GE CTF22E, CTF22G Use and Care Manual

HOWtosave energy– page 1
Energy-saver Swmml
can you store
Youcan rearrange your
refrigeratorShdves page 5
Storagedrawersthathelp preserve freshfcmdskmger-
Save timeandmoney.
BeforeYOUcall forservice,
‘we theProblemsower– IMPS 9,10,and11
h-mpwttmt&&mN’1$.. . .. . . . .
Energy-fkwing Tim ....s ... . ,:” f
How to Connect Electricity. ,, ..2
installation Requirements. . . . . .~
i-iowtoAdjust Roliers. .,. ..~. ..~- . i-lowto Set Temperature
controls. .. *. .*’. ~.. . ...’. . . . . ..~
i-iowto LkeEnergy-Saver
Switch ...... . . . . . . ..+..= . . . ..~
Food Sto~ageSuggestions ~....4
i-iowtoAdjust’Sh@lves ... . . . . ...?
Food-StorageSystem ..; . . ...5-6
lce SeWice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-..~
Accessories .. . . . . . . . . . . ..4t..~
User Maintenance
instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$
ProblemSolver. . . . . . . . . . ..$~~
ifYou Need Service . ... . . . . ..~2
Speciai Services . . . . . . . .
Warranty. . .. . . . . . . ..E$aekC@@r
it isdesignedtoheip youoperate
and maintainyour new refrigerator
properly. Keepithandyfor answerstoyour
ifyoudon’t uriderstandsomething or need rnoreheip... CaIi,toil-free:
TheGEAnswerGnterw 800,626.2000 consumer information service
orwrite(inciude yaurphone number)
ConsumerAffairs i-iotpoint Appliance Park Louisville, KY40225
Wtitedownthemodeland Serialnumbers.
You’ilfindthemon aiabei atthe
bottom, just inside thefresh food
compartment door. Thesenumbersare alsocmthe
ConsumerProduct Ownership
Registration card that came with
your refrigerator. Before sending
in this card, piease write these numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Usethese numbers in any correspondence or service caiis concerning your refrigerator.
Hyou received a damaged
refrigerator, immediately contact
the deaier (or buiider) that soid you
the refrigerator.
save thne and iimcxley.
Beforeyoucall for service, check
the Problem Soiver on pages 9
through iists minor causesof
operating probiems that you can correct yourself. Rcouid saveyou an unnecessary service cali.
stxNvJwad-w w 5&xaskm damage
itslength Clf-atemerthe
~ Location of your refrigerator is
important. Try not to locate it next to your range, a heating vent or where sun wili shine directly on it.
o ~ON’t open doors more often
than necessary.
u t:k-jsethe Cklorsas soon as
possible, particularly in hot, humid
or fish that haveany off-cxfcwor oft-color S-KMd T-K-dbe r’ehxxzen and W-Kx.dd!I-mtKM6?2.WN-1+‘1-ha-wtxj ice cxwarnshould be
the CN3Nor mlpr of any kyyl is pm or queskxlakd% get rid,d it
The food may be dangwtm to eat-
‘%vfm part.kd thawhg and rehxzw ing reduce the eating quaiity d ‘“
-------=.-~:,“.”--“--‘.,,,--~-==-~-v. =~’’-’&!-&-—=L-s3?”E=.’’---—-”
discarded. H
0 Be sure the doors are closed tightly. Before leaving the house or retiring for the night, check to be
sure doors haven’t been left ajar
~Store only those foods requiring refrigeration in your refrigerator,
o Allow hot foods to cool (until
warm ~0the ‘touch)beforeplacing them in your refrigerator.
uljl.lipeall moisturefrom
and cartons before p~itiing them in iihe K2”h’igmvhw-=
~ Keep alI foods covered to reduce moisture buildup inside the
refrigerator. e Hyou turn controls to coldest
position for quick chilling or freez­ing, be sure to turn them back to regular settings.
GDon’t overcrowd your refrigerator. Overcrowding can require extra electrical energy to keep every­thing cod.
The power cord of this appliance
r >
is equipped with a thres-prong
(grounding) plug which mates with a standard three-prong (grounding)
wall rexxmtade (Fia. 1)to minimize
Havethe wall receptacle and
circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the receptacle is properly grounded.
Where a standard two-prong wall receptacle is encountered, it is the
personal responsibility and obliga­tion of the customer to have it repiaced with a properly grounded
three-prong wail receptacle.
Because of poten­tial safety hazards under certain con­ditions, we strongi) recommend agains
the use of an
adapter plug. How­ever,if you still elect to use an adapter, where
!ocai codes permit, a TEMPQI?ARY
made to a properly grounded
two-prong wall receptacle by the use of
a (L listed adapter (Fig. 2)
which is available at most iocal hardware stores.
