Safety Information ......... 3-5
Operating lnstructions
Controls ..................... 6-7
Drying Center. ................. 9
Features .................... 8, 9
Loading and Using
the Dryer o..................... 11
Reversing The Door .......... 10
Venting The Dryer ............ 12
Troubleshooting Tips , . 13, 14
Customer Service
Product Registration ° _. 2, 15, 16
Service Telephone
Numbers ............ Back Cover
Warran ty for Customers
in the U_S°A ................ 19
405 483
465 513
S( cheuses
4O5 483
465 513
ta section frangaisecommencedla page20
405 483
465 5t3
_vw.geappfiances.com 175D1807P318 49-90053 4-00 JR 500,t_77P034

GE& You,A Service Partnership.
Fill out the Consumer Product Registration Card,
Twoeasyways toregisteryour applianee!
I Through the internet atwww.geappliances.com
liraComplete and mail the enclosed Product Registradon Card
Write themodel and serial numbers here:
They are on the label on the front of the dryer behind the door.
Inside you will find many helpful hints on how to use and maintain your dryer properly.Just a little
preventive care on your part can save you a great deal of time and money over the life of your dryer.
For the best drying performance the dryer needs to be properlyvented, The dryer MII use more energy
and run longer if it is not vented to the specifications outlined in the VentingtheDryersecfion in this
manual and the Exhaustingsection in the Installation Inswuctions,
You'll find many answers to common problems in the Before YouCallForService section. It you review
our chart of Troubleshooting Tips first, you may not need to cat! for service at all.
If you do need service, you can relax knowing help is only a phone call away, A list of toll-free customer
service numbers is included in the back section. Or, in the UoSo,you can always call the GE Answer
Center _ at 800.6262000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week° In Canada,call 1-800-361-340&
Visit our Website at: www.geapplianees.eom

t i lUl!UlV 111111111111111111,11111111ii iiiiiii i,nl,
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire
or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
[] Do not storeor usegasoline or other
flammable vaporsand liquidsin the
vicinityof this oranyotherappliance,
[] Installationand service mustbe performed
by a quafifiedinstaller, service agency or
the gas supplier.
]Do nottryto light a match,orcigarette, or
turn onany gas or electrical appliance.
]Do nottouch anyelectrical switch; donot
use anyphoneinyourbuilding.
[]Clear the room,buildingor area ofall
Califemia Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act
This act requires the governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer,
birth defects or other reproductive harm and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure
to such substances.
Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon mono>Sde,
formaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or LP fuels.
[] Immediately call yourgas supplier from a
neighbor'sphone. Follow the gas
[] ffyoucannot reach yourgas supplier,call
the fire deparbnenL
Properly adjusted dryers will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure to these subst_saces can be
minimized fi_her by properlyvenfing the dryer to the outdoors..
This dryer must be propedy installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions
before #is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet, you can receive one by
calling us tell-free at the GEAnswer Center _, 800.626.2000.
[] Properly ground dryer to conform with al!
governing codes and ordinances. Follow details in
Installation Instructions.
[] Install or store where it _ll not be exposed to
temperatures below freezing or exposed to the
[] Connect to a properly rated, protected and sized
power supply circuit to avoid electrical overioado
[] Remove all sharp packing items and dispose ofaU
shipping materials properly.
[_ Gas dryers MUSTbe exhausted to the outside.
_] Exhausting electric dryers to the outside is
stronglyrecommendedto prevent large amounts
of moisture and llnt from being blown into the
Use only rigid metal or flexible metal 4"
diameter ductwork inside the dryer cabinet or
for exhausting to the outside. USEOFPLASTIC
For complete details, follow the Insta!lation
Instructions. 3

