GE Druck DPI612 User Manual

GE Measurement and Control
Portable Pressure Calibrator
User Manual – 109M4017
© 2014 General Electric Company. All Rights Reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. GE is a registered trademark of General Electric Company. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not affiliated with GE.
User Manual Druck DPI612
Revision History
DPI 612 Portable Pressure Calibrator User Manual
This document supersedes all previously issued versions, providing new or revised information. The most recent publication can be determined by comparing the last three characters at the end of the part number and the date issued.
Part Number: 109M4017
Revision -
General Description of Changes
First Release
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User Manual Druck DPI612
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 8
EQUIPMENT IN THE BOX .................................................................................................. 8 1.1
OBSERVANCE OF THE USER MANUAL ....................................................................... 8 1.2
GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ................................................................................. 8 1.3
WARNINGS .......................................................................................................................... 10 1.4
ELECTRICAL SAFETY ........................................................................................................ 10 1.5
RECHARGABLE BATTERY WARNINGS ..................................................................... 11 1.6
PRESSURE WARNINGS ................................................................................................... 14 1.7
OVERVOLTAGE CATEGORY ........................................................................................... 15 1.8
PREPARING THE INSTRUMENT ................................................................................... 15 1.9
1.9.1 Initial Checks ............................................................................................................ 15
1.9.2 Install Rechargeable Battery and Cradle ................................................... 15
1.9.3 Install Dry Cell Batteries ..................................................................................... 17
PARTS ..................................................................................................................................... 19 1.10
1.10.1 DPI 612 ....................................................................................................................... 19
1.10.2 Test Port ..................................................................................................................... 21
1.10.3 Pressure Release Valve....................................................................................... 22
1.10.4 SELECTOR DPI 612 pFlex & pFlexPro (20 & 100 bar) ............................ 22
1.10.5 Pump ........................................................................................................................... 22
1.10.6 Volume Adjuster ..................................................................................................... 23
1.10.7 Refill Valve ................................................................................................................. 25
1.10.8 Priming Pump DPI612 hFlexPro (1000 bar) ............................................... 25
ACCESSORIES: .................................................................................................................... 26 1.11
1.11.1 Carry Case (P/N IO612-CASE-3) ...................................................................... 26
1.11.2 Rechargeable Battery pack (P/N CC3800GE) ........................................... 26
1.11.3 Rechargeable Battery and adaptor kit (P/N IO61X-BAT-KIT) ............ 26
1.11.4 Rechargeable Desktop Charger (P/N CX6100GE) .................................. 26
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1.11.5 Mains Adaptor (P/N IO620-PSU) ..................................................................... 26
1.11.6 USB Cable (P/N IO620-USB-PC) ....................................................................... 27
1.11.7 IDOS to USB Converter (P/N IO620-IDOS-USB) ........................................ 27
1.11.8 USB to RS 232 Cable (P/N IO620-USB-RS232) .......................................... 27
1.11.9 Dirt Moisture Trap 20 bar (P/N IO620-IDT621) ......................................... 27
1.11.10 Dirt Moisture Trap 100 bar (P/N IO620-IDT622) ...................................... 27
1.11.11 Pneumatic Hose (PN IO620-HOSE-P1 / IO620-HOSE-P2) ................... 28
1.11.12 Hydraulic Hose (PN IO620-HOSE-H1 / IO620-HOSE-H2) .................... 28
1.11.13 Low Pressure Pneumatic Hose (PN IOHOSE-NP1 / IOHOSE-NP2) .. 28
1.11.14 Pressure Adaptor set ........................................................................................... 29
1.11.15 Comparator Adaptor (P/N IO620-COMP) .................................................... 29
1.11.16 Pressure Module (P/N IPM620-***) ................................................................ 29
1.11.17 Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) ................................................................................ 30
DRUCK DPI612, MODES ................................................................................................. 31 1.12
1.12.1 Power ON ................................................................................................................... 31
1.12.2 Power OFF ................................................................................................................. 31
1.12.3 Power up from Standby Mode ........................................................................ 32
NAVIGATION ....................................................................................................................... 32 1.13
1.13.1 Set Date, Time and Language ......................................................................... 32
1.13.2 Themes ....................................................................................................................... 33
1.13.3 DRUCK DPI612 Manual ....................................................................................... 33
SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE UPGRADES ............................................................... 33 1.14
1.14.1 Viewing Software Revision ................................................................................ 33
1.14.2 Upgrading the Software ..................................................................................... 33
1.14.3 Upgrade the Application Software ................................................................ 34
1.14.4 Upgrade the Operating System and Boot Loader Software. ........... 34
MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................... 35
1.15.1 Cleaning ..................................................................................................................... 35
1.15.2 Replace the Batteries ........................................................................................... 35
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INSTRUMENT RETURN.................................................................................................... 35 1.16
1.16.1 Returned Material Procedure .......................................................................... 35
1.16.2 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................ 35
1.16.3 Important Notice ................................................................................................... 36
1.16.4 Instrument Disposal in the European Union ............................................ 36
1.16.5 For more information contact ......................................................................... 36
ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................. 36 1.17
MARKS AND SYMBOLS ON THE EQUIPMENT ....................................................... 37 1.18
2 OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 38
COMMON OPERATIONS ................................................................................................. 38 2.1
2.1.1 Attach/Remove the device under test ........................................................ 38
2.1.2 Attach a Pressure Relief Valve ........................................................................ 40
2.1.3 Setting a Pressure Relief Valve ....................................................................... 41
