Safety Instructions ........ 214
Operating Instructions
Control Panels ................ 5, 7
Control Settings ............... 6, 8
Dryer Features .................. 9
Loading and Using the Dryer .... 11
Reversing the Door ............. 10
Venting the Dryer .............. 12
Troubleshooting Tips ... 13, 14
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ............. 16
Warranty ..................... 15
Write the model and serial
number here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on u label
on the front of the drger
behind the door.
175D1807P558 49-90290-1 09-06 JR

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the
risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal
injury, or death.
• Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
• Installation and service must be
performed by a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.
[_ Do not try to light a match, or cigarette,
or turn on any gas or electrical
F2]Do not touch any electrical switch; do
not use any phone in your building.
r-_lClear the room, building or area of
all occupants.
California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act
Thisact requiresthe governorof Californiato publish alist of substancesknown to the stateto causecancer,birth
defects or other reproductive harm and requires businessesto warn customers of potential exposure to such
Gasappliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances,namely benzene,carbon monoxide,
formaldehyde and soot,caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or LPfuels.
Properlyadjusted dryers will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposureto these substances can be minimized
further by properly venting the dryer to the outdoors.
_] lmmediately call your gas supplier from
a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas
supplier's instructions carefully.
]If you cannot reach your gas supplier,
call the fire department.
This dryer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet, you con receive one by
visiting ge.com or by coiling 800.GECARES (800.432.2737).
• Properlyground dryer to conform with all
governing codesand ordinances. Followdetails
in Installation Instructions.
• Installor storewhereitwillnot be exposedto
temperatures below freezing or exposed to
the weather.
• Connectto a properly rated,protected and sized
power supply circuit to avoid electrical overload.
• Removeall sharp packing itemsand disposeof
all shipping materials properly.
r_l Alldryers MUSTbe exhausted to the outside.
r_-i use only rigid metal 4" diameter ductwork
insidethe dryer cabinet. Useonly rigid metal
or flexiblemetal 4" diameter ductwork for
exhausting to the outside.USEOFPLASTICOR
Forcomplete details,follow the Installation

Keepthe area underneath and around your
appliances free of combustible materials
(lint, paper,rags, etc.),gasoline,chemicals
and other flammable vapors and liquids.
• Keepthe floor around your appliances clean
and dry to reduce the possibility of slipping.
• Closesupervisionis necessary ifthis appliance
isused near children. Do not allow children to play
on,with or insidethis orany other appliance.
Neverreach into the dryer while the drum is
moving. Beforeloading, unloading or adding
clothes,wait until the drum has completely
Cleanthe lint filter before each load to prevent
lint accumulation inside the dryer or inthe room.
Donot wash or dry articles that have been
cleaned in,washed in,soaked in or spotted
with combustible or explosive substances(such as
wax, oil,paint, gasoline, degreasers,dry-cleaning
solvents,kerosene,etc.).Thesesubstances giveoff
vapors that may ignite or explode. Donot add
these substances to the wash water. Donot use or
place these substances around your washer or
dryer during operation.
Donot place items exposed to cooking oils in your
dryer. Items contaminated with cooking oils may
contribute to a chemical reaction that could cause
a clothes load to catch fire.
Any article on which you have used a cleaning
solvent or that contains flammable materials (such
as cleaning cloths, mops,towels used in beauty
salons,restaurants or barber shops,etc.)must not
be placed in or near the dryer.There are many
highly flammable items used in homes such as
acetone, denatured alcohol, gasoline, kerosene,
some household cleaners,somespot removers,
turpentines, waxes, wax removers and products
containing petroleum distillates.
• Keepalllaundry aids (suchasdetergents,bleaches,
etc.)out of the reach of children, preferably in a
locked cabinet. Observeall warnings on container
labelsto avoid injury.
• Neverclimb on or stand onthe dryer top.
Thelaundry process can reduce the flame
retardancy offabrics. Toavoid such a result,
carefully follow the garment manufacturer's
care instructions.
Donot dry articles containing rubber,plastic,foam
or similar materials such as padded bras,tennis
shoes,galoshes, bath mats, rugs, bibs,baby pants,
plastic bags, pillows,etc.,that may melt orburn.
Some rubber materials,when heated, can under
certain circumstances produce fire by
spontaneous combustion.
Donot store plastic,paper or clothingthat may
burn or melton top ofthe dryer during operation.
Garments labeled Dry Awabl from Heat or Do Not
TumbleDry (suchas lifejackets containing Kapok)
must not be put in your dryer.
Donot dry fiberglass articles in your dryer.
Skinirritation could result from the remaining
particles that may be picked up by clothing during
subsequent dryer uses.
Tominimize the possibility of electric shock, unplug
this appliance from the power supply or disconnect
the dryer at the household distribution panel by
removing the fuse or switching off the circuit
breaker before attempting any maintenance or
cleaning (exceptthe removal and cleaning of the
lint filter).NOTE:Turningthe Cycle Selectorknob
to an off position,or pressing PAUSEdoes NOT
disconnect the appliance from the power supply.