[] Keep the area underneath and around your
appliances free of combustible materials (lint,
paper, rags, etc,), gasoline, chemicals, and other
flanm_ble vaporsand liquids,
[] Keep the floor around your appliances clean and [] Never dimb on or stand on the dryer top.
dry to reduce the possibility of slippingo
[] Close supervision is necessary if this appliance is
used by or near children° Do not allow children to
play on, with, or inside this or any other appliance_
m Keep all laundry aids (such as detergents,
bleaches, etc.) out of the reach ofchildren,
preferably in a locked cabinet. Observe all
warnings on container labels to avoid injury_
[] Never reach into the dryer while the drum is
mo_,ng. Before loading, unloading or adding
clothes, _ait until the drum hascompletely
[] Clean the lint filter before each load to prevent
lint accumulation inside the dryer or in the room.
[] Do not _zLsh or dry articles that have been
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted
with combustible or explosive substances (such as
wax, oil, paint,gasoline, degreasers, dry-cleaning
solvents, kerosene, etc_) which may ignite or
explode. Do not add these substances to the
wash water. Do not use or place these substances
around your washer or dryer during operation..
[] Do not place items exposed to cooking oils in
your dryer, Items contaminated with cooking oils
may contribute to a chemical reaction that could
cause a dothes load to catch fire,
[] Any article on which you have used a deaning
solvent or that con_ins flammable materials
(such as cleaning cloths, mops, towels used in
beauty salons, restaurants, or barber shops, etc.)
must not be placed in or near the dryer until
solvents or flammable materials have been
removed. There are many highly flammable
items used in homes such as acetone, denatured
alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, some household
cleaners, some spot removers, turpentines,
waxes, _tx removers and products containing
petroleum distillates,
[] The laundry process can reduce the flame
retardancy of fabrics° To avoid such a result,
carefully follow the garment manufacturer's
care instructions,
[] Do not dry articles containing rubber, plastic,
foam, or similar materials such as padded bins,
tennis shoes, galoshes, bath mats, rugs, bibs, baby
pants, plastic bags, pillows, etc. that may melt or
burn° Some rubber materials, when heated, can
under certain circumstances produce fire by
spontaneous combustion.
[] Do not store plastic, paper or clothing that may
bum or melt on top of the dryer during operation,
[] Garments labeled OryAway from Heater Do
Not Tumble Dry (such as life jackets containing
Kapok) must not be put in your dryer,
[]Do not dry fiberglass articles in your dryen
Skin irritation could result from the remaining
particles that may be picked up by clothing
during subsequent dryer uses,
[] To minimize the possibility ofeleclxic shock,
lmplug this appliance from the power supply
or disconnect the dryer at the household
distribution panel by removing the fiase or
switching offthe circuk breaker before
attempting any maintenance or cleaning
(except the removal and cleaning of the lint
filter),/VOTE.'Tagning the Cycle Selector -knob
to an OFFposition does/VOTdisconnect the
appliance from the power supply,

[] Never attempt to operate this appfiance if
it is damaged, malfimctioning, partially
disassembled, or' has missing or broken parts,
including a damaged cord or plug,
i The interior of the machine and the exhaust duct
connection inside the dryer should be cleaned at
least once a year by a qualified technidano See the
[] If yours is a gas dryer, it is equipped with an
automatic electric ignition and does not have a
MATCH_Burns may result from ha_ng your hand
in the vicinity of the burner when the automatic
ignition w.rns on,
i You may wish to soften your laundered fabrics
or reduce the static electricity in them by using
a dryer-applied fabric softener or an anti-static
conditioner, We recommend you use either a
fabric softener in the wash cycle, according to
the manufacturer's instructions for those
products, or try a dryer-added product for
which the manufacturer giveswritten assurance
on the package that their product can be safely
used in your dryer. Service or performance
problems caused byuse of these products are
the responsibility of the manufacturers of those
products and are not covered under the warranty
to this appliance.
[] Grasp the plug firmly when disconnecting this
appliance to avoid damage to the cord while
pulling° Place the cord away from txaffic areas so
it will not be stepped on, tripped over or
subjected to damage°
[] Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of
this appliance or attempt any servicing unless
specifically recommended in this Owner's Manual
or in published user-repair instructions thatyou
understand and have the skills to carry out,
In Before discarding a dryer, or removing it from
service, remove the dryer door to prevent
children from hiding inside,
I Do not tamper with controls°
Readandfollow thisSafetyInformationcarefully.

