GE FHSD720C, FHSD721C, FHSD724DC, FHSD726DC, FHSD7215DC Installation And User Manual

FHSD700C Series
Installation and User Manual
June 2009
Document Number: 16097_01
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
Document Conventions
The following typographic conventions are used in this document:
Convention Description Bold Used to denote: emphasis Used for names of menus, menu options, toolbar buttons
Used to denote: references to other parts of this document or other documents. Used for the result of an action.
The following icons are used in this document:
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Caution: This icon is used to indicate that there is a danger to equipment. The danger
could be loss of data, physical damage, or permanent corruption of configuration details.
Warning: This icon is used to indicate that there is a danger of electric shock. This may lead to death or permanent injury.
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FHSD700C Series Product Guide
GE Security
Codes and Standards Information for Air Sampling Smoke Detection
We strongly recommend that this document is read in conjunction with the appropriate local codes an d standards for smoke detection and electrical connections. This document contains generic product information and some sections may not comply with all local codes and standards. In these cases, the local codes and standards must take precedence. The information below was correct at time of printing but may now be out of date, check with your local codes, standards and listings for the current restrictions.
This GE Security product incorporates a 658 nm laser device with an average power less than 10 mW, and is classified as a Class 1 laser product that complies with FDA regulations 21 CFR 1040 with deviations pursuant to Laser Notice 50, and with IEC / EN 60825-1. Access to the laser chamber is on the underside of equipment and is restricted by cover. The cover may only be removed by qualified personnel. The laser emits visible light and can be hazardous if viewed with the naked eye.
CAUTION - Use of controls or adjustments of performance or procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Regional Regulatory Requirements and Notices
For open area protection the Fire 1 alarm threshold (signal) must be set within the limits specified by the following conditions:
FHSD721C / FHSD721DC, FHSD724DC and FHSD726DC detectors must have a Fire 1 threshold set within 0.04 to
0.16% obs/ft
FHSD7215DC detectors must have a Fire 1 threshold set between 0.04 to 0.7% obs/ft FHSD720C detectors must have a Fire 1 threshold set within 0.04 to 0.29% obs/ft
The product must use a power supply conforming to EN54-4. The product is compliant with EN54-20 sensitivity requirements provided that the hole sensitivity is better and transport time is
less than the following values:
Class A
0.6% obs/m 60 secs
0.6% obs/m 60 secs
1.5% obs/m 60 secs
1.5% obs/m 60 secs
0.1% obs/m 30 secs
Class B
1.6% obs/m 60 secs
3.6% obs/m 60 secs
4.5% obs/m 60 secs
4.5% obs/m 75 secs
0.1% obs/m 30 secs
Class C
3.6% obs/m 60 secs
10% obs/m 60 secs
10% obs/m 60 secs
10% obs/m 90 secs
1% obs/m 30 secs
The product is compliant with EN54-20 flow monitoring requirements provided that the following conditio ns are met:
Flow Low and Flow High parameters should be set to 85% and 115% respectively for FHSD720C, FHSD721C /
FHSD721DC, FHSD724DC and FHSD726DC detectors
TRCPRESS parameter should be set to 25 for FHSD7215DC detectors
Additional Information
Class A, B and C detectors passed EN54-20 approvals testing with the following number of holes and detector sensitivities:
Class A
12 holes
0.04% obs/m
16 holes
0.04% obs/m
20 holes
0.05% obs/m
30 holes
0.05% obs/m
15 holes
0.1% obs/m
Class B
36 holes
0.04% obs/m
72 holes
0.04% obs/m
48 holes
0.06% obs/m
72 holes
0.06% obs/m
15 holes
0.1% obs/m
Class C
36 holes
0.1% obs/m
72 holes
0.1% obs/m
72 holes
0.1% obs/m
72 holes
0.1% obs/m
15 holes
1.0% obs/m
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
GE Security
Table of Contents
1 Introduction................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Detector Models.................................................................................................................1
2 Principle of Operation...............................................................................................................2
2.1 Flow Monitoring .................................................................................................................2
2.2 Alarms and Trace Mode ....................................................................................................3
2.3 Detector Display Panel......................................................................................................3
3 Installation..................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Mounting the Detectors......................................................................................................6
3.2 Cable Connections ............................................................................................................8
