Safety Instructions ........ 2-:5
Operating Instruction,"
Control Panels ............ 6-3
Cycle Options ............ 9, 10
Dryer Features .............. [ 1
I,oading and (!sing
the Diwer . ............... tfi, 17
Reversing the Door Swi_g . .12-1:5
Vemi_g the Diwer . .......... 18
Consumer Support
Consm_ec Support . . . Back Coxec
_Aarcamv . ................. 23
Write the model and serial
numbers here: Model # Serial #
They are on tile label on tile
fl'ont of tile drver behind tile door.
500A421PO01 Rev. 0 175D1807P477 49-90208 05-05JR
Foryoursafety,theinformationinthis manualmust be followed to minimize therisk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or topreventpropertydamage,personalinjury,ordeath.
Do notstoreor use gasoline or other flammable vaporsandliquids in the
vicinityof thisor any other appliance.
Installationand service mustbeperformed
bya qualified installer,service agency or the gas supplier.
[] Do nottry to light a match,or cigarette, or
turnonanygas orelectrical appliance.
[] Do nottouch anyelectrical switch; donot
useanyphonein yourbuilding.
[] Clear the room,buildingor area ofall
Caflfomia Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act
This act requires the goxemor of Califimfia to publish a list of substances knox_n to the state to cattse cance_, birth detects or other reproductixe harm and reqtfires businesses to warn custome_ of potential exi)osm'e
to Stlch stlbst;Inces.
Gas al)l)liances C_lil C_ltlSe illinor exl)OStli'e to ][()tli" of these stlbs[;liices_ nai/lelv benzene, C_li'bon illonoNi(le,
fimnaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or I,P filels. Propedy a(!iusmd dryers will minimize incomplete colnbustion. EN)osm'e to these substnnces can be
minimized fiu'ther by propedy venting the (h_'er to the out(loo_s.
[] Immediately call yourgassupplier
froma neighbor'sphone. Follow the
[] If youcannot reach yourgassupplier,
call the fire department.
This dryer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet, you can receive one by
visiting, or by calling 800.GE.CARE$ (800.432.2737).
[] Properly groined dryer to co]Kbrm wkh _:dl
im_h_stallatio]_ h_stmctio_s.
[] h_stall or store where it will m_otbe exposed to
tempe]_m_res below f]'eezim_g or exposed to the weath e_:
[] Com_ect to a properly rated, protected amid sized
1:)(_ er slq:)p]y c] rcl_i t to a_oi d e] ectri ca] overl o_ d.
[] Remove the colored protective {i]m _'om both
the c<mtro] pm_e] m_d the doo_:
[] Remove a]] sharp packiN_g items amid dispose
of a]] shipph_g m_te_Ja]s prope_t}.
[] Do m/ot remove the ve]/t protector _'om the
back of the dryer:
[] PII]I th e protector ollt ml d (h _,_']1to its ]o_ est
position m_d co]mect the exhm_st d_ct to the dr}/e_: The lowered protector will preve_ t th e
d_t;t t_'om getti_g crashed.
[_ Dr}ers MUSTbe exhm_sted to the outside to
prevel/t ].],]'o-ebam 1)i H_ts (}fm ()]stl _]'e _tm_d ]]m_t
f_'om beh/g b]o_]/h/to the ro(}m.
] , ¢t
_[,se om_]y Ng_d metal or flexible metal 4
diameter (h_ctwl_rk i_sid!e the dryer cabi_et or
for exhamting to the o_tside, USE OF PLASTIC
For complete details, tb]]o_ the h)sta]]athm I_?StlIICt]O]?S.
Keep the area underneath and around your
appliances fl'ee of combustible materials
(lint, papeI; rags, etc.), gasoline, chemicals,
and other flmmnable wq)oi_ and liquids.
Kee I) the floor around your appliances clean and dry to reduce the possibili V of slipping.
Close supervision is necessm T if this appliance is used bv or near children. Do not allow childien
to play on, with or inside this or any other appliance.
Never reach into the (ha'er while the drmn is moving. Before loading, unloading or adding
clothes, wait until the drmn has completely stopped.
