GE DMC490 Software Configuration Manual

Grid Solutions
Microgrid Controller
Software Configuration Guide
Version 1.00, Revision
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Security Notice
Many of the DMC490’s network services are unauthenticated and unencrypted (for example, DNP3/TCP Master). It is the user’s responsibility to ensure these services are protected from unauthorized use.
Even though the DMC490 includes a host firewall, it is recommended that an external network firewall be placed on the electronic security perimeter as an additional layer of protection.
This guide provides detailed information on how to configure the software of the Multilin DMC490 Microgrid Controller.
Intended Audience
This document is a resource for utility personnel and system engineers who are implementing the DMC490 for a microgrid, and protection engineers who are controlling network devices. It is intended for readers who have knowledge of substation automation equipment and applications.
About this Document
Additional Documentation
For further information about the DMC490, refer to the following documents.
D400 Substation Gateway Instruction Manual (994-0089)
D400 Substation Gateway Software Configuration Guide (SWM0066 V5.2)
D400 V5.20 online Help (includes D400 configuration tool online Help)
How to Use this Guide
For most operational features, refer to the documents listed above.
For information specific to the Microgrid Controller (MGC) feature, see the details provided in this manual (SWM0091).
The DMC490 employs sophisticated applications that contain many advanced features and capabilities. To successfully configure and operate the DMC490 for your environment, it is highly recommended that you work through this entire guide and the D400 Substation Gateway Software Configuration Guide (SWM0066 V5.2).
If you need assistance, contact General Electric Company GE Grid Solutions Technical Support.
In configuration tables, “N/A” in the “Default” column indicates there is no default setting provided, and “X” indicates the number is automatically incremented.
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This guide uses the Systeme International (SI) and the Microsoft® Manual of Style as a basis for styles and conventions.
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Table of Contents
DMC490 Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Chapter 1 -
Application Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Microgrid Overview................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Microgrid Controller Setup ............................................................................................................................................................................... 16
DMC490 Configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Chapter 2 -
DMC490 Operation Modes .............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Configuration Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Configure Electrical Assets .............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Configure Thermal Assets ................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Configure System Settings .............................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Health Status and Monitoring .......................................................................................................................................... 45 Chapter 3 -
Forecasts ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Chapter 4 -
Common Forecast Settings ............................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Forecasts for Renewables ............................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Forecasts for Electrical Load .......................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Forecasts for Grid Buy Price ........................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Forecasts for Grid Sell Price ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Forecasts for Heat Load ................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Forecast Value Update Procedure .............................................................................................................................................................. 48
DMC490 Overview Chapter 1 -
The DMC490 Microgrid Controller:
Controls and monitors a microgrid
Optimizes the dispatch of electrical generation, thermal generation, and energy storage to minimize
operating cost
Application Overview
The Microgrid Controller optimizes the dispatch of electrical generation, thermal generation, and energy storage to minimize operating cost. It operates in a supervisory mode, issuing on/off and dispatch commands every few minutes. The MGC works in a grid-connected or standalone microgrid.
Up to 32 electrical and heating resources are supported, including the following:
Renewable, such as wind turbines, hydro, solar panels
Dispatchable generators, such as diesel generators
Combined heat and power (CHP) generation, or cogeneration
Heating elements, such as boilers
Storage, specifically hydrogen-based and batteries
Utility grid connections
The block diagram of Figure 1 shows the microgrid approach. When the resources include Modbus server functionality, the UR controllers are unnecessary. For example, when a wind turbine is added to the microgrid and it has Modbus server capability, a UR controller is not needed for it.
Figure 1 Microgrid approach – Block Diagram
The storage can be short or long-term:
Short-term storage functions of the MGC help in step-load changes resulting from load-generation
variations or in transferring to an islanded microgrid.
Long-term storage from tens of minutes to several hours helps during peak demand periods and in
shifting power generation to environmentally-friendly renewable sources.
DMC490 Overview
Microgrid Overview
The Microgrid Controller controls microgrid generation and storage assets to optimize operation for the lowest cost based on load and renewable forecasts.
A microgrid is a distribution network that operates with local (distributed) generation or islanded (grid connection open). Both types can include renewable sources, such as wind, photovoltaics, and hydro. Because the output from renewable sources can be intermittent and variable, and energy from these resources is not always available when needed, renewable sources can be better utilized when there is storage in the microgrid, such as an electrolyzer/fuel cell system or conventional battery storage.
Figure 2 shows a typical Microgrid where DG represents a Diesel Generator.
Figure 2 Typical microgrid
Islanded Power System Operation
Within any power system, the generated power must match the demand. The loading in the system is variable. Consider the single-generator power system shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Single-generator power system
and Pm result from multiplying the torque with the angular velocity (speed).
is the electrical power
is the mechanical power
The basic torque balance equation for the generator is:
Eq. 1
DMC490 Microgrid Controller Software Configuration Guide
is the mechanical torque provided by the prime mover
is the electrical torque exerted by the loading of the power system
J is the inertia constant of the machine, and
ω is the rotational speed.
