Camera notes:
U Donot storeor usethe camerainthefollowing
typesof locations:
• Intherain,veryhumidanddustyplaces.
• Inaplacewherethe cameracanbeexposed
directlyto thesunlight orsubjectto high
temperature,e.g.Insideaclosedcar insummer.
• Inaplacewherethe cameraissubjecttoa high
magneticfield, e.g.nearmotors,transformers
or magnets.
II1 Donotplacethecameraonawet surfaceorplaces
wheredrippingwater orsandmaycomeincontact
U If the camerawill not be usedfor a long periodof
time, wesuggestyou removethe battery and the
U If you carry the camera suddenlyfrom a cold lo-
cation to a warm place, moisture may condense
insidethe camera.Wesuggestyouwait for awhile
beforeturning onthecamera.
U Nocompensationfor lossof recordings.Lossofre-
cordingscannot becompensatedfor if a malfunc-
tion ofyour cameraor recordingmedia,etc,makes
the playbackofrecordingsnotpossible.
Battery notes:
U Incorrect use of the batteries may cause them to
leak, become hot, ignite or burst. Always observe
the precautions given below.
• Do not expose the batteries to water, and take
particular care to keep the terminals dry.
• Donot heat the batteries or throw them into a fire.
• Do not attempt to deform, disassemble or modify
the batteries.
• UseGEcharger in the package to charge the
lithium battery only (for G and Eseries).
U Keep the batteries out of reach of babies and small
In cold locations, battery performance deteriorates
and the time for which they can be used shortens
Memory card notes:
UWhen usinga new memorycard,or amemoryca.rd
has.beeninitialized by a PC,be sureto tormat the
cardwith your digitalcamerabeforeusingit.
UTo edit imagedata,copythe imagedatato the PC's
hard disk andthentormat memorycard if upgrade
UDo notchangeor deletethe directorynames,orfile
namesinthe memorycardfromyourPC,asthis may
makeit impossibleto usethecardinyour camera.