Clean the lint filter befiwe each load to prevent lint accmnulafion inside the dryer or ill the
Do not wash or dI y articles that have been cleaned ill, washed ill, soaked ill or spotted
with cong)usfible or explosive substances (such as
wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degreasei_, dry-cleaning solvents, kerosene, etc.) which may ignite ill"
explode. Do not add these substances to the wash watei: Do not use Ill"place these substances
around your washer or dryer during operation.
Do not place items exposed to cooking oils ill
wmr dIyer Items comaminated with cooking oils
may contribute to a chenfical reaction that could cause a clothes load to catch fire.
•Anv article on which wm have used a cleaning solvent or that contaiils flmnmable materials
(such as cleaning cloths, mops, towels used ill
beaut)' salons, restaurants or barber shops, etc.) II/USt not be placed ill or near the diyer until
solvents or flalnlnable inaterials have been removed. There are inany highly flalnlnable
itelns used ill homes such as acetone, denatured alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, some household
cleanei_, SOllle Sl)Ot I'ell/OVeI_, ttli])entines, waxes, wax I'elllOVeIS and l)I'o(hlcts containing
i)etrolemn distillates.
Kee I) all lmmdIw aids (such as deteigents, bleaches, etc.) out (ff the reach of children,
prefl_rably ill a locked cabinet. Observe all warnings on container labels to avoid iqjury,
Never cling) on or stand on the dryer top.
The laundI y process can reduce the flame retardanev of filbfics. To avoid such a result,
carefully fi)llow the gannent lllan/lliiCttli'ei"s care instructions.
Do not dry, articles containing rubbei; plastic, foam or similar materials such as padded bras,
tennis shoes, galoshes, bath mats, rugs, bibs, baby pants, plastic bags, pillows, etc., that may melt or burn. Solne rubber mamfials, when heated, can
under certain drcumstances produce fire by
Sl)Ont;i neous COll/b/lstion.
Do not store plastic, paper or clothing that may bum or melt on toil (ff tile dryer dining
(;mments labeled OryAway from Heat or Do Not
Tumble Dry (such as life jackets containing kapok)
ll/fist not be put ill your dI_'eI:
Do not (hT fibeIglass articles ill wmr drveI: Skill irritation could result from the remaining
particles that may be picked iiI) by clothing during subsequent dryer uses.
To mininfize the possibility ot electric shock, unI)lug this appliance ti'om the power supply
or disconnect the dryer at the building's distribution panel b)' removing tile Rise or
switching off the circuit breaker befi)re attempting any maintenance or cleaning
(except the removal and cleaning of the lint
filter). NOTE:Pressing START, STOP or POWER does NOTdiscmmect the ai)pliance fl'om the
power supply.
Never attempt to operate this appliance if it is damaged, nmlflmctioning, partially disassembled,
or has missing or broken parts, including a damaged cord or plug.
The interior of the machine and the exhaust duct com_ecfion inside the dryer should be
cleaned at least once a year by a qualified technidan. See the Loading and Using the l)rgor
If vom_ is a gas dtTet, it is equipped with an automatic electric ignition and does not have
a pilot light. DONOTATTEMPT TOLIGHT WITHA MATCH. Burns may result from having yore" hand
in the vicinity of the burner when the automatic
ignition tttFns on,
Ym may wish to soften your 1;itmdered rid)tics or reduce the static electridtv in them by using
a d£}'et=applied thbtic softener or an anti-static conditioner; We recommend you use either a
rid)tic softener in the wash cycle, according to the manufilcturer's instructions for those
products, or tt?' a dryer=added product for which the manufllcmrer gives written assurance
on the package that their product can be safiqv used in your (h_'et: Service or perlbmmnce
problems caused bv ttse of these products are the responsibili_' of the manufilctm'et_ of those
products and are not covered trader the warranty to this appliance.
Grasp the plug firefly when discom_ecting this appliance to avoid damage to the cord while
pulling. Place the cord away fl'om traffic areas so it will not be stepped on, tripped ()vet" or
subjecmd to damage.
Do not attempt to repair or replace any part (ff this appliance or attempt any set_'icing mfiess specifically recommended in this Owner's Manual
or in published use>repair instructions that you tmderstand and have the skills to can T out.
Before discarding a (hTet; or removing it fl'om service, remove the (hTer door to prevent
children fl'om hiding inside.
Do not tamper with controls.