Aboutthedryer controlpanel
iiiiii iii ii ii i iiiiiiiiiiiiilUll,llll
Youcan locate your model number on the label on the front of the dryer behind the door.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model,
El Optional Feature,
Model Type 465
COlTDh"S _,_÷_, EASYCARE .-.'
_F_ Optional Feature,
Model Type483
COTTONS . _ -.,, EASYCARE _._r
ffE_.ffG._._,j_ :_! ::::_!_,_MED_F..AT OFF/! __¸............:: : _O_
on some models
Model Type513
STAB_r COTTONF. ,,_ ..... EASYCARE ._..,__.....
ltOffF_ LOW_tr.kT
Optional Feature,
_# ::t

Control Settings
IMPORTANT." Clean the lint filter each time you use the dryer.
Fabric Care
COTTONSForregularto heavycottons,
EASYCARE Forsynthetics,blends,deficatesanditemslabeledpermanentpress.
FLUFFForfluffingitemswithoutheat UsatheTIMEDDRYcycie
DEUCATESFordelicates,syntheticsanditemslabeledtumble dry!ow.
Drying Cycles- Automatic cycles automatically determine fabric dryness_ Select MOREDRYfor heaxfier
fabrics, LESSDRYfor lighter fabrics, Timed cycles nm for the selected time.
EASYCARE Forwdnkle4ree,permanentpressanddelicateitems,andknits
TIMEDDRY SettheCycleSelectorat thedesireddryingtime
DAMPDRY For[eavingitemspartiallydry_
QUICKDRY Foroneortwoitems.
DRYEL® ForusewithDRYEL"drycleanonly"fabriccaresystemUsetheMED-HEATfab_ccaresetting
Seeproductpackagefor instructions,
DEWRINKLEForremovingwrinklesfromitemsthatarecleananddryorthat areverylightlydamp
QUICKFLUFFForfresheningorfluffingupalreadydryclothing,fabric,linens,andpillows,Usewith FLUFFNOHEAT
Providest0 minutesofno-heattumbling
Start- Close the dryer door. Select STARTOpening the door during operation vAI!stop the d_er.,
To restart the dryer, close the door and select STARTto complete the cycle.
Drying times will vary according to the type of heat used (Electric, Natural or LP gas), size of
load, types of fabrics, wetness of clothes, and condition of exhaust ducts.

Color Logic
Select the correct FABRICCAREsetting. Match
the particular color below the words with the
same color on the Cycle Dial.
Example:Dryinga loadof clothinglabeled
Wrinkle Care
(appearance may vary)
Use this option to minimize the wrinkles
in clothes. It pro_'ides approximately 15
minutes of no-heat tumbling after the
clothes are dry,
This option can only be used with the
ULTRACAREcyctes,IIyou are using the CYCLE
SIGNALand you select the WRINKLECARE
End of Cycle Signal
This signal Mll sound just before the end
of the cycle to remand you to remove the
clothes. On some models, the signal sound
level can be adjusted.
If you selected the WRINKLECAREoption
the signal will sound at the end of the
drying time and will sound several times
during the WRINKLECARECYcle.This will
remind you that it is time to remove the
i iiiiii iiiiii ii ii,i iiiii ii,i,iiii ,111
[_] Choose the FABRICCAREsetdng--for this
load it would be the EASY CAREMED.
HEAT(which is a particular color).
[]Turn the Cycle Dial to the area that has
the same color as the FABRICCAREsetfing
you have chosen-for this toad it would be
option, a signal MII sound at the end of the
drying time and several times during the
WRINKLECAREcycle,,This will remind you
that itis time to remove the clothes,
If WRINKLECAREisnot ON,the dryer will stop
once the timer reaches the WRINKLECARE
mark on the cycle dial
[] Removegarmentspromptlyat the sound
ofthe signal Place clothesonhangers
so wrinkles won't set in.
[] Use theENDOF CYCLESIGNALespecially
when dryingfabrics like polyesterknits
andpermanentpress. Thesefabrics should
beremovedso wrinkles won't set in.
i i ili
;:: sensor Cycle
Dryness Sensor Cycle-on some models
This feature is only activated in the
The DrynessSensorprovides greater
drying accuracy than standard machines,
resulting in shorter dry times and better
clothes care. As the clothes tumble, they
touch a moisture sensor. The sensorMtl
stop the heating cycle assoon as the clothes
have reached the selected dryness.
Drum Lamp
Before replacing the tight bulb, be sure to
unplug the dryer power cord or disconnect
the dryer at the household distribution panel
by removing the fuse or switching offthe
Automatic Cycle Signal-on some models
At the end of each cycle there is
approximately 15 minutes of no-heat
tumbling after the laundry is dry_
On some models, there is a Dryness
SensorCycleindicator light. This light is
illuminated during automatic cycles.
When the Dryness Sensor feature stops the
heating cycle, the light will go out and the
cool down period will begin.
Note:The clothes will be hot if they are
removed immediately after the indicator
light goes out.
circafit breaker. Reach above dryer opening
from inside the drum. Remove the bulb and
replace with the same size bulb.
A reminder signa! _ sound periodically
during tl-fis0a-heto remind you to remove the

