GE FUM21, FUF12, FUF12S, FUF14, FUF14S Owner's Manual & Installation Instructions

Safety Information ............ 2-4
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning ............... 10-12
Defrosting Instructions
(for Manual Defrost Models) ........... 9
Features ............................... 8
Starting the Freezer ................... 5
Preparing to Install the Freezer ...... 13
Troubleshooting Tips ........ 14-16
Normal Operating
Characteristics ....................... 14
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ......... Back Cover
Production Registration for
Customers in Canada ............ 19, 20
Production Registration for
Customers in the U.S............. 17, 18
Warrantg ............................ 24
Upright--Manual Defrost Models:
FUM15, FUM14, FUM17, FUM21
Upright--No-Frost Models:
FUF12, FUF12S, FUF14, FUF14S, FUF17, FUF17C,
FUF17S, FUF20, FUF20S, FUF21, FUF21S
Chest-lVlonuol Defrost Models:
FCM5, FCM7, FCM9, FCM15,
FCM20, FCM25
Cong lateur
Model number:
Serial number:
You can find them on a plate either on the upper left wall inside the freezer
(Upright models) or on the left exterior wall (Chest models).
La section fran_aise commence 6 la page 25
de alimentos
La secci6n en espa_ol empieza en la p6gina 43
297252000 162D9627P010 49-60567-1 09-08JR
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
_This freezer must be properly installed and located
in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it isused.
Donot allow children to climb, stand or hang
on the shelvesinthe freezer.Theycould damage the freezer and seriouslyinjurethemselves.
_After your freezer is inoperation, do not touch the
cold surfaces,particularly when hands are damp or wet. Skinmay stickto these extremely cold
Donot store or usegasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Unplug the freezerbefore cleaning, making repairs or changing the light bulb.
NOTE:Westrongly recommend that any servidng be performed bgaqualified individual.
_Turning the control to the OFFposition does not
remove power to the light circuit on models with interior light.
Donot refreezefrozen foods which have
thawed completely.
_The maximum amount of food your freezer is
designedto freezeat one time isapproximately 3 pounds(1.5 kg)per cubic foot of freezercapacity.
Innormal position,your freezer's temperature
control will maintain sufficiently low temperatures in the freezer to freeze
recommended quantities offood.
_Caution should be usedwhen removing the door of
a freezer.Particular caution should be usedwhen removing the lid of a Chestfreezer,as most Chest
freezer lidsare under springtension. Contact the manufacturer's representative for a method of safe
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
Childentrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past.Junked or abandoned refrigerators and
freezersare still dangerous...evenif theu will sit for '_justa few daus."If Uouare getting rid of uour old
refrigerator or freezer,pleasefollow the instructions below to help prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer:
Take off the doors.
Leavethe shelvesinplace sothat children may not easily climb inside.
All refrigeration products contain refrigerants, which
under federal law must be removed prior to product
disposal.If gou are getting rid of an old refrigeration
product, check with the compang handling the
disposal about what to do.
Because of potential safetg hazards under certain conditions, we stronglbl recommend against the use of an extension cord.
However,if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessarythat it be a UL-listed(inthe United
States)or a CSA-listed(inCanada),3-wire grounding type appliance extensioncord having a grounding type plug and outlet and that the electrical rating of the cord be 15amperes (minimum)and 120 volts.
Do not, under any circumstonces, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For personol sofety, this opplionce must be properly grounded.
Thepower cord of this appliance is equipped with a 3-prong (grounding)plug which mates with a
standard 3-prong (grounding)wall outlet to minimize the possibilitu of electricshock hazard from this
appliance. Have the wall outlet and circuit checked bu a qualified
electrician to make surethe outlet is properly grounded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is uour personal responsibilituand obligation to have
it replaced with a properlu grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
Thefreezershould alw%s be plugged into itsown individualelectrical outlet which has a voltage rating
that matches the rating plate.
Thisprovides the best performance and alsoprevents overloading house wiring circuits which could cause a
fire hazardfrom overheated wires. Never unplug your freezer by pulling onthe power
cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.
Repairor replace immediately all power cords that have become frayed or otherwise damaged. Do not
usea cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.
When moving the freezeraway from the wall, be careful not to roll over or damage the power cord.
