GE DEH-211 User Manual

PMCS 6.9 Read-This-Book-First
Installation Guide DEH-211
GE Power Management Control System 6.9
This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced without consent of GE.
Copyright ©2001 by GE. Published in a limited copyright sense, and all rights, including trade secrets, are reserved.
Document Edition - First 4/98
Second 5/99 Third 8/99 Fourth 11/99 Fifth 03/00 Sixth 10/00 Seventh 02/01
The following are products of General Electric Company:
POWER LEADERTM Meter 239 Motor Protection Relay GE Fanuc Series 90/30 PLC POWER LEADER Modbus Monitor 269 Plus Motor Management Relay GE Fanuc Series 90/70 PLC POWER LEADER Electronic Power
Meter Spectra MicroVersaTrip SR469 Motor Management Relay EPM 7300 Electronic Power Meter Enhanced MicroVersaTrip-C SR489 Generator Management Relay EPM 7700 Electronic Power Meter EPM 7600 Electronic Power Meter EPM 7500 Electronic Power Meter Enhanced MicroVersaTrip-D 565 Feeder Management Relay EPM 3710 Electronic Power Meter MDP Overcurrent Relay 735 Feeder Relay EPM 3720 Electronic Power Meter System Monitor SM-3 SR745 Transformer Management Relay Spectra Electronic Control Module Universal Relay SR750/SR760 Feeder Management
369 Motor Management Relay Power Quality Meter (PQM)
Motor Manager II (MMII)
Microsoft, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint are registered trademarks, and Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
DFP 100 and DFP 200 Feeder Management Relay® and Multilin 269+ Motor Management Relay® are registered trademarks of Multilin Inc., and Multilin SR489 Generator Management Relay™ and Multilin SR745 Transformer Management Relay™ are trademarks of Multilin Inc.
US Pat Nos 5,768,148; 5,764,155; 5,862,391
Back to Main Page
Introduction 3
How to Use this Book................................................................................................................3
About CIMPLICITY PMCS Version 6.9...................................................................................4
Supported Devices.......................................................................................................6
Getting Started 8
First Steps...................................................................................................................................8
Understanding Terminology........................................................................................8
System Requirements.................................................................................................11
Where to Get Help.....................................................................................................11
What’s next?..............................................................................................................12
Installing the Software 14
Computer Preparation..............................................................................................................14
Installing CIMPLICITY.............................................................................................14
Installing Additional Software...................................................................................15
Installing Additional Software...................................................................................18
Installing the EPM Software Components.................................................................18
Installing the PMCS software...................................................................................................19
eLicensing PMCS software........................................................................................19
License by Phone.......................................................................................................21
Host PC Installation...................................................................................................21
Viewer Workstation Installation................................................................................21
PMCS Installation Steps............................................................................................22
PQ Analyst Installation Steps.....................................................................................37
Un-elicensing PMCS..................................................................................................40
Uninstalling PMCS....................................................................................................41
Reinstallation Steps....................................................................................................43
Upgrading from previous versions to PMCS 6.9.......................................................44
CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Back to Main Page ••• i
Configuring the Software 45
Organize Your Information....................................................................................... 45
Configuration Procedure........................................................................................... 47
EPM Device- Special Considerations 49
Introduction............................................................................................................................. 49
EPM Software Components .................................................................................................... 50
Network Builder: Building the Network Configuration File..................................... 50
ION Designer: Programming Devices and Software Nodes...................................... 50
Communications Server: System Communications................................................... 50
ION_LINK DDE Server: Communication with Windows Applications................... 50
Workstation Configuration Guidelines.................................................................................... 51
Configuring the EPM Device Network ................................................................................... 52
Running Network Builder......................................................................................... 52
Building the Power-Monitoring Network in NetBuilder........................................... 53
Adding Devices (Meters).......................................................................................... 57
Saving and Exiting.................................................................................................... 57
Using MMS Servers with PMCS 59
What is an MMS Server? ........................................................................................................ 59
System Requirements................................................................................................ 59
Installation for Windows NT 4.0............................................................................................. 60
Preparing the MMS Server for use with PMCS ...................................................................... 61
Index 66
ii ••• Contents CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First



Hello and welcome to the POWER LEADER Power Management Control System for CIMPLI CITY new way—as a tool to help you increase productivity while reducing downtime and energy costs.
This book is for anyone getting started with CIMPLICITY PMCS. It contains the information you need to install and begin using PMCS effectively.

