GE Frac-920, Frac-950 Operating Instructions Manual

Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950
Operating Instructions
Original instructions
Table of Contents
31 Introduction ..........................................................................................................
51.2 Regulatory information ......................................................................................................................
81.3 Instrument ...............................................................................................................................................
91.3.1 Fraction Collector Frac-920 .......................................................................................................
111.3.2 Fraction Collector Frac-950 .......................................................................................................
121.4 Control software ....................................................................................................................................
121.5 User documentation ...........................................................................................................................
142 Safety instructions ...............................................................................................
142.1 Safety precautions ...............................................................................................................................
192.2 Labels .........................................................................................................................................................
212.3 Emergency procedures ......................................................................................................................
222.4 Recycling information .........................................................................................................................
232.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS) ........................................................................
253 Installation ............................................................................................................
253.1 Site requirements ..................................................................................................................................
253.2 Transport ..................................................................................................................................................
263.3 Unpacking ................................................................................................................................................
263.4 Assembly ..................................................................................................................................................
263.5 Connections ............................................................................................................................................
273.6 Spare parts and accessories ...........................................................................................................
284 Operation ..............................................................................................................
284.1 Fraction Collector Frac-920 stand alone ...................................................................................
374.2 Fraction Collector Frac-920 connected to an ÄKTA instrument .....................................
394.3 Fraction Collector Frac-950 .............................................................................................................
475 Maintenance .........................................................................................................
475.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................
475.2 Cleaning ....................................................................................................................................................
485.3 Changing capillaries ............................................................................................................................
485.4 Changing waste tubing ......................................................................................................................
496 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................
496.1 Faults and actions ................................................................................................................................
517 Reference information ........................................................................................
517.1 Specifications .........................................................................................................................................
527.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form ...........................................................................................
547.3 Ordering information ..........................................................................................................................
2 Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Purpose of the Operating Instructions
The Operating Instructions provide you with the instructions needed to handle Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 in a safe way.
In order to operateFraction Collector Frac-920and Frac-950 asis intended, thefollowing pre-requisites must be fulfilled:
The user should have a general understanding of how a PC and the Microsoft
Windows®operating system works. (if a computer is used)
The user must understand the concepts of liquid chromatography.
The user must read and understand the Safety Instructions in this manual.
Fraction CollectorFrac-920 and Frac-950 andsoftware shouldbe installed, configured and calibrated according to these Operating Instructions.
About this chapter
This chapter contains important user information, a description of the intended use of Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950, regulatory information, list of associated documentation, definitions of safety notices and so on.
Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC 3
1 Introduction
1.1 Important user information
Read this before operating the product
All users must read the entire Operating Instructions before installing, operating or maintaining the product.
Always keep the Operating Instructions at hand when operating the product.
Do not operate the product in any other way than described in the user documentation. If you do, you may be exposed to hazards that can lead to personal injury and you may cause damage to the equipment.
Intended use
Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Fraction Collector Frac-950 are automated fraction collectors for use in ÄKTA chromatography systems. Fraction Collector Frac-920 can also be used as a stand-alone unit.
Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 are intended for research use only, and shall not be used in any clinical procedures, or for diagnostic purposes.
Safety notices
This user documentation contains WARNINGS, CAUTIONS and NOTICES concerning the safe use of the product. See definitions below.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in deathor serious injury.It is important not toproceed until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.
4 Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC
1 Introduction
1.1 Important user information
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury. It is important not to proceed until all stated conditions aremet and clearlyunderstood.
NOTICE indicates instructions that must be followed to avoid
damage to the product or other equipment.
Notes and tips
A note is used to indicate information that is important for trouble-free and optimal use of the product.
A tip contains useful information that can improve or optimize your procedures.
Typographical conventions
Software items are identified in the text bybold italic text. A colonseparates menu levels, thus File:Open refers to the Open command in the File menu.
Hardware items are identified in the text by bold text (e.g., Power switch).