About the operation of gour freezer,
Starting the Freezer
[] Cleanthe insideof the freezerwith a mild solution of bakingsoda and water (seeCareond Cleoning). I-_--]Connectcord to power outlet. F3-]on models with a Temperature Monitor or High-TempAlarm Switch,set the switch to the OFFposition. E_] Make surethe temperature control isset at 4. [] Allow freezerto operate for at least four hours before placing food inside. _lOn models with a Temperature Monitor or High-TempAlarm Switch,set the switch to the ON position.
Temperature Control
Forsafe food storage,allow 4 hoursfor the freezerto cool down completely. Thefreezer
will run continuously for the first several hours. Foodsthat are already frozen may be
placed in the freezer after the first few hours of operation. Unfrozenfood should NOTbe
placed in the freezer until it has operated for /4hours,Allow several hoursafter each one-
step adjustment for the freezer temperature to stabilize.
When loading the freezer,freezeonly ] poundsof fresh food per cubic foot of
space at a time. Distributepackages evenly throughout the freezer.Itisnot necessary to
turn the control knob to a colder setting while freezing food.
Turningthe control to OFFstops the cooling processbut doesnot shut off power to the freezer.
Hi Tem[ Door Open
7is coldest
0 Is olf
Alarm Rese
dO d 3 Seconds
to Lock Conbo s
Electromechanical Temperature Control (Chestand some Uprightmodels)
Theelectromechanical temperature control
ispreset to give satisfactory food storage
temperatures. It isadjustable to provide a
range oftemperatures. Allowseveralhours
for the temperature to stabilizebetween
The electromechanical temperature control is
on the outside left on the chest models and insidethe freezer on upright models.
Electronic Temperature Control (someUpright Frost-Free models)
Thiselectronictemperaturecontrolislocatedon thefrontofthefreezerdoor.Thetemperatureis
factory-presetto providesatisfactoryfood storagetemperatures.Toadjustthetemperature
setting,pressColderto decreasetemperatures and Warmerto increasetemperatures.Allow
severalhoursforthetemperatureto stabilize betweenadjustments.
Toturn thefreezeroff,pressWarmer untilthe displayreads"0J'Toturnthefreezeron,press
Calderuntilthedisplayshows"4"orthe desired setting.
Tolockthe controls,pressAlarm Resetfor ] seconds.Thedisplaywillread"U'Tounlock
thecontrols,pressAlarm Resetfor ] seconds. Thedisplaywill read"U"andthendisplay
This electronic control hasa temperature
alarm feature. Ifthe inside temperature exceeds23°K Analarm will sound if the
freezertemperature reaches unsafe levels.
The alarm operates on householdelectricity.
If the power fails,the alarm will not perform. When the freezerisinitially plugged in,the
red Hi Templight will come on and a buzzer will sound.The indicator light will stag on until
the freezer temperature reaches 23°For below.Tosilencethe buzzer,push Alarm
Reset.Ifthe temperature in the freezergoes above 25°Ffor any reason,the Hi Tamp light
will come on and the buzzerwill sound every hour until the temperature isbelow 25°KTo
silencethe buzzer,pushAlarm Reset. If an "E"appears on the display,contact your
authorized servicetechnician for repair.The freezerwill continue to run until serviced.
About the operation of gour freezer.
Convertible Freezer/Refrigerator (some Upright Frost-Free models)
Theconvertible model con operote os either o Thetemperoture on this model is preset.To refrigerotor or o freezer.Theselectionismode odjust the temperoture, pushthe UPbutton
using the switch ot the bock of the unit morked Fond R.With the switch in the F
position,the freezer controls below this switch ond to the left become octive.With the switch
in the Rposition,the refrigerotor controls
H,GH-TEMPi!i iii
°" O °'" I
Locoted on bock of tid.
below this switch ond to the right become octive. Plocingthe switch in the middle
position will turn off the unit completely ond will disobleoilcooling functions.
High-Tamp Alarm Switch (onsomemodels)
An olorm will sound if the freezer temperoture reoches unsofe levels.The
olorm operotes on householdelectricitg. If
the power foils,the olorm will not perform. An ON/OFFswitch ollows the temperoture
olorm to be deoctivoted if desired.The freezer isshipped with the switch in the OFFposition.