• Neverattempt to operate this appliance •
if it isdamaged, malfunctioning, partially
disassembled,or has missingor broken parts,
including a damaged cord or plug.
Theinterior of the machine and the exhaust duct
connection insidethe dryer should be cleaned at
least once a year by a qualified technician. Seethe
Loading and Usingthe Dryer section.
Ifyours is a gas dryer,it isequipped with an
automatic electric ignition and does not have a
MATCH.Burnsmay result from having your hand
in the vicinity ofthe burner when the automatic
ignition turns on.
Graspthe plug firmly when disconnecting this
appliance to avoiddamage to the cord while
pulling. Placethe cord away from traffic areas
so itwill not be stepped on, tripped over or
subjected to damage.
Donot attempt to repair or replaceany part of
this applianceor attempt any servicingunless
specificallyrecommended in this Owner's Manual
or in publisheduser-repairinstructionsthat you
understand and havethe skillsto carry out.
• Beforediscarding a dryer,or removing it from
• Do not tamper with controls.
You may wishto soften your laundered fabrics
or reduce the static electricity inthem by using
a dryer-applied fabric softener or an anti-static
conditioner.We recommend you useeither a fabric
softener in the wash cycle,according to the
manufacturer's instructions for those products,
or try a dryer-added product for which the
manufacturer giveswritten assuranceon the
package that their product can be safely used
in your dryer.Serviceor performance problems
caused by useof these products are the
responsibility of the manufacturers of those
products and are not covered under the warranty
to this appliance.
service,remove the dryer door to prevent children
from hiding inside.

About the control panel-for model DPSE810. ge.com
Step 2 Step 3
• Select Dry Cycle
• Clean lint filter • Add clothes
NOTE: When making a selection with any knob, simply point the knob anywhere within the shaded range
for that setting.
Model DPSE810
• Shut door
• Push START
About the control settings.
End of Cycle Signal
This signal will sound just before the end of the cycle to remind you to remove the clothes.
If you select the EXTENDEDTUMBLEoption, the signal will sound at the end of the drying time and will sound
several times during the EXTENDEDTUMBLE cycle. This will remind gou that it is time to remove the clothes.
• Remove garments promptly at the sound of signal. Place clothes on hangers so wrinkles won't set in.
• Usethe END OF CVCLESIGNAL especially when drying fabrics like polyester knits and permanent press.
These fabrics should be removed so wrinkles won't set in.
Extended Tumble
Use this option to minimize the wrinkles in clothes. It provides approximately 1 hour of no-heat tumbling after
the clothes are dry.
If you are using CVCLESIGNAL and you select the EXTENDEDTUMBLEoption, a signal will sound at the end
of the drying time and several times during the EXTENDEDTUMBLEcycle. This will remind you that it is time
to remove the clothes.