3.3 Connection of Sampling Tubes........................................................................................14
3.4 Remote Display Panel.....................................................................................................15
4 Starting Up...............................................................................................................................16
4.1 Flow Normalization..........................................................................................................16
5 Setup and Button Functionality.............................................................................................18
5.1 Access Codes..................................................................................................................18
5.2 User Functions.................................................................................................................19
5.3 Main Menu Modes...........................................................................................................20
5.4 Input-Output Modules......................................................................................................31
6 Maintenance.............................................................................................................................33
6.1 Servicing..........................................................................................................................34
Appendix A: Display Panel Navigation....................................................................................35
Appendix B: Communications Guide.......................................................................................36
B.1 Installation Guide for RS485 Equipment..........................................................................36
Appendix C: Laser Chamber Safety.........................................................................................38
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
1 Introduction
Welcome to the GE Security FHSD700C Series Product Guide. This document is written to provide you with information on technical specifications, cabling, and how to install, configure and operate these detectors.
FHSD700C Series detectors are aspirating smoke detectors that provide early warning of fire by analyzing air drawn through an air sampling pipe network. A highly sensitive detector chamber is able to detect smoke at very low concentrations. Embedded and PC software enable the configuration of a wide range of user defined parameters and reporting capabilities and extended input and output functionality is achieved through the addition of plug-in modules.
1.1 Detector Models
Detectors in the GE Security FHSD700C range differ in a variety of ways including the number of sample tube inlets available, ability to provide individual pipe sampling, aspiration system and sample tube type.
FHSD724DC to FHSD7215DC detectors incorporate a rotary valve as a method of sampling individual pipes and providing addressability. This unique feature is described in Principle of Operation on page 2.
The two typ
es of aspiration systems used include an internal fan (low pressure system), or an internal vacuum pump (high pressure system). High pressure systems are capable of drawing air samples down small bore tubes while low pressure systems use wide-bore rigid sample tubes. Small bore systems are often preferred when installations need to be unobtrusive.
RS232, RS485 and TCP/IP interfaces enable flexible connectivity options for detector networking, configuration and monitoring via GE Security Fire System Configuration and Management Software: GE Security VSC and VSM4. When connected by TCP/IP, the Fire System Management software enables the configuration and monitoring of a large number of systems by a single PC, which can be accessed anywhere via any standard internet connection.
The differentiating attributes for the detector models are summarized in the following table.
Table 1-1: Detector Models and Differentiating Factors
Model FHSD720C FHSD721C /
Applicable EN54-20 Classes A / B / C A / B / C A / B / C A / B / C A / B / C Number of Sample Tubes 2 4 4 6 15 Individual Sampling (rotary valve) No No Yes Yes Yes Individual Flow Monitoring No Yes Yes Yes Yes Flow Monitoring System Thermal Pressure Sample tube inlet diameter 25mm OD 25mm OD 6mm OD / 4mm ID Aspirator system Fan Pump Area Coverage 2000m2 (VdS)
2000m2 2000m2 N/A
Available with Beacon Option No Yes Yes Yes Yes Ethernet FHSD720NETC
FHSD721DC only Yes Yes Yes
Note: FHSD7215DC detectors are not designed for open-area coverage. However, for the purpose of
calculating sampling point spacing, the equivalent maximum area coverage is 1500 m
(16 000
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
GE Security
2 Principle of Operation
Air samples are drawn through the pipe network from the protected area through wide or small bore pipe systems. Wide bore tubes generally have sampling holes drilled at intervals within the protected area while small bore tubes normally sample air at their end points.
