GE GCG1550F1CC, GCG1530F1WW, GCG1520F1BB, GCG1540F1SS Owner’s Manual

Owner's Manual
and Installation
GCG1520 GCG1530
GCG1540 GCG1550
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Safely Information
SafetyPrecautions....... 3,4
Features.................. 5
Using the Compactor........ 6
TrashBagInstallation ....... 6
Loading .................. 7
Compacting ............... 7
RemovingaFull TrashBag .... 8
Cleaningthe Outside
and Inside................. 9
Before YouStart ........... 10
Installing ............. 12-14
CustomPanels............ 15
YouAre Now Partof the GEFamily
Welcome to the GE flintily. WeTe prnud of our quality products and we are committed to pro_4.ding dependable service. You'll see it in this easy-to-use Owner's Manual and
you'll hear it in the fiiendly voices of our customer ser4ce deparmaent.
Best of all, you'll experience these values each time you use your tl_lsh compactor
Tlaat's important, because your new tJ-asla compactor will be paza ofyour fam yfor
many years. And we hope you _dll be part otom's tiw a long time to come.
We thank you f;:wbuying GE. We appreciate your pro'chase a ad h pe you will
continue to rely on us whenever you need quality appliances for yet " aome
GE& You,A ServicePartnership.
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here.
Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain sezwice under the wan-anty.
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Yon can find them on a label on the cabinet behind the drawer fi-ont.
Troubleshooting 7_ps
BeforeYouCallforService.. 16
Customer Service
Warranty ................ 19
Numbers ......... BackCover
_ ReadthisManual
Inside you will find many helpful hints on how to use and maintain
your trash compactor properly.Just a little preventive care on your
part can save you a great deal ofdme and money over the life of your trash compactor.
If YouNeedService
You'll find man}, answers to common problems in the Before You
Cell ForService section. If you review our chart of Troubleshooting
Tips first, you may not need to call for service at all.
If you do need service, you can relax "knowing help is only a phone call away. A list of toll-free customer numbers is included in the back section. Or, in tile U.$.. you can always call the GE Answer
Center ®at 800.626.2000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In Canada, call 800-361-3400.
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock or personal inju_
This compactor is for household use only.
Use this appliance only fro- its intended
puqoose as described in this Owner's Manual.
Do not use other than manufacturer's recommended attachments.
Close supe_wision is necessary when any appliance is operated near children. Do not allow the compactor to be used as a toy, or to run unattended at any time.
Turn the key-knob to 0_and remove it when not compacting trash. This will help prevent anyone from tampering with the compactor or children from operating it.
Do not push trash into the drawer with hands
or feet. Trash might contain broken glass, sharp pieces of metal, or other sharp objects that might cause injury.
When removing or carrying the trash bag, keep the bag away from your body. Sharp
objects may have pierced it.
Do not overload trash bag with heavy material such as glass.
Never lift the bag by the sides. Broken glass or other sharp objects in the bag can cause injury.
Be careful when cleaning the inside of the cabinet or trash drawer. Glass fragments may
be stuck to the ram, imbedded in the drawer surface or lying in the bottom of the cabinet.
Do not install or store compactor where it will
be exposed to the weather.
Do not use the compactor as a counter for electrical cooking appliances nor as a cutting board.
Do not set hot pans, etc. on the compactol- top. Do not spill any liquids on the compactor
Never compact shotgun shells, caruidges for firearms, fireworks, etc., which are highly explosive.
Never compact flammable materials such as paint, oil- or gasoline-saturated rags, engine starting fluid cans, paint thinner cans, etc.- spontaneous combustion or explosive vapor
concentrations could occur.
Never compact containers of toxic chemicals such as strong insecticides or other poisonous
materials-compaction could release
hazardous fumes.
Never compact aerosol cans containing
explosive or highly toxic chemicals.
(If you are sure the aerosol cans contain non-hazardous materials such as shaving cream, cheese spread and whipped cream, they may be compacted.)
Do not compact lighted cigarettes, cigars, or other hot or burning items.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors mad liquids in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance.
Make sure the compactor is properly installed and leveled on a floor that can support its weight.
