Safety Instructions ............. 2,3
Operating Instructions
Control Panels ...................... 4-6
Control Settings ....................... 7
Fabric Care Labels .................... 13
Features ........................... 8-10
Loading and Using the Washer .... 11, 12
Drain Requirements .................. 17
Electrical Requirements ............... 17
Installing the Washer ............. 18, 19
Location of Your Washer ............. 15
Preparing to Install Your Washer ...... 14
Replacement Parts ................... 19
Rough-In Dimensions ................. 15
Unpacking Your Washer .............. 16
Water Supplg Requirements .......... 17
GBVH5140 GCVH6260
GCVH6600 GHDVH626 GHDVH670 WBVH5100 WBVH6240
La section fran_aisecommence 6/a page 25
Consumer Support
Service Telephone Numbers . Back Cover
Warrantg (Canada) .................. 24
Warrantg (U.S.) ...................... 23
As an ENERGY STAR® partner,
GEhas determined that this product meets the ENERGYSTAR®
guidelines for energg efficiencg.
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Lovodor( s
La secci6n en espaHol empieza en /a p6gina 51
Model # Serial #
Youcon find them on a labelon the sideof the washeE
175DI807P583 49-90315-2
--^WARNING! Foryoursafe theinformationinthismanualmustbefollowedtominimizetberisk
of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury or loss of life.
Theinstructions in this manual and all other literature included with this washer are
not meant to cover every possible condition and situation that may occur. Good,safe
practices and caution MUSTbe applied when installing, operating and maintaining
any appliance.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been used for two weeks or more. Hydrogen gas can be explosive underthese circumstances.
If the hot water has not been used fin" two weeks or more, prevent the possibility of damage or iqjtu y by turning on all hot water fimcets and allowing them to mn fin" severer minutes. Do this before using any
electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water sDtem. This simple procedure will allow any built-up hydrogen gas to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance during
this process.
This washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.
Install o_"store x_he_'e it will not be exposed to Pmpe_'ly gmtmd x_ashe_"to confi)rm with all tempe_'attu'es below fl'eezing or exposed to the goxeming codes and o_'dinances, Follow details x_eathe_, x_hich could cause pei'manent damage in Installation Instructions,
and imralidate the x_ammt)
Keep the area underneath and around your
appliances ti'ee of combustible materials such as lint, paper; rags and chemicals.
Do not leave the washer door open. An open door could entice children to hang on the door or
ci'awl inside the washe_:
Close supervision is necessary if this appliance is used b_ or near children. Do not allow children to
pla) on, with or inside this or any other appliance.
Use thb appliance
only for its
intended purpose as
described in tbb Owner's
Never reach into washer while it is moving. Never attempt to operate this appliance if Wait until the machine has completely stopped it is damaged, malflmctioning, partially
before opening the door. disassembled, or has missing or broken parts,
Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or including a damaged cord or )lu ,
acids such as vinegar and/or rust rell/over. Do not slam the washer door closed. Do not t_y Mixing dilti_rent chemicals can produce a toxic to torce the door open when locked (I,OCKED
gas which may cause death, indicator ON). This could result in damage to
Do not wash or dry articles that have been
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in oi" spotted
with combustible oi" explosive substances (such
as wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degreasers, (1i"> cleaning solvents, kerosene, etc.) which may
ignite or explode. Do not add these substances to tile wash water. Do not use or place these
stlbstances ai'otlnd vo/11" washer or di'ver during ol) era lion.
The laundry process can reduce the flame retardancy of thbrics. To avoid such a result,
carefllllv follow the gam_ent lnanulhcturer's
wash and care instructions.
the washer.
Tile washer is equipped with an electrical overload protector. Tile motor will stop
if it becomes overheated. The washer will automatically restart alter a cool-down
period of up to 2 hours, if tile washer has not been manually turned off
during this time.
To minimize tile possibili U of electric shock, unplug this appliance fl'om tile power supply
or disconnect the washer at the building's distribution panel by removing tile fuse or
switching off the circuit breaker beflwe attempting any maintenance oi" cleaning.
NOTE: Pressing tile power button does NOT disconnect tile appliance from tile power
Turn off water fimcets to relieve pressure on
hoses and wflves and to minimize leakage if a break or iupture should occur. Check tile
condition of the fill hoses; they should be replaced every 5 years.
Before discarding a washer, or removing it
f1"Oll/ service, reil/ove tile washer door to prevent
children ti'om hiding inside.
Do not attempt to repair oi" replace any part of this appliance tmless specifically recommended
in this Owner's Manual, or in published useI_
repair instiuctions that wm understand and have the skills to carry out.
Do not tamper with controls.
Aboutthe washer controlpanel
Youcan locate your model number on a label on the side of the washer.
Models WCVH6260 and WCVH6400
Models WHDVH626 and WHDVH660
Model WBVH6240
O Power
P_'ess to "wake up" the displa), If the display is a('ti_e, p_'ess to put the washe_" into stan(lb_ mode.