2.2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 42
2.2.2 Release the Pressure ........................................................................................... 42
2.2.3 Vacuum or Pressure Operation DPI 612 pFlex (20 bar) .................... 43
2.2.1 Release Pressure DPI 612 pFlex (20 bar) ................................................... 43
2.2.2 Vacuum or Pressure Operation DPI 612 pFlexPro (100 bar) ............. 44
2.2.3 Release pressure DPI 612 pFlexPro (100 bar pump) ............................ 46
DPI 612 HFLEXPRO (1000 BAR) HYDRAULIC OPERATIONS. .......................... 46 2.3
2.3.1 First Use ..................................................................................................................... 47
2.3.2 Filling and Priming the Pump ........................................................................... 47
2.3.3 Topping up the Hydraulic Fluid ....................................................................... 48
2.3.4 Priming Sequence ................................................................................................. 49
2.3.5 Applying Hydraulic Pressure (1000 bar) ..................................................... 50
2.3.6 Release Hydraulic Pressure (1000 bar pump) ......................................... 51
2.3.7 Drain Excess Hydraulic Fluid ............................................................................ 51
2.3.8 Drain all the Hydraulic Fluid ............................................................................. 52
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CALIBRATOR OPERATIONS ........................................................................................... 54 2.4
2.4.1 Basic Calibrator Operation ................................................................................ 54
2.4.2 Set the Function Utility Options ...................................................................... 60
2.4.3 Measurement Display Options ........................................................................ 63
2.4.4 Example Procedures ............................................................................................ 64
PRESSURE CALIBRATION ............................................................................................... 69 2.5
2.5.1 Set up a Leak Test ................................................................................................. 70
2.5.2 Set the Pressure Module to Zero .................................................................... 72
2.5.3 Error Indications ..................................................................................................... 72
MEASURE PRESSURE: IDOS OPTION ........................................................................ 72 2.6
2.6.1 IDOS Option Assembly Instructions .............................................................. 73
2.6.2 IDOS Function Procedures ................................................................................ 73
3 DATA LOGGING OPERATION .................................................................................................. 75
SET-UP ................................................................................................................................... 76 3.1
OPERATION.......................................................................................................................... 77 3.2
FILE REVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 78 3.3
FILE MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................... 78 3.4
3.4.1 Transfer ...................................................................................................................... 78
3.4.2 Erase ............................................................................................................................ 79
3.4.3 Memory Status ........................................................................................................ 79
DATA FORMAT .................................................................................................................... 79 3.5
4 DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 81
ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................. 81 4.1
SET-UP ................................................................................................................................... 82 4.2
4.2.1 Define the Reference Channel ........................................................................ 82
4.2.2 Define each Input Channel ............................................................................... 82
ANALYSIS FUNCTION ...................................................................................................... 84
RUN PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................. 84 4.4
4.4.1 Sequence to Upload and Download file ..................................................... 85
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5 CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................................ 86
GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 86 5.1
CALIBRATION CHECK ...................................................................................................... 86 5.2
CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENTS ..................................................................................... 87 5.3
BEFORE STARTING ........................................................................................................... 87 5.4
PROCEDURES: CURRENT (MEASURE) ....................................................................... 88 5.5
PROCEDURES: CURRENT (SOURCE) .......................................................................... 89 5.6
PROCEDURES: DC MV/VOLTS (MEASURE) ............................................................. 90 5.7
PROCEDURES: DC VOLTS (SOURCE) ......................................................................... 91 5.8
PROCEDURES: PRESSURE INDICATOR .................................................................... 92 5.9
PROCEDURES: IDOS UPM ............................................................................................. 93 5.10
6 ACCESSORY INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................. 94
DIRT MOISTURE TRAP 20 BAR (P/N IO620-IDT621) ........................................... 94 6.1
6.1.1 Specification: ........................................................................................................... 94
6.1.2 Pressure connections: ......................................................................................... 94
6.1.3 Operation: ................................................................................................................. 94
6.1.4 Cleaning: .................................................................................................................... 95
DIRT MOISTURE TRAP 100 BAR (P/N IO620-IDT622) ........................................ 96 6.2
6.2.1 Specification: ........................................................................................................... 96
6.2.2 Pressure connections: ......................................................................................... 96
6.2.3 Operation: ................................................................................................................. 96
6.2.4 Cleaning: .................................................................................................................... 97
7 GENERAL SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 98
8 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................................... 101
DPI 612 PFLEX ................................................................................................................. 101 8.1
DPI 612 PFLEXPRO ......................................................................................................... 102 8.2
DPI 612 HFLEXPRO ........................................................................................................ 103
GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 104 8.4
9 MANUFACTURER ...................................................................................................................... 105
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The Druck DPI612 is a battery-powered instrument for performing pressure and electrical calibration operations. The Druck DPI612 also supplies the power and user interface functions for all optional items. The DPI612 uses the PM620 pressure module to allow user selection of the most suitable pressure range for the task.