After the freezer hos run longenough to
lower the temperoture, gou mog set the switch to the ON position.
for wormer ondthe DOWN button for cooler temperotures. Allow severolhoursfor the
temperoture to stobilizebetween odjustments.
When inthe refrigerotor mode,the Freeze Control Feoturemointoins proper interior
refrigerotor temperoture evenif plocedinon oreo wherethe temperoture is 10°F(-12°C).
CAUTION:Adding more thon 3 pounds
(1.5kg) of worm food per cubic foot of freezer copocitg con trigger the olorm.
To activate the alarm, set the switch to the ON position.
To deactivate the alarm, set the switch to the OFF position.
_ ,4 Ikndicat°ri ights
"_\ OnlOff
Power Temp Alarm
Electronic Temperature Alarm (someElectronic Chest models)
Thisfeature isdesigned to providea warning if the insidetemperature reachesan unsafe
level.TheTempAlarmfeature operates on householdelectricity. It will notfunction if
householdelectricitU isinterrupted. When the freezerisinitiolly plugged in,the
red TempAlorm indicotor light blinks.The indicotor light will continue to blink until the
freezer hos reochedo sofe freezing temperoture. If o molfunction couseson
unsofe temperoture inside the freezer,the
red light will blinkond the buzzerwill sound.
To silencethe buzzer,pressthe ALARMOFF
button. Theindicotor lightwill continue to blink until osofefreezingtemperoture is
ogoin reoched. Ifthe problem isnot solved within twelve (12)hours,the buzzerwill turn
on ogoin. Ifthe ALARMOFFbutton isnot pressed,the buzzerwill turn itselfoff
outomoticolly ofter 48 hours,but the red
Temp Alorm lightwill continue to blink.
Power-On Light (onsomemodels)
The Power-OnLight indicatesthat the freezer
isproperlu connected to the electrical power.
Key-EJecting Lock (onsomemodels)
The keufor the spring-loaded lock is
automatically ejected-keg will not remain in lock ineither the open or closed position.
Freezer Shelves (onsome models) Thespacers (onsome models)are used to
securethe shelvesduring shipping. Remove and discard the spacers.
Tilt-Out Shelf (someUpright models)
Thisshelf islocatedinside on the freezer door
and providesadditional storage space.To accessan item,tilt the top of the "basket"
shelf down.
Thelight glows evenwhen the temperature control isturned off.
Keep the keg out of reoch of children ond owo_l from the freezer.
Smoll objects ore o choke hozord to
Slide-Out Basket (someUpright models)
A slide-out basket provides separate storage
space for items that are difficult to store on shelves.Itis located at the bottom of the
freezer.To removethis basket, pull out and
lift up.
Interior Light
The interior light comes onwhen the freezer
door isopened.To replace the bulb, setthe
temperature control to OFFand unplug the electrical cord. Replacethe bulb bg
unscrewing it from the fixture. Replace
with the same size and wattage.
AdJustable Shelves (Upright models)
Theadjustable shelves can be moved to
different levelswithin the freezer.To movethe shelf,grasp the shelf and push to either the
right or the left to disengage the endsof the shelffrom placement holesinthe freezer.Tilt
the shelfto releasethe other side.To install the shelf, reversethese directions.
GlassShelf PlacementHois
Wire Shelf PlacementHoles
Somemodels will have glass shelvesand some modelswill have wire shelves.
About the operation of gour freezer.
Adjustable Door Bins (some Upright models)
The adjustable door bins provide flexible
storage space.The number of binsvaries bg model.
Crispers (some Upright models)
Thecrispers are designedfor storing fruits, vegetables and other fresh produce. Items
should bewashed and drained well before placing in the crisper drawers.
Oneof the crisper drawers comesequipped
with a Humiditg Control.This ollows gou to
control the humiditg within that crisper.This con extend the lifeof fresh vegetables that
keepbest in high humiditg.