NOTE: Pressing POWER does not disconnect the appliance from the power suppl_
Models GCVH6260and GCVH6600
Model WCVH6600
Models WBVH5100 and WBVH5200
O Power
P_'ess to "wake hi)" the displa). If the displa)' is a('ti_e, p_'ess to put the washe_" into stan(lb_ mode.
NOTE: Pressing POWER does not disconnect the appliance from the power suppl_
Aboutthe washer controlpanel
Youcan locate your model number on a label on the side of the washer.
Model GBVH5140
Models GHDVH626 and GHDVH670
O Power
Press to "wake up" the displa), If the display is a('ti_e, press to put the washer into stan(lb_ mode.
NOTE: Pressing POWER does not disconnect the appliance from the power suppl_
Wash Cycles
The wash c_cles are optimized tar specific t)pes of wash loads. The chart below will help you match
the wash setting with the loads. The Gentle(:lean _'_lifters lightly tumble the clothes into the water
and detergent solution to clean the load.
WHITES Forheavilyto lightlysoiledwhite cottons,householdlinens,work andplayclothes.
COLORS/NORMAL Forheavyto lightlysoiledcolorfastcottons,householdlinens,work andplayclothes.
STAINWASH Forheavysoiledcolorfastcottons,householdlinens,workandplay clothes.
EASYCARE Forwrinkle-freeand permanentpressitems.
ACTIVEWEAR Foractivesports,exerciseandsomecasualwear clothes.Fabricsincludemoderntechnologyfinishesand
DELICATES Forlingerieandspecial-carefabricswith light to normalsoil. Providesgentletumblingandsoakduring
HANDWASH Foritemslabeledhand-washablewith light soils. Providesgentlerockingto mimicthe handwashingaction.
WASHABLE Forthewashingof machinewashablewoolproducts,providedthattheyarewashedaccordingto the
WOOLS instructionsonthe garmentlabel.Whenselectingthiscycle,youmustusea detergentsuitablefor
MY CYCLE Pressto use,createor modifycustomwash cycles.
SPEEDWASH Forlightly soileditemsthat are neededina hurry.Cycletime is approximately30minutes,depending
DRAIN& SPIN Drainandspin at anytime.
RINSE& SPIN Toquicklyrinseout anyitems at anytime.
on selectedoptions.
Soil Level
Changing the SOIl, I,EVEI, increases or decreases the wash time to remove (litterent amounts at soil.
To change the SOIl, I,EVEI,, press the SOIL LEVEL button until you have reached the desired setting, You can choose between Extra I,ight, I,ight, Normal or Heavv soil,
Spin Speed
Changing the SPIN SPEED changes the final spin speed at the cycles. Always tollow the tabric
inanuthcturer's care label when changing the SPIN SPEED. To change the SPIN SPEED, press the SPIN SPEED button until wm have reached the desired
setting. Higher spin speeds are not awfilable on certain cycles, such as Delicates.
Higher spin speeds remove more water fl'om the clothes and will hel I) reduce dry time, but may
also increase the possibility of setting wrinkles on some tabrics.
Wash Temp
A(!just to select the proper water temi)erature tot the wash cycle. The prewash and rinse water is always cold to hel I) reduce energy usage and reduce setting of stains and wrinkles.
Follow the tabric mantlthcturer's care label when selecting the wash telnl)erature. To change the wash temperature, press the WASH TEMP button until you have reached the desired
setting. The Sanitized wash temperature is not awfilable on certain cycles, such as Delicates.
When selecting the Sanitize wash temperature, the washer increases the water temperature to sanitize and kill more than 99% of many common bacteria found in home laundry. The sanitize
wash temperature is only available on Stain X4'ash and Whites Wash cycles. For best results, select
the heavv soil setting when using the Sanitize wash temperature setting.
NOTE: The fkst 10seconds of the wash fill is always cold This feature assists in conditioning the fabric and
preventlbg stains from setting on garments.
Press to start a wash cycle. It the washer is running, pressing it once will pause the washer and unlock the door. Press again to restart the wash cycle.
NOTE: If the washer is paused and the cycle is not restarted within 2 hours, the current wash cycle will be cancelled NOTE: The washer performs automatic system checks after pressing the STARTbutton. Water wi// flow
in 45 seconds or less. Youmay hear the door lock and unlock before water flows, this is normal 7
Aboutthe washerfeatures.
NOTE:Features may not be available on all washer models.
Cycle Signal
Use tile SIGNAL button to change tile
,ohune of tile end of cycle signal.
Prewash (onsomemodels)
Prewash is an extra wash before tile main wash. Use it tot heavilx soiled
clothes or for clothes with a care label that recommends prewashing betore
washing. Be sm'e to add high-efficiency detergent, or tile proper wash additive
to tile prewash dispense_:
Press the button until you reach the desired _olmne.
NOTE: When selecting prewash, it is recommended to use powder detergent in the
main wash (detergent) compartment.
Extra Rinse
Llse an extra rinse when additional finsin{* is desired to remoxe excess di_l
and detergent fl'om soiled loads.
