SafetyInstructions ............. 2-s
Operating Instructions
Compacting .......................... 6
Features .............................. 4
Loading .............................. 5
Removing a FullTrash Bag ............ 6
Trash Bag Installation ................. 5
Using the Trash Compactor ......... 5-6
Care and Cleaning
Cleaning the Unit ..................... 7
Troubleshooting Tips ............ S
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ......... Back Cover
Product Registration
for Customers in Canada ........ !!, 12
Product Registration
for Customers in the U.S.A......... 9, !0
Warrantg ........................... 15
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on the label
on the front of the frame.
165D4 700P330
49-55010 11-05 JR

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion,
electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
When using electrical appliances, basic safe&precautions should be foflowed, including the foflowing:
• This compactor is fox household use only.
Use this appliance only tbr its intended
purpose as described in tins )wner s Manual.
• Close supervision is necessm T when arty
appliance is operamd near children. Do not
allow tile compactor to be used as a toy, or
to run unattended at aW nine.
the knob to OFFand remove it when not
compacting trash. This will help pre_ent
artyone from tampering with the compactor
or children fiom operating it.
• Do not push trash into fire drawer wiflt
hands or t_et. Trash might contain broken
glass, shaq) pieces of metal, or other shaq)
objects that might cause illjni>
• When removing or canting the trash bag,
kee I) tile bag away flom your body. Sharp
objects may have pierced it.
• Be careflfl when cleaning the inside of die
cabinet or trash drawer (;lass flag_nents may
be stuck to tile ram, imbedded in the drawer
surface or lying in tile 1)ottom of tile cabinet.
• Do not install or store compactor where it
will be exposed to outside conditions.
• (
• Nexer compact shotg-un shells, cartridges for
firearms, fireworks, etc., which are highly
• Never compact flammable materials such as
paint, oil- or gasoline-samramd rags, eng{ne
starting fluid cans, paint thinner cans, etc.--
spontaneous contbnsfion or explosive vapor
concentrations could occnr
• Nexer compact containers of toxic chemicals
such as strong insecticides or other
poisonous materials---compaction could
release hazardous fimtes.
• Nexer compact aerosol cans containing
explosive or highly toxic chemicals.
(If you are sure the aerosol cans contain
non-hazardous mamrials such as shaving
cream, cheese spread artd whipped cream,
they may be compacted.)
• Do not compact lit cig_arettes, cig:_rs, or
other hot or 1)nming items.
• Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammal)le xapors and liquids in tile _iciniw
of this or arty other appliance.
• Make sure the compactor is properly
installed attd lexeled on a floor that can
support its weigh t.
• Do not touch moving parts.
• Do not compact food wasm such as raw meat
artd fish, rinds, personal hygiene items artd
disposable diapers. These imms cream xetw
strong odors attd should not g_ into tile
• Do not use as a fleestanding unit. Use only
as a built,in unit.
• Do not oxerload your appliance.
• Handle a loaded uash bag wifl_ care. Sharp
objects can pieive the bag artd cause i,_jm T.
Do not ox>rload trash bag with heaxy'
material such as glass.

When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
To pre_ent hazard of electrical shock,
this compactor must be properly installed
arrd grounded in accordance with tile
Installation Instructions betbre it is used,
Do not operate with a damaged cord set,
ping, motoi, or after damage in arty manner
Have tile appliance examined, repaired, or
adjusmd by an authorized service
• Do not take apart this appliance. Incocrect
reassembly can cause elecuic shock when
subsequently used.
• Unplug tire compactor before making arty
repairs. NOTE.""_A:estrongly recommend that
arty servicing be performed by a qualified
Do not use an adapter plug or an extension
cord with this appliance.
Follow Nadonal Electric (;odes or prevailing
local codes arrd ordinances. This appliance
nmst be supplied with 190V, 60Hz and
connected to an individual, properly
grounded branch circuit protecmd by a 15
or 90 amp ciivuit breaker or time delay fllse.
If tile electric supply provided does not
meet tile aboxe requirements, call a licensed
• V(e recommend that a separate circuit
serving only this appliance be provided.
• Do not, under any circumstances, cut or
remoxe tire third gTounding prong fiom tile
power cord.
• This appliance must be grounded. In
tire event of a malflmction or bleakdown,
grounding will reduce the risk of electric
shock 1)yproviding a path of least iesistance
for electric ctment.
• This appliance is equipped widr a cord
having an equipment grounding conductor
and a grounding ping. Tire plug nmst be
plugged irrto an appropriam outlet that
is properly irrstalled arrd grounded ira
accordance with local codes arrd ordinances.
,_k WARNING: Improper connection of tile
equipment grounding conductor can iesult in
a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified
elecuician if you are ira doubt as to whether
the appliance is properly grounded.
• Do not modify the plug with this appliance.
If it will not fit tire outlet irrstalled, haxe a
proper outlet irrstalled by a qualifled
This compactor must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet, you can receive
one by visiting ge.com, or by calling 800.GE.CARES(800.432.2737)in the United States. In Canada, visit
www.geappliances.ca or call 1.800.361.3400.