Soft Freeze Zone (someUpright models)
TheSoft FreezeZone isspecificallg for foods
such as icecream. It isdesigned to maintain a highertemperature than the restof the
Basket Divider (some Upright models)
Organizegour freezer basket bg using the basket dividerssupplied.Tochange the location, rotate the divider in a
counterclockwise direction and pull up until it
isfree from the basket. Align the center of the
divider with the center of the line inthe
bottom of the basket as shown inthe figure. Rotatethe divider clockwise until it snaps into
Wire Shelf Bookend (someUpright models)
Usethese handg bookendsto keepvarious
boxed items storedneatlg in gour freezer. Toadjust the location, simplg unsnap the
bookend from the wire shelf and snap into the next desired location.
Defrosting instructions.Ifor Manual Defrost models)
In most climates, defrosting will be necessary only about twice a year.
Tohave your freezer operate most efficiently, do not permit more than 1/2 "
(13 mm) of frost to accumulate on the
For Complete Defrosting
FTITurn the temperature control to OFFand
unplug the freezer.
Removeall food and place it in
corrugated boxes,insulated bogs,picnic coolers,etc. Usetowels and newspapers
for insulation as needed. With the door/lid open,use pans of
hot water to speed loosening of frost.
Removelarge pieces beforethey melt.
On modelswithout a defrost drain, place towels or newspapers onthe freezer
bottom to catch the frost. Thefrost will loosenand fall. Removetowels and/or
Toremove frost, scrape with a plastic or wood spatula or scraper.
Do not use an ice pick or sharp-edged instrument as it may damage or scratch
the freezer.
0o not use ang electrical device in defrosting gour freezer.
b. SomeChestmodels hove a defrost
water drain at the front and a hose
adapter that is packaged in a bog in
the bottom of the freezer.Remove the drain cap on the front of the
freezer,insert the hoseconnector
and attach the hose. Removethe drain plug insidethe cabinet.
NOTE:Water may drip from the back flange of the lid cover during
defrosting.This isnormal. Icebuilds up inthe lidinsulation when the lidis
open for adding or removing food, and melts during the defrosting
a. SomeUpright models hove a hose
I, I
adapter and a drain hosebehindthe bosegrille which carry the defrost
water out from the freezer.Remove the bose grille;then remove the drain
plug and let the defrost water drain into a pan.
Toremove the bosegrille (on some models),remove the two Phillips-head
screws and pullthe grille away from the freezer.
rs-1sponge excesswater from the bottom
of the freezeras itcollectsto prevent overflowing.
I_1 After defrosting, cleon the insideofthe
freezer (seeCoreand Cleaning).
On Upright models,be sureto replace
the drain plug and return the drain tube to its position.Replacethe
On Chestmodels, replacethe drain plug insidethe cabinet and the cap
on the defrost drain. Foldover and dry the gasketon the hinge sideof
the lid.
r_-]Plugin the freezer.Returnthe
temperature control to its previous position and return food to the freezer.
Careand cleaning of the freezer.
Cleaning Your Freezer
Outside. Protect the paint finish.The finish on the outside of the freezer isahigh
quality, baked-on paint finish.With proper care, it will stay new-looking and rust-free
for years. Apply a coat of appliance polish wax when the freezer isnew and then at
leasttwice a year.Appliance polishwax
also works well to removetape residue from freezer surfaces.
Keep the finish clean. Wipe with a clean cloth lightly dampened with appliance
polishwax or mild liquid dishwashing
detergent. Dry and polish with a clean,soft cloth. Do not wipe the freezer with a soiled
dishwashing cloth or wet towel. Do not use scouring pads, powdered cleaners,bleach,
or cleaners containing bleach.
CAUTION:Core should be token in moving the freezer away from the wall. All types of
floor coverings con be damaged, particularly cushioned coverings and those
with embossed surfaces.
Inside. Cleanthe inside of your freezerat least once a year.We recommend that the
freezer beunplugged before cleaning. Ifthis isnot practical,wring excess moisture out
of sponge orcloth when cleaning inthe vicinity of switches, lights or controls.
Usewarm water and baking soda solution-about a tablespoon of baking
sodato a quart of water. Rinsethoroughly with water and wipe dry. Do not use
cleaning powders or other abrasive cleaners.DO NOTwash removable parts in
a dishwasher. Anopen box of baking soda inthe freezer
will absorb stalefreezerodors.Changethe box every three months.
CAUTION:Damp objects stick to cold metal
surfaces. DO NOTtouch interior metal surfaces with wet or damp hands.