Delay Start
Y}m can delay tile start oI a wash cycle t0r
u l) to 18 hours on models GHDVH626,
GCVH6260, X.VCVH6260, X._BVH6240, WH DVH626, X.VCVH6600, X.VHDVH 660, (;CVH6600 and (;HDVH670, and %r up
to 10 hems on models WBVH5100 and GBVHS140. Press tile OELAYSTART
button to choose tile ntm]ber of hems you want to delay tile strut of tile cycle,
then press the SYARTbutton. The
You can lock tile controls to prevent any
selections fl'om being made. Or you can lock tile controls after you have started a
machine will count down and strut automatically at the correct time,
NOTE"Ifyouforgettofullyclosethedoor,a remindersignalwillbeepremindingyoutodosa
NOTE"Ifyouopenthedoorwhenthedelay iscountingdown,themachinewill enterthe
pausestate.Youmustclosethedoorandpress STARTagainin ordertorestartthecountdown.
To lock tile washe_; press and hold tile lock button tot 3 seconds. To tmlock the
washer controls, press and hold the lock
button fi)r .B seconds.
Children cannot accidentally start the washer
by touchingpadswith this optionselected
MY CYCLE(onsomemodels)
To save a _wofite cycle, set file d_ired settings for wash cycle, soil le\'d, spin speed
and _;_sl/tern I) settings and hold down file MgcgCtEbutt{m for 3 seconds. A beep will
sound to indicate file cvde has been saved,
To rise VO/lI" CtlStOill cycle press tile
MY CYCLEbutton before washing a load.
To change tile saxed cycle set tile desired settings and hold down tile
MY CYCLEbutton fi)x 3 seconds.
Tile control lock icon on tile display will light up when it is on.
NOTE:ThePOWERbuttoncanstiff be used whenthemachineislocked.
NOTE:WhenusingMY CYCLEwash optionscannotbemodifiedafter the cycle
NOTE:If youchangewashoptionswith MY CYCLEbeforestarting thecycle,the
MY CYCLEh_zhtwill turnoff andyouwill
bereturnedto the basecycle.
The Dispenser Drawer
Slowl_ open the dispenser drawer by pulling it ()tit until it stops.
After addinglaundryproducts,slowlyclose the dispenserdrawer Closingthedrawertoo quickly
couldresultinearlydispensingof thebleach,
fabricsofteneror detergent.
Youmayseewaterin thebleachandfabricsoftener
compartmentsat theendof thecycle.Thisisa result of theflushing/siphoningactionand ispart of the
normaloperationof the washer
ThePrewash Compartment
Only use the Prewasb Compartment if you are selecting tile Prewasb cycle ii_r heavily
soiled clothes. Add measured detergent/_r prewash additive to the back left prewasb
corrlpartment of tile dispenser drinker.
Detergent or prewash additive is flushed fl'om the dispenser in the prewasb cycle
(if selected).
NOTE:Liquiddetergentwilldrainintothewasher drumasit isadded.
Detergent usage rri{lt need to be a(!justed flir water temperature, water hardness,
size and soil level of tile load. Avoid using too much detergent in your washer as it
can lead to over sudsing and detergent residue being left on the clothes.
The Detergent Compartment
High efficiency detergent is required
for this washer. Use the detergent manufacturer's recommended amount.
The detergent selection insert must be placed in the detergent corrlpartment in a specific
position according to what k_pe of detergent you are using.
Powder Detergent- Place the insert in tile
,'ear position. The Powder Icons _ must line up on center when the insert is in the
powder position.
LiquidDetergent- Place the insert in the
flw_ard position. The i,iquid Icons C_ must line up on center when the insert is
in the liquid position.
TheLiquidBleach Compartment
If desired, measure out the recorrimended arrio,lnt of liquid bleach, not to exceed
l/3 cup (80 ml) and pour into the center
compamnent labeled "IJ(_,)UID BLEACH" marked with this symbol &.
Move the insert b} pulling it up and replace it b} sliding it down bet\_een either the ,'ear
or fl'ont detergent corripartment molded rails, as desired, flir powder or liquid detergent.
Add measured detergent to tile fl'ont left detergent comparmlent of the dispenser
Detergent is flushed J/'orri tile dispenser at tile beginning of tile
wash cycle. Either powdered or liquid detergent can be used.
Detergent usage rria} need to be ac!justed tier water temperature, water hardness,
size and soil level of the load. A\oid using too rrlucb detergent in your washer as it ca,, lead to oversudsing" and detergent
residue being lett on the clothes.
Donotexceedthemaximumfill line. Overfillingcan
causeearlydispensingof thebleach whichcouldresult
NOTE:Donotusepowderedbleachin thedispenser
The Fabric Softener Compartment
If desired, pour the recommended ;:ii]lOiiIlt of
liquid ttd)ric softener into the compartment labeled "E_BRIC SOFTENER."
Use only liquid fid)ric softener in the
Dilutewithwaterto themaximumfillline.