Aboutthe trashcompactor.

Usingthe trashcompactor, ge.com
What It Does and How It Works
_Amr compactor reduces household trash to as little as one-fourth of its original volume.
It compacts most refltse, including paper; cans, bottles, ja_, plastic containe_, wrappings,
sweepings and some tood wastes.
Drop trash into the disposable bag (designed tot compactor use) that lines the compactor
trash drawer and close the (h'awe_: _,\]ten )'ou start the compactm; an electricallDoperated
ram moves down into the drawe_, compacts trash, moves back up again----and the
compactor shuts off automatically.
NOTE:The trash drawer must be at least 1/2 flfll betm'e you will notice compaction because
the ram does not travel all the way down into the drawe_: By adding trash, compaction is
transterred to the items below tmtil all trash is compacted.
The remo\_d)le knob is provided fin" yore"
protection as a satetv measm'e. _._]ten the
knob switch is in the OFFposifion, the
compactor will not operam.
Drawer Safety Switch
The compactor has two safety switches to ensm'e that the drawer is in its fifll_ closed
position for operation. The compactor will not cycle without the drawer beino_ flfllv closed.
I,ock the compactor when it is not in
use, by removing the knob. This will kee I)
children fl'om operating the compactor
and prevent anyone fl'om tampering
with it.
TrashBag Installation
Before installing a new bag,be sure that:
[7] The drawer side is seem'ely locked.
_9-1The container is clean and ti'ee of shaq)
debris that may ptmctm'e the bag.
Reintorced plastic bags came with yore"
compactor and are ready to be installed.
You mttst use the spedaJly desig_md
heavy_u_ Wash bags included Mth your
compactor. These bags are a\:filable fl'om
yore" dealer or Facto_T Se_'ice Center: Ask
tot catalog mm_ber WC6OXSO 17. If you
i)rete_; you can order by mail. A handy order
titan is provided with your compactor and is
included in eveI T replacement bag package.
Slightly lift and pull the compactor door
handle or press the toot pedal and pull the
drawer ()tit.
• To hel I) kee I) the ram clean when
compacting nlessy tood waste, place a
couple of ti)lded sheets _ff ne_vspaper
on top ot the load to be compacted.
• Items to() bulky to go into the drawer
can be tolded to fit. If it cannot be tolded
to fit into the (h'awe_; do not attempt to
torce it in.
Toinstall a new bag:
_] Place the bag into the drawex: Open
the bag and pull the top edges oxer
the drawer top.
[_ i,ock the bag in place b} pulling the
Ibm" i)mpm_ched holes oxer the bag
retainer buttons. Holes will expand over
the buttons without hamfing the bag.
_] Press inside of bao acainst the
di'awer bottolil, sides and coI'neI3
fin" a smooth fit.
• Folded ne_vspaper is also hell)rid when
compacting a large glass bottle, or several
bottles or ja_, or any other items that
might shatter.
• _Mthough it is not necessa_ T to compact
tmtil the drawer is flfll or nearly flfll, we
suggest that, fin" ma_mum compaction,
w)u start the compactor each time a
significant amotmt of trash is added.