i i iiii ii1,1,,11111,11111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i1,11
Drying Rack-on some models
A handy drying rack may be used for drying
articles such as stuffed toys, pillows or
washable sweaters.
Hook the rack over the lint filter so the rack
extends into the dryer drum.
Aboutthedryingcenter(on some models).
....................................... ii I I IIIII I II IIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1'111111
[] Do not overload the Drying Center. It may be damaged if more than 20 lbs, are applied°
[] Always store the Drying Center in a safe position so that it does not hit anyone.
[] Do not allow children to play with the Drying Center.
The pole on the Drying Center can be set at different heights. Line up the tabs on
the pole with the notch on the brackets (this will occur when the pole is pamlle! to
the control panel) and raise or lower the pole, resting the tab on the bracket at the
heightyou want,
TheDrying Center can be mounted on either side of the dryer.
[] The drying rock must be used with the
n Do not use this drying rack when there are
other clothes in the dryer,
: !:i
Toremoveandtransfer the DryingCenterto theoppositeside;
[_] Remove the pole by raising it up. Make sure to line up the tabs on the pole with the
notches on the bracket,
[]Remove the four screws that secure the bracket to the dryer° Three of the screws wil!
be required to motmt the bracket on the other side. The fourth screw at the top of
the side panel flange (shown in circled illustration) needs to be put back into its
original location_
[_]On the other side of the dryer remove the screw at the top of the side panel flange
(shown in circled illustrafion)_
[]Turn the bracket upside down and attach it with the screw you just removed and with
the three screws that were removed from the other side.
Make sure you use only these screws_ Never use any long screws (must be less than 3/8") or
pointed screws.
[_--]Insert the pole into the mounting bracket.

Aboutreversingthe door.
i ii i i iiiiii ,,i,1,11
Reversing the Door
• Standard#2 • Tape-tipped • Needle-nosed
: Phitlipsscrewdriver puttyl_ife pliers
[]Open the door and remove the filler plugs opposite file hinges. With the door
completely open, remove the bottom screw from each hinge on the dryer faceoInsert
these screws about halfway into the TOP holes, for each hinge, on the opposite side
(where you removed the filler plugs). Apply firm pressure to get the screw started in
untapped holes.
[_] Loosen top screw from each hinge on the dryer face hatfway_ With one hand holding
the top of the door and the other hand holding the bottom, remove the door from the
dryer by lifting it UP and OUT
_ ,_ LA_ _
t _ii_ili_iii:' _I_II
[_] Rotate the door 180 °, Insert it on the opposite side of the opening by moving the door
INand DOWN until the top hinge and the bottom hinge are resting on the top screws
inserted in step 1.
F_ Remove the remainingscrews from the side of the opening from which the doorwas
removed,, With these screws secure each hinge at the bottom_ Tighten the two top
screws of each hinge° Reinsert the plastic plugs on the side from which the door was