Donot exceedthemaximumfill line. Overfillingcan causeearlydispensingof thefabricsoftenerwhich
NOTE:Donotpourfabricsoftenerdirectlyon 9 thewashload.
Aboutthe washerfeatures.
FormodelsWBVH5100,WBVH5200and GBVH5140
The Dispenser Drawer
ii ii i I
SloMy open tile dispenser drm,,er by pulling it out until it stops.
Afteraddinglaundrypmflucaslowlyclosethe dispenserdrawerClosingthedrawertooquickly
couldresultinearlydispensingof theblaach,
Youmayseewaterin thebleachandfabricsoftener
compartmentsattheendof thecycle.Thisisaresult of theflushing/siphoningactionandispartof the
Liquid /
The Detergent Compartment
High effidency detergent is required
for this washer. Use the detergent manufacturer's recommended amount.
Tile detergent selection insert must be placed in the detergent compartment in a specific
position according to what t_pe of detergent
VOtl aye tlsiIlg.
PowderDetergent- Place the insert in tile
rear position. Tile Powder Icons _ must line up on center when the insert is in the
powder position.
LiquidDetergent- Place tile insert in the
R)rward position. The iJquid Icons must line up on center when the insert is
in the liquid position.
TheLiquidBleach Compartment
If desired, measure out the recommended amount of liquid bleach, not to exceed
l/3 cup (80 ml) and pour into the
compartment lal)eled "I,I(5)UID BI,EACH" marked with this s}mbol &.
Move the insert b} pulling it up and replace it bx sliding it down bet\_een either the rear
or fl'(mt detergent compartment molded rails, as desired, for powder or liquid detergent.
Add measured detergent to the Dont left
detergent compartment (if the dispenser (trinket.
Detergent is flushed from tile dispenser at tile beginning of tile
_Jsl/c)cle. Either powdered or liquid detergent can be used.
Detergent usage may need to be a(!justed tiir water temperature, water hardness,
size and soil level of the load. Axoid using too much detergent in your washer as it can lead to oxersudsing" and detergent
residue being left (m the clothes.
Donotexceedthemaximumfill line. Overfillingcan
causeear/I/dispensing of thebleachwhichcouldresult
NOTE:Donotusepowderedbleachin thedispenser
The Fabric Softener Compartment
If desired, pour the recommended amotmt of liquid fitbric softener into the compartment
labeled "FABRIC SOFTENER." Use only liquid tabric softener in the
Dilutewithwaterto themaximumfill line. Donotexceedthemaximumfillline.Overfillingcan
causeearlydispensingof thefabricsoftenerwhich couldstainclothes.
NOTE:Donotpourfabricsoftenerdirectlyon thewash/oa_
Loadingand usingthe washer.
Always foflow fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering,
Sort laundry into loads that can be washed together.
Colors Soil Fabric Lint
Whites Heavy Delicates Lint Producers
Lights Normal Easy Care Lint Collectors
Darks Light Sturdy Cottons
Combinelargeandsmallitemsin aload LoadlargeitemsfirsLLargeitemsshouldnotbe morethanhalf the
total washload
Washingsingle itemsis notrecommendedThismaycauseanout-of-balanceload.Addoneortwo similar items.
Pillowsandcomfortersshouldnotbe mixedwith other items.Thismaycauseanout-of-balanceload
Loadingthe Washer
XM_sh d_mn may be fldlv loaded with loosely
added items. Do not wash fabrics containing
flammable materials (waxes, cleaning fluids, etc.).
To add items after washer has started,
press START/PAUSEand wait until the door is
unlatched. The washer may take up to 30 seconds to unlock the door after I)ressing, START/PAUSE
depending on the machine conditions. Do not try to force open the door when it is locked. After
the door unlocks, open gently: Add items, close the door and press START/PAUSEto restart.
Careand Cleaning
Exterior: hmnediately wipe off any spills. Wipe with damp cloth. Do not hit surface with sharp objects.
Interior: Dry around the washer door opening, flexible gasket (including attached hoses) and door glass. These areas should always be clean to ensure a water tight seal.
It is recommended to rinse the washer at least once per year with 1/3 cup of bleach (no clothes), using any of the wash cycles.
Moving and Storage: _sk the service technician to remove water fl'om drain pump and hoses. Do not store the washer where it will be exposed to the weather. When moving the washei;
the tub should be kept stationary by using the shil)ping bolts removed during installation. See Installation Instructions in this book. If these parts are not awfilable, thev can be ordered by
visiting our Website at or by calling 800.GE.CARES.
Long Vacations: Be sure water supply is sh tit off at faucets. Drain all water fl'om hoses if weather will be below freezing.
Loadingand usingthe washer.
Always foflow fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering.
Dispenser Drawer Area: Detergent and fhbric softener may build u l) in the
dispenser drawer. Residue should be removed once or twice a re(ruth.
Remove the drawer bv first pulling it out until it stops. Then reach back into
i the left rear corner of the drawer cavity and press down firmly on the lock
tab, pulling out tile drawer.