Solving for dω/dt, the result is:
Eq. 2
Multiplying by the top and bottom of this equation by rated speed, ω0, the result is:
Eq. 3
Speed is constant (dω/dt = 0) whenever mechanical power matches electrical power. This fact allows us to control a generator to supply the required load by regulating the speed of the generator at a fixed value. This method is known as isochronous control and is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Isochronous control
Assume that electrical and mechanical power are initially equal and speed is equal to the reference speed. When the loading of the system increases, then P
becomes greater than Pm. As seen in the previous equation,
the machine speed drops. The governor takes a measurement of machine speed and compares it with a reference speed (nominal speed). The difference is an error signal that is applied to a transfer function (typically a proportional/integral regulator). The output of the governor drives an actuator (for instance a valve in the case of a steam turbine). This acts to increase the flow of steam to the turbine, increasing the mechanical power to balance the electrical power.
The operating characteristic of an isochronous generator is shown in the plot of frequency (proportional to mechanical speed) and power; see Figure 5.
DMC490 Overview
Figure 5 Isochronous operating characteristic
An isochronous machine maintains a constant frequency for any value of power up to its maximum rating.
Having more than one generator operating in isochronous control creates a challenge. Measurement error results in each machine having a slightly different idea of the actual system frequency, and each machine tries to bring this value to the nominal frequency. To resolve this potential conflict, one machine is typically operated in isochronous mode and the remaining generators are operated in droop control, resulting with the machine receiving an additional power signal that it compares to a power reference.
Figure 6 Droop control used for two or more sources of power
At nominal frequency, the level of power output is determined by the power reference command because the speed error signal is zero. When there is a drop in frequency, the generator increases output power according to its droop setting. For example, a generator with a droop setting of 5% produces a 100% change in output power for a 5% change in frequency.
Taken together the power and speed signals produce a sloped operating characteristic as shown in Figure 7.
DMC490 Microgrid Controller Software Configuration Guide
Figure 7 Droop control operating characteristic
In grid-connected microgrids, the grid compensates for any imbalance between load and generation in the microgrid, behaving like an isochronous machine for the microgrid. However, for islanded microgrids, there is a need for an isochronous machine to maintain load-generation balance, and stabilize the frequency around the nominal value in response to instantaneous load and renewable generation variations above or below the forecasted values. Such an isochronous machine provides reserve margins in both positive and negative directions to address the deficit or surplus of power, respectively. These margins are defined as a percent of the total load in the microgrid.
Isochronous/non-isochronous operation of a generator impacts the behavior of the MGC in the process of optimally dispatching the generation/storage devices in the microgrid. Thus, generating power of a dispatchable generator (genset) operating in non-isochronous mode can pick any value between its lower and upper bounds; however, for an isochronous dispatchable genset, lower and upper bounds of generating power need to be changed in the optimization problem solved by the MGC so that the reserve margins are respected. These concepts are demonstrated in Figure 8 and Figure 9, where the highlighted regions specify the intervals that the generating power (P
) is allowed to change. PD
and PD
represent the lower and upper bounds of
dispatchable generating power.
Figure 8 Demonstration of non-isochronous operation of a dispatchable generator
Figure 9 Demonstration of the isochronous operation of a dispatchable generator
A diesel or a CHP unit can usually operate in isochronous mode due to the non-variable nature of their fuel source, while highly-intermittent renewable power sources such as wind or solar cannot fulfill the requirements of an isochronous machine. However, the MGC supports the isochronous operation of renewable power generation units that are relatively less intermittent, such as run-of-the-river hydro units with reservoirs. In order to support such a feature, a parameter entitled Renewable Capability is defined in the setup program.
DMC490 Overview
This is a parameter between 0 and 1, multiplied by the upper bound of renewable power generation unit, and decided by the operator based on meteorological observation data.
Optimal Dispatch
The primary function of the MGC is optimal dispatch, which is the process of allocating the required load demand among the available resources such that the cost of operation is minimized. The MGC minimizes cost of electricity and/or heat in a microgrid, for example daily, and the prediction horizon can extend up to 48 hours.
Within a microgrid, resources include conventional generators and storage devices. The cost of operation is typically defined by fuel cost but can include maintenance and other costs.
An optimal dispatch algorithm is used to minimize the total operational cost of the microgrid. This cost is the sum of the fuel cost required to run the non-renewable generators, cost of electricity, which needs to be bought from a grid when one exists, and the operational cost of renewable and storage devices. Other factors include maintenance, start-up/shut-down costs, cost/revenue components associated with importing/exporting power to the grid, minimum energy/power requirements for various generation assets and minimum up/down times for some of the assets. The power bought from the grid plus the power generated internally must equal the total load and the power exported to the grid at any instant of time. The algorithm does not treat loads as dispatchable except to avoid situations of grid instability associated with imbalance between supply and demand. In other words, the microgrid always supplies enough power to satisfy its loads provided that this is physically possible given the power limits on the generators.