Loadingandusingthe dryer.
Always follow the fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering.
As a genera! nile, if ctothes are sorted properly for the washer, they are sorted properly for the dryer.
Bounce_ FabricCondi#onerDp/erSheetshavebeenapprovedforuseinall GEDryerswhenusedinaccordancewiththe
Donotdotthe followingitems:fiberglassitems,woolens,tvbber_coated#ems,plastics,itemswithplastictrimand
CareandCleaningof theDryer
TheExterior.gripe or dust any spills or washing
compounds with a damp cloth. Dryer control
panel and finishes maybe damaged by some
laundry pretreatment soil and stain remover
products, Apply these products away from the
dryer° The fabric may then be washed and dried
normally,, Damage to your dryer caused by these
products is not covered by your _ranty.
TheLintFilter.Clean the lint filter before each
use. Moisten your fingers and reach into the filter
opening, Run your fingers across the filter. Have a
qualified technician vacuum the !int from the dryer
once a year.
TheExhaustDuet:Inspect and dean the exhaust
ducfing at least once a year to prevent clogging.. A
partially dogged exhaust can lengthen the drying
Follow these steps:
[_] "rum off electrical supply by disconnecting the
plug from the wall socket`
_] Disconnect the duct from the dryer°
_] Vacuum the duct with the hose attachment and
reconnect the duct.
TheExhaustHood:Check with a mirror that the inside
flaps o[the hood move freetywhen operating, Make
sure that there is not wildlife (birds, insects, etc,)
nesting inside the duct or hood.
Below are fabric care label "symbols" that affect the clothingyou WIUbe laundering.
,.oo,oDD D D= .
Water • • • • • •
temperature .o, w.,., co_o°ot
(SOoCIT2_F) (4_oC,qo5oF) (3pC/_SoFt
e,each A Z_
,00, @ ® ®o

Ventingthe dryer.
For the best drying performance the dryer needs to be properly vented_ The dryer will use more energy
and run longer if it is not vented to the below specifications. Carefully follow the details on Exhausting in the
Installation Instructions°
[] Use only rigid metal or flexible metal 4" diameter
ductwork inside the dryer cabinet or for exhausting
to the outside°
[] Do not use plastic or other combustible ductwork.
[] Use the shortest length possible_
[] Do not crush or collapse.
[] Avoid resting the duct on sharp objects°
[] Venting must conform to local building codes.

Beforeyoucall forservice...
iii i i iiiiii1,111111,,11
Troubleshooting tips
Save brae and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service,
Possible Causes What ToDo
Dryer doesn't statt Dryer is tmplugged • Make sure the dryer plug is pushed completely into
Fuse is blown/circuit breaker is * Caheck the house fuse/clrcuit breaker box and
tripped replace fi_se or reset breaker_ NOTE."Most electric
Dryer doesn"theat Fuse is blown/cJrcult breaker is o Check the house fiaseicircuit breaker box and
tripped, the dryer may tumble replace fuse or reset breaker°
but not heat
Gas service is off * Make sure gas shutoffat dryer mad main shutoffare
the outlet.
dryers use two bases/breakers.
fitly open.
Oryershakcsormakes Some shaklng/noise is normal * Move dryer to an even floor space, or adjust
noise Drye_ may be sitting unevenly leveling legs as necessary until even_
Greasyspotson clothes Improper use of fabric softener * Follow directions on fabric softener package.
Dryingdirtyitemswithdeanones * Useyourdryertodryonlycteanitems Dirty items can
stain clean items and the dryer,
Clothes were not completely elean o Sometimes stains which cannot be seen when the
clothes are wet appearafter drying. Use proper
washing procedures before drying.
Hat on clothes Lint filter is full * Clean lint screen before each toad.
Improper sorting * Sort lint producers (like chenille) from lint collectors
(like corduroy)_
Static electricity can attract lint * See suggestions in this section under STATIC.
Overloading o Separate large loads into smaller ones.
Paper, fissue, etc.,leftinpockets * Empty a!l pockets before laundering c!othes°
Stzticecc_ No fabric _e._e._er was used - Try a fabric softener.
• Bounce n Fabric Conditioner Dryer Sheets have
been approved for use in all GE Dryers when used in
accordance with the manufacturer's insmactions,
Overdrying " Try a fabric softener.
• Adjust controls for tess drying.
Synthetics, permanent press and t Try a fabric softener.
blends can cause static
incansistent drying limes T_pe of heat
• Automatic drying times v611vary according to the type
of heat used (electric, natural or LP gas), size of load,
types of fabrics, wetness of clothes and condition of
exhaust ducts_