The aspirator draws air from the pipe network into the detector inlets where the samples are combined, filtered, and directed to the laser detection chamber. Systems incorporating a rotary valve have an Overall position which draws air equally from all sectors. In contrast, the FHSD721C / FHSD721DC has an inlet manifold which combines samples from up to four inlet pipes while the FHSD720C uses a T­piece of pipe to combine air sampled from two inlet pipes.
All models, except the FHSD720C, have flow monitoring on each inlet. The FHSD720C has flow monitoring of the combined air-flow. More information on flow monitoring can be found in Section 2.1.
The detection chamber consists of a laser beam directed across an optical chamber, through which the air sample flows. A photodetector built into the optical chamber measures the amount of light scattering from particles in the air. A clean air sample will cause very little scattering but as the smoke density of the sample increases, the amount of light directed onto the photodetector will also increase. The light signal is processed to become a direct measurement of the amount of obscuration caused by smoke. Information about the laser chamber can be found in Appendix C.
If the smoke detected is higher than the preset alarm thresholds in the detector (Alert, Action, Fire 1 and Fire 2), an alarm will be reported. One or more Alarm relays, preset to activate at an alarm threshold will signal the host panel after a preset time delay. Alarm states are also shown on the display panel, and an audible warning is given. An optional alarm beacon can also be fitted for all detectors except the FHSD720C.
Systems with a rotary valve (FHSD724DC to FHSD7215DC) have an additional preset trigger level, Trace, usually set below the Alert level. When Trace is activated, the rotary valve will sequentially scan the sectors, in order to determine the source of the event. While in Trace mode, the default levels for Alert, Action, Fire 1 and Fire 2 are the same as used for Overall monitoring. If required, different levels for Alert, Action, Fire 1 and Fire 2 may be set for each sector in the Sector Alarms menu. The Overall alarm levels may also be changed as can all delay times (FHSD720C and FHSD721C / FHSD721DC only).
2.1 Flow Monitoring
The control system monitors for blockages or disconnection of tubes for each sector by detecting when the air flow is above or below acceptable flow thresholds. Flow thresholds are dependant on air flows measured during normalization.
The normalization process enables the detector to learn typical air flow characteristics of the system and sets these expected flow readings to 100% for each sector. A normalization sequence must be performed at installation. The detector has default high and low limits and associated delay times, which may be changed in the Configure menu.
Air flow characteristics of the system are highly dependent on the detector's pipe network. The design of the pipe network should be considered carefully prior to installing the system.
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
2.2 Alarms and Trace Mode
The default settings of the four alarm states (Alert, Action, Fire1 and Fire2) and Trace are shown in the following table. The Trace threshold is only applicable to detectors FHSD724DC to FHSD7215DC, which have a rotary valve.
Table 2-1: Default Behavior of Alarm States and Trace Mode
Level Latched / Unlatched Threshold Delay Beacon Pulse (On:Off) Sounder
Trace Latched 0.03% obs/m 3 secs - Continuous Alert Latched 0.04% obs/m 3 secs 0.5 secs : 2 secs Continuous Action Latched 0.06% obs/m 3 secs 0.5 secs : 1 sec Continuous Fire1 Latched 0.08% obs/m 3 secs 0.5 secs : 0.5 secs Continuous Fire2 Latched 0.1% obs/m 3 secs Continuous Continuous
Trace parameters apply when the rotary valve is in the Overall position and all sectors are being monitored. If latched, the Trace indicator will remain illuminated after the initiating event has ceased. It does NOT mean that the unit will continue indefinitely in Trace (scan) mode. The system will only continue in Trace mode if the detected smoke level is above the Trace threshold after scanning. The Alert relay may be programmed to be activated by the Trace threshold. Its action will then follow that of the Trace indicator.
If any alarms are unlatched, all resultant actions (relay contacts, display panel indicators, sounder and beacon) will clear if and when the triggering event ceases. If it is latched, all the warning mechanisms are maintained until action is taken by the user (please see Detector Display Panel on page 3). These alarm states are global a
nd will be set depending on the smoke density being measured, regardless of which sector is being sampled. Once in Trace mode, each sector has an alarm indicator associated with it. These individual sector alarms pulse progressively, depending on the degree of alarm status, in the same way as the Beacon (please see Default Behavior of Alarm States and Trace Mode on page 3).