1.2 Regulatory information
In this section
This sectiondescribes the directives and standards thatare fulfilled by Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950.
Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC 5
1 Introduction
1.1 Important user information
Manufacturing information
The table below summarizes the required manufacturing information. For further infor- mation, see the EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) document.
GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB,Name and address of manufacturer
Björkgatan 30, SE 751 84 Uppsala, Sweden
Conformity with EU Directives
This product complies with the European directives listed in the table, by fulfilling the corresponding harmonized standards.
Machinery Directive (MD)2006/42/EC
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive2004/108/EC
Low Voltage Directive (LVD)2006/95/EC
CE marking
The CE marking and the corresponding EU Declaration of Conformity is valid for the in- strument when it is:
used as a stand-alone unit, or
connected to other products recommendedor describedin the user documentation, and
used inthe same stateas it was delivered from GE Healthcare,except for alterations described in the user documentation.
6 Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC
1 Introduction
1.2 Regulatory information
International standards
This product fulfills the requirements of the following standards:
EN standard is harmonized with EU directive 2006/95/EC
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use
EN/IEC 61010-1, UL 61010-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1
EN standard is harmonized with EU directive 2004/108/EC
Electrical equipment formeasure- ment, control and laboratory use
- EMC requirements
EN 61326-1
EN ISO standard is harmo- nized with EU directive 2006/42/EC
Safety of machinery. General principles for design. Risk assess- ment and risk reduction.
EN ISO 12100
FCC compliance
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.
The user is cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved by GE Healthcare could void the users authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea- sonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equip- ment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC 7
1 Introduction
1.2 Regulatory information
Regulatory compliance of connected equipment
Any equipmentconnected to FractionCollector Frac-920 and Frac-950 shouldmeet the safety requirements of EN 61010-1/IEC 61010-1, or relevant harmonized standards. Within the EU, connected equipment must be CE marked.
Environmental conformity
This product conforms to the following environmental requirements.
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive2011/65/EU
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive2012/19/EU
Administration on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products, China Restriction of Hazardous Sub- stances (RoHS)
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of CHemicals (REACH)
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
1.3 Instrument
Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 are automated fraction collectors for use in ÄKTA chromatography systems. Fraction CollectorFrac-920 can alsobe used as astand- alone unit.
8 Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC
1 Introduction
1.2 Regulatory information
1.3.1 Fraction Collector Frac-920
Main parts
Table 1.1: The main parts of Fraction Collector Frac-920.
Delivery arm1
Lock knob2
Control buttons3
Control buttons4
Collection tubes5
Tube rack6
Programming buttons7
Menu display8
Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC 9
1 Introduction
1.3 Instrument
1.3.1 Fraction Collector Frac-920
Electrical and communication connections
Drop sensor1
Auxillary equipment3
Remote/digital I/O4
Power inlet6
10 Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC
1 Introduction
1.3 Instrument
1.3.1 Fraction Collector Frac-920
1.3.2 Fraction Collector Frac-950
Main parts
FRAC 950
FRAC 950
FRAC 950
FRAC 950
d mode
d m
Table 1.2: The main part of Fraction Collector Frac-950
Delivery arm1
Safety bar2
Collection tubes3
Tube rack4
Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC 11
1 Introduction
1.3 Instrument
1.3.2 Fraction Collector Frac-950
Electrical and communication connections
Voltage Frequency Power max. 100-120 / 50-60 Hz 300 VA 220-240 V~
UniNet 3 UniNet 1
2 3
UniNet-3 connectors1
DropSync connector2
Power inlet3
Power switch4
UniNet-1 connector5
1.4 Control software
UNICORNcontrol software
UNICORN isa complete software for control and supervision of Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950. The software runs under Microsoft®Windows operating system.
For more information about UNICORN control system, see the UNICORN user manuals supplied.
1.5 User documentation
In addition to these Operating Instructions, the documentation package supplied with Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 also includes product documentation binders containing detailed specifications and traceability documents.