CAUTION:Freezer must be unplugged to ovoid electrical hazard from power source
when defrosting unit.
Someupright freezersarefrost-free and defrost automatically, but should be
No Defrosting (on No-Frost models)
You never have to defrost your new No-Frost freezer. Ithas been pre-set at the factory to
defrost itself automatically.
Packagelabelsalways remain clearly legible,
and packages will remain easy to separate and remove.
During defrosting, a slight noisemay be noticed ifthe door isopened while the freezer
isin the automatic defrosting cycle.
Cover._....._) Hinge
_dp..Z Screws
%"'_ _Top Hnge
(on some models)
To Remove the Freezer Door (onNon-Electronic Control Upright models)
p-1 Removethe plastichinge cover by either
lifting it off or folding it back (depending
on model).
I-_---1Removethe screws holding the hinge
to the top of the cabinet using a screwdriver,5/16" socket driver or wrench
(depending on model).
[3-] Removethe top hinge from the cabinet
and lift the door up and off the lower
hinge pin.Set the door aside.
I-_ Removethe two screwsfrom the bottom
Toreploce the doors, reversethe order of the
above instructions.
CAUTION:It isverdiimportont thot oll hinge
screws oresecurelgtightenedto ensureo secureossemblgond prevent hinge slippoga
To Remove the Freezer Door (onElectronic Control Upright models)
The hinge screws are tamperproof.
Pleasehave an authorized service
technician remove the door.
Lid Removal (on Chestmodels) Seelid removal instructions on either the
back of the cabinet or the hinge label.
Careand cleaning of the freezer.
In Case of Extended Power Failure
Keepfreezer door/lid closed.Yourfreezer
will keep food frozen for 24 hours provided worm air isnot admitted.
If freezerisout of operation for 24 hours or more, odd dry ice. Leaveicein large pieces.
Add more ice asrequired.
Preparing to Move
Disconnectthe power cord plug from the wall outlet. Removefoods,defrost (onManual Defrost models)and cleanthe freezer.
Secureall loose items such asgrilleand shelvesby taping them securely in place
to prevent damage.
Preparing for Vacation
Tomaintain freezer in operation during vacations, be sure your house power isnot
turned off. Forsure protection of freezer
contents, you may want to ask aneighbor
to check the power supply and freezer
operation every 48 hours. Forextended vacations or absences,you
may preferto move your frozen foods to a storage lockertemporarily. If your freezer is
to be left empty, disconnect power cord plug from wall outlet. Toprevent formation of
odors, placeopen box of baking soda in
freezer and leavefreezer door/lid open.
WARNING:Handling of dry icecan cause freezingof the hands-gloves or other protection isrecommended.
If dry ice is not available, move food to a frozen food lockertemporarily-until power
Besurefreezerstays in upright position during actual moving and in van.The
freezer must be secured in van to prevent
movement. Protect outside of freezerwith blanket.
When the freezer isnot operating, it can be
left inan unheated house or room without damage to cabinet or mechanism.
! Thefreezer should be located in the
coolest area ofthe room, away from
opplioncesor heotingducts,ond
Lethot foods coolto room temperature beforeplacing in the freezer.Overloading
the freezer forcesthe compressor to run
longer.Foodsthat freeze too slowly may losequality or spoil.
Besureto wrop foods properly, ond wipe
contoiners dry before plocing them in the freezer.Thiscuts down on frost buildup
insidethe freezer.
Freezershelvesshould not be linedwith aluminum foil, wax paper or paper
toweling. Linersinterfere with cold air
circulation, making the freezer less efficient.
Organizeand label food to reduce door openingsand extended searches.Remove
asmany items as needed at one time, and closethe door as soonas possible.
Preparing to install the freezer,
Read these instructions completelg and carefullg.
Freezer Location
Yourfreezer should be convenientlg located for dag-to-dag useinadry, well-ventilated room.
Donot installthe freezer where the temperature will
go below 0°F or above ll0°F, because it will not
maintain proper temperatures. Besureto install gourfreezeron a floor strong
enough to support it when it isfullg loaded.
On all models,allow S" (76ram) on top, back and sidesfor proper air circulation.