How to Use this Book

HMI. You are about to begin using your computer in an exciting
Chapter 2, Getting Started, explains the terminology of power-
management systems, describes each of your PMCS items, outlines the minimum system requirements, and lists methods of getting GE Technical Support.
Chapter 3, Installing the Software, explains how to prepare your system
and install all of the PMCS software. Any special installation steps are outlined for each software module.
Chapter 4, Configuring the Software, describes how to efficiently
configure PMCS t o get up and running in the shortest time.
Chapter 5, EPM Device Special Considerations, details the additional
configuration required to use EPM 7700, EPM 7600 and EPM 7500 meters in a PMCS network.
You will find this book easy to use if you look for these simple conventions:
Boldface type indicates the name of an item you need to select.
Monospace type indicates an example or text that is displayed on the
UPPERCASE type indicates a file name, command name, or acronym.
CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Introduction ••• 3

About CIMPLICITY PMCS Version 6.9

CIMPLICITY PMCS Version 6.9 is the latest Power Management Control System in
the robust line of POWER LEADER power-management products from GE
Industrial Systems. CIMPLICITY PMCS seamlessly integrates the comprehensive
line of POWER LEADER devices, as well as many new Modbus RTU devices and
systems. PMCS comes with built-in Ethernet compatibility and is optimized for the
Windows NT 4.0 operating system. All of this adds up to the most flexible, high-
performance, open-architecture power-management system available. PMCS
software is the backbone of your new power management system, with state-of-the-
art graphics and features designed to maximize productivity and minimize downtime
and energy costs.


With built-in Modbus RTU and Ethernet compatibility, PMCS delivers critical
power-management information faster than ever. PMCS supports baud rates of up to
38.4 kbps on a Modbus RTU network and 10 Mbps on an Ethernet TCP/IP network.
This results in near “real-time” screen refresh rates and immediate access to critical
event and alarm data.


PMCS comes with the following features that make the system more powerful and
easy to use:
Compatible with industry-standard third-party SCADA platforms.
Built-in Modbus RTU network compatibility for an open network
architecture and high-speed communications.
Built-in Ethernet TCP/IP network compatibility for very high-speed
communications and reduced wiring costs.
Built-in support for the comprehensive line of POWER LEADER
power-management devices, as well as additional GE meters and relays, Fanuc 90/30 and 90/70 programmable logic controllers, plus support for third-party meters and relays.
3D virtual-device interaction with accurately reproduced device look
and feel.
Improved waveform capture, including extensive analysis tools.
Comprehensive alarm and event reporting for immediate diagnosis of
electrical system problems.
Multiple Viewer Workstation support for seamless access and sharing
of power-management data across your existing LAN.
Configurable password protection and user-acti vity logging for
improved security and restriction of setup or control operations.
PMCS option modules are available to further increase productivity and reduce
energy costs. Your system may include one or more of the following modules:
4 ••• Introduction CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First
CIMPLICITY PMCS Interface Toolkit with tools to quickly create
accurate, intelligent floorplans, one-line diagrams, and elevation views.
System Test Simulator to design and test PMCS systems without
connection to real networks or devices.
CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Introduction ••• 5

