GE Dresser Electronic Instruments IMCW2 Specification Sheet

GE Oil & Gas
Dresser* Micro Corrector - IMC/W2
Integral Volume Correction Differential Pressure (DP) Monitoring
Versions: ptz-dp + LOG, T-dp + LOG, ptz + LOG, P + LOG, and T + LOG
GE Oil & Gas offers an integrated solution, the Dresser Differential Pressure (DP) Micro Corrector, which monitors meter health by continuous measurement of the differential pressure drop across the meter. The Dresser Micro Corrector DP is capable of learning the differential pressure curve for an individual meter. During the learning period, DP is monitored using the values present in the Differential Test Acceptance Calculator (DTAC).
The Dresser Micro Corrector DP retains the last valid average differential pressure measurement on the LCD of the corrector along with the date when this occurred. It also displays the average line pressure, average line temperature and meter flow rate for that same date. The differential pressure test information required to be in compliance with state Public Utility Commission (PUC) requirements is available with the push of a button.
This offers operating efficiencies as the number of return trips to the meter set is reduced, and reduces the need for venting gas during periods of low consumption. Differential pressure test results are also logged in the data logs.
Developed from the proven IMC/W platform, the Dresser Micro Corrector provides volume correction through a simple-to-use interface. Features such as improved low flow accuracy, enhanced data logging capability, and reduced accuracy test times combine to offer a complete solution to major customers.
The Dresser Micro Corrector, model IMC/W2, an integral corrector rated for Division 1 hazardous locations by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and ATEX.
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Dresser Meter with IMC/W2, Model ptz-dp + LOG
Monitors meter health
Reduces unnecessary scheduled maintenance
Aids in regulatory compliance of DP testing, where applicable
Last valid DP measurement displayed on LCD and live data screen
Real-time differential pressure measurement
Compatible with Dresser Series A (LMMA), Series B, and Romet meters
DP measurement is independent of volume correction
Remote monitoring capability with Dresser Micro Modems - GSM/GPRS modems
dp + LOG units feature faults for high DP and meter lock-up
Dresser GSM/GPRS Micro Modem
Live data screen displays current DP read, as well as last valid DP read, pressure, temperature and fl ow rate with date of occurrence.
Rotating index offers ease of meter reading, especially in non-typical installations
Uncorrected instantaneous flow rate displayed on LCD can help meter differential testing in the field
Maximum uncorrected peak fl ow also displayed on LCD
The SmartProve* Interface reduces meter and corrector test times by as much as 90%, and allows the meter and corrector to be tested as a complete measurement system.
User selectable trim table improves rotary meter accuracy at flow rates less than 10% of meter Qmax
Micro Generator* adds years to main battery life, extending the interval between battery changes
User terminal software allows for configuration, calibration and data log downloads
1 to 3 data logs provide for years of historical information and are configurable in increments from 1 minute to 1 month. Data logs include the option to log live battery voltage
Audit log maintains a record of configuration and calibration changes
Available with your choice of sealed alkaline or lithium battery pack
Learning methods are customer selectable in the user terminal software.
Alarms notify the user of over-range conditions for pressure, temperature, and flow rate
On units with DP transducer installed, alarms are present for higher than normal differential pressure
Alarm & fault activity is displayed in the data log and audit log reports, and the live data screen
E2PROM provides non-volatile storage of recorded data and corrector configuration regardless of battery condition
Uncorrected volume under fault register in E2PROM replicates a backup mechanical index
MS Excel® formatted reports allow for manipulation and sharing of information
Micro Generator
Trim Table
.5 1.0
2.0 2.5 3.0
Dresser SmartProve Interface
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