Safety Information ........... 2-4
Operating Indru_ions
Care and Cleaning ............. 8, 9
Deflosting Instructions
(for Manual Deflost Models) ...... 7
Features ..................... 5, 6
Starting tile Freezer .............. 5
Installation Instruc'dons
Preparing to Install tile Freezer ... 10
Troubleshooting Tips ........ 11, 19
Normal Operating
Characteristics ................. 11
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Co_r
Production Registration for
Customers in Canada ........ 15, 16
Production Registration for
Customers in the U.S ......... 13, 14
_'arrantv ..................... 17
Upright--Manual DefrostModels.
Upright--No-Frost Models.
Chest--Manual DefrostModels.
La section frangaise commence a la page 19
de alimentos
Model number:
Serial number:
You can find them on a plate either on
the upper leti wall inside the fl'eezer
(Upright models) or on the leti exterior
wall (Chest models).
La secci6n en espa#ol empieza en la pagina 33
297150400 162D9627PO09 49-60504-1 06-07 JR

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
i)::This fl'eezer must be properly installed and
located in accordance with tile Installation
Instructions before it is used.
i)::Do not allow children to climb, st;rod or hang
on the shelves in the ti'eeze_: They could damage
tile fi'eezer and seriously iqiure thelnselves.
::__Mtei"your ti'eezer is in operation, do not touch
the cold suHi_ces, particularly when hands are
damp or wet. Skin may stick to these extremely
cold sun'aces.
_'_Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\:q)o_s and liquids in the viciniQ' ot this or any
other appliance.
i)::Unplug tile ti'eezer before cleaning, making
repairs or changing the light bulb.
NOTE: We stronglyrecommendthat anyservicing be
::_¢Turning tile control to tile OFFposifion does
not remove power to the light circuit on models
with interior light.
i)::Do not refi'eeze ti'ozen foods which have
thawed complemly:
i)::The maximum amount of t0od your fi'eezer is
designed to ti'eeze at one time is approximately
3 pounds (1.5 kg) per cubic t0ot (ff ti'eezer
capaci£:. In no_mal position, your freezer's
temperature control will maintain sttflidentlv
low temperatures in tile ti'eezer to ti'eeze
recommended quantifies ()flood.
::NCaution should be used when removing tile door
ofa fi'eeze_: Particular caution should be used
when removing the lid of a Chest freeze_; as most
Chest ti'eezer lids are under spring tension.
Contact tile manuli_cturer's representative for
a m eth od of sati_ removal,

When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
Child entraplnent and suffocation are not
problems of the past..Junked or abandoned
refi_igerato_ and ffeeze_ are still dangerous...even
if they will sit fin" "just a few days." If you are getting
rid of vom" old refl_igemtor or fl'eeze_; please tbll_m'
the instructions below to hel I) prevent accidents.
_M1refi_igeration products contain refl_igerants,
which trader federal law I/lÂlStbe removed prior
to product disposal. If you are getting rid of an
old refl_igeration product, check with the company
handling the disposal about what to do.
Before YouThrowAway YourOld
::Ji::Take off the dome.
iJi::I,eave the shelves in place so that children may
not easiE climb inside.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against
the use of an extension cord.
However; if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutel) necessary that it be a UIAisted (in the United
States) or a CSA-listed (in Canada), 3-_ire grotmding t}pe appliance extension cord haxing a grotmding
t},l)e plug and outlet and that the electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 xolts.

Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safe_ this appliance must be properly grounded.
Tile power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates
with a standard 9)-prong (grounding) wall outlet
to minimize the possibiliQ' of electi'ic shock
hazard from this appliance.
Have tile wall outlet and circuit checked bv a
qualified electi'ician to make sure the outlet is
properly grounded.
If tile outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it
is your i)ei_onal responsibiliQ, and obligation to
have it replaced with a properly grounded S-prong
wall outlet.
Tile fl'eezer should always be I)lu'*ged_, into its own
indixidual electrical outlet which has a xoltage iv_dng
that matches the rating plate.
This provides tile best i)eil'om/ance and also
I)rexents oxerloading, house wii-ing, circuits which
could cause a fire hazard fl'om oxerheated wires.
Nexer tin )lu(* VO/II"ti'eezer by I & onI .,, , )ulliw* tile power
cord _Mwavs.,_II*I'i) )lug, fimfl) and pull straight ()lit
fl'om tile outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that
have become fl'a)'ed or otherwise damaged. Do not
rise a cord that sho_:s cracLs or abrasion damage
ahmg its length or at either end.
When moving tile fl'eezer away fl'oln tile wall, be
careful not to roll ()vet" or damage the power cord.