Lock tab is visible only after drawer has been pulled out
Remove the inserts from the bleach and fhbric softener compartments and tile detergent insert. Rinse tile inserts and tile drawer with hot water to
renlo;e traces of accunlulated laundr} products.
To clean tile drawer opening, use a small bxush to clean tile recess. Remove all residue froin tile upper and lower parts of tile recess.
Return inserts to tile proper compartments. Replace tile dispenser drawer.
Aboutthe washer features, gecom
Below are fi_bfi( (are label "svml)(_ls" that afle('t the cl(_thing you will be latlndei-]ng,
wash i i
cycle Normal p.......... t Press/ Gentled/ Do not wash Do not wrhlg
temperature Hot W .... Cold/cool
wrinkle resistant delicate Hand wash
(50"C/120" F) (40" C/105' F) (30" C/85' F)
SylIIuOIS Any bleach Only ....... hlorine bleach Do not bleach
(when needed) (when needed)
GBVH5140 GCVH6260
WBVH5100 WBVH5200 WBVH6240
WCVH6260 WCVH6400 WCVH6600 WHDVH626 WHDVH660
In Canada, call/.800.56L3344
I f you have any questions, call 800.GE.CARES(800.432.2737)
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
IMPORTANT - S_,,ethese
instructions fi)r local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT - Obse,,'e_,ll
governing codes and ordinances.
Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer.
Note to Consumer - KeeI) these insnuctions
fin" flmu'e reference.
Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires
basic mechanical and electrical skills.
Completion time - 1-3 hours
Proper installation is tile responsibility of tile installer.
Product failure due to improper installation is not covered trader tile _*Varrantv.
1/4" nut driver 3/8" socket with ratchet
3/8" oi)en-end wrench
F_IA(!iustable wrench or 7/16" socket with ratchet
A(!justable wrench or 9/16" open-end wrench
(_hannel-lock a_!justable pliels Caq)enter's level
Cable Tie
° This appliance must be I)r°I)erlx,,gr°unded and
installed as described in these Installation Instructions.
° Do not install or store appliance in an area where it
will be exposed to water/weather. See Locationof Your
Washor secfion.
NOTE: This appliance must be properly grounded, mid electrical service to the washer must conform with
local codes mid ordJnm_ces and the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70.
X,%_ter Hoses (2)
Hose (;uide
Installation Instructions
Do Not Install the Washer:
1. In an area exposed to dripping water or outside
weather conditions, The ambient temperature
should never be below 60°F (] 5.6°C) fl)r proper
washer operation,
2. In an area where it will come in contact with curtains or drapes.
3. On caq_et. Tile floor MUST be a hard sm'iace with a maximum slope of 1/2" per fi)ot (1.27 cm per
30 cm). To make sm'e tile washer does not vibrate or IllOVe, yo/i Ill,Iv have to reinfl)rce tile floor.
NOTE: If floor is in poor condition, use 3/4" impregnated plywood sheet solidly attached to existing
floor covering.
Minimum Installation Clearances
* _._]/en installed in alcove: Sides, Rein;
Top : 0" (0 cm)
* _A]/en installed in closet: Sides, Rein;
T(,p 0" (0 cm), Front l" (2,54 cm)
20.4" (51.9cm)
* Closet door ventilation openings required:
2 louve_ each 60 square in, (387 cm_), located 3"
(7.6 cm) ti'om top and bottom of door
_NOTE:With pedestal,52.6"
Installation Instructions
WARNING: Rec,cle dest o,:the
and plastic bags after tile washer is unpacked. Make materials inaccessible to children. Children might use
them fi)r play. Cations covered with rugs, bedspreads or plastic sheets can become airtight chambe_
causing suffocation.
1. Grit and remove tile top and bottom packaging straps.
2. \._q/ile it is in tile carton, careflllly lay the washer on its
side. DO NOT lay tile washer on its ti'ont or back.
3. Tm'n down tile bom)m flaps--remove all base
packaging, including the cardboard, SQTOfi)am base and stvrofi)am tub support (inserted in center of base).
NOTE: If you axe installing a pedestaJ, proceed to the installation hastructio_s that come with the pedestal.
4. Carefldlv returi_ tile washer to an upright position and
i'elllOVe tile cai'[on,
5. Careflfllx move tile washer to within 4 teet (122 cm) of
tile final location.
6. Remove tile fi)llowing fl'om tile back side (ff tile washer:
4 bolts 4 plastic space_ (including rubber grommets)
4 power cord retaine_
NOTE: Failure to remove tile shipping braces can cause the washer to become sexereE tmbalanced.
Save all bolts for future use.
NOTE: If you must transport tile washer at a later date, you must reinstall tile shipping support hardware to
prevent shipping damage. Keep tile hardware in tile plastic bag provided.
Installation Instructions
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
Washer must be electrically grounded in accordance
with local codes and ordJnmlces, or in the absence
of local codes, in accordance with the NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, ANSI/NFPA NO. 70.