Turnright Turnleft tc lower to raise
Thefreezer must be solidlgpositioned on the floor
if it isto function at its best. Shims mag be used to accomplish this whereverthe floor istoo uneven.
If the place selected for the freezer is damp or moist, place 2 X4's (51 mm X 102mm)under its entire
length to ensure adequate support.
Adjustable Legs (on Upright models)
Legsat the front corners of the freezer should be setso the freezer is firmlg positioned on
the floor,and the front israisedjust enough sothe door closeseasilgwhen opened about
Level Freezer
Upright Models: Discardcrate screws and wood base.Use
a carpenter's levelto levelthe freezer from back to front. Adjustthe plastic levelingfeet
in front 1/2 bubble higher so the door closes easilgwhen left open.
ChestModels: If needed,add metal or wood shims between
foot pads and floor.
Unit Loading (onUpright models)
CAUTION:Toallow the door to closeand seal properlg,DO NOTletfood packagesextend
past the front of theshelves.
Normal operating characteristics.
These things are normal and do not indicate a need for service.
A warm cabinet exterior asthe refrigeration sgstem transfers heat from the insideto the outside through the exterior cabinet walls.
Thesound of the high-efficiencg compressor motor. On No-Frostmodels,the sound of water dripping as it melts from the evaporator and escapesto the drain pan
during defrost cgcle. On No-Frostmodels,the sound of the fan circulating air within the interior of the cabinet providing a consistent
temperature throughout.
Before gou call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips Save time and moneg! Review the charts on the foflowing pages first and gou m%l not need to call for service.
Possible Causes
Freezerdoesnot Temperature control operate or Power-On in OFFposition.
Light is not on
Freezerstarts/stops Door/lid left open. ° Checkto see if package is holding door/lid open. too frequentlg Toofrequent or too long
Freezeroperates Door/lid left open. Checkto see ifpackage is holding door/lid open.
too long Toofrequent or too long
Freezer is unplugged. Pushthe plug completelg into the outlet. Thefuse is blown/circuit Replacefuse or reset the breaker.
breaker istripped.
door/lid openings. Temperature control SeeAbout the operationof your freezer,
set too cold.
door/lid openings. Temperature control SeeAbout the operationof your freezer,
set too cold. Inadequate air circulation * SeePreparing to installthefreezer.
space around cabinet. Room or outside weather ishot. * It's normal for the freezer to work harder under these
What To Do
Movethe control to o temperature setting,
Freezer has been disconnected * Ittakes/4 hours for the freezer to cool down completely. recentlg for a period of time.
Large amounts of warm or hot food have been stored recentlg.
Warm food will cause the freezer to run more untilthe desiredtemperature is reached.
Possible Causes What To Do
Noisgoperation Floor may be weak, causing or cabinet vibrates freezer to vibrate when
Placing2X4's(51 mm X 102 mm) under the length of the freezer will helpsupport it and may reduce vibration.
compressor is on. Cabinet isnot positioned Adjust legs(onUpright models).SeePreparing to
solidly on floor, install the freezer.Oruse shimsfor uneven floor. Freezer istouching the wall. Levelfreezeror move slightly. SeeLevelFreezers.
Freezertemperature Door/lid left open. Checkto see ifpackage is holding door/lid open.
tOO warm
Toofrequent or too long door/lid openings.
Temperature controlis set ,Turn control to a colder setting.Allow several hoursfor too warm. the temperature to stabilize.
Large amounts of water or hot food Wait until the freezer has had achance to reach its mag have been storedrecentlg, selectedtemperature.
Freezer has been disconnected Freezerrequires4 hours to cool down completely. recentlg.
Foods defrosting Temperature control Movethe control to a temperature setting.
in OFFposition. Freezer is unplugged. Pushthe plug completely into the outlet. Thefuse is blown/circuit Replacefuse or reset the breaker.
breaker istripped. Door/lid left open. Check to see ifpackage is holding door/lid open. Toofrequent or too long
door/lid openings.
Freezertemperature Temperature control SeeAbout the operation of gout freezer. too cold set too cold.
Noisture forms on Not unusual during Wipe surface drg. outside of cabinet periods of high humiditg.
Door mall not be seating properlll, See Preparing to install the freezer. causing cold air from inside the
freezer to meet warm moist air from the outside.
