GE DDE8100G, DDG8180G Use and Care Manual

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It isintendedto helpyou operate and maintainyour newdryer properly.
Keepit handyfor ansvvcrsto your questions.
If youdon’t understandsomething or needmore help.. . Call,toll free:
me GE Answer center’”
800.626.2000 mmmmr or write(includeyourphone number]:
ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany
Louisville,KY40225 If ymll!NX!eiveda damaged
dryer, irnrnediate~y dealer(or builder)that sold you the dryer.
SWe time and
beforeym.1cdl forservice
Checkthe ProblemSolver(pages
10-12).It.listsminorcausesof operatingproblemsthat you can correctyourself.It couldsaveyou an unnecessaryservicecall.
writedown tk? modelal-%d
setial numbers.
You’ll.findthem on a labellocated on the front sideof the dryer behindthe door.
Thesenumbersare alsoon the ConsumerProduct Ownership Registrationcard that camewith your dryer. Beforesendinginthis card, pleasewritethesenumbers here:
SeriaiNoe Usethesenumbersin any corre-
spondenceor servicecallscon­cerningyourdryer.
To obtain Hispanicversionof this book, call The GE Answer CenterTM
800.626.2000 consumerinformation service. TolLfree.
Para obtenerla versiOnen espafiolde estemanual, Uarnegratisa The GEAnswerCenter,
serviciode informacidm para e]conwmidor, teliifono800.626.2000.
gasolineor CM’aer
flammablevaporsand liquidsIh?4thevicinityof thisCM’anyClther
AUdryinginstructionterms inthis book conformto the Care Labeling Ruleestablishedbythe FederalTrade Commission,January 1984.
WARNING—When usingthis appliance,alwaysexercisebasic safetyprecautions, includingthe foilowing:
s use this appliance only for its intended purpose asdescribedin thisUse and Care Book.
* TM dryer must be propedy
instalh?dmidlocated in accord­mm?with the Instauation Instruc” tiomsbefore it is used. If you did not ~eceivean Installation Instructionssheet with yourdryer, you.can obtain oneby contacting the servicelocation nearestyou.
Properly ground to conform with all governingcodesand ordinances.
Locatewherethe temperatureis above50‘F (10‘C)for satisfac­tory operation of the dryer control system. Do not installor storethe dryer whereit willbe exposedto the weather.
Connectto a properly rated, protectedand sizedpower­supplycircuit to avoidelectrical overload.
ldxhaustin~to the outsideis
to preventlargeamounts of moistureand lint from being blowninto the room. Carefully followthe ExhaustingDetailsin
the Installation Instructions.
@When disconnectingthisappli­ancepull by the plugrather than thecord to avoid damageto the
cord or junction of cord and plug. Makesurethat the cord islocated so that it willnot be steppedon, trippedover or otherwisesubjected to damageor stress.
@Westrongly recommendthat any
servicingbeperformed by a quali-
@The wiringdiagram for this machineislocated inside the controlpanel.
To minimizethe possibility of a fire ha%ard.
SIDOnot useheat to dry articles containingrubber, pkstiq or similarmaterials (suchas padded
bras, tennisshoes,galoshes,bath mats, rugs, bibs, baby pants, plasticbags, etc.) as thesemateri­alsmay meltor burn. Also, some rubber materials,when heated, can under certain circumstances producefireby spontaneous combustion.
~ Garments labeled“Dry Away From Heat” (suchas lifejackets containingKapok)must not be put inyour dryer.
@IDo not washor dry articlesthat havebeen cleanedin, washedin,
soake(lin, or spotted withcombust­ible or explosivesubstances(such as gasoline,degreasers,dry-chan­ingsolvents,kerosene,etc.)which maygiveoff vaporsthat couldignite or explode.Do notusesuch substancesaround yourwasher and/or dryer duringoperation.
@Any articleon whichyou have useda cleaningsolvent,or which containsflammablematerials (suchas cleaningcloths, mops,
towelsusedin beauty salons, restaurants or barber shops,etc.) must not beplacedin or near the dryer until alltraces of these flam­m~bleliquidsor solidsand their fumeshavebeenremoved.There are manyhighlyflammableitems used inhomessuch as:acetone, d~naturedalcohol, gasoline,
kerosene,somehousehold cleaners,somespot removers, turpentines, waxes,waxremovers and products containingpetroleum distillates.
~ Cleanthe lint filtereachtimethe dryer isused to preventlintaccu­mulation insidethe dryer or in the room. DO NOT OPERATE THE DRYERWITHOUT THE LINT FILTER IN PLACE.
@Keeparea around and under­neath your appIiancefree from the
accumulationof combustible materials, suchas lint, paper,rags, chemicals,etc.
mminimizethe possibilityof
@Neverreach into thedryer while the drum ismewing.Beforeload­ing, unloadingor addingclothes,
waituntilthe drumhas completely stopped.