About the control settings.
HIGH Forregular to heavy cottons.
MEDIUM For synthetics, blends,delicates and items labeledpermanent press.
LOW Fordelicates,synthetics and items labeled tumble dry low.
EXTRALOW Fordelicates,synthetics and items labeled tumble dry low.
NO HEAT Forfluffing items without heat. Foruse only with the TIMEDDRVcycles.
Dryness--Selection only cycles. Cycles
_I_ usedfor SENSOR Timed for the selectedtime the selected
MOREDRY Usefor heavy-duty fabrics.
DRY Usefor a normal dryness levelsuitable for most loads.Thisisthe preferred cycle for energy savings.
LESSDRY Usefor lighter fabrics.
DAMP Forleaving items partially damp.
Estimated Time Remaining Display
• Displaysthe approximate time remaining until the end of the cycle.
• Ifthe estimated time remaining is60 minutes or more,"IH" will flash inthe display,followed by the additional
remaining minutes.When the time remaining is lessthan 60 minutes,the timer will count down.
Drying Cycles--Sensor cycles automatically determine fabric dryness. Timed cycles run for the selected time.
COTTONS For cottons and most linens.
EASYCARE Forwrinkle-free, permanent press and delicate items,and knits.
DELICATES Fordelicate items,special-care fabrics and knits.
MIXEDLOAD For loads consisting of cottons and poly-blends.
TIMED DRY Setthe Cycle Selector at the desired drying time.
DAMPDRY For leaving items partially damp.
run at
DEWRINKLE Forremoving wrinkles from items that are clean and dry or that are very lightly damp.
QUICKFLUFF Forfreshening or fluffing up already dry clothing,fabric, linensand pillows.Usewith NOHEAT.
Provides10 minutes of no-heat tumbling.
DRYEL Designedfor usewith DRYEL®"dry-clean only" fabric care system. Seeproduct package
for directions. Forquestions or issuesrelated to the use and performance of DRYEL,call
1.800.214.891], or visitthe DRYELWebsite at www.drgel.com
ANTI-BACTERIAL Thisoption reducescertain types of bacteria by 99.9%,including:Staphylococcusoureus,
I NSFProtocol P154 I Pseudomonosaeruginoso and Klebsiellopneumoniae*. Theanti-bacterial processoccurs
KNITS Forknits with fabric care labels that say "Machine Dry".
TOWELS Formost towels and linens.
START--Close the dryer door, PressSTART.Opening the door during operation will stop the dryer, To restart the
dryer, close the door and press STARTto complete the cycle. If the dryer is running, press once to pause the cycle;
press again to continue the cycle. If the dryer is paused for more than 24 hours, the cycle will be cancelled.
Tostop the cycle, hold the button for :3seconds.
NOTE:Drying times will vary according to the type of heat used (Electric, Natural or LPgas), size of load, types
of fabrics, wetness of clothes and condition of exhaust ducts.
Sonitizetion Performance of
,...... ResidentiaICIothesDryers when high heat isusedduring a portion of the drying cycle.
NOTE:Donot usethis cycle on delicate fabrics.
*TheAnti-Bacterial Cycle isCertified by NSFInternational (formerly National Sanitation
Foundation)to NSFProtocol P154Sanitization Performance of ResidentialClothesDryers.

About the control panel-for model DPSR610. ge.com
Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
• Select Dry Cycle
• Clean lint filter • Add clothes
NOTE: When making a selection with any knob, simpl_l point the knob an_lwhere within the shaded range
for that setting.
Model DPSR6]O
• Shut door
• Push START
About the control settings.
End of Cycle Signal
This signal will sound at the end of the cycle to remind Uouto remove the clothes.
• Remove garments promptly at the sound of signal. Place clothes on hangers so wrinkles won't set in.
• Usethe END OF CYCLESIGNAL especially when drying fabrics like pol_jester knits and permanent press.
These fabrics should be removed so wrinkles won't set in.