Supported Devices

CIMPLICITY PMCS 6.9 supports the following devices. Firmware revisions other
than those listed may not be compatible with PMCS. Contact your GE Sales
Representative or the GE Resolution Center, at 1-888-GE-RESOLV for more
Device Firmware Revision Supported
POWER LEADER EPM (commnet communications option)
(Modbus communications option) POWER LEADER Meter 2.00 EPM 3710 Electronic Power Meter EPM 3720 Electronic Power Meter Power Quality Meter (PQM) 3.2 POWER LEADER MDP Overcurrent Relay
(commnet communications option)
(Modbus communications option) Spectra MicroVersaTrip™ 5.16 Enhanced MicroVersaTrip™ C 4.13 Enhanced MicroVersaTrip™ D 4.13 Spectra ECM™ Electronic Control Module 7.2 239 Motor Protection Relay 2.4 269 Plus Motor Management Relay D.6.0.4 369 Motor Management Relay 1.45 SR469 Motor Management Relay 30D261A8.000 SR489 Generator Management Relay 1.41 565 Feeder Management Relay VE2.71 735 Feeder Relay 25D152D1.000 SR745 Transformer Management Relay 2.50 SR750 Feeder Management Relay 4.0 SR760 Feeder Management Relay 3.60 POWER LEADER Modbus Concentrator Main Firmware 2.2
Segment Firmware 2.12 POWER LEADER Modbus Monitor 2.0 GE Fanuc MicroPLC Programmable Logic Controller n/a ALPS Advanced Line Protection System V0004.00AA15 LPS Line Protection System V0004.00AA15 DFP100 Digital Feeder Relay 4.4 DFP200 Digital Feeder Relay 2.01 EPM 7300 Meter 1.33 EPM7500 Meter 2.05 EPM7600 Meter 2.01 EPM7700 Meter 2.0 Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories SEL-251 Distribution Relay R406 Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories SEL-321 Phase and Ground Distance Relay,
Directional Overcurrent Relay and Fault Locator Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories SEL-351 Directional Overcurrent Relay,
Reclosing Relay and Fault Locator Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories SEL-587 Current Differential Relay R503 System Monitor SM-3 Voltage Regulator 0309B Universal Relay 2.42
6 ••• Introduction CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First
Device Firmware Revision Supported
Motor Manager II 4.02
CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Introduction ••• 7

Getting Started

First Steps

If you are already familiar with PMCS, simply review the system requirements and skip ahead to Chapter 3.
Getting started with PMCS is easy. This chapter explains power management and leads you through the steps to take prior to installing your PMCS software. If you need help with your PMCS system, the GE Technical Support telephone number is given at the end of this chapter.

