggers hel I) prevent tipping, spilling
or sliding of small items stored on the door
shelf. Place a finger on either side _ff the
divider near the front and move it back
and forth to fit wmr needs.
Brita® Water Dispenser
Toinstall: Grasp the dispenser as shown,
Using a slight backward tilt, align the
mounting brackets on the dispenser with
the supI)o_t brackets in the reliigemtor (loo_:
Gently slide the dispenser back until it
touches the door and lower it into the
suI)port brackets.
Toremove: Tilt the dispenser up at the fl'ont
and pull it ti)r_;_rd on the molded SUl)l)()x*
brackets until it comes completely out of
the (loo_:

Aboutthe crispersandpans. GEApp,ia.cescom
Fruit and Vegetable Crispers
Adjustable Humidity Crispers
Slide the control all the wa_ to the
HIGH setting to pr_xide high h umiditv
reconm_ended for most xegetables,
Detachable Snack Pan
Slide the control all the wa_ to the
LOWsetting to proxide lower lmmidit)
lexels recommended for most fi'uits,
The slide-out snack pan can be
removed and taken to the sink or
fi)od preparation area.
Crisper and Cover Removal
O ToRemove Crispers:
a. These drawe_5 can be removed easily by lifting up slightly
while pulling the drawe_ past the stop location.
/1.\_]_en the door cannot be opened Ira" enough to pull the hinge
side drawer straight out:
• Remove the handle side ch'awe_;
• IJft the drawer up slightly and pull past the stop position.
• Grasp the center slide and move both the cenmr slide and
drawer toward the middle.
• Remove the crispe_:
The pan and the ac!justable shelf
to which it attaches can be relocated
at any lexel,
O ToRemoveCover:
Remoxe the glass, then the ....fl'ame X_q_en tel)lacing* the _*lass,,.
push the rear edge fimfl) into the frame.

Not all features are on all models.
Beverage Rack (on some models)
This slide-out rack provides storage fi:,r
a wH]e V ot beverages,
Removable Wine Rack (onsomemodels)
This rack is designed to hold a bottle on
its skle,
Freezer Shelves and Baskets
On swing doormodels with _ree sliding
baskets:Both the lower and upper baskets
slide out to provide easy access to fi)ods
stored in the fl'eezet; When the lower
basket is pulled out, the upper basket may
be I)ushed back to fluther improve access
to the lower basket.
The rack and the a(!justable shelf to which
it attaches can be relocated to any level.
On swing doormodels with one sliding
basket and two split fixed shelves:
The lower basket slides out to I)rovide
easy access to t0ods stored in this basket.
The top hill width fixed shelf provides a
convenient location to store ice cube trays
and ice bucket as well as a wn-ietv ot t0ods.
On drawer models: The h )wet basket slides
out when the drawer is opened to provide
easy access to fi)ods stored in this basket.
The ul)per basket may be l)ushed back to
flu'ther improve access to the lower basket.
The baskets may be easily removed for
cleaning spills or crumbs off the fl'eezer
floor, or for installing an icemake_:

Aboutthe automaticicemaker. GE4ppliances.com
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12-24 hours to begin making ice.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If your reii_igerator did not c(nne ah'eadv
equipped with an automatic icemake_;
an icemaker accessory kit (IM4A fin" U.S.
Icemaker Installation
models, or ]M4-I tar Canadian models) is
available at extra cost.
MountiegBJock Screws
PartNo.WR2M3604 Part No.WR1M478
A special icemaker mortaring block must
be used when installing an icemaker
Directions on how to install the icemaker
motmting block are included in the
Icemaker Accessory Kit Installation
Automatic Icemaker (onsomemodels)
The icemaker will produce seven cubes
per cycle--approMmately 100-130 cubes
in a 24-hour period, depending on
fl'eezer compartment teml)eratm'e ,
I'OOIll tei/ll)ei';ittli'e , nHiilbei" of dooi"
openings and other use conditions.
If the refl_igerator is operated befl)re the
_;Iter com_ecfion is made to the icemaket;
set the power switch to 0 (off).
\,_]_en the refl_igerator has been connected
to the water SUl)l)ly, set the power switch to
I (on). Do not open the door/dra wet for
appro_mately 4 hom_. This will allow the
fl'eezer to reach the correct operating
temperature tor making ice, and will
prevent water fl'om spilling out at the
icemaker mold.
Special Note about the Green Power Light:
Even when the icemaker power switch is in
the I (on) position, power to the icemaker
will be interrupted when the fl'eezer
door/drawer is open. This prevents ice
ejecting fl'om the icemaker fl'om missing
the ice bucket and dropping into the back
of the fl'eeze_: Because power to the
icemaker is interrupted while the
door/drawer is open, the green power light
on the icemaker will be off. To make sm'e
the icelnaker is working properly, press the
fl'eezer light switch located on the upl)er
right side of the fl'eezer compartment. The
power light on the icemaker will come on.
For U.S. models, the motmting block
is included with the _efl_Jgerato_: For
(_anadian models, the mortaring block
is included in the optional icemaker
accesso U kit (IM4-1).
The icemaker Mll fill with water when it
cools to ] 5°F (-I0°C). A newl)qnstalled
reflJgerator may take 12 to 24 hom_ to
begin making ice cubes.
You will hear a buzzing sotmd each time
the icemaker fills with water:
Throw away the fi_t tew batches of ice to
allow the water line to clem:
Be sm'e nothing inte_feres with the sweep
at the teeler amL
X,_]_en the bin fills to the level of the teeler
am_, the icemaker will stop producing ice.
It is nomlal fin" several cubes to be joined
If ice is not used fl'eqtmntly, old ice cubes
will become cloudy, taste stale and shrii_k.
If ice cubes get stuck in the icelnakei; set
the power switch to 0 (0f/) and relnove the
cubes. Set the power switch to I (on) to
restart the icemake_:
After the icemaker has been turned on
again, there will be a delay at about
45 minutes befl)re the icemaker resumes
NOTE: In homes with lower-than-average water
pressure, you may hear the icemakercyc/emultiple
times when maklbgone batch of Ice.