CIRCUIT - lndixidual, properly polarized and grounded
15-amp branch circuit fllsed with 15-amp time-delay fllse
or circuit breakei:
POWH/SUPPLY - 2-Mre, with ground, 120-xolt, single- phase, 60-Hz, Mternating Current.
OUTLET RECEPTACLE - Properly grounded
3-prong receptacle to be located so the power supply cord is
accessible when the washer is in an installed position.
Hot and cold water ti_ucets MUST be installed within 42 inches (107 cm) of your washer's water inlet. Tile
ti_ucets MUST be 3/4" (1.9 cm) garden hose-type so inlet hoses can be connected. _,Vater pressure MUST be between 10 and 120 pounds per square inch. Y()ur water
department can advise you of your water pressure. Tile hot water mmperamre should be set to deliver water at 120 ° to 140 °F (48°-60°C).
1. Drain capable ot eliminating 17 gals (64.3 I.)
per minute.
2. A standpipe diameter of 1 1/4" (3.18 cm) minimum.
3. Tile standpipe height above tile floor should be:
Minimum height: 24" (61 cm) Maximum height: 96" (244 cm)
BACK -'," l
I (244 cm)
i Max.
96 in.
A WARNING: hnproper connection of the
equipment grounding conductor can result in a risk of electrical shock. Check with a licensed elecuician
if you are in doubt as to whether the appliance is propedy grounded.
1, Tile washer MUST be grounded. In tile event ot
mMfimcfion or breakdown, grounding will 1educe
tile iisk (ff electiical shock by providing a path of least resistance fi)r electrical current.
Since your washer is equipped with a p()wer supply
cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and
a grounding plug, tile plug MUST be plugged into an appropriate, copper-wiied ieceptacle that is properly
installed and grounded in accordance with all local
codes and oiflinances oi" in tile absence ot local codes,
with the National Electrical Codes, ANSI/NFPA 70
(latest edition). It in doubt, call a licensed electiidan.
DO NOT cut off' or alter the grounding prong on the power supply cord. In situations where a two-slot
receptacle is present, it is the owner's responsibility t() have a licensed electrician replace it with a properly
grounded three-prong grounding-Qpe receptacle.
NOTE: Tile drain hose attached to tile washer can reach a 58" (147 cm) high standpipe. For a higher standpipe,
contact an authorized parts distribut(n:
Installation Instructions
1. Run some water fl'om the hot and cold flmcets to flush the water lines and remove [)articles that might clog up
the water valve screens.
2. Remove the inlet hoses fl'om the plastic bag.
3. (90 ° elbow end) Carefifllv connect the inlet
hose marked HOT to the outside "H" outlet of the
water \;flve. Tighten by hand, then tighten another
2/3 mrn with pliers. Carefifllv connect the other
inlet hose to the inside "(7' (O outlet of the water wflve.
Tighten by hand; then tighten another 2/3 turn with pliers. Do not crossthread or over-tighten these
4. Connect the inlet hose ends to the HOT and COI,D
water fimcets tightly by hand, then tighten another 2/3 ttlFn with pliers. Turn the water on and check fin" leaks.
(_refldlv move the washer to its final location. Genflv
rock the washer into position. It is important not to damage the rubber leveling legs when moving yore"
washer to its final location. Damaged legs can increase washer vibration. It may be helI_fld to spray window
cleaner on the floor to hel I) move your washer into its final position. NOTE: To reduce vibration, ensure that
all Ibm" rubber leveling legs are firefly touching the floo_: Push and pull on the back right and then back
left of your washe_:
NOTE: Do not use the dispenser drawer or door to liti the washer.
NOTE: If you are installing into a drain pan, you can
rise a 24-inch long 2x4 to lever the washer into place.
With the washer in its final position, place a
level on top of the washer (if the washer
is installed trader a cotmter, the washer
should not be able to rock). A_!just the fl'ont
leveling legs up or down to ensm'e the washer is resting solid. Turn the lock nuts on each leg tlI)
towards the base of the washer and snug with a
NOTE: Kee I) the leg extension at a minimum to prevent excessive vibration. The ti_rther out the
legs are extended, the more the washer will vibrate.
If the floor is not level or is damaged, you may have to extend the rear leveling legs.
Installation Instructions
7. Attach lJ-shaI)ed hose guide to tile end of tile drain hose. Place tile hose in a laundry tub or standpipe
and secure it with the cable tie provided in the enclosure package.
NOTE: If the drain hose is placed in a standpipe
without tbmfing a U shape, a siphoning action could
occm: There m ust be an air gap aro/md tile drain hose.
A snug hose fit can also cause a siphoning action.
CableTie/ CableTie._r
9. Turn on tile power at a circuit breaker/fllse box.
10. Read the rest of this Owner's Manual. It contains valuable and hell)tiff infi)rmation that will save vou
time and Illonev.
11. Before starting the washer, check to make sure:
Main power is turned on.
U_ITile washer is plugged in.
Tile water fimcets are turned on.
U_lThe refit is level and all fimr leveling legs are firefly
on tile floor.
U_ITile shil)ping suppo_l hardware is removed
and saved.