Aboutthe operationofyourfreezer, ge.com
_] Clean the inside of the fl'eezer with a mild solution oI baking soda and water (see Care and C/oaning).
]Connect cord to power outlet.
_]On models with a Temperature Monitor or High-Temp .Maml Switch, set tile switch to tile OFFp(>sifi(m.
[_ Make sure tile temperature control is set at 4.
_] ,Mlow fl'eezer to operate for at least four houi_ befi)re plating food inside.
_]On models with a Temperature Monitor or High-Temp _Maml Switch, set tile switch to tile 0Nposition.
Temperature Control
Located on back of lid.
Freezing temperature selection is made by
setting the control fl'om Ito 7 (coldest).
If you want colder or wamler temperatures,
a(!itlst tile control one step at a time.
High-Temp Alarm Switch {onsomemodels)
An alaml will sotmd if the fi'eezer
temperature reaches tmsafe levels.
Tile alaml operates on household
electricity. If the power tifils, the alaml
will not i)erfimn.
An ON/OFFswitch allows tile temperature
alam/ to be deactivated if desired. Tile
fl'eezer is shii)ped with the switch in the
OFfposidon. _MieI" tile freezer has i'tln
long enough to lower tile temperature,
you may set tile switch to tile 0Nposifion.
_Mlow several hom_ alter each one-step
a(!iustment for tile freezer temperature
to stabilize.
Turning tile control to OFFstops tile cooling
process but does not shut off power to tile
CAUTION: Adding more than 3 pounds {1.5kg)
of warm food per cubic foot of freezercapacity
can trigger the alarm.
Toactivate the alarm, set tile switch to tile
Todeactivate the alarm, set tile switch to tile
"___, _ Llil_ilct_[°r
\ On 3fl
7 ---
P0wer { Alarm Temp Alarm
Off ::
Electronic Temperature Alarm {some Electronic Chest models)
This feature is designed to provide a warning
if the inside temperature reaches an tmsafb
level. Tile Temp _Marm feature operates on
household electricity. It will not function if
household electrici b is interrupted.
When tile fi'eezer is initially plugged in, tile
red Temp .Mann indicator light blinks. Tile
indicator light will continue to blink until
the fl'eezer has reached a safe ii'eezing
temperature. If a malfunction causes an
unsaib temperature inside tile fi'eeze_; tile
red light will blink and tile buzzer will
sound. To silence tile buzzei; press tile
AI,ARM OFF breton. Tile indicat(>r light
will continue to blink tmtil a safe fl'eezing
temperature is again reached. If tile
problem is not solved within twelve (12)
hours, tile buzzer will mrn on again. If tile
ALARM OFF button is not pressed, tile
buzzer will turn itself off aut(>matically after
48 h(/tn% but tile red Temp ,Mmm light will
continue to blink.

Aboutthe operationofyourfreezer.
Power-On Light (onsomemodels)
The Powe>On IJght indicates that the
fl'eezer is properly com_ected to the
electrical powe_:
The li,*ht_,gl°ws even when the temperature
control is turned off.
Key-Ejecting Lock (onsomemodels)
The key for the spring-loaded lock is
automatically ejected-key will not remain in
lock in either the open or closed position.
Keepthekeyoutof reachofchildrenandaway
Freezer Shelves (onsomemodels)
The spacers (on some models) are used to
secure the shelxes during shipping. Remoxe
and discard the spacers.
Refrigerated Cabinet Shelves (onsomemodels)
These sheh'es contain cooling coils to
fl'eeze leeds quickly and allow cold air
to constantly circulate throughout
the fl'eeze_:
Tilt-Out Shelf{some Upright models)
This shelf is located inside on the fi'eezer
door and provides additional storage space.
To access an item, tilt the top of the
"basket" shelf down.