The following are the common items supplied with the Druck DPI612
1/8” NPT & BSP pressure adaptors
Set of four test leads
Safety and Quick Start Guide
Hand & Shoulder straps
Refer to DPI612 datasheet for full list of accessories supplied with each DPI612 model.


This manual contains safety and battery installation information for the Druck DPI612. It is the responsibility of the customer to make sure that all personnel operating and maintaining the equipment are correctly trained and qualified. Before using the equipment, read all sections of this User Manual paying particular attention to all WARNINGS and CAUTIONS given in the Quick Start Guide.


Read and obey all the operator's local health and safety regulations and safe working procedures or practices when doing a procedure or task.
Use only the approved tools, consumable materials and spares to
operate and maintain the equipment.
Use equipment only for the purpose for which it is provided.
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Wear all applicable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Do not use sharp objects on the touch-screen.
Observe absolute cleanliness when using the instrument.
Severe damage can be caused if equipment connected to this
instrument is contaminated.
Connect only clean equipment to the instrument. To avoid any
contamination, an external Dirt Moisture Trap (See Section 1.10.7) is recommended
Some liquid and gas mixtures are dangerous. This includes
mixtures that occur because of contamination. Make sure that the equipment is safe to use with the necessary media.
Read and obey all applicable WARNING and CAUTIONS signs.
Make sure that:
o All work areas are clean and clear of unwanted tools,
equipment and materials.
o All unwanted consumable materials are disposed in
accordance with local health and safety and environmental regulations.
o All equipment is serviceable.
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Do not ignore the specified limits for the instrument or its related
accessories. This can cause injuries.
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the
manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Do not use the instrument in locations with explosive gas, vapour
or dust. There is a risk of an explosion.