2.3 Detector Display Panel
All FHSD700C detectors (except for the FHSD720C and FHSD721C) can have a full display panel or a blank panel fitted to the main system. The FHSD720C and FHSD721C have no display but can be connected to a remote display unit via RS485 communications from the Main I/O module. The display panel is used for annunciating the detector status and smoke levels, and can also be used to configure the detector.
The display consists of a range of configuration and control buttons (Item 1 in Figure 2-1) and LEDs to indicate Alarms, Faults, Power, Reset and other operational status (Items 5 and 6 in Figure 2-1). When configuring the detector via the display panel, some of these configuration and control buttons will have a dual function to allow the user to enter parameter values, scroll through configuration items, or enter an Access Code. Alternate functions are indicated by LEDs located above the buttons (Item 3 in Figure 2-1) and are activated when the associated button can be used for the alternative function.
More information about button functionality, Access Codes and how to setup the detector with the Main Menu can be found in Setup and Button Functionality on page 18. A flowchart illustrating how to navigate through the display panel can be found
in Appendix A Display Panel Navigation on page 35.
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
GE Security
1. Control and Configuration Buttons
2. Status Display
3. Alternate Button Function Indicators
4. Sector, Alarm and Fault Indicators
5. Display LEDs
6. Alert, Action, Fire1 and Fire2 Indicators
7. Logarithmic smoke density bargraph
Figure 2-1: FHSD700C Series Display Panel
The following describe the display panel for the FHSD700C detector.
1. Control and Configuration Buttons
All local user-interface options are done using these buttons.
1. Not used for FHSD700C detectors
2. Menu key
3. Test key
4. Scan / parameter scroll down key
5. Isolate / parameter scroll up key
6. Sounder silence / enter key
7. Reset / value scroll down key
8. Accept / value scroll up key
Figure 2-2: Control and configuration keys
2. Status display
Will normally show the smoke density value. Also used for all Setup and Configure procedures.
3. Alternate button function indicators
When the unit is in a mode accessed by the Main Menu, the five right-most buttons can change to Scroll and Enter functions.
4. Sector, Alarm and Fault Indicators
Individual Sample, Alarm, and Fault indicators for each sector. The All alarm is the Trace indicator.
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
5. Display LEDs
Table 2-2: LED Descriptions
LED Description
Power Indicates that the power supply is ON.
If the system processor is faulty, the General Fault, Power and Comms LEDs will be activated simultaneously.
General Fault
The detector has one or more faults, which will also be shown by other specific fault indicators. The Fault relay contacts always follow the state of this indicator.
Isolated will also show as General Fault. If the system processor is faulty, the General Fault, Power and Comms LEDs will be
activated simultaneously.
Processor Reset
The processor has been reset
Mains Fault This indicator may activate due to an incorrect device configuration.
To prevent this from occurring, please ensure that Pin 2 and Pin 5 on CN2 are linked. For more information, please see External Power Supply Connection on page 9.
Flow Fault The flow rate for any sector is outside the bounds set by the High and Low flow limits. All
sectors are normalized by a run-time sequence; on high pressure systems, the pipe lengths should be balanced.
Battery Fault This indicator may activate due to an incorrect device configuration.
To prevent this from occurring, please ensure that the STANDBY parameter in the Configuration menu is set to 0. For more information, please see Table 5-4 on page 22.
Aspiration Fault
The rotary valve has a fault.
Detector Fault The laser smoke detector has d evelop ed a fault.
This has been put into Isolated mode when the unit functions normally, but alarm reporting via the relays is disabled.
Note: General Fault will also be shown.
Comms Fault An element of the internal RS485 communication link or remote display is faulty.
If the system processor is faulty, the General Fault, Power and Comms LEDs will be activated simultaneously.