Understanding Terminology

Power-management system terminology can be intimidating to new PMCS users. The list below defines many of the important terms and acronyms used in this guide and other PMCS manuals. Refer back to this list as new terms are presented later.
Baud rate: A measurement of a communication channel's signaling rate or information-carrying capacity. Communicating devices typicall y have configurable baud rates to provide compatibility with various speed communication networks. Higher baud rates generally provide faster data-refresh times.
CIMPLICITY HMI: An industry-standard SCADA software package providing flexible, accurate, and easy-to-use graphics. CIMPLICITY HMI is based on a client­server architecture, consisting of Servers and Viewer Workstations. Servers are responsible for the collection and distribution of data. Viewer Workstations connect into Servers and have full access to the collected data for viewing and control actions. Servers and Viewer Workstations can be easily networked together to seamlessly share data without the need to replicate your point database from node to node.
CIMPLICITY HMI Server Development: CIMPLICITY HMI Serve r Development allows you to create new projects and can also function as a runtime system.
CIMPLICITY HMI Server Runtime: CIMP LICITY HMI Server Runtime systems do not support project configuration. They may be used as runtime systems only.
CIMPLICITY HMI Viewer Runtime: CIMPLICIT Y HMI Viewer Runtime connects to Servers for viewing data and controlling actions.
Commnet: A GE Industrial Systems standard for device communications that specifies the communication protocol and the communication network.
Communication network: A physical standard for wiring and interconnection of communicating devices. A communication network standard usually includes specifications of voltages, maximum cable-run lengths, shielding, termination, and
8 ••• Getting Started CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First
cable requirements. RS485 and Ethernet are examples of communication-network standards.
Communication protocol: A language or convention used for reliable transmission and reception of binary data. A communication protocol is often independent of the physical method or network used for transmission. Modbus RTU and TCP/IP are examples of communication protocol standards.
DDE Server: A software application that typically runs in the background, gathering information from the network and providing the information in DDE format for use by one or more applications. The PMCS DDE Server is included in the PMCS Network & Device Configurator and comes in versions opti mized for Ethernet TCP/IP or RS485 Modbus RTU networks.
DDE: Dynamic Data Exchange. A Microsoft Windows standard for efficient sharing of data between applications on the same PC. See also NetDDE.
Ethernet Gateway: A POWER LEADER device used to connect four RS485 Modbus RTU networks to an Ethernet TCP/IP network. The Gateway increases performance of a PMCS system through multiple Modbus networks and reduces overall wiring costs through re use of existing Ethernet LAN wiri ng.
Ethernet: An industry-standard communication network commonly used for local­area networks (LANs) of PCs. Ethernet PMCS systems provide very high-speed, reliable communications at 10 megabits per second.
Event Logger: A standard PMCS application that efficiently analyzes, sorts, and logs unusual system behavior such as c i rcuit breaker trips, undervoltages, and overcurrents. Extensive data-logging capabilities make it a useful tool for analyzing and predicting system maintenance patterns.
Host PC: The PC running the PMCS DDE Server is referred to as t he Host PC. All other PCs running PMCS client programs are referred to as Viewer Wor kstations or networked PCs.
Interface Toolkit: An optional PMCS tool used to quickly generate accurate and friendly graphical user interfaces. The Interface Toolkit provides dozens of wizards to efficiently create intelligent one-line diagrams, equipment elevation views, floor plans, 3D virtual-faceplate views, and tabular displays.
Modbus Concentrator: A POWER LEADER device used to connect eight commnet networks to an RS485 Modbus RTU network. The Concentrator provides full compatibility between the PMCS software and the extensive line of POWER LEADER devices with commnet communications, as well as simple expansion of a RS485 Modbus RTU network to up to 247 devices.
Modbus RTU: An industry-standard, nonproprietary communications protocol typically used in medium-speed networks (up to 38.4 kpbs) on RS485.
NetBEUI: A network protocol usually used in small, department-size local-area networks of 1 to 200 clients.
NetDDE: A version of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) that allows communications between applications running on different PCs over ne twork connections.
NT Service: A designated piece of software which runs in the background of Windows NT and can be set to automatically start when the machine is booted up. For example, the PMCS DDE Server can be set to operate as a Windows NT Service, rather than a manually-launched application. Another advantage of NT Services is that they are persistent across multiple user logins and logouts; that is, PMCS DDE
CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Getting Started ••• 9
Server when operating as a Windows NT Service will not shut down when a user logs off.
ODBC: Open Database Connectivity. An inter-application communication protocol required for certain PMCS client applications to share data. Automatically installed and configured as part of the PMCS installation routine.
PMCS: Power Management Control System. GE’s high-perfor mance power­management system for Windows NT , including open net work protocols, waveform capture and analysis, event logging, and several optional modules.
POWER LEADER: The family of GE power-management devices, including meters, relays, trip units, and software.
RS485: An industry-standard communication network supporting up to 32 networked devices. RS485 provides medium-speed, reliable communication transport through shielding, balanced transmission voltages, and termination.
SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. A category of systems that primarily acquires data for logging and analysis, as well as providing supervisory control in applications without time-critical requirements. Power-management systems are a direct application of SCADA technology.
TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. An industry-standard protocol typically used on Ethernet or Token-Ring local-area networks (LANs).
Waveform Capture: A standard PMCS application that provides a window into power-quality data in an electrical system. Waveform Capture is used to view snapshots of voltage and current waveforms from various points in an electrical system to analyze harmonics and unusual system behavior.
10 ••• Getting Started CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First