The DC input to the DPI612 is rated at 5V (+/-5%) 4 Amps.
External circuits should have appropriate insulation to the mains.
To prevent electrical shocks or damage to the instrument, do not
connect more than 30V CAT I between the terminals or between the terminals and the ground (earth).
This instrument uses a rechargeable battery pack or standard AA
size batteries. To prevent an explosion or fire do not short circuit.
The power supply input range to the optional power supply unit is
100 – 260Vac, 50 to 60Hz, 250mA, installation category CAT II.
When using the optional power supply unit, position the power
supply so as not to obstruct the supply disconnecting device.
Note that the operating and storage temperature range of the
optional PSU does not match that of the DPI612. Mains PSU operating temperature range 0°C to +40°C, storage temperature range -40°C to +70°C.
To make sure the display shows the correct data, disconnect the
test leads before power is set to ON or changing to another measure or source function.
Keep the leads free from all contaminants.
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Do not disassemble or modify the battery pack. The battery pack
can leak electrolyte, overheat, emit smoke, burst and/or ignite.
Do not short-circuit the battery.
Do not transport or store the battery pack together with metal
objects. If short-circuiting occurs, over-current will flow, causing the battery pack to leak electrolyte, overheat, emit smoke, burst and/or ignite.
Do not discard the battery pack into fire or heat it.
Do not expose cells or batteries to heat or fire. Avoid storage in
direct sunlight.
Do not use or leave the battery pack near a heat source (+80ºC or
Do not immerse the battery pack in water. Do not allow it to get
Do not recharge the battery pack near fire or in extremely hot
To recharge the battery use the DPI611 and DPI612 internal
charging function or the CX6100GE desktop charger. Do not use any other charger.
Do not subject the battery pack to mechanical shock.
Do not use an apparently damaged or deformed battery pack.
Do not directly solder the battery pack.
Do not reverse the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals.
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Otherwise, during recharging, the battery pack will be reverse­charged, abnormal chemical reactions then may occur, or excessively high current can flow during discharging, leading to electrolyte leakage, overheating, smoke emission, bursting and/or ignition.
Do not force the connection if you cannot easily connect the
battery pack terminals to the battery pack charger. Confirm that the terminals are correctly oriented.
Do not use the battery pack for a purpose other than powering
either DPI611/DPI612 products.
Do not use any battery which is not designed for use with the
Do not connect the battery pack to any other electrical outlet.
Do not mix batteries of different manufacture, capacity, size or
type within the DPI611 or DPI612.
If recharging operation fails to complete even when a specified
recharging time has elapsed, immediately stop further recharging.
Do not put the battery pack into a microwave oven. Rapid heating
or disrupted sealing can lead to electrolyte leakage, overheating, smoke emission, bursting and/or ignition.
If electrolyte leaks from the battery pack or gives off a bad odour,
remove it from any exposed flame. Otherwise, the leaking electrolyte may catch fire and the battery pack may emit smoke, burst or ignite.
If the battery pack gives off an odour, generates heat, becomes
discoloured or deformed, or in any way appears abnormal during use, recharging or storage, immediately remove it from the equipment or battery pack charger and stop using it. Otherwise, the problematic battery pack can develop electrolyte leakage, overheating, smoke emission, bursting and/or ignition.
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Remove the battery from the equipment when not in use.
Do not remove the battery from its original packaging until
required for use.
Secondary batteries need to be charged before use. Always use
the correct charger and refer to the user manual for proper charging instructions.
Do not leave a battery on prolonged charge when not in use.
After extended periods of storage, it may be necessary to charge
and discharge the battery several times to obtain maximum performance.
Do not subject the battery pack to intense sunlight or hot
temperatures, for example in a car during hot weather. Otherwise, electrolyte leakage, overheating and/or smoke emission can occur. Also, its guaranteed performance will be lost and/or its service life will be shortened.
The battery pack incorporates built-in safety devices. Do not use it
in a location where static electricity is present.
The guaranteed recharging temperature range is 0°C to +45ºC. A
recharging operation outside this temperature range can lead to electrolyte leakage and/or overheating of the battery pack and may cause damage to it.
In the event of a cell leaking, do not allow the liquid to come in
contact with the skin or eyes. If contact has been made, wash the affected area with copious amounts of water and seek medical advice.
Seek medical advice immediately if material or content from a
battery has been swallowed
Keep the battery out of the reach of children.
Keep batteries clean and dry.
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Wipe the battery terminals with a clean dry cloth if they become
If you find rust, a bad odour, overheating and/or other irregularities
when using the battery pack for the first time, return it to your supplier or vendor.
For further information contact the nearest distributor or
Retain the original product literature for future reference.


It is dangerous to attach an external source of pressure to a
DPI612 pressure station. Use only the internal mechanisms to set and control pressure in the pressure station.
To prevent a dangerous release of pressure, isolate and bleed the
system before disconnecting a pressure connection.
To prevent a dangerous release of pressure, make sure that all the
related pipes, hoses and equipment have the correct pressure rating, are safe to use and are correctly attached.
To prevent damage to the DPI612 calibrator, only use it within the
specified pressure limits.
Do not exceed the maximum pressures stated in the appropriate
component manual for the unit under test.
Reduce pressure at a controlled rate when venting to atmosphere.
Carefully de-pressurize all pipes to atmospheric pressure before
disconnecting and connecting to the unit under test.
Always wear appropriate eye protection when working with
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The following summary of installation and measurement overvoltage categories are derived from IEC61010-1. The overvoltage categories indicate the severity of overvoltage transients.
Table 1-1
Overvoltage category I has the least severe overvoltage


On receipt of the instrument check the contents in the box, listed in accessories See Section 1.10. It is recommended to retain the box and packaging for future use.

