Wall oven
Promotion code 35430-Ge
In order to qualIfy for Ge applIances fIt Guarantee
you must replace your old wall oven wIth a
matchInG confIGuratIon. please mark applIance
purchased below.
Offer valid regardless of previously purchased brand.
Promotion runs Jan. 1, 2016 – Dec. 31, 2016.
Subject to the terms set forth herein, GE guarantees your new 27" or 30" GE
Café™ Series, GE Profile™ Series or GE appliances built-in standard single,
double or microwave combination wall oven will fit your existing cabinet
cut-out of compatible model with the same width and configuration or GE
Appliances will provide up to $300 in the form of a prepaid Visa
the cost of professionally modifying your cabinet’s height or width. The GE
Appliances Fit Guarantee covers modifications to your existing cabinet and
is not valid for new cabinet installations related to new home construction or
remodeling. In unusual circumstances, the $300 maximum allowance may not
cover the full cost of fitting your new 27" or 30" built-in wall oven into your
existing cabinet; you are solely responsible for all costs that exceed the $300
maximum cabinet modification allowance. GE Appliances makes no other
guarantees as to the proper fit of your new built-in wall oven other than as set
forth herein.
Not available for bulk or multi-unit sales to apartments, condominiums,
subdivisions or wholesalers. Limit one claim per household. Claim form
may not be assigned, transferred or sold. No substitution permitted. By
submitting this claim, you hereby accept the stated terms and conditions.
If you have questions related to this guarantee or before making cabinet
modifications please call 1-866-319-9259.
steps to submIt a claIm and receIve your prepaId vIsa card:
1. Complete and sign the claim form. Claims must be submitted within
120 days of purchase date.
2. Include a copy of your sales receipt dated prior to 12/31/16 and proof
of delivery date.
3. Include a photograph of the previous wall oven you replaced with the
cutout dimensions prior to modification.
4. Include a dated invoice or receipt from a professional installer or contractor
stating the cost to modify your existing cabinet on a separate line item
from the installation costs, with a photograph of the finished install.
5. To submit your claim, mail in the completed claim form and documentation to:
card toward
30" Double Wall ovens
● CT9550SHSS
● JT3500DFBB
● JT3500DFWW
● JT3500EJES
● JT3500SFSS
● JT5500DFWW
● JT5500DFWW
● JT5500EJES
● JT5500SFSS
● PT7550DFBB
● PT7550DFWW
● PT7550EHES
● PT7550SFSS
● PT9550DFBB
● PT9550SFSS
27" Double Wall ovens
● CK7500SHSS
● JK3500DFBB
● JK3500DFWW
● JK3500SFSS
● JK5500DFBB
● JK5500DFWW
● JK5500SFSS
● PK7500DFBB
● PK7500DFWW
● PK7500EJES
● PK7500SFSS
30" microWave
combination Wall ovens
● CT9800SHSS
● JT3800DHBB
● JT3800SHSS
● PT7800DHBB
● PT7800DHWW
● PT7800EKES
● PT7800SHSS
● PT9800SHSS
27" microWave
combination Wall ovens
● JK3800DHBB
● JK3800DHWW
● JK3800SHSS
● PK7800EKES
● PK7800SKSS
30" single Wall ovens
● CT9070SHSS
● CT9050SHSS
● JT1000DFBB
● JT1000SFSS
● JT3000DFBB
● JT3000DFWW
● JT3000EJES
● JT3000SFSS
● JT5000DFBB
● JT5000DFWW
● JT5000EJES
● JT5000SFSS
● PT7050DFBB
● PT7050DFWW
● PT7050EHES
● PT7050SFSS
● PT9050DFBB
● PT9050SFSS
27" single Wall ovens
● CK7000SHSS
● JK1000DFBB
● JK1000SFSS
● JK3000DFBB
● JK3000DFWW
● JK3000SFSS
● JK5000DFBB
● JK5000DFWW
● JK5000SFSS
● PK7000DFBB
● PK7000DFWW
● PK7000EJES
● PK7000SFSS
Ge applIances claIms
GE Fits Rebate #35430-GE
P.O. Box 2100
Wayne, NJ 07474-2100 your prepaid Visa card.
You must submit claim form, copy of sales receipt, proof of delivery,
photograph(s) and dated invoice from professional installer to qualify.
6. Reimbursement will be mailed in the form of a prepaid Visa card within
8–10 weeks of GE Appliances’ determination that the claim submission
meets all of the requirements set forth herein.
Allow 8-10 weeks to receive
sample model and
serIal number taG:

prevIous wall oven:
Serial Number Model Number
new Ge applIances wall oven:
Serial Number
Modification Cost
your name
state ZIp
10-dIGIt phone
emaIl address
If you provide your email address we will notify you when your claim has been received via email.
GE Appliances takes your privacy seriously. All information you provide shall be held in strict accordance with GE Appliances’ Privacy Policy
Offer void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Not transferable or
redeemable for cash. Fraudulent submission of form could result in federal
prosecution for mail fraud under the U.S. Mail Fraud Statutes (18 USC Section
1341 and 1342). This form must be included with your claim. Omission of sales
receipt or any other required infor mation will delay processing. Please allow eight
to ten weeks from the time the form is received for delivery of the prepaid Visa
card. If not received after ten weeks, call 1-866-319-9259, Monday-Friday: 9:00
AM - 9:00 PM EST; Saturday-Sunday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST.
Cards are issued by Citibank, N.A. pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. and
amount of your available balance. Terms and Conditions apply to the card.
Subject to applicable law, a monthly maintenance fee of $3 (USD) applies, but is
waived for the first six months after the card is issued. No additional fees will be
assessed once the card balance reaches zero. Cards can be used at merchants that
accept Visa debit cards. GE reserves the right to substitute a check of equal value
in lieu of a Visa prepaid card at its sole discretion.
I/we hereby understand and accept the above requirements for receipt of the
prepaid Visa card and I/we represent that all information provided on this
document is accurate and not falsified.
managed by Citi Prepaid Services. Cards will not have cash access and can be used
everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. This card is a Visa prepaid card. Each
time you use the card the amount of the transaction will be deducted from the
Your Signature _________________________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________
GE is a trademark of the General Electric Company.
Manufactured under trademark license.
Pub. No. 3-D0036