Interior light does No power at outlet. Replacefuse or reset the breaker. not work
(onsome models)
Freezer is unplugged. Pushthe plug completely into the outlet. Light bulb burned out. Replacebulb.
Door/lid won't fullg Legs need adjusting. SeePreparing to install thefreezer. close bg itseff
Packageholdingdoor/lid open.
Slowstarting time Built-inoverload protection.
after being off Excessivefrost Door/lid left open. Checkto see ifpackage is holding door/lid open.
buildup Toofrequent or too long
door/lid openings. Not unusual during
periods of high humiditll.
Before you call for service...
Possible Causes
temperatureis warm......
Louder sound levels Hodern freezers hoveincreased ,This is normGI,When the surrounding noiselevelislow, whenever freezer ison storage cepecitgend more stable goumight hear the compressor running while it cools
Longer sound levels Freezeroperates at higher Thisis normal. Soundwill leveloffor disappear as when compressor pressures during the start of freezercontinues to run.
comeson the ON cgcle.
Poppingorcrockingsound Metal parts undergoexpansionand * Thisis normal. Sound will leveloff or disappear as whencompressorcomeson contraction,as in hot water pipes, freezer continues to run.
Bubbling or gurgling Refrigerant (usedto coolfreezer)is * Thisis normal.
sound, likeboiling water circulatingthroughout the sgstem. Moisture forms oninside Weather is hot end humid, which * Thisis normal.
freezer walls increases internel rate offrost
The externel freezer wells con be es much es 30°F wormer then
room temperature.
temperatures. Theg requiree high-efficiencg compressor.
buildup. Door meg not be seatingproperlg. SeePreparing to installthefreezer.
Door is kept open too long, or is Open the door lessoften. opened too frequentlg.
What To Do
Thisis normal while the compressor works to transfer heot from insidethe freezer cobinet.
the interior.
Odors in freezer Interior needs to be cleened. Cleaninterior with sponge,warm water and bakingsodG.
Foods with strong odors ere in Coverthe food tightly. the freezer.
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Unlimited service calls for the length of your contract, or credit toward a replacement product
Service coverage for covered operating parts and labor on appliances and home electronics that fail during normal single family household use
Yoursatisfaction is our goal. We strive to provide you with excellent service in a professional and timely manner.
Place gour confidence in GE and call us in the U.S. toll-free at 1.800.626.2224 for more information.
*Most brands covered up to 15 gears old in the continental U.S.
SPP is a trademark of General Electric Compang.
Please place in envelope and mail to:
General Electric Company
Warrantg Registration Department
P.O.Box 32150 Louisville,KV 40232-2150
_.,._ Cut here
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Dear Customer:
Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us. We are proud to have you as a customer!
Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:
Complete and mail gour Consumer Product Ownership Registration todag. Have the peace of mind of knowing we can contact you in the unlikely event of a safety modification.
After mailing the registration below,
store this document in a safe place. It
contains information you will need should you require service.
Our service number is 8OO.GE.CARES
Model Number Serial Number
Important: If you did not get a registration card with your
product, detach and return the form below to ensure that your product is registered, or register online at
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Read your Owner's Manual carefully.
It will help you operate your new
appliance properly.
_,,,_ Cut here
Model Number Serial Number
ME[] Ms.[] Mrs.[I Miss[I
First I
Name I I I I I I
Address I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
Apt. # I I I I I
City I
Date Placed
In Use [
Month __
I I Dayl, I Yearl, I Phone
GE Consumer & Industrial Appliances
General ElectricCompany Louisville, KY40225
,,,,, ,,,,,, I Statel, I Cadel,, ' , I
* Please provide your e-mail address to receive, via e-mail, discounts, special offers and other important
communications from GEAppliances (GEA). i} Check here if you do not want to receive communications from GEA's carefully selected partners.
FAILURETOCOMPLETEAND RETURNTHISCARD DOESNOTDIMINISH YOURWARRANTYRIGHTS. For information about GEA's privacy and data usage policy, go to and click on "Privacy
Policy" or call 800.626.2224.
I Last I
I Name I I I I I I I I I I
E-mail Address*
Numberl l, I-I,, I-I
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