Tile drain hose is i)roperly tied up. There are no leaks at tile timcet, drain line
or washen
12. Run tile washer through a complete cycle. Check fi)r water leaks and proper operation.
1:3. If your washer does not operate, please review
the Before You Call For Service section belm'e calling t(n" service.
14. Place these instructions in a location near the washer fin" flmu'e reference.
8. Plug tile power cord into a grounded outlet.
NOTE: Check to be sure the power is off at a circuit breaker/fuse box belm'e plugging tile power
coFd into an outlet.
If replacement parts are needed fin" your washer; they can be ordered in tile United States by visiting our
_,Vebsite at or by calling 800.GE.CARES.
Beforeyou call forservice...
Troubleshooting tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
Possible Cause What ToDo
Leaking water Door gasket is damaged Check to see if gasket is seated and not torn. Objects
Drain hose is kinked or improperly commcted
Household drain may Check household phunl_ing. You may need to call he dogged a I)lumbe_:
Drain hose sipholmlg; drain hose Ensure there is "an air .,_al) between hose and drain. pushed too far down the draha
Washer pump Filter may Have your l)ump filter cleaned. be dogged
Load is out of balance Redistribute dothes and run drain & spin (>1"rinse & sl)in.
Door gasket not damaged Water may drip fi'om the door when the door is opened.
Check back left of washer /f this area is wet, you have ove_udsing condition. for water Use less detergent.
Fill hoses or drain hose is Make sure hose connections are fight at washer and improperly commcted timcets and make sure end ot drain hose is correctly
Household drain may Check household plumbing. You may need to call be dogged a phmd)e_:
" Straighten drain hose and make sure washer is not
sitting oil it.
" Increase load size if washing small load ((retaining hea\)'
and light items.
left ill pockets may catlse damage to the washer (nails, scre_vs, pens, pencils).
This is a nom_al operation.
inserted in and secured to drain tiwilitv.
Notdraining Drain hose is kinked or Straighten drain hose and make St/l'e washer is not
improperly commcted sitting on it. Household drain may Check househ(>ld l)lund_ing. You may need to call
he dogged a l)lumbe_: Drain hose sipholmag; drain hose Ensure there is "an air .,_*al) between hose and drain.
pushed too far down the draha Washer pump Filter may " Have your l)Ulnl ) filter cleaned.
be dogged
Notspinning Drain hose is kinked or " Straighten drain hose and make St/l'e washer is not
improperly commcted sitting on it. Household drain may Check househ(>ld l)lund_ing. You may need to call
he dogged a l)lumbe_: Drain hose sipholmag; drain hose Ensure there is "an air .,_*al) between hose and drain.
pushed too far down the draha Washer pump Filter may " Have your l)Ulnl _filter cleaned.
be dogged Load is out of balance " Re(fistfibute dothes and run drain & spin or rinse & spin.
Increase h)ad size if washing small h)ad c_mtaining hea\y and light items.
Motor is overheated _\2Js]le_"motor will stop if it becomes overheated. [t will
atttomatica]]) restart after a coo] down period of up to 30 minutes (if washer has not been manually turned off).
Door is open Make sure door is closed.
Incompletecycleortimer notadvancing
Drain hose is kinked or improperly cmmected
Household drain may Check household phunbing. X_)u may need to call be dogged a l)ltmd)e_:
Drain hose siphmm_g; drain hose Ensure there is an air gap between hose and drain. pushed too far down the drain
Washer pmnp Filter may Have your pump filter cleaned. he dogged
Automatic load redistribution Timer stops at 1 minute, machine has redistributed the
What ToDo
Straighten drain hose and make sure washer is not sitting on it.
load once or twice. This is nom_al operation. Do nothing;
the machine will finish the wash cycle.
Loudorunusualnoise; Cabinet moving Washer is designed to move 1/4" to reduce tOI'ces
vibration orshaking mmsmitted to the rio(n: This inovement is nom_al.
All rubber leveling legs are not Push and pull on the back right and then back left ot your
firmly touching the floor washer to check it it is level./f the washer is tu]evel], a(!iust
the rubber leveling legs so they are ;ill firefly totwhing the
to(n: Y()ur installer sh()tdd c()rrect this problem.
Unbalm_ced load Open door :rod mmmallv redistribute h)ad. To check
machine, run rinse and sl)in with no load./f n(mnal,
I/lll);ll;lIlCe Was caused by load.
Clothes too wet Drain hose is kinked or Straighten drain hose mad make sure washer is not
hnproperly cmmected sitting on it.
Household drain may ( 3heck household phmd_ing, x_m may need to call
be dogged a plumbe_: Drain hose siphmm_g; drain hose Enstn'e there is an air ga l) between hose and drain.
pushed too far down the drain
Washer pump Fdter may Have your pump filter cleaned. be dogged
Load is out of balance Redistribute dothes and run drain & spin or rinse & spin.
Increase load size if washing small load ('ontnining he;l\)' :rod light items.