Aboutthe dryercontrolpanel
Youcan locate your model number at the top inside of the door opening.
Model DHDVH52
Model DCVH515
Model DBVH512
Press to "wake up" the displa). If the displa) is actixe, press to put the drxer in the standby mode.
NOTE: Pressing POWER does not disconnect the appliance from the power supply
O Dry Cycles
The (lr_ cwle controls the len_th,, and tumble speed of the drvin,,, ., process. The ('hart beh)w will help )ou match the dr) setting with the loads.
Sensor Cycles
co'r]'oNs For cottons and most linens.
MIXED LOAD For loads consisting of cottons and poly-blends.
EASY CARE For wrinkle-free and permanent press items.
ACTIVE WEAR Clothing worn for active sports exercise and some casual wear. Fabrics include new technology finishes
and stretch fibers such as Spandex.
DELICATES For lingerie and special-care fabrics.
DRYELTM Designed for use with the DRYEL_ "dry clean only" fabric care system. See product package for directions.
For questions or issues related to use and performance of DRYEL_, see the Website at:
SPEED DRY For small loads that are needed in a hurry, such as sports or school uniforms. Canalso be used if the
previous cycle left some items damp, such as collars or waistbands.
Timed Dry Cycles
DEWRINKLE For removing wrinkles from items that are dry or slightly damp. This cycle is not recommended for
WARM UP Provides 10 minutes of warming time to warm up clothes.
AIR FLUFF Usethis feature to tumble items without heat.
My Cycle (on some models)
MY CYCLE Pressto use, create or modify custom dry cycles.
delicate fabrics.
Timed Dry
Use to set your own dry time. TIMED DRYis also recoininended for small loads.
To use TIMED DRY." I. Turn dry cycle dial t(> TIMED DRY..
2. Select the drying time by pressing the ÷and -buttons.
3. Select the DRY.TEMP,
4. Close the door,
5. Press START
Sensor Dry Level
The sensor contintu)usl)' monitors the amount of moisture in the load, When the moisture in your clothes reaches your selected dry level, the dryer will stop.
MORE DRY Use for heavy or mixed type of fabrics.
DRY Use for normal dryness level suitable for most loads. This is the preferred cycle
for energy saving.
LESS DRY Use for lighter fabric (ideal for ironing).
DAMP Forleaving items partially damp.
Aboutthe dryercontrolpanel
O Dry Temp
You can change the temi_erature el your dry c}cle.
Thisoptionmayonly beusedwith COTTONSorMIXED LOADcycles.Thisoptionreducescertain typesof bacteriaby 99.9%,including:Staphylococcusaureus,PseudomonasaeruginosaandK/ebsie//a pneumoniae*.Theanti-bacterialprocessoccurswhenhigh heatis usedduringa portionofthis dryingcycle.
NOTE:Donot usethiscycleondelicatefabrics.
TheAnti-BacterialCycleis CertifiedbyNSFInternational(formerlyNationalSanitationFoundation) to NSFProtocolP154SanitizationPerformanceofResidentialClothesDryers.
NS[" Protocol P154
Sa_lidza/ion Perfbm/m/cc (_I
Residential (:]othes Dryers
Forregularto heavycottons. Forsynthetics,blendsanditems labeledpermanentpress. Fordelicates,syntheticsanditems labeledTumbleDryLow. Forlingerieandspecial-carefabrics. Canonlybe usedwith TIMED DRY.
Press to start a dry cycle. If the dryer is rtmning, press it once and it will pause the dryer. Press it again to restart the dry cvcle.
My Cycle (on some models)
Set up your fh\'orite combination of settings and save them here fi_r one touch recall. These custom settings can be set while a cycle is in progress.
Tostore a MY CYCLEcombination of settings: I. Select veto" drying cycle.
2. Change DRY TEMP "and SENSOR DRYLEVEL settings to fit wmr needs.
3. Select any drying OPTIONS wm want.
4. Press and hold the @ pad for three seconds to store v(mr selection. A beep will sound
and the pad will light up.
Torecall your stored MY CYCLEcombination:
Press the MYCYCLEbutton befi_re drying a load.
Tochange your stored MY CYCLEcombination:
Follow steps 1-4 in "To store a MY CYCLEcombination of settings".
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