Defrostinginstructions.(forManual Defrost models) ge.com
In most climates, defrosting will be
Ilecess_lI'_ ()n]x_ _lbo//t t_vice _1 _e_lÀ:
Tohave your freezer operate most efhciently,
do notpermit mere than I/2" (13 mm) of
frost to accumulate on the shelves.
For Complete Defrosting
_] Turn tile telnl)erature control to OFF
and tm )hv, tile fl'eezex:
_ Remoxe all food and place it in
corrugated boxes, insulated bags,
picnic coole_5, etc. Lrse towels and
newsl)al)ei_ for insulation as needed.
_] With the door/lid open, use pans of
hot water to speed loosening of fl'ost.
Remove lalge pieces betore they melt.
On models without a defl'ost drain,
place rowels or ne_vsl)al)ei_ on tile
freezer bottom to catch the fi'ost, The
fi'ost will loosen and tifll, Remove towels
and/or ile_Sl)al)elN.
To relnove fl'ost, scrape with a plastic or
wood spattlla oI" SCi'al)ei:
Do not use an ice pick or sharp-edged
instrument as it may damage or scratch the
Do not use any electrical device in
defrosting your freezer.
/1. Some Chest models have a defl'ost
water drain at tile fl'ont and a hose
adapter that is packaged in a bag in
tile bottoln (ff tile fl'eezei: ]/elnove
tile drain ca I) on tile ti'ont of tile
ti'eezei; insert tile hose connectoi"
and attach the hose. Remove the
drain plug inside tile cabinet.
NOTE:X4"_terinay drip ti'oln tile
back flange _ffthe lid cover during
deti'osting. This is nomml. Ice builds
up in the lid insulation when the lid is
open for adding or removing food,
and inelts duling tile defl'osting
S )onoe excess water ][i'oII1 tile bottom
[] o_ thefl'eezer as it collects to prexent
[_]a. Solne Upright inodels have a hose
adapter and a drain hose behind the
base grille which can)' the defrost
water out ti'oln the fl'eezei: Relnove
the base grille; then remove the drain
plug and let the defl'ost water drain
into a pan.
Toremove the base grille (on some
models), remove the two Phillil)s-head
scre_v_ and pull tile grille away fl'om
the ti'eezei:
@_Mter defl'osting, clean the inside of the
fl'eezer (see Care and Cleaning).
[_a. On Upright inodels, be sure to
replace tile drain I)lug, and return tile
drain tube to its position. Replace tile
base grille.
b. On Chest models, replace tile drain
plug inside tile cabinet and tile cap
on tile defl'ost drain. Fold over and
dry the gasket on the hinge side of
the lid.
Phlo Ill t|_ •
_] g " _,,e H'eezei: ]_.eturn tile
telnl)erature control to its i)revious
position and return tood to the fl'eezei:

Careand cleaning of the freezer.
Cleaning YourFreezer
iJi::Outside.Protect tile paint finish. Tile
finish on tile outside ot tile fl'eezer is a
high quality, baked-on paint finish.
X4]tl/proper care, it Mll stay nm_qooking
and rust-flee fin" veai_. Apply a coat ot
appliance polish wax when the freezer
is new and then at least twice a veax:
Appliance polish wax also works well
to I'elllOVe [ape residue t1"oi/1 freezer
Keep the finish clean. '_,_]peMth a clean
cloth lightly dampened Mth appliance
polish wax or mild liquid dishwashing
detergent. Dry and polish with a clean,
soft cloth. Do not wipe tile fl'eezer with
a soiled dishwashing cloth or wet towel.
Do not use scom-ing pads, powdered
cleaners, bleach, or cleaners containing
CAUTION: Careshou/dbe taken in mow))g the
freezeraway from the wall.Aft typesof floor
coven))gscanbe damaged,particularly cushioned
coven))gsandthosewith embossedsurfaces.
iJi::Inside. Clean tile inside {ff wmr fl'eezer at
least once a veax; We recommend that the
fl'eezer be m_plugged befln'e cleaning. If
this is not practical, wring excess moisture
out of sponge or cloth when cleaning in
the vicinity of switches, lights or controls.
Use w;mn water and baking soda
solution-about a tablespoon of baking
soda to a quart of water: Rinse thoroughly
with water and wipe d_w: Do not use
cleaning i)owde_ or other abrasive
An open box of baking soda in tile
fl'eezer will absorb stale fl'eezer odm_.
Change the box eve_T three months.
PlasticNinge (---'_
No Defrosting (onNo-Frostmodels)
Y()/I never have to defl'ost VO/li" new
No-Frost ti'eezer It has been pre-set at
tile ti_ctorv to deti'ost itself automatically.
Package labels always remain clearly legible,
and packages will remain easy to separate
_lll(1 I'elIlOVe.
Dining defl'osfing, a slight noise may be
noticed if the door is opened while the
fl'eezer is in tile automatic defl'osfing cycle.
ToRemove the Freezer Door(onUpwhtmodels)
_] Remove tile plastic hinge cover by To replace tile doors, reverse tile order of
either lifting it off or fi)lding it back tile aboxe instructions.
(depending on model). CAUTION: /t lSveiy l}nportant that a/i hlbgescrews
r_ ]_elnoxe tile screws holding tile hinge aresecureiytightened to ensurea secureassembiy
to tile top of the cabinet using a andprevent hlbgesiippage.
screwdrixe_; :5/16" socket driver or
wrench (dei)ending on inodel).
[_] Remoxe tile top hinge fl'om tile cabinet
and lift tile door up and off tile lower
hinge pin. Set tile door aside.
[_ Remove tile two screws fl'om tile bottom
Lid Removal (onChestmodels)
See lid removal instructions on tile back of
tile cabinet.