About the control settings.
IMPORTANT: Clean the lint filter each time gou use the drger.
HIGHHEAT For regular to heavy cottons.
MEDIUMHEAT Forsynthetics, blends,delicates and items labeledpermanent press.
NO HEAT Forfluffing items without heat. Foruse only with the TIMEDDRYcycles.
LOW HEAT Fordelicates,synthetics and items labeled tumble dry low.
r_ wrinkle care
Usethis option to minimize the wrinkles in clothes. It providesapproximately 15 minutes of no-heat tumbling after the
clothes are dry.
This option can only be usedwith the COTTONS,EASYCAREand DELICATEScycles.If you are using CYCLESIGNAL
and you select the WRINKLECAREoption, a signal will sound at the end ofthe drying time andseveral times during
the WRINKLECAREcycle. Thiswill remind you that it istime to remove the clothes.
If WRINKLECAREisnot ON,the dryer will stop oncethe timer reaches the WRINKLECAREmark on the cycle dial.
Drying Cycles--Automatic cycles automatically determine fabric dryness. Select LESSDRYif you want your
clothes slightly damp at the end of the drying cycle. Select MORE DRYif you want them to feel drier.Timed cycles
run for the selected time.
Forcottons and most linens.For most loads, select OPTIMUMDRY.
Forwrinkle-free, permanent press and delicate items,and knits.
Fordelicate items,special-care fabrics and knits.
Setthe Cycle Selector at the desired drying time.
Forleaving items partially damp.
Forremoving wrinkles from items that are clean and dry or that are very lightly damp.
Forfreshening or fluffing up already dry clothing,fabric, linensand pillows.Usewith NOHEAT.
Provides10 minutes of no-heet tumbling.
START--Close the dryer door. PressSTART.Opening the door during operation will stop the dryer. To restart the
dryer, close the door and press STARTto complete the cycle.
NOTE:Drying times will vary according to the type of heat used (Electric, Natural or LPgas), size of load, types
of fabrics, wetness of clothes and condition of exhaust ducts.

About the dryer features, ge.com
Dryness Sensor Cujcle (on some models)
Sensor Cycle
This feature is only activated in the
The Dryness Sensor provides greater
drying accuracy than standard machines,
resulting in shorter dry times and better
clothes care. As the clothes tumble, they
touch a moisture sensor.The sensor will
stop the heating cycle as soon as the
clothes have reached the selected dryness.
Drum Lamp
Before replacing the light bulb, be sure to
unplug the dryer power cord or disconnect
the dryer at the household distribution panel
by removing the fuse or switching off the
circuit breaker. Reachabove dryer opening
from inside the drum. Removethe bulb and
replace with the same size bulb.
Drying Rack tonsomemodels)
A handy drying rack may be used for drying
delicate items such as washable sweaters.
Hook the rack over the lint filter so
the rack extends into the dryer drum.
Stainless Steel Drum tonsomemodels)
Thestainlesssteel usedto make the
dryer drum providesthe highest reliability
available in a GEdryer.If the dryer drum
should be scratched or dented during normal
• The drying rack must be used with the
• Do not use this drging rack when there
are other clothes in the drger.
use,the drum will not rust or corrode. These
surface blemisheswill not affect the function
or durability of the drum.

About reversing the door.
Reversing the Door
Tools needed:
• Stondord #2
Phillips screwdriver
I-_ Open the door and remove the filler plugs opposite the hinges. With the door
completely open, remove the bottom screw from each hinge on the dryer face.
Insert these screws about half way into the TOPholes, for each hinge, on the
opposite side (where you removed the filler plugs). Apply firm pressure to get
the screw started in new holes.
I-_ Loosen top screw from each hinge on the dryer face half way. With one hand
holding the top of the door and the other hand holding the bottom, remove
the door from the dryer by lifting it UPand OUT.
• Tope-tipped
puttg knife
[_] Rotate the door 180°Insert it on the opposite side of the opening by moving
the door/N and DOWN until the top hinge and the bottom hinge are resting
on the top screws inserted in step 1.
[_] Remove the remaining screws from the side of the opening from which the door
was removed. With these screws, secure each hinge at the bottom. Tighten the
two top screws of each hinge. Reinsert the plastic plugs on the side from which
the door was removed.