@Closesupervisionisnecessaryif thisappliwce is used by or near children.Do not aIIowchi~drento playinside,on or withthisappli­anceor anydiscardedappliance. Disposeof discardedappliances and shippingor packingmaterials properly.Beforediscardinga
dryer,or removingfrom service, removethe door of the drying compartment.
~ Keepall laundry aids(suchas detergents,bleaches,fabricsoften­ers, etc.)out of thereach of children,preferablyin a locked cabinet.Observeallwarningson containerlabelsto avoidpersonal injury.
@Keepthe floor around your appliancescleanand dry to reduce the possibilityof slipping.
@IDo not dry fiberglassarticlesin your dryer.Skinirritation could resultfrom the remainingglass particlesthat maybe pickedup by clothingduring subsequent dryeruses.
@The laundry processcan reduce the flameretardancy of fabrics.To avoidsucha result,the garment manufacturer’scareinstructions shouldbe followedverycarefully.
@Neverclimbon or stand on the dryer top or door.
~ To
minimize the possibilityof
electricshock, unplugthis appli­ancefrom the power-supplybefore attemptingany maintenanceor cleaning(excepttheremovaland cleaningof the lint filter). NOTE: Ilumingthe CycleSelectorKnob to an OFF positiondoesNOT dis­connectthe appliancefrom the power-supply.
~ Do not tamper with controls. @Do not operate this applianceif
it is damaged,malfunctioning, partiallydisassembled,CM-has missingor broken parts, including a damagedcord or plug.
Continuedon nextpage
* If yoursisa gasdryer,it is equippedwithan automatic electricignitionand doesnot have a pilotlight. DO MM?A~EMPT TO LIGHT WITH A MATCH. Burnsmay resultfrom havingyour hand inthe vicinityof theburner whenthe automatic ignition may turn on.
or AdRti”swicamwmx$
Youmay wishto softenyour launderedfabricsor reducethe staticelectricityyin tlxml.Wre recommendyouuse eithera fabric softenerin thewash cyc~e,accord­ingto the manufacturer’sinstruc­tionsfor thoseproducts, or try a dryer-addedproduct for whichthe manufacturergiveswrittenassur­anceon the package that their product canbe safelyusedin your dryer.Someof thesedryer-added softeners/conditionershavebeen found to cause:
~ Cloggingof lintfilter,restricting
air flownecessaryfor the proper functioningof the dryer.
~ Coating of drynesssensors whichmay resultin prolongedor erraticdryingcycles.
* Excessivelintbuild-upinsidethe
dryerand in theducting. Such lint build-upin the area ofthe dryer heat sourcecan possiblyresultin ignitionof the lint.
@Corrosionand residuedeposits on fabric.Any of theabove-noted
probknzs, shortened dryerll~e,or
otherunidentl~iedproblem which
direct[yorindirectlyresultfrom the use of such conditionersare not defectsin nmtericdand work­manshipunderthe termsof the
warrantyaccompanyingthisapp[i­mce and accordinglyarenot cov­eredthereby.Serviceor perform-
anceproblemscausedby the useof theseproducts are theresponsibil­ityof the manufacturers ofthose products.
operatingInstmctionsforyour dryer
Load Yom’ DryerProperly
~clean the lint filtereachtimethe dryeris used. Alwaysbe sure the lintfilter isin place.Don’t usethe dryerwithout it.
@Good sortingfor the dryer
beginsat the washer.GenerWy9if
clothesare sortedright for wash­ing,they’resorted right for drying. Seepage 8 for sortinghelp. (Ifyou do mixvarioustypesof fabricsin yourload, setthe controls for the
fighter-weightfabricsand remove”
whendry. Resetcontrolsfor the remainingheavierfabrics.)
-’hen electricmodelDDE8NMGis installedon 12(Wpowersupply; (insteadof 240V):
@Thedryer operatesat a reduced wattage,requiringdryingtimes considerablylonger(2-3times).
~JseNORMAL insteadof LOW
dryingtemperature. TheLOW temperaturewillnot be satisfac­tory at the reducedwattage.
Automatic Dryer
fTCiMANf N1 PllCS\ WITH (11{)1 II(IWN
setthe COntrds
Seethe ControlsSettingGuideon pages 6 and 7.
~Set DryingSelectionsswitch. BTurn CycleSelectorto desired
Polyesterlimits&Permanent Pressdrying
@DO NOT’OVHRLOAD— Garmentsbeingdriedor dewrinkledshouldtumble freely.
~REMOVECLOTHES PROMPTLY—TOhelpprevent wrinkling,removefrom thedryer promptlyat the end of thedrying cycles.
@PLA~13ON 13ANGERS— Permanent Press and Polyester Knitgarmentslook best if placed
on hangersafter drying.
mPush STARTswitchto start
dryer.(Openingthe door during operation stops the dryer.Tore-
start, closethe door and pushthe START’switch.)
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forControls settingGuide
+ 10 hidden pages