In Case of Extended Power Failure
::Ji::Kee I) fl'eezer door/lid closed. Your
fl'eezer will kee I) fi_o(1 fl'ozen fin" 94 horns
provided wam_ air is not admitted.
::Ji::If fl'eezer is out of operation fin" 24 h(xms
or inore, add (h T ice. i.eave ice in large
pieces. Add more ice as required.
Preparing to Move
Disconnect the power cord plug fi'om
the wall outlet. Remove foods, defl'ost
(on Manual Defi'ost models) and clean
the fi'eezex:
Secure all loose items such as grille and
shelves by taping them securely in place
to prevent damage.
Preparing for Vacation
To maintain fi'eezer in operation during
\;ications_ be s/xx'e vo/xx" ho/xse power is not
turned oftl Fox" sure protection of fi'eezer
contents, you may want to ask a neighbor
to check the power supply and fl'eezer
operation every 48 hom_.
WARNING: Handlingof dry ice cancause
freezingof the hands--gloves or otherprotection
is recommendecL
::Ji::If dry ice is not awfilable, move food to a
fl'ozen food locker teml)oraril_until
power is restored.
Be sure fl'eezer stays in uptight position
during actual moving and in win. The
freezer must be secured in van to prevent
movement. Protect outside of fleezer
with blanket,
When the fl'eezer is not operating, it can be
left in an unheated house or room without
damage to cabinet or mechanism.
For extended V_IC_I[i()XlS OX" absences, )'O/X
XlX}ly l)x'efex" to XllOVe VO/lr ['x'ozexl ti)o(ls to a
storage locker temporarily. If u)ur fi'eezer is
to be left emi)D; disconnect power cord
plug fi'om wall outlet. To prevent fimnafion
of od(n_, place open box of baking soda in
fl'eezer and leave fl'eezer door/lid open.

Preparingto install the freezer.
Read these instructionscompletely and carefully.
Yore" fl'eezer should be conveniently located for
day-to-day use in a dr,v, well-ventilated room.
Do not install the fl'eezer where the temperatm'e
will go below O°F or above l ] O°K because it will
not maintain proper temperatures.
Be sm'e to install yore" fl'eezer on a floor strong
enough to support it when it is flfllv loaded.
On all models, allow 3" (76 ram) on top, back and
sides fi)r proper air circulation.
Turnrian[ Turf eft
[o luwer to raise
The fl'eezer must be solidly positioned on the floor
if it is to flmction at its best. Shims may be used to
accomplish this wherever the floor is too uneven.
If the place selected for the fl'eezer is damp or
moist, place 2 X 4's (51 mm X 102 ram) trader its
entire length to assm'e adequate support.
Adjustable Legs (onUprightmodols)
I,egs at the fi'ont cornexs of the fl'eezer
should be set so the fl'eezer is firefly
positioned on the floo_; and the fl'ont is
raised just enough so the door closes easily
when opened about halfway.