The larger sicd in the adapter must be aligned with the larger slot in the wall receptacle to provide
the power
polarity in the connection of
@l I
$4 >,’
receptacle is grounded through house wiring. Customer should havethe circuit checked by a qual­ified electrician to make sure the
receptacle is properly grounded. When disconnecting thQ power
cord from the adapter, always hold the adapter with one hand. If this is not done, Ihe adapter
, ground terminal is very likely to
break with repeated use.
Sholdd the adapter ground terminal break, !!30No-l- USEthe appliance until a proper ground has again been established.
use of extensian cords
Because of potential safety haz-
ards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord. However, if you still elect to use an extension
cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a lJL listed 3-wire grounding
type appliance extension cord and that the cyrrent carrying rating of the cord be ;5 amperes minimum. Such extension cords are obtain-
able through your local service organization.
The refrigerator should aiways be plugged inta its
(115volt, 60 Hertz, or 100volt, 50 Hertz, single phase AC.)
This is recommended for best
performance and to prevent over-
loading house wiring circuits, which could cause a possible fire hazard from overheating wires.
Ccmsiderprovidirvgwater supply to refrigerator location. It will simplify ­connection of optional automatic icemaker shcmi~you wish to install one later.
Adjus~ab!@mlkv’$, which enable you to move your refrigerator away from the wall for cleaning, are located behind the base grille. These rollers should be set so that the refrigerator is firmly positioned on the floor and the front is raised just enough that the doors close easily when opened about halfway.
t+emovethe base grille by grasping it at the bottom and pulling it straight out.
Ftdher Adjusting Wmwv-turn
clockwise to raise, counter­clockwise to lower. Use adjustable wrench (~~’thex head bolt) or pliers.
When adjusting front rollers for
proper door closure, it is recom­mended that the bottom front edge of the cabinet be approximately ~ inch from the floor.
. ;
C$41J-~FQ{$~:~ttaching adapter groumd terminal 10 wall recepiack Gover screw does not ground the
appliance u~k?$s cover screl.v is
metal, and no: insulated, and vuail
on back d grille with clamps in .-Q.
cabinet and genlly push forward until grille snaps into place.
Yourrefrigerator has two controls that let you regulate the temperat­ure in the fresh food and freezer
iN!T!ALLY, set the FRESH FCMXI control at 5 am! the FREEZER control at c.
For colder or warmer temperatures, adjust the desired compartment control one letter or number at a
Note:Turning the fresh food control to “OFF” turns off BOTH compartments—fresh food AND freezer.
Put a container of milk on the top shelf in the fresh food compart­ment. Check it a day later. If the milk is too warm or too cold,
adjust the temperature controls.
Puta container of ice cream in We centerof the freezer compartment.
Check it after a day. If it’s too hard ortoo soft, adjust the temperature
.’-~,,~nt K)~s,
if y!xl
atnight may want to ‘km the lettered control one-step-co!de~ as from “c” to “5.” Cooler temperatures in the house may cause the freezer
controls to operate less frequently, thus allowing the freezer compart­ment to warm somewhat. To pro­tect your frozen food supply, leave your Mered setting at this colder setting for the entire winter or for
whatever period of time you are turning down your thermostat. This is especially important when thermostat is turned down for an extended period.
This change should have no effect on your fresh food section. How­eve~if freezing occurs, turn the numbered control one step warmer, as from “5” to “4.”
When you stop turning the ther­mostat down, turn temperature controls back to their original settings.
~;~~~+j’[g~!$;~,~jlzj’$;tl.!i<{Ein Your refrigerator has an Energy
Saver Switch located on the Temperature Control panel.
Useof the Energy SaverSwitch car7saveyou money,Estimated yearly savings, depending on your loc6delectric rates, areas follows:
Model ElectricRate(PerKwh)
$ .05 $ ,08 $ .11
&TF22 $14.20 $22.72 $31.24
“ Savings
With the heaters turned off, there
is a chance that moisture may form on the outside of your refrigerator, especially when the weather is
humid. The humidity is most likely to be high in the summer, in the early morning hours, and in homes which are not air conditioned.
Over an extended period of time,
moisture that forms on the outside
may cause deterioration of the
paint finish. It will be important to
protect the finish by using appli-
ance polish wax as described cm
page $.
when the Energy
saw%-switch is
pushed to the right, electricity flows through the low wattage
heaters which warm the outside of the cabinet and, under most condi­tions, prevent the forming of
moisture or water droplets.
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+ 11 hidden pages