1.9.1 Initial Checks

Before you use the instrument for the first time:
Make sure that there is no damage to the instrument, and that
there are no missing items; See Section 1.10.
Remove the plastic film that protects the display.
transients. Generally CAT I equipment is not designed to be directly connected to the mains supply. Examples of CAT I equipment are process loop powered devices. Overvoltage category II describes an electrical installation where typically single phase equipment is connected. Examples of such equipment are appliances and portable tools.

1.9.2 Install Rechargeable Battery and Cradle

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For a new unit steps 1-4 will have been completed in the factory prior to delivery.
1. Remove the battery cover by loosening the captive battery cover
fixing screw and lifting the cover upwards.
2. If fitted, remove white battery holder by pulling straight up to
reveal charging cable. Remove foam block from battery cover.
User Manual Druck DPI612
3. Connect the charging cable to the rechargeable battery cradle.
4. Push the cradle firmly into the battery compartment.
5. Insert the rechargeable battery into the cradle.
6. Replace the battery cover by pressing the lugs inside
the slots (A) and bring down the cover, securing by tightening the fixing screw. (See Figure 1-1).
7. The battery can be charged by connecting the wall adapter to the
unit or by using the optional desktop charger.
Figure 1-1 Fit Rechargeable Pack
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1.9.3 Install Dry Cell Batteries

1. Remove the battery cover by loosening the captive battery cover
fixing screw and lifting the cover upwards.
2. If the rechargeable battery has been fitted, remove it.
3. If the rechargeable battery cradle has been fitted, remove it by
gently pulling it straight up. Avoid touching the metal contacts on the cradle. Note the cradle is attached to the unit with the charging cable.
4. Disconnect the charging cable from the back of the cradle and
keep it loose in the small compartment then fit battery holder.
5. Fit the foam block to the battery cover.
6. Place the batteries in the battery compartment with the correct
+/– position.
Incorrect Insertion of batteries can cause battery failure.
7. Replace the battery cover by pressing the lugs inside
the slots (A) and bring down the cover, securing by tightening the fixing screw. (See Figure 1-2).
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Figure 1-2 Fit Dry Cell Batteries
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9 5 12

PARTS 1.10

1.10.1 DPI 612

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ON or OFF button.
2 PFX only: Pneumatic volume adjuster.
3 Pump mechanism.
5 Pneumatic pressure release valve to release pressure in the system.
Figure 1-3 DPI612 Pressure Calibrator
Table 1-2
2.1 PFP, HFP models only: Volume adjuster wheel with fold-in handle.
3.1 PFX, PFP models only: Pressure/vacuum selector to set the pump
4 Test port: To attach the device under test.
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operation: pressure (+), vacuum (-).
User Manual Druck DPI612
PFP models only: Pneumatic refill valve. Close it to seal off the device
7 Isolated CH2 connectors for: Voltage (V); 24 V loop power supply (24
9 Optional accessory (not shown): Pressure connection for a relief valve
Hand straps
Figure 1-4
pressure and refill the pressure mechanism.
6 CH1 connectors for: Voltage (V); Current (mA+, mA-); Switch operation.
8 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD): Color display with touch-screen. To make
10 Pressure and electrical connections for a PM620 module (not shown):
a selection, lightly tap on the applicable display area.
(PRV). A blanking plug is standard.
DPI612 models PFX and PFP: Seal the pressure connection with a blanking plug (Part: IO620-BLANK) or a PM 620 module.
DPI612 HFP models only: The pressure connection seals itself.
HFP models only: Hydraulic refill valve (not shown): Close it to seal off the device pressure and refill the pressure mechanism with fluid.
13 +5 V DC power input socket. This supply also charges the optional
14 USB type A connector for connections to external peripherals (USB
15 USB mini-type B connector for communication with a computer.
battery pack.
flash memory or optional external modules).

