GE FUMI2, FUM14, FUM17, FUM21, FUF14 Owner's Manual & Installation Instructions

Safety Information ........... 2-4
Operating Indru_ions
Care and Cleaning ............. 8, 9
Deflosting Insuuctions
(for Manual Deflost Models) ...... 7
Features ..................... 5, 6
Starting tile Freezer .............. 5
Installation Instruc¢ions
Troubleshooting Tips ........ 11, 19
Normal Operating
Ch aracteiJstics ................. 11
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ............. 16
Production Registration for
Customers in Canada ........ 17, 18
Production Registration tbr
Customers in the U.S ......... 13, 14
_'arrantv ..................... 15
Upright--Manual DefrostModels.
Upright--No-Frost Models:
Chest--Manual DefrostModels:
Model number:
Serial number:
You can find them on a plate either on
the upper leti wall inside the freezer
(Upright models) or on the leti exterior
wall (Chest models).
297077100 162D9627PO08 49-60441 12-05JR
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
i_::This fl'eezer must be properly installed and
located in accordance with tile Installation Instructions before it is used.
i)::Do not allow children to climb, st;rod or hang
on the shelves in the fl'eeze_: They could damage tile fl'eezer and seriously iqiure thelnselves.
::__Mtei"your ti'eezei" is in operation, do not touch
the cold sudi_ces, particularly when hands are damp or wet. Skin may stick to these extremely
cold sun'aces.
_'_Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\:q)o_s and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
i)::Unplug tile fl'eezer before cleaning, making
repairs or changing the light bulb.
NOTE: We stronglyrecommendthat anyservicing be performedbya quaddedindMdua/.
::_¢Turning tile control to tile OFFposifion does
not remove power to the light circuit on models
with interior light.
i)::Do not refi'eeze fl'ozen foods which have
thawed complemly:
i)::The maximum amount of food your fl'eezer is
designed to fl'eeze at one time is approximately 3 pounds (1.5 kg) per cubic foot (ff fl'eezer
capaci_:. In no_mal position, your freezer's temperature control will maintain sttflidenflv
low temperatures in tile fl'eezer to fl'eeze recommended quantities of food.
::__(;aution should be used when removing tile door
ofa fl'eeze_: Particular caution should be used
when removing the lid of a Chest freeze_; as most
Chest fl'eezer lids are under spring tension. Contact tile manuli_cturer's representative for
a m eth od of sali_ removal.
i)::This product is UIA71 recognized.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
Child entraplnent and suffocation are not problems of the past..Junked or abandoned
refi_igerato_ and ffeeze_ are still dangerous...even if they will sit fin" "just a few days." If you are getting
rid of vom" old refrigerator or fl'eeze_; please tbll_m' the instructions below to hel I) prevent accidents.
Before YouThrowAway YourOld Refrigeratoror Freezer:
::Ji::Take off the dome.
M1 refi_igeration products contain refl_igerants, which trader federal law I/lÂlSt be removed prior
to product disposal. If you are getting rid of an old refl_igeration product, check with the company
handling the disposal about what to do.
iJi::I,eave the shelves in place so that children may
not easiE climb inside.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord.
However; if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a UIAisted (in the United States) or a CSA-listed (in Canada), 3 "
-\_n'e ,gmtmdin°-, type appliance extension cord haxim,_ a ,gr°tmding,
type plug and outlet and that the electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 xolts.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safe_ this appliance must be properly grounded.
Tile power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a standard 9)-prong (grounding) wall outlet
to minimize the possibiliQ' of electric shock hazard from this appliance.
Have tile wall outlet and circuit checked bv a qualflied electrician to make sure the outlet is
properly grounded. If tile outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it
is your i)e_onal responsibiliQ, and obligation to have it replaced with a properly grounded S-prong
wall outlet.
Tile fl'eezer should always be I)ltwged_, into its own indixidual electrical outlet which has a xoltage _v_ting
that matches the rating plate.
This provides tile best i)e_l'o_nance and also I)rexents oxerloading, house wiring, circuits which
could cause a fire hazard fl'om oxerheated wires.
Never unplug your fl'eezer by pulling on tile power cord. ?dways grip I)hl(*_fimfl) and pull straight ()lit
fl'om tile outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that have become fl'a)'ed or otherwise damaged. Do not
rise a cord that sho_:s cracLs or abrasion damage ahmg its length or at either end.
_._]/en moving tile fl'eezer away fl'oln tile wall, be
careful not to roll over or damage the power cord.
Aboutthe operationofyourfreezer,
_] Clean the inside of the fi'eezer with a mild solution of baking soda and water (see Care and Cleaning).
] (_onnect cord to power Otlt]et.
_]On models with a Temperature Monitor or High-Temp _Mam_ Switch, set the switch to the OFFposition.
[_ Make sure the temperature control is set at 4.
_] Nlow ti'eezer to operate for at least four hotu_ before placing food inside.
On models with a Temperanu'e Monitor or High-Temp Mam_ Switch, set the switch to the 0Nposition.
Temperature Control
Freezing temperature selection is made by setting the control from /to 7 (coldest).
If you W;lIlt colder or W;IF/I/eI" [ei/ll)ei':ltui'es _ a(!iust the control one step at a time.
_Mlow several horus after each one-step
a(!justment tor the freezer temperature to stabilize.
Turning the control to OFFstops the cooling process but does not shut off power to the
k oce o_ j
Located on front offreoze_
°" °" I
Located on back oflicL
Temperature Monitor/High-Temp Alarm
An almm will sound if the ti'eezer temperature reaches unsaie levels.
The alam/operates on household electricity: If the power fifils, the alam/
will not perfi)m/. An 0N/0FFswitch allows the temperature
alam_ to be deactivated if desired. The ti'eezer is shipped with the switch in the
OFFposition. AJ'ier the ti'eezer has run long enough to lower the temperattn'e, you may set the switch to the 0Nposition.
Switch (onsomemodels)
CAUTION: Adding more than 3 pounds {1.5 kg)
of warm food per cubic foot of freezercapacity can trigger the alarm.
Toactivate the alarm, set the switch to the
Todeactivate the alarm, set the switch to the
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