Before youcall forservice...
...... i i i i
Possible Causes What ToDo
Clothes take too long Improper sorting * Separate heavy items from fightweigh t items (generally,
to dry a well-sorted washer load is a well-sorted dryer load)..
Large loads of heavy fabrics (like . Large, heavy fabrics contain more moisture and take
beach towels) longer to dry, Separate large, heavy fabrics into smaller
loads to speed drying dmeo
Controls improperly set • Match control settings to the load you are drying.
Lint filter is full • Clean llnt filter before every load.
Improper or obstructed ducting • Check installation instructions for proper
• Make sure ducling is clean, free of kinks and
• Check to see if outside wall damper operates easily,
• Check the Installation Instructions to make sure the dryer
venting is correct,
Blown fuses or tripped circuit • Replace fuses or reset circuit breakers, Since most
breaker dryers use 2 fi.tses/breakers, make sure both are
Overloading/combining loads • Do not put more than one washer load in the dryer at
a time.
Underloading • Ifyou are drying only one or two items, add a few items to
ensure proper tumbling.
Clothesare wrinkled Overdrying • Select a shorter drying time.
• Remove items while they still hold a slight amount of
Letting items sit in dryer after • Remove items when cycle ends and fold or hang
cycle ends immediately.
Clothesshrink Some fabrics will naturally shrink • To avoid sbsSnkage, follow g"arnent care labets exactly°
when washed. Others can be • Some items may be pressed back into shape after drying.
safely washed, but will shrink
in the dryer • If you are concerned about shrinkage in a particular item,
do not machine wash or mmbte dry it.

GE Service Protection Plus TM
GE, a name recognized worldwide for quality and dependability, offers you
Service Protection Plus 'X--comprehensive protection on all your appliances--
No Matter What Brand!
Benefits Include:
• Backed by GE
t All brands covered
• Unlimited service calls
• All parts and labor costs included
• No out-of-pocket expenses
• No hidden deductibles
• One 800 number to call
You will be completely satisfied with our service protection or you may request your money back
on the remaining value of your contract. No questions asked° It's that simple°
Protect your refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer, range, TV, VCR and much more-any brand!
Plus there's no extra charge for emergency service and low monthly financing is available,. Even icemaker
coverage and food spoilage protection is offered. You can rest easy, knowing that all your valuable
household products are protected against expensive repairs.
Place your confidence in GE and call us in the U.S, toll-free at 800-626-2224
for more information°
*AI| brands covered, up to 20 years old, in tile continental U S
We'll CoverAny Appliance.
Anywhere. Anytime.*
Pleaseplacein envelopeand mailto:
Warranty Registration Department
P.O. Box 32150
Louiss4Jle, KY 40232-2150

Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Dear Customer:
Thank you fbr purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us,,
We are proud to have you as a customer!
Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:
Complete and mall
your Consumer
Product Ownership
Registration today.
Have the peace of
mind of knowing we
can contact you in the
unlikely event of a
safety modificadon,
After mailing the
registration below,
store this document
in a safe place It
contains information
you will need should
you require service,
Our service number is
Model Number Serial Number
kt, i i _ ! i _, _ i I I , , , , , , , I.......
Important: If you did not get a registration card with your
product, detach and return the form below to
ensure that your product is registered, or register
online at www.geappliances.com.
Consumer Product Ownership Reg
is ation
Read your Owner's
Manual carefully.,
It will help you
operate your new
appliance properly
Ifl_u have questions,
or need more
information, call the
GEAnswe_ Center @
Serial Number
Model Number
Mr C) Ms.O Mrs D Mi_ O
_i_t I _tl l
Name [ f .... t ..............i ! ! I I ! _ Name I I _ [ I I I f I I t I
S_etl l
Address I I I I I _ I I I I I, ,,].........I............I I I I I I [ I I I I ,
Apt # _ !
City [ I I
Dam Pla_d
_tmm_t _dnrlffc Co_pnny
_ul_'ile, Kan_ar_
t ] I I I E-marl Address
l I 1 1 I I t ! 1 I I I
Day _/--_ Year L--_ Phone /Number L
Occasionally, wemay allow selected companies to send you information.
[] Check here ifyou do notwant this information
statoL____]c_gl , , I _ I