1.10.2 Test Port

To attach the device under test, the test port uses “Quick fit” pressure adaptors; See Section 1.10.10. These are easy to remove, change and install; See Section 2.1.1 (Attach/Remove the device under test).
Test port
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This is a needle point valve that lets you release the
Figure 1-5
This control sets the operation of the instrument (pressure
Figure 1-6
Figure 1-7

1.10.3 Pressure Release Valve

pressure or vacuum, or seal the system.
Release Valve

1.10.4 SELECTOR DPI 612 pFlex & pFlexPro (20 & 100 bar)

Before you turn the pressure/vacuum selector to + or -, release all the pressure. Sudden high pressure in the pump mechanism can cause damage.
or vacuum). To prevent a pressure leak, turn it fully clockwise or counter clockwise.
+: Pressure, - : Vacuum

1.10.5 Pump

DPI 612 pFlex (20 bar) Pump
When you have set the operation to pressure or vacuum (See Section 1.9.4), seal the system (See Section 1.9.3) and use the
20 bar Pump
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pump to set the necessary pressure or vacuum.
You can then make the last adjustments with the volume adjuster (See Section 1.9.6).
User Manual Druck DPI612
When you have set the operation to pressure or vacuum (
Figure 1-8
When you have set the operation to pressure or vacuum
Figure 1-9
This control increases or decreases the pressure/vacuum.
Figure 1-10
DPI 612 pFlexPro (100 bar) Pump
pump to set the necessary pressure or vacuum.
You can then make the last adjustments with the volume adjuster (See Section 1.9.6).
1.9.4), seal the system (See Section 1.9.3) and use the
100 bar Pump
DPI 612 hFlexPro (1000 bar) Pump
(See Section 1.9.4), seal the system (See Section 1.9.3) and use the pump to set the necessary pressure or vacuum.
You can then make the last adjustments with the volume adjuster (See Section 1.9.6).
1000 bar

1.10.6 Volume Adjuster

DPI 612 pFlex (20 bar) Volume Adjuster
Before you seal the system (See Section 1.9.3), turn this control to the necessary position:
For equal adjustment, turn it to the middle of
20 bar
When you have set the necessary pressure or vacuum with the pump (See Section 1.9.5), use the volume adjuster
its range.
For maximum adjustment, turn it fully
clockwise or counter clockwise.
to make the fine adjustments.
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This control increases or decreases the pressure/vacuum.
Figure 1-11
DPI 612 pFlexPro (100 bar) Volume Adjuster
Before you seal the system (See Section 1.9.3), turn this control to the necessary position:
For equal adjustment, turn it to the middle of
its range.
100 bar Volume
DPI 612 hFlexPro (1000 bar) Volume Adjuster
Figure 1-12
1000 bar
When you have set the necessary pressure or vacuum with the pump (See Section 1.9.5), use the volume adjuster to make the fine adjustments.
This control increases or decreases the pressure/vacuum.
Before you seal the system (See Section 1.9.3), turn this control to the necessary position:
When you have set the necessary pressure or vacuum with the pump (See Section 1.9.5), use the volume adjuster to make the fine adjustments.
For maximum adjustment, turn it fully
clockwise or counter clockwise.
For equal adjustment, turn it to the middle of
its range.
For maximum adjustment, turn it fully
clockwise or counter clockwise.
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When pressurising large volumes this can be used to refill
Figure 1-15

1.10.7 Refill Valve

DPI 612 pFlexPro (100 bar) Refill Valve
the pump without releasing pressure from the UUT (see Section
Figure 1-13
100 bar Refill
DPI612 hFlexPro (1000 bar) Refill Valve
When pressurising large volumes this can be used to refill the pump without releasing pressure from the UUT (see Section 2.3.4)
Figure 1-14
1000 bar
Refill Valve

1.10.8 Priming Pump DPI612 hFlexPro (1000 bar)

This control is used to fill and generate a priming pressure on the UUT (approx. 10 bar max)
(see Section 2.3.4)
1000 bar
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To Charge the Li-ion battery outside of the unit.
A universal input mains adaptor (Input voltage 100 to


1.11.1 Carry Case (P/N IO612-CASE-3)

A tailored fabric carry case with carrying strap allows the DPI612 to be used without removing it from the case.

1.11.2 Rechargeable Battery pack (P/N CC3800GE)

Use in place of AA cells. The battery pack is charged within the instrument.