No powerAatasher not Drain hose is khaked or Straighten drain hose and make sure washer is not
workingordead improperly cmmected ,sittin(_ on it.
Household drain may Check household plmnbing. Y)u may need to call be dogged a plmube_:
Drain hose pushed too far Ensure there is an air ga 1) between hose and drain.
down the drain
Washer pump Fdter may Have your l)ump filter cleaned. be dogged
Washer is tmplugged Make sure cord is plugged securely into a working outlet. Water supply is turned off Tm'n both hot and cold timcet,s fldlv on.
Circuit breaker/fuse is Check house drcuit breake_s/fi_ses. Replace fl_ses or
tripped/blown reset breakel: _4'asher should have sel)nrate outlet.
Controls are not set properly Hold START/PAUSE button to stnrt cycle.
Automatic self system checks Fi_t time the washer is plugged in, automatic checks
O('CtIl', It IIKIV take lip [o _)0 se(onds betOl'e vot/(;ill Use
your washe_: This is nol]ll;ll operation.
Beforeyou call forservice...
Possible Cause What To Do
Waterdoes not enter Automatic self system checks _Mter START is I)ressed, tile washer (h>es several svsteIu washer or enters slowly checks, _'ater will fl(m se\rel'_ll secollds after START is
Water supply is tunled off Turl] on both hot and cold t:aucets fl/llv. Water valve screens are mt/rll o1'_'the _:lter S()[lI'Ce _lJl(] relllove the _ltev COll/]ectioll
stopped up hoses fl'om the upper back of the _:ls]iec Use a brusll or
toot]Ipick to cleaH the screeHs iH the mnchille. Rec(nmect the hoses a_ld turn the water back oil
Snags,holes,tears,rips Pens, pencils, nails, screws or I/eIuove loose iteInS fl'oin pockets.
or excessive wear other objects left in pockets
Ph_s, snaps, hooks, sharp Fasten snaps, hooks, buttons and zippeI_. buttons, belt bucMes, zippers
and sharp objects left in pockets
Wrinkling hnproper sorting Avoid mixing heavv items (like work clothes) with
light iten/s (like bh')uses).
Overloading I x>ad y(>ur washer s_> ch >thus have eI]ough I'O_>In
Incorrect wash cycle Match Cycle selection to tile t)pe of t:abiJc w>u are
Repeated washing ha _4_lsl/in warn/(>r cold watei: water that is too hot
10 Ill(we ti'eelv.
washing (especially tar easy care loads).
Grayedoryellowed Not enough detergent Use correct ainoux]t (>f detergent. clothes
Not using HE (high efficiency) Use HE detergent. detergent
Hard water Use hottest water safe for lid)tic.
Use a water coi]ditioi]er like Calgon braI]d or install
;I Water s()itel]el:
Water is not hot enough Make sure wateF heater is delivelJl]g w_lter
120°-140°F (48°-60°C).
Detergent is not Try a liquid detergent.
dissolving Dye lrmasfer Soil clothes by coh>I:/f lid)tic label states wash soparatolg
unstable dyes InaV be indicated.
Coloredspots Incorrect use of fabric Check rid)tic soflel]eF packslge 1or iI]strucfi(ms aI]d ti>lh>w
softener directioi]s tor using dispenseI:
Dye transfer Sort whites or lightly colored iteIns fron/ dark coh>rs.
Proi]illtly l'el//ove w_lsh load ti'oin w_lshel'.
Water temperature Water supply is improperly Make St/l'e hoses are c(>Imected to c(>rrect thucets.
isincorrect cmmected
House water heater is not set properly
Make sure house water heater is delivering water
at 120°-140°F (48°-60°(;).
GEWasher Warranty.(ForcustomersintheUnitedStates)
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,
or an authorized Customer Care® technician. Toschedule service, on-line, 24 hours a day, visit us at, or call 800.GE.CARES
(800.432.2737).Please have serial number and model number available when calling for service.
We Will Replace:
OneYear Anypart of the washer which thils due to a defect in materials or w()rkmanshii). During this
Fromthedateof the limited one-yearwarranty, GE will also provide, free of charge,all labor and related service originalpurchase costs to replace the (lefecti\'e part.
Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the product.
Improper installation, delivery or ma'_ultenmace.
Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for other thml the intended purpose or used commercially.
Damage after delivery.
Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit
Damage to the product caused by accident, fire, floods
or acts of God.
Incidental or consequential damage caused by possible defects with this appfimace.
Product not accessible to provide required service.
Staple your receipt here.
Proofof the original purchase
date is needed to obtain service
under the warrant_
Any implied warrauties, iucluding the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to
I EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole aud exclusive remedy is product repair as provided h) this Lim#ed Warranty. I
one year or the shortest period allowed by law.
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home use
within the USA. If the product is Iocated in an area where service by a GEAuthorized Servicer is not available, you may be responsible for a trip charge or you maybe required to bring the product to an Authorized GEService location for service. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to your home.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Toknow what your legal rights
are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General
Warrantor: General Electric Company.Louisville,KY 40225
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