The mostimportant documents in thedocument package with regard totechnical aspects of Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 are:
12 Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC
1 Introduction
1.3 Instrument
1.3.2 Fraction Collector Frac-950
System-specific documentation
ContentUser documentation
All instructions needed to operatethe instrument in a safe way, including brief system description, installation, and maintenance.
Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions
Detailed system description. Comprehensive user instructions, method creation, operation, ad- vanced maintenance and troubleshooting.
Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 User Manuals
Document whereby the manufacturer ensures that theproduct satisfies and is in conformity with the essentialrequirements ofthe applicable direc- tives.
EU Declarationof Conformity for Fraction Collector Frac-920and Frac-950
Software documentation
Together with each system,the following software documentation is supplied providing additional informationthat applies to FractionCollector Frac-920 and Frac-950,indepen- dent of the specific configuration:
The manuals contain detailed instructions on how toadminister UNICORN,work with methods, perform runs and evaluate results.
The Online help contains dialog descriptions for UNICORN. The Online help is accessed from the Help menu.
UNICORN manual package
Component documentation
Documentation for components produced both by GE Healthcare and by a third-party are, if existent, also included in the document package.
Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC 13
1 Introduction
1.5 User documentation
2 Safety instructions
About this chapter
This chapter describes safety compliance, safety labels, general safety precautions, emergency procedures, power failure and recycling of Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950.
2.1 Safety precautions
Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 are powered by mains voltage and handles liquids that may be hazardous. Before installing, operating or maintaining the system, you must be aware of the hazards described in this manual. Follow the instructions provided to avoid personal injury or damage to the equipment.
The safety precautions in this section are grouped into the following categories:
General precautions
Using flammable liquids
Personal protection
Installing and moving the instrument
System operation
General precautions
Always follow these General precautions to avoid injury when using Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950.
Do not operate Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 in any other way than described in the Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions.
14 Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC
2 Safety instructions
Operation anduser maintenance of theFraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 should be performed by properly trained personnel only.
Do not use any accessories not supplied or recommended by GE Healthcare.
Do not use the Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 if it is not working properly, nor if it has suffered any damage, for example:
damage to the power cord or its plug
damage caused by dropping the equipment
damage caused by splashing liquid onto it
Operation and user maintenance of Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950 should be performed by properly trained personnel only.
Do not use the Fraction Collector Frac-950 if the safety bar is bro- ken.
Waste tubesand containers must besecured and sealed toprevent accidental spillage.
Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC 15
2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions
Make sure waste container is dimensioned for maximum possible volume when the equipment is left unattended.
Avoid condensation by letting the unit equilibrate to ambient tem- perature.
Using flammable liquids
A fume hood or similar ventilation system shall be installed when flammable or noxious substances are used.
Personal protection
Always use appropriate personal protective equipment during operation and maintenance of Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950.
When using hazardous chemical and biological agents, take all suitable protective measures, such as wearing protective glasses and gloves resistant to the substances used. Follow local and/or national regulations for safe operationand maintenance of Fraction Collector Frac-920 and Frac-950.
16 Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC
2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions
Spread of biological agents. Theoperator has to takeall necessary
actions to avoid spreading hazardous biological agents in the vicinity of the instrument. The facility should comply with the na- tional code of practice for biosafety.
Installing and moving the instrument
Supply voltage. Make sure that the supply voltage at the wall
outlet corresponds to the marking on the equipment, before con- necting the power cord.
Fraction CollectorFrac-920 and Frac-950 mustalways be connect- ed to a grounded power outlet.
Power cord. Only use power cords with approved plugs delivered
or approved by GE Healthcare.
Access to power switch and power cord with plug. Do not block
access to the power switch and power cord. The power switch must always be easy to access. The power cord with plug must always be easy to disconnect.
Frac-920 and Frac-950 Operating Instructions 28-9622-09 AC 17
2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions
+ 38 hidden pages