GE Security
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
5. Display LEDs
Table 2-2: LED Descriptions
LED Description
Power Indicates that the power supply is ON.
If the system processor is faulty, the General Fault, Power and Comms LEDs will be
activated simultaneously.
General Fault
The detector has one or more faults, which will also be shown by other specific fault
indicators. The Fault relay contacts always follow the state of this indicator.
Isolated will also show as General Fault.
If the system processor is faulty, the General Fault, Power and Comms LEDs will be
activated simultaneously.
The processor has been reset
Mains Fault This indicator may activate due to an incorrect device configuration.
To prevent this from occurring, please ensure that Pin 2 and Pin 5 on CN2 are linked. For
more information, please see External Power Supply Connection on page 9.
Flow Fault The flow rate for any sector is outside the bounds set by the High and Low flow limits. All
sectors are normalized by a run-time sequence; on high pressure systems, the pipe lengths
should be balanced.
Battery Fault This indicator may activate due to an incorrect device configuration.
To prevent this from occurring, please ensure that the STANDBY parameter in the
Configuration menu is set to 0. For more information, please see Table 5-4 on page 22.
The rotary valve has a fault.
Detector Fault The laser smoke detector has d evelop ed a fault.
This has been put into Isolated mode when the unit functions normally, but alarm reporting
via the relays is disabled.
Note: General Fault will also be shown.
Comms Fault An element of the internal RS485 communication link or remote display is faulty.
If the system processor is faulty, the General Fault, Power and Comms LEDs will be
activated simultaneously.
Hold Flashes when a manual scan is being performed.
Unlock The Panel is unlocked - meaning that an access code has been entered. It will clear when
normal operation is resumed.
6. Alert, Action, Fire1, and Fire2 Indicators
These operate in tandem with corresponding relays on the I/O board to indicate progressive levels of
smoke and are programmable for obscuration level. The FHSD721C / FHSD721DC and FHSD720C
also enable these indicators to be configured for time delays.
7. Logarithmic smoke density bar graph
Displays 0 to 20 %obs/m with a resolution of 0.01 %obs/m at the lower end (0 - 6.09 %obs/ft).