System Requirements

The following table shows the minimum and recommended PC system configuration for running PMCS Version 6.9. Note that regard less of configuratio n, the PC system must be Windows NT-certified according to the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Hardware Compatibility List, available from Micros oft ( In addition to the requirements described below, setting up PMCS and EPM 7700 workstations will require Windows NT Administrator-level authority privileges.
Minimum Recommended
Pentium II processor, 300 MHz Pentium III processor, 600 MHz Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation,
Service Pack 6, Windows 2000 Professional Cimplicity version 4.01 Service Pack 9 or
Cimplicity version 5.0 Service Pack 1 128 megabytes of RAM 256 megabytes of RAM 512K cache 512K cache 4-gigabyte hard disk 10-gigabyte hard disk CD-ROM drive CD-ROM drive
Note: For systems using MMS technology, refer to Using MMS Servers with PMCS for minimum system requirements.
Additional hard disk space is recommended for increased storage of log and trend data. Also recommended are an uninterruptable power supply (UPS), 17” or larger monitor, tape drive or other backup mechanism, and (if Remote Access technical support is desired) a 28.8 Kbps or faster modem.
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Server, Service Pack 6, Windows 2000 Professional, Cimplicity version 4.01 Service Pack 9 or Cimplicity version 5.0 Service Pack 1
The version of CIMPLICITY installed must be 4.01 or greater, and HMI Service Pack 9 must be installed. Also, the "Advanced DDE Communications" option must be installed.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 or later is required to run the EPM 7700 component help system. To take advantage of all available .HTML help features, Internet Explorer version 4.0 or higher must be installed. (The latest version of Internet Explorer is available at
Please note that the host PC requirements are directly tied to the complexity of your PMCS system. The minimum requirements will suffice for a simple PMCS system. However, as the number and complexity of your power management device grows, and you add more complex software requirements such as custom interfaces designed with third-party HMI tools, your PC requirements increase as well. A faster processor and more memory provide better performance for your PMCS system.

Where to Get Help

The GE Industrial Systems Resolution Center is available at 1-888-GE-RESOLV to answer your questions about installing or using PMCS. Please have your product serial number(s) ready when calling.
Also, technical notes are available on the Internet at:
CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Getting Started ••• 11

What’s next?

The following chapters discuss the details of installing and getting quick results from your new PMCS software. Set aside at least an hour and be sure to follow the procedures carefully to guarantee correct installation of your PMCS software.
12 ••• Getting Started CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First
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CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Getting Started ••• 13

Installing the Software

Computer Preparation

PMCS must be installed on a PC running Windo ws NT Workstation 4.0. This host PC must be dedicated to the PMCS system. Performance and data integrity cannot be predicted unless the PC is configured solely for the purpose of running PMCS.
The Windows NT System control panel offer s a Performance tab that allows you to boost performance for the foreground application. For PMCS, must be changed to No Performance Boost for Foreground Application (default is Maximum), as shown below:
The Virtual Memory setting may be left at the Windows NT defaults. Make sure your system meets these requirements before proceeding with the
remaining installation steps. PMCS will not run correctly unless these requirements are satisfied.


If CIMPLICITY HMI was provided with your PMCS software, you must install it before proceeding. If your computer already has CIMPLICITY HMI installed, make sure the following requirements are met.
14 ••• Installing the Software CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First
CIMPLICITY HMI for Windows NT (Intel) Version 4.01 with HMI Service
Pack 9 or CIMPLICITY HMI for Windows NT (Intel) Version 5.00 with HMI Service Pack 1is required. Other versions of CIMPLICITY may not be compatible with PMCS.
If you are installing CIMPLICITY HMI, follow the directions provided with the software (inside the CD jewel case). Choose CIMPLICITY HMI as the product to install, then select either the HMI Server or Viewer as the product option to install, and C:\CIMPLICITY\HMI as the installation directory. If you install the Server option, also install Server Option - Communications - Advanced DDE/DDE

