Safety Information ........ 2-5
Operating Instructions
Countdown Display .............. 7
Reversing the Door .............. ro
Venting ......................... 8
Care and Cleaning .......... 9
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Cover
General Principles
of Good Practice ............... 11
Warranty ..................... 10
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Theg are on the Iobel on the front
of the drger behind the door.
175D1807P575 49-90307-1 08-06 JR

Foryour safety, the informationin this manual mustbe followed tominimize the risk of fire
or explosion,electric shock, or toprevent property damage,personal injury,or death.
Installation and service must beperformed by aqualifiedinstaller,service agencyor
the gas supplier.
1.Instructionsto follow if theuser smellsgas: Contactyourlocal gas
supplier forinformation to be displayed.
Z Instructions concerning flammablematerialsasfollows:
Do notstore or use gasoline or other flammable vaporsand liquids
in the vicinity of this or any otherappliance.
California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act
This act requires tile governor of California to publish a list of substances known to tile state to
cause cance_; birth defects or other reproductive ham_ and requires businesses to warn custome_
ot potential exposure to such substances.
Gas appliances can Catlse ii/inor exposure to four of these stlbstances, namely benzene, carbon
monoxide, ti)mmldehyde and soot, caused pIJIllaIJly by tile incomplete coIllb/Istion oil nattlI'_ll gas
or 12 fllels.
Properl) ac!justed (h_e_5 will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be
minimized flu'tiler by properly xenting tile (h) er to tile outdoors.

This dryer must be properly instafled and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet, you can receive one by
visiting ge.com, or by calling 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737).
• Properly ground dryer to confimn with all
governing codes and ordinances. Follow details
in the Installation Instructions section.
• Install or store where it will not be exposed to
temperatures below fl'eezing or exposed to
the weather:
• Connect to a properly rated, protected and sized
power supi)ly circuit to avoid electrical overload.
• ]_.elnove all shaq) packing itelns and dispose oI
all shiI)ping materials i)ropedy.
• In flflfilling the specific needs _ffdifferent
commercial installations, the pro'chaser of this
dryer may wish to locate the coin box and
controls in any _ff a nulnber of locations.
The responsibility fin" the proper pe_f0mmnce
of this work lies solely with the pm'chase_;
It should be done by properly trained and
qualified pe_som_el, and in accordance with
local code requirements.
• Any coin box or similar device added to
the (hTeI; either electrically or mechanically,
should be properly grotmded.
• Remove any accumulated time by manually
rotating timing cam in the coin box
cotmterclockwise tmfil switch shuts off. Apply
a slight additional cotmterclockwise l)ressure to
fimher seat drive. Make certain not to mrn cam
past switch shutoff position. Otherwise, one
increment of time will be gained. Switches are
offwhen the plastic switch actuating am/ (inner)
is down and all 3 switch buttons are depressed.
_] This dD'er MUSTbe exhausted to the outside.
[_ ljse onl) dgid metal 4" diameter ductwork
inside the dI3er cabinet. Use Olfly iigid metal
or flexible metal 4" diameter ductwork fin.
exhausting to the outside. USE OFPLASTICOR
Follow details in the Installation Instructions section.

• Keep the area underneath and around wmr
appliances flee (ff c(nnbusfible materials, such
as lint, paper; rags, chemicals, gasoline and
other flammable wq)m_ and liquids.
• Keep the floor around your appliances clean
and dry to reduce the possibili b' of slipping.
• Keep area aromM the exhaust opening and
SmTotmding areas fl'ee ti'oln tile accumulation
of lint, dust and dirt.
• Do not obstruct tile flow of ventilating ai_:
Do not stack or place latm(h_' or throw rugs
against the fl'ont or back ot the dryer
• Never reach into tile (ha'er while tile drum is
moving. Belt}re loading, mdoading or adding
clothes, wait tmtil tile drum has completely
• Clean thelint filter before each load to prevent lint
accumulation inside tile dryer or in tile room.
• Do not wash or d_w articles that have been
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in or spotted with
combustible or explosive substances (such as
wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degrease_, dry-cleaning
solvents, kerosene, etc.) which may ignite or
explode. Do not add these substances to the
wash watei: Do not use or place these substances
arotmd yore" washer or (hTer (hmng operation.
• Any article on which you have used a cleaning
solvent or that contaii_s flammable materials
(such as cleaning cloths, mops, towels used in
beaut)' salons, restaurants or barber shops, etc.)
nlust not be placed in or near tile (hwer until
solvents or flammable materials have been
removed. There are many highly flammable
items used in homes such as acetone, denatured
alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, some household
cleanei's, SOllle spot i'elllOVei's, ttli])entines,
waxes, wax removei_ and products containing
petroleum distillams.
• Tile laundry process can reduce tile flame
retardancv of rid)tics. To avoid such a result,
carefully fi)llow the gaiinent inanufilcturer's
care instructions.
• Close supe_Msion is necessm y if this appliance
is used by or near chiMren. Do not allow
children to play on, with or inside this or
any other appliance.
• Keep all laundry aids (such as detergents,
bleaches, etc.) ()/it of the reach (ff children,
preterably in a locked cabinet. Observe all
warnings on container labels to avoid iqim>
• Never climb on or stand on tile (hTer top.
• Do not install or store this appliance where it
will be exposed to the weather;
• Do not d_y articles containing rubbe_; plastic
or similar materials such as padded bras, temfis
shoes, galoshes, bath mats, rugs, bibs, baby pants,
plastic bags, pillows, etc. that may melt or bm'n.
Some rubber mamfials, when heam(1, can under
certain circumstances produce fire by
spont_l neo/1s COillb/istion.
• Do not store plastic, paper or clothing that
may burn or melt on top (ff the d_3'er dining
• Gam_ents labeled OryAway from Heat (>r Do Not
Tumble Dry (such as lifiLjackets containing Kapok)
IlltlSt not be put in yore" (hye_:
• Do not city fiberglass articles in your (hwer.
Skin irritation could result fl'om tile remaining
particles that may be picked up by dothing
(linking subsequent dryer uses.
• To minimize the possibility of electric shock,
tmplug this appliance fl'om tile power supply or
discom_ect the d_Ter at the distribution panel
b)' removing the time or switching off the drcuit
breaker befi)re attempting any maintenance or
cleaning (except the remox;fl and cleaning ot
tile lint filter). NOTE" Turningthe Cyc/eSelectorknobto
an offposition doesNOTdisconnect theapp/iancefrom
the power supp/y
• D(>not spI'}l}' [ln}' t},'pe ot aerosol into, on 0I" near
dryer at anv time.
• Do not place items exposed to cooking oils in
veto" (h_'e_: Items contaminated with cooking oils
may contribute to a chemical reaction that could
cause a load to catch fire.