Do not touch moving parts.
Do not compact food waste such as raw meat and fish, gq-apefruit rinds, personal hygiene items and disposable diapers. These items
create very strong odors and should not go into the compactor.
When using electrical eppfiances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the foflowing:
To prevent hazard of electrical shock, this Do not, under ;lily circumstances, cut or compactor must be properly installed and remove the third grounding prong ti'om tim gn'ounded in accordance with the Installation power cord.
hastructions before it is used.
Do not operate with a damaged cord set, plug, motor, or after damage in any maimer. Have the appliance examined, repaired, or adjusted by an authol-ized service technician.
Do not take apart this appliance, lncon'ect reassembly can cause elecn'ic shock when
subsequently used.
Unplug the compactor before making any repairs. NOTE."We strongly recommend that any smwicing be perfol-med by a qualified
Do not use an adapter plug or an extension coM with this appliance.
Follow National Electric Codes or prevailing local codes and ordinances. This appliance
nmst be supplied with 120V, 60Hz and connected to an indMdual, properly grounded branch circuit protected by a 15 or 20 amp circuit breaker or time delay fuse.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event
ofa lnalfimction or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least resistance tbr electric cun-ent.
This appliance is equipped with a cord hax4ng
an equipment grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged
into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with
local codes and ordinances.
WARNING."Improper connection of the
equipment grounding conductor can resuh ill a risk of electric shock. Check ufth a qualified
electrician if you are in doubt as to whether the appliance is properly grounded.
Do not nrodify the plug with this appliance. If it will not fit the outlet installed, hm,e a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
If the electric supply provided does not meet
the above requirements, call a licensed
We recommend that a separate circuit serving
only this appliance be provided.
r-_/ Readandfollow this SafetyInformationcarefully.
Aboutthe trash compactor.
Aboutusingthe trash compactor.
What It Does and How It Works
Your compactor reduces household trash to as little as 1/4 of its original volume.
It compacts most refuse, including paper, cans, bottles,jars, plastic containers, _aappings, sweepings and some t_)od wastes.
Drop Ii_tsh into a disposahle bag that lines the trash dcawer and close the drawer. When you
start tile conlpactor, all elecuically-opel-ated I'anl []loves down into die dr;iwer, colnpacLs
tFash, moves back up again--and the compactor shuts offautomatically. NOT£'The trash drawer must be 1/2 thll before you will notice compaction because the izun
does not travel all the way down into dm dl~awer. By adding trash, compaction is lr t s i. - e( It die items below until all LI-ash is ¢onlpacted.
Key-Knob Start/Off Switch
After installinga trashbag,the
compactorisreadyto use.
A key-kmob switch is provided for your
protection as a safety measure. When the key-l,mob switch is in the OFFposition, dae compactor will not operate.
lx)ck tile COlnpactc_r wllen it is not in use, and rem_ve tile key-knnb fnr safekeeping to
kee l) chil&_'n from operating the compactor or to prevent anyone l]-om
tampering with it.
Drawer Monitor Switch
Tlw _ompactor has a position monitor sMtcb to ensure that tile drawer is in its fully closed position tbr operatinn. The compactor will not cycle without tile drawer being closed.
Trash Bag Installation
Beforeinstallinga new bag,besure:
[_] The drawer side is securely locked. [_The container is clean and free of shm-p
debris that may puncture the bag.
Reinforced polyethylene bags came with yore" compactor and are ready to be
You must use the specially designed heavy-duty trash bags included with your
compactor. These bags are available from
your dealer or Factor}'SezwiceCenter. Ask
for catalog nmnber WC60X5017. If you preter, _x)ttCall order by mail. A handy order
titan is provided with yore compactor and is included in evely replacement hag package.
Toinstalla new bag:
[_] Place the bag into the drawer. Open
the bag and pull the top edges over the drawer top.
[_ Ixmk the bag in place by pulling the
tour prepunched holes over the bag retainer buttons. Holes _411expand over
the buttons without harming tile bag.
[_] Press inside of bag againsl Ihe
drawer l){)tic)In, sides and ('()rnerg 10ra slnood_ Ill.
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