Normal operatingcharacteristics, gecem
These things are normal and
do not indicate a need for service.
::Ji::A wam_ cabinet exterior as the refl_igerafion system transfe_ heat ti'on_ the inside to the outside through
the exterior cabinet walls.
;;Ji::The sound of the high-efficiency compressor motor.
_: On No-Frost models, the sound ot wamr dril)ping as it melts fl'om the evaporator and escapes to the drain
pan dtwing defl'ost wcle.
::Ji::On No-Frost models, the sotmd of the tim ci_vulating air within the interior ot the cabinet providing
a consistent temperature throughout.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
Possible Causes
Freezer does not Temperature control
operate or Power-On in OFFposition.
What ToDo
• Mo_e the control to a teml)eratm'e settin,
Lightis not on Freezer is unplugged. • Push the plug completely into the outlet.
The fuse is blown/drctfit * Replace fl/se or reset the breaker.
breaker is tripped.
Freezer Marts/stops Door/lid left open. * (_he( k to sue if package is h()lding d()()r/lid ol)en.
too frequeotly Too frequent or too long
door/lid openhzgs.
Temperature control * See About theoperation ofyourfreezer
set too cold.
Freezer operates Door/lid left open. • Check to see if l)a( kage is holding door/lid ol)en.
too long Too frequent or too long
door/lid openhzgs.
Temperature control * See About the operation of yourfreezer
set too cold.
Inadequate air circulation * See Preparingto install thefreezer
space around cabinet.
Noisy operation Floor may be weak, causing • Placing 2 X 4's (51 mm X 102 ram) trader the length of
or cabinetvibrates freezer to vibrate when the fl'eezer will hel I) SUl)port it and may reduce vibration.
compressor is on.
Cabinet is not positioned * A@tst logs (on Uptight models). Sue Preparing to
solidly Oil floor, install the freezer Or t/se shims fin" t/neven _]oo1:
Freezer temperature Door/lid left open. * Check to sue if package is holding door/lid el)ca.
Too frequent or too long
door/lid openh_gs.

Beforeyoucall forservice...
Possible Causes What ToDo
Foods defrosting Temperature control * Move tile control to a temperatttre settiu
ha OFFposition.
Freezer is unplugged. * Push the plug completely into the outlet.
The fuse is blow.a/circuit * Replace fi/se or reset the breaker:
breaker is tripped.
Door/rid left open. * Check to see if })ackage, is holding, door/lid open.
Too frequent or too long
door/rid ope_fings.
Freezer temperature Temperature control * See About the operation of your freezer.
too cold set too cold.
Moisture forms on Not unusual during * Wipe stu_iwe (hF.
outside of cabinet periods of high hmnidity.
Interiorlightdoes No power at outlet. * Replace fl/se or reset tire breaker:
not work
(onsome models) Freezer is unplugged. * Push tire plug completely into tire outlet.
Light bulb burned out. * Replace bulb.
Door/lid won't fully Legs need adjusting. * See Preparing to install the freezer.
close by itself Package holding door/rid open.
Slow starting time Bttih-hl overload protection.
after being off
Excessive frost Door/rid left open. * Check to see if })ackage, is holding door/lid open.
Too frequent or too long
door/rid ope_fings.
Not unusual during
periods of high humidity.

GE Service Protection Plus rM
GE, a name recognized _ orklwide ff)r quality and dependability, offers you
Service Protection Plus'"--compreher_sive protection on all your appliar_ces--
No Matter What Brand!
Benefits Include:
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We 71 Cover Any Appliance.
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Please place in envelope and mail to:
Warranty Registration Department
P.O. Box 32150
Louisville, KY 40232-2150

Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Dear Customer:
Thank you tbr purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us.
_'e are proud to haxe you as a customer'.
Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:
Complete mid mail
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t]a_e the t)eace o/
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c_ln contact you ill
th( unlikely (v(nt of
a sa/;t'ty nlodi/ication.
AJler mailing tile
registration below,
store this(toctll//ellt
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contains int()rlnation
you will need should
you require service.
Our service nmnber is
Model Number Serial Number
Important: If you did not get a registration card with your
product, detach and return the form below to
ensure that your product is registered, or register
online at www.ge.com.
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
[_U}t(t VO/lr Owner's
Mamml carefullx.
It will hel t ) you
operate your new
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, I
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