GE CBR-PB3-WD User Manual

Kalatel CBR-PB3-WD ProBridge
Receipt Printer Interface
Product Overview & Installation Manual
To prevent fire and electronic shock, do not expose this product to rain or moisture.
The exclamation point, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.
To prevent electric shock, do not remove cover. No user serviceable components inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
Caution! Electrostatic-Sensitive Device!
Use proper CMOS and MOSFET handing precautions, including approved grounded wrists straps, etc., to avoid damage to this unit or its internal components, from electric discharge.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions in this manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to subpart J of part 15 of FCC rules which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. This equipment has also been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a CE Class A device and TUV safety standards.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause interference, in which case the user is required to take all measures that are necessary, at the user's expense, to correct the interference.
Copyright Information
Software and/or firmware is furnished to the purchaser under a license for use on a single system. Software and/or firmware included with this equipment are the sole proprietary property of, confidential to, and copyrighted by Kalatel, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. The software/firmware are not to be copied or disclosed in any manner without the express written consent of Kalatel.
All information and specifications furnished by Kalatel are believed to be accurate and reliable. No responsibility is assumed by Kalatel for neither its use nor any infringements of rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Kalatel.
The KALATEL brand name and product model numbers are the property of Kalatel. COPYRIGHT, 2003: The contents of this manual may not be copied or reproduced in any
manner or form without the prior written consent of Kalatel.
Kalatel CBR-PB3-WD 2 0150-0261A
Table of Contents
1 CBR-PB3-WD ProBridge.................................................. 5
1.1 Kalatel CBR-PB3-WD Description......................................................5
1.2 Additional Equipment Provided by the Installer ...................................5
1.3 Compatibility..................................................................................... 5
1.4 Disclaimer.........................................................................................5
2 Before You Begin ........................................................... 6
2.1 Installation Summary.........................................................................6
2.2 How to Use this Manual.....................................................................6
2.3 Kalatel Components:......................................................................... 6
2.4 Installation Environment....................................................................7
2.5 Power...............................................................................................7
3 ProBridge Diagram......................................................... 9
4 Connection Diagram .................................................... 11
5 Detailed Installation Steps .......................................... 13
5.1 PB3 Physical Installation.................................................................13
5.2 Configuring the PB3 for POS Interface.............................................14
6 Special Functions ........................................................ 16
6.1 Display Memory..............................................................................16
6.2 Demo (Simulated Message) Mode...................................................16
6.3 Reset – Clear Memory ....................................................................17
7 Troubleshooting........................................................... 19
8 Text to Camera Address.............................................. 21
9 Manual Switch Config.................................................. 23
9.1 Manual Dipswitch Settings Available................................................23
9.1.1 Baud Rate......................................................................................23
9.1.2 Protocol..........................................................................................24
10 HyperTerminal Setup ................................................... 26
10.1 Equipment Required .......................................................................26
10.2 Setting up the ProBridge for HyperTerminal Operation...................27
10.3 Manual HyperTerminal Configuration...............................................28
11 PB3-POS with DVMRe-CD/CS Units.............................. 31
11.1 DVMRe-CS/CD Setup.....................................................................31
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12 Cable Specifications.................................................... 33
13 Specifications .............................................................. 35
14 Warranty and Service .................................................. 36
14.1 Factory Service...............................................................................36
14.2 Warranty.........................................................................................36
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1 CBR-PB3-WD ProBridge
1.1 Kalatel CBR-PB3-WD Description
The Kalatel CBR-PB3-WD is a specific ProBridge unit for interfacing the DVMRe family of digital video multiplex/recorders Wayne Plus Receipt Printers (WP/RJ).
One CBR-PB3-WD is required per cash register. Where multiple cash registers are connected to a single DVMRe unit, the individual CBR-PB3-WD’s are interconnected via the PB3’s built-in RS-485 network.
1.2 Additional Equipment Provided by the Installer
Installations requiring multiple CBR-PB3-WD units are interconnected via the unit’s built-in RS-485 network, the installer will need to provide suitable length RS-485 cable terminated with RJ-45 connectors.
1.3 Compatibility
The CBR-PB3-WD is compatible with the following DVMRe products:
DVMRe Type Software Version PPC Version
DVMRe-CD/CS V 3.07 (and above) V 3.07 (and above) DVMRe-eZ V 3.20 (and above) V 3.14 (and above) DVMRe-CT (Triplex) V 4.0 (and above) N/A DVMRe-eZT (Triplex) V 4.03 (and above) N/A StoreSafe Advanced V 4.06 (and above) N/A
To verify the software version in your unit, either note the display which identifies the version when the unit boots-up, or view the version information by clicking the About box in the unit’s menu system.
1.4 Disclaimer
The Kalatel ProBridge components identified within this document provide means of capturing transaction text/data for use by the DVMRe family of digital video recording/transmission products. The ProBridge components translate the data into a usable format by the DVMRe and permits associating transaction data with specific cameras. Kalatel assumes no responsibility for the amount and type of information available, the operation, non-operation or erroneous operation of the customer provided equipment the ProBridge connects to.
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2 Before You Begin
2.1 Installation Summary
The basic steps to install the CBR-PB3-WD unit are:
1. Connect the PB3 to the Receipt Printer using the supplied cable. (If more than two PB3 units are used, verify that proper termination is set on each individual PB3 unit.
2. Connect the PB3 to the DVMRe-CT/eZT/StoreSafe unit using the supplied cable (RJ45-to-RJ45). (If your unit is a DVMRe-CD/CS, the required interconnect cable is also provided (RJ45-to-DB9 - see Section 11 for the specific requirements for the DVMRe-CD/CS).