Hold Flashes when a manual scan is being performed.
Unlock The Panel is unlocked - meaning that an access code has been entered. It will clear when
normal operation is resumed.
6. Alert, Action, Fire1, and Fire2 Indicators
These operate in tandem with corresponding relays on the I/O board to indicate progressive levels of smoke and are programmable for obscuration level. The FHSD721C / FHSD721DC and FHSD720C also enable these indicators to be configured for time delays.
7. Logarithmic smoke density bar graph
Displays 0 to 20 %obs/m with a resolution of 0.01 %obs/m at the lower end (0 - 6.09 %obs/ft).
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
GE Security
3 Installation
The units should be installed in accordance with the following installation instructions and in a manner acceptable to the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The units are also intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code.
Warning: Use of controls or adjustments of performance or procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
The following steps should be carried out in order to correctly install the system:
1. Securely mount the back box to a suitable wall or support using the three points shown in the fixing diagrams in Section 3.1. M6 or M8 screws are suitable.
2. Connect the cables for the power supply and any I/O modules. Ferrite cores should be fitted to the power cable, whether DC or AC.
3. Fit the pipe network to the system. For details on how to design and install a pipe network, refer to
3.1 Mounting the Detectors
Careful consideration should be given to the mounting location of the detector unit to ensure that it is:
Positioned at an accessible height to facilitate commissioning, routine testing and maintenance. Positioned in an area where the exhaust air pipe will remain clear of obstacles at all times. Not installed above a heat source such as a radiator or in direct air flow source such as Air
Secure and free from operation by unauthorized personnel.
Figure 3-1: FHSD720C Mounting Diagram and Dimensions
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
Figure 3-2: FHSD721C / FHSD721DC Mounting Diagram and Dimensions
Figure 3-3: FHSD724DC and FHSD726DC Mounting Diagram and Dimensions
Figure 3-4: FHSD7215DC Mounting Diagram and Dimensions
FHSD700C Series Product Guide
GE Security
3.2 Cable Connections
Note: All work carried out on these units should be performed by fully qualified personnel. There are no
user serviceable parts inside.
CAUTION: Before installing or removing batteries or carrying out any work that requires the removal of any board ensure that the power supply is disconnected.
A fused junction box may be used as an external disconnect device.
3.2.1 FHSD721C / FHSD721DC to FHSD7215DC Main Board Connections
This section describes the power, input / output and communications connections for the FHSD721C / FHSD721DC to FHSD7215DC detectors and how to access the interfaces for the connections. A summary of these interfaces is shown in the following table.
Table 3-1: Standard FHSD721C / FHSD721DC to FHSD7215DC Connections
Category Name Description
24 VDC Input 24 VDC power input from external power supply.
For more information, please refer to External Power Supply Connection on page 9.
Auxiliary 24 VDC Output
24 VDC power output rated to 1A for powering an external sounder,
addressable I/O devices etc. Fault Relay Output Activates when a Fault is detected. Alarm Relay
Alarm relays for each Alarm level (Alert, Action, Fire 1, Fire 2) that are
activated when the corresponding alarm level is detected.
Input / Output
Remote Reset/Isolate Input
Dual action input for remote reset and isolate.
Remote Reset: Activated by applying 24 VDC.
Remote Isolate: Activated by applying 24 VDC for 8 seconds or more.
Once 24 VDC is removed, the system reverts to normal operation.
The function of this input is programmed in the Setup Menu. More
information can be found in Section 5.3.8 SETUP: Setup Menu on page 29. RS 485 Enables the following connections:
Connection to a remote Display Panel Connecting up to 30 detectors on an RS 485 multi-drop netwo rk Connection to a PC with GE Security VSC or VSM4 via a RS232-
RS485 converter.
Ethernet Enables TCP/IP connections to a PC with GE Security VSC or VSM4 via
Note: Not available for the FHSD720C and FHSD721C.
RS 232 Enables a direct serial connection to a PC with GE Security VSC or VSM4
for configuration and monitoring.
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