The optimal dispatch algorithm uses a technique known as model predictive control. It makes use of historical data as follows: daily, weekly, and annual load profiles; hydro, wind, and solar forecasts; and fuel or electricity market pricing information (when a bulk grid connection exists). Given this information, the algorithm determines the cost of operation for a fixed period in the future, typically 24 hours. It then solves the optimization problem with the objective to minimize the total costs and to determine the required control actions. These control actions include selecting the best machines to be operated at any given time, by issuing start/stop commands and sending proper isochronous or non-isochronous commands to dispatchable or renewable power generation units. It determines when energy is stored and when it is supplied to the system. Finally, it determines the best power reference point for each droop (non-isochronous) machine and for each storage device. Figure 10 shows data flow between the MGC and the different component devices within the microgrid.
DMC490 Microgrid Controller Software Configuration Guide
Microgrid Controller
Renewable generators
Power generated Online status Availability
Power consumed Online status
Power generated Online status Availability
Start/stop Input preferences Output preferences
Power generated Power consumed State of charge Online status Availability
Setup tool
parameters (settings)
Output preferences
Figure 10 Data flow for a system with dispatchables, renewables, and storage
Model Predictive Control
Model predictive control (MPC) is used for optimal dispatch in the microgrid. In this method, a model of the process to be controlled is used to evaluate the behavior of process outputs in response to control inputs. The model response is evaluated for a finite period extending into the future, known as a prediction horizon. The outputs are optimized over this period in order to arrive at the ideal values of outputs to be applied at the current time.
Figure 11 Model predictive control
Applied to the dispatch challenge, inputs represent internal physical states of the process such as offline/online, availability, isochronous operation, storage state of charge, and metered power of the devices. Generators and storage devices are modeled by their power ratings and efficiency curves. Forecasts model the loading of the power system, the contribution of renewable sources, and the price of grid power (if one exists). Finally, outputs take the form of start/stop commands and power reference commands applied to generators and storage devices.
Generation must match load in a stable power system. Dispatchable generation including the storage equals the total load minus the total power supplied by renewable sources. These resources are assumed to have local controllers that are designed to maximize the use of available renewable energy.
The problem to be solved by the MGC is a multi-interval optimization problem. As shown in Figure 12, an assumed prediction horizon of 24 hours is divided into multiple time steps/intervals, such as 120 twelve-minute or 240 six-minute time intervals.
DMC490 Overview
Figure 12 Prediction horizon
Different routines within the optimization framework are formulated and solved at each time step (for example, 12 minutes) over the prediction horizon (24 hours) based on load, renewable resources, and price forecasts. In this framework, a variety of operational considerations are factored in. These include and are not limited to the support of a hydro unit in isochronous mode, minimum up/down times required for storage charging, interaction with the grid, and support of manual-start dispatchable generators.
The objective function of the optimization problem can, in general, include the following terms:
Fuel/operation costs of all power generation devices in the microgrid
Cost/incentive terms for storage device charging/discharging. These are more subjectively
determined, being driven by the requirement to prevent simultaneous charging and discharging and the need to limit storage cycling.
Penalty terms mainly related to those generation/storage devices allowed to have their limits on
minimum powers violated (that is, having soft constraints)
Power importing/exporting costs/revenues when the microgrid is grid-connected
Also, the constraints of the optimization problem capture the following limitations for both electrical and thermal systems:
Minimum and maximum values of generated power with the consideration of their isochronous or
non-isochronous operation, and the microgrid reserve margin requirements
Limits on importing/exporting powers considering the microgrid reserve power requirements (for grid-
connected microgrids)
Power balance in the microgrid considering the contribution of power generation/storage devices,
load, and any grid
Minimum, maximum, and initial values of storage devices state of charge
Limits on storage input and output powers
The energy balance equation of storage devices representing the storage state of charge in each time
step based on its value in the previous time step as well as charging and discharging powers with the consideration of the related efficiencies and standby losses
When the prediction horizon is long enough, the algorithm can determine when to charge storage, because it can anticipate times when the loads are large and when the stored power can be utilized. The optimal dispatch algorithm implemented within the microgrid controller can be configured for up to 32 resources. Assuming a worst-case scenario where all resources are committed, the optimization problem can have on the order of 20,000 variables and 40,000 constraints.
Incorporation of CHP Plants
Combined heat and power (CHP) is the generation of electricity and heat in a single process. Inclusion of CHP plants in the microgrid significantly increases the overall efficiency of the system by using the hot exhaust gases from the gas turbine to heat water. Recovered heat can also be used for district heating or covering the heat demand requirement of the system. The incorporation of CHP plants introduces another energy source (natural gas) and another energy carrier (heat) into the system.
A CHP plant can be modeled by constant conversion ratios. The conversion ratios indicate efficiency. For example, a gas-to-electricity conversion ratio of 0.35 means that 35% of the energy content of natural gas is converted to electricity and the remainder is in the form of heat. Two dimensionless conversion ratios for gas­to-electricity (rge) and gas-to-heat (rgh) are defined as shown in the following figure. Typical values of rge and rgh are 0.35 and 0.45, respectively, considering a 20% parasitic loss.
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