1.11.3 Rechargeable Battery and adaptor kit (P/N IO61X-BAT-KIT)

Kit contains 3.7V Li-ion battery, Cradle, Battery Cover and power adapter.

1.11.4 Rechargeable Desktop Charger (P/N CX6100GE)

1.11.5 Mains Adaptor (P/N IO620-PSU)

240VAC (50/60Hz) and Mains socket adaptors are provided.
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It allows connection of an IDOS universal pressure
It prevents contamination of the DPI612 PFLEX

1.11.6 USB Cable (P/N IO620-USB-PC)

It connects the DPI612 to a PC via a USB port.

1.11.7 IDOS to USB Converter (P/N IO620-IDOS-USB)

module to the DPI612. USB Cable (P/N IO620-USB-PC) is also required to connect the converter to the DPI612 USB port.

1.11.8 USB to RS 232 Cable (P/N IO620-USB-RS232)

It connects the DPI612 to an RS232 interface.

1.11.9 Dirt Moisture Trap 20 bar (P/N IO620-IDT621)

pneumatic system and cross contamination from one device under test to another. The trap connects directly to the pressure port and replicates the quick fit connection for compatibility with standard adaptors, adaptor kits and hoses. User instructions are in section

1.11.10 Dirt Moisture Trap 100 bar (P/N IO620-IDT622)

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It prevents contamination of the DPI612 PFlexPro pneumatic system and cross contamination from one device under test to another. The trap connects directly to the pressure port and replicates the quick fit connection for compatibility with standard adaptors, adaptor kits and hoses. User instructions are in section
User Manual Druck DPI612
A high pressure pneumatic hose rated to 400 bar (5800 A high pressure Hydraulic hose rated to 1000 bar

1.11.11 Pneumatic Hose (PN IO620-HOSE-P1 / IO620-HOSE-P2)

psi). The hose connects directly to the DPI612 pressure port and replicates the quick fit connection for compatibility with the standard adaptors supplied and the other adaptor kits.
P/N IO620-HOSE-P1: 1m/3,2ft pneumatic adaptor hose
P/N IO620-HOSE-P2: 2m/6.4ft pneumatic adaptor hose

1.11.12 Hydraulic Hose (PN IO620-HOSE-H1 / IO620-HOSE-H2)

1.11.13 Low Pressure Pneumatic Hose (PN IOHOSE-NP1 / IOHOSE-NP2)

A low pressure pneumatic hose rated to 20 bar (300 psi). The hose connects directly to the DPI612 pressure port and replicates the quick fit connection for compatibility with the standard adaptors supplied and the other adaptor kits.
P/N IOHOSE-NP1: 1m/3,2ft pneumatic adaptor hose
P/N IOHOSE-NP2: 2m/6.4ft pneumatic adaptor hose
(15000 psi). The hose connects directly to the DPI612 pressure port and replicates the quick fit connection for compatibility with the standard adaptors supplied and the other adaptor kits.
P/N IO620-HOSE-H1: 1m/3,2ft pneumatic adaptor hose
P/N IO620-HOSE-H2: 2m/6.4ft pneumatic adaptor hose
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User Manual Druck DPI612

1.11.14 Pressure Adaptor set

A set of test point adaptors to connect the tool-less quick fit DPI612 pressure port or the extension hoses to the device under test.
P/N IO620-BSP: G1/8 male and G1/4 male, G1/4 female, G3/8 female and G1/2 female.
P/N IO620-NPT: 1/8” male and ¼” male, ¼” female, 3/8” female and ½” female.
P/N IO620-MET: 14mm female and 20mm female.

1.11.15 Comparator Adaptor (P/N IO620-COMP)

For greater efficiency, two test devices can be connected at the same time. The adaptor connects to the pressure port of the DPI612 and provides two outlet ports. It is compatible with the standard adaptors supplied and the adaptor kits.

1.11.16 Pressure Module (P/N IPM620-***)

Select the best pressure range for the job from an extensive list of high accuracy pressure ranges. Ranges available from 25mbar upto 1000 bar (10 In H
O upto
15000 psi)
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User Manual Druck DPI612
To give your attached devices overpressure protection

1.11.17 Pressure Relief Valve (PRV)

(device under test, PM 620 module), we recommend you use one of our range of optional PRVs;
Available for pneumatic and hydraulic versions
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