3. On each PB3, set the Camera ID switches for each PB3 that is to be associated with a specific camera.
4. Program the DVMRe unit to record in the way desired to meet your specific sites.
2.2 How to Use this Manual
We recommend that at least the following pages be reviewed before attempting an installation.
q ProBridge 3 Diagram on page 9. q Connection Diagram on page 11. q Installation & Configuration on pages 13-15.
2.3 Kalatel Components:
(1) CBR-PB3-WD ProBridge includes:
(1) CBR-PB3-WD ProBridge unit.
(1) P/N 4310-0034B: RJ45 to RJ45 cable. Connects the ProBridge to
RS-485 Network. This cable is 6’ in length.
(1) P/N 4310-0047B: RJ45 to DB9F cable. Connects the ProBridge to
the DVMRe. This cable is 6’ in length.
(1) P/N 4310-0078A: DB9F to DB9M to DB9F ‘Y’ cable. Connects the
ProBridge to the Electronic Cash Register (ECR) and the Receipt Printer This cable is 6’ in length.
(1) P/N 4010-0007: 12VDC 120VAC Power Supply or
(1) P/N 4010-0008: 12VDC 220VAC Power Supply.
(1) P/N 0150-0261A: Product Overview and Installation Manual.
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2.4 Installation Environment
Power: Ensure that the installation site’s AC power is stable and within the rated voltage of the external power supply. If the site’s AC power is likely to have spikes or dips, use power line conditioning or an Uninterruptible Power Supply.
Temperature: Observe the unit’s ambient temperature specifications when choosing a location for the unit. Extremes of heat or cold beyond the specified operating temperature limits may cause the unit to fail. Do not install this unit on top of other hot equipment.
Moisture: Do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. Moisture can damage internal components. Do not install this unit near sources of water.
RS-232 Limitations: Cable length between the POS device and the ProBridge is limited to 50’. Cable length between the ProBridge unit and the DVMRe is also limited to 50’. If the supplied cables are replaced by custom made cables to address distances between components, ensure the cable is manufactured to ANSI standards for RS-232 communication.
RS485 Limitations: If multiple PB3 units are connected to a single DVMRe unit, the distance between the first and last ProBridge unit is limited to 3,000 feet (RS­485 communications).
2.5 Power
The ProBridge is furnished with a power supply (110 or 240 VAC). Do not use any other power supply with this product. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for damage caused by the use of any other power supply.
Make sure installation is complete and all connections are made before applying power to the unit.
4310-0007 120VAC Power Supply
Power Supply Input
Voltage: 120 Volt AC Tolerance: ±10% Frequency: 60 Hz
Power Supply Output
Voltage: 12 Volt DC Current: 110mA Power: 1.3 Watts Connector: 2.1mm female barrel. Center Positive
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4310-0008 220VAC Power Supply
Power Supply Input
Voltage: 220 Volt AC Tolerance: ±10% Frequency: 50 Hz
Power Supply Output
Voltage: 12 Volt DC Current: 110mA Power: 1.3 Watts Connector: 2.1mm female barrel. Center Positive
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3 ProBridge Diagram
SW1 Dipswitch 1-8
SW2 Dipswitch 1-8
SW3 Dipswitch 1-8
SW4 Dipswitch 1-8
Port 0 and Port 1 each have identical looping RJ45
Dipswitch Position Legend
Port 2 Connects to ECR and Receipt Printer
Port 0 RS485 Network Bus If multiple PB3s are connected together (use either connector)
Power Supply Connector 12VDC
Port 1 RS232 Connection to Triplex/DVMRe or PC
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Default (Factory) Dipswitch Settings
SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 1 Up 1 Down 1 Down 1 Up 2 Up 2 Down 2 Down 2 Up 3 Up 3 Down 3 Down 3 Down 4 Down 4 Down 4 Down 4 Up 5 Up 5 Down 5 Down 5 Up 6 Up 6 Down 6 Down 6 Up 7 Up 7 Down 7 Down 7 Down 8 Up 8 Down 8 Down 8 Up
The default camera assignment is for the PB3’s transaction information to be associated with Camera 1.
Important Switch Assignments SW1 Dipswitch 1-4 Special Functions (see Section 6)
Dipswitch 5-8 Camera Assignment SW2 Dipswitch 1 Reserved Dipswitch 2-4 Baud Rate Dipswitch 5-8 Protocol
SW3 Dipswitch 1-8 Receipt Printer Device Select SW4 Dipswitch 3 ProBridge Termination
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4 Connection Diagram
DVMRe Triplex
4310-0034B Cable
4310-0078A Cable
4310-0078A Cable
RJ45 (Port 0)
RJ45 (Port 1)
RJ45 (Port 0)
RS232 Port 2
4310-0034B Cable
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If the distance between the nearest register PB3 is greater than 50’ (RS-232 distance limitation), an additional PB3 can be added near the DVMRe allowing RS-485 communication between the PB3 units. If there are more than (2) two PB3’s required per installation, please verify proper termination.
Termination Switch
Termination is set on SW4 for PORT 0 (Dipswitch #3)
Termination is important whenever multiple PB3 units are interconnected via the unit’s built-in RS­485 network. The default termination setting on the ProBridge 3 unit is with termination set to ON.
Whenever there are more than two PB3’s, termination on some of the PB3 units will change. The first PB3 and the last PB3 on the RS-485 network will have termination set to ON (Down), all others between these two units will have their termination set to OFF (Up).
Sample Systems Termination:
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