Installing Additional Software

Install any additional software, such as Microsoft Excel, at this point in the procedure. Follow the instruction procedures provided by the manufacturer.
For instructions on installing SISCO Systems' MMS Server for use with PMCS, refer to the section titled Using MMS Servers with PMCS.
RS485 PMCS Network Interfaces
If you are using an RS485 interface card to connect to the PMCS network, install the card following the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Be sure to install any Windows NT drivers provided by the interface-card vendor. Typically, drivers are installed at Control Panel>Network>Adapters>Add Adapter by following the instructions. You may be prompted to insert the manufacturer’s disk into the A: drive.
From the Network control panel, select the Adapters tab, then click Add.
CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Installing the Software ••• 15
Select the appropriate network adapter from the list and click Have Disk…. Follow the instructions provided on the screen to complete the network card installation.
For PMCS systems using one or more GE Multilin RS232 to RS485 converters (or equivalent), no additional drivers are required.
Ethernet PMCS Network Interfaces
If you are using an Ethernet interface card to connect to the PMCS network through one or more Ethernet Gateways or directly to a network of Universal Relays (Modbus TCP/IP), follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions and be sure to install the provided Windows NT drivers using Control Panel>Network>Adapters>Add Adapter. Refer to the scr een shots above for an example, though the sele ctions will differ based on the hardware you are installing.
Ethernet requires the TCP/IP protocol for compatibility with the Ethernet Gateway or Universal Relays. TCP/IP should have been installed with Windows NT Workstation
4.0; you can check this using Control Panel>Network>Protocols. The screen shot below shows a system with TCP/IP installed. If TCP/IP is not installed on your system, refer to the Windows NT documentation for installation instructions.
16 ••• Installing the Software CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First
Ethernet users: Check the
Protocols tab of the Network control panel for TCP/IP Protocol.
Local Area Network (LAN) Interfaces
PMCS supports multiple Viewer Workstations through links over a local area network. Thus, in addition to the PMCS network interface, the Host PC may also have a LAN interface.
A Host PC with an Ethernet PMCS network interface may use either the same Ethernet card as the LAN interface or a separate LAN interface card. A Host PC with an RS485 PMCS network interface requires an additional LAN interface card to support Viewer Workstations.
Typical LAN interface cards include Ethernet and Token Ring. Any LAN interface card should be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
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Installing Additional Software

Install any additional software, such as Microsoft Excel or COMTRADE file browsers for analyzing waveform files, at this point in the procedure. Follow the instruction procedures provided by the manufacturer.

Installing the EPM Software Components

The EPM 7700, EPM 7600 and EPM 7500 Meters require additional software to operate with PMCS client software such as the Event Logger, Waveform Capture Module, or CIMPLICITY Wizards. This is because the EPM 7700, EPM 7600 and EPM 7500 are not compatible with the standard PMCS DDE Server. Instead, a separate DDE Server called the 7700 Gateway Server must be installed, along with a pair of ‘helper’ applications, the Communications Server and the ION_Link Server. The Communications Server processes all communications between the Gateway Server and/or the ION_Link and the Ethernet-based EPM 7700, EPM 7600 and EPM 7500 meters.
The EPM 7700 software may be selected during the standard PMCS installation routine. If you ar e not using any EPM devic es in your PMCS setup, you do not need to install the EPM options during PMCS installation.
The EPM software components do require some special configuration beyond that required for other PMCS components. Refer to the section titled EPM Device Special Considerations for details afte r running the installation routine descri bed in this section.
18 ••• Installing the Software CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First

Installing the PMCS software

Once you have set up Windows NT and any third-party software (if appropriate) you are ready to install the PMCS software. PMCS should be installed last, after all other software installations are completed. Your PMCS software is provided on a CD­ROM.
The diagram below depicts the relationship of the Host PC and any optional Viewer Workstations in your system. Follow the specific instructions below for software installation on Host PCs and Viewer Workstations.

eLicensing PMCS software

General Electric Industrial Systems has added security technology that requires your PMCS software to be licensed in order to run. A separate license is required for each computer that will receive PMCS. Each eLicense Order ID that is sent with your order corresponds to one license.
You license your software as part of the automated PMCS installation process. When you launch the installation process the first screen that will appear will be your eLicense Option screen (see below). This screen allows you to either trial or fully license your PMCS software.
CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First Installing the Software ••• 19
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