GE CB26D Use and Care Manual

ApplianceRegistration CareandCleaning
Defrosting Energy-SavingTips 2
FreezingRecommendations 5-10 RepairService
DairyProducts 9
12 11 PowerFailure
ModelandSerialNumbers Moving&VacationTips 12
SafetyInstructions 3
M, 14
Meats,PoultryandFish PackagingSuggestions
PreparedFoods StorageTime
Vegetables 7
Installation 3,4
AdapterPlug Clearances
ElectricalRequirements 3,4
ExtensionCord Grounding
chest Model‘anal p ~
8 TemperatureAlarm 5 6
10 Warranty
4 4
: 4
us w m
Red this bookcamfdiy.
It is intendedto helpyouoperate and maintainyournewfreezer properly.
Keepit handyfor answersto your
Ifyou don’t understandsomething or needmore help,write(include yourphone number):
GEAppliances Appliance Park Louisville,KY 4022!5
Keepproofof original purchase
date(suchas yoursalesslip or cancelled check)with this bookto establishthe warrantyperiod.
writedwvnthe model
am! serial numbers.
You’llfind them on a platelocated atthe top left outside rearcornerof the freezer.
Thesenumbersare alsoon the ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCardthat camewith
yourfreezer.Beforesending in this card, pleasewritethese numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Usethese numbersin any correspondenceor service calls
concerning yourfreezer. Ifyoureceivedadamagedfreezer,
immediatelycontactthe dealer (or builder)that sold you the freezer.
Savetime and money. Beforeyoucall forservice, check
the Problem Solveron pages 13
and 14.It lists causesof minor operating problems that you can correct yourself.
QLocationof yourfreezeris important. Don’tlocateit in awarm, unventilatedlaundryareaor storage room.Avoidputting it nexttoyour range,a heatingventor wherethe
sunwill shinedirectlyon it. * Tryto arrangeyourfrozenfoods
systematicallyso youcan find what youwant inthe freezerquickly.
oDon’topenthe freezerlid more oftenthan necessaryand close it assoonas possible,particularly in hot, humid weather.
@When usingyour freezer,be careful notto leavethe lid open. Alwayscheck to makesurethe freezerlid isproperly closed before leavingthe houseor retiring for the night.
oIf youturn the temperature controlto the coldest position for quick freezing, don’t forget to turn it backto the regularsetting.
__ .
usingthis appliance,alwaysexercisebasic safetyprecautions,inclucflngthe
Usethis app!kme onlytir M
intended ptir~ose asdescribedin
this Useand Care 1300k, @This freezermustbe properly
Ibstailati(milrastructionsbeforeit iswwi. Seegroundinginstructions
belowand onpage 4. ~N~vcwunph.ugyourfreezerby
pullingon the
grip plug firrnl~and pu/1straightout
from the outlet. @Repairor rep\aceimmediately
all electric serwicecordsthat havebecome frayedor otherwise
damaged. Donot use a cordthat
showscracksor abrasion damage along its length or ateither the plug or connectorend.
* Afteryourfreezer is inoperation,
do nottouch the coldsurfaces, particularly when handsare
damp or wet. Skin may adhereto
these extremely cold surfaces. ~I130not operate yourfreezerin
the presence of expbive fumes.
Youmaysafelyrefreezefrozen foodsthat havethawedif theystill
containice crystalsor if they are still cold—below40°E (Shellfish cannotbe keptaboveIQ*F.safely becauseof bacteriagrowth.)
Thawedgroundmeats,poultry, orfish that haveanyoff-odoror off-colorshould notbe refrozen and should notbe eaten.Thawed
icecream should bediscarded. If the odor or colorof anyfood is poor orquestionable, get ridof it. The foodmay bedangerousto eat.
Evenpartialthawingand refreezing reducethe eating qualityof foods,
particularly fruits, vegetables,and
preparedfoods.The eatingquality of red meatsis affected lessthan that of manyother foods. Use refrozenfoods assoon aspossible
—theywon’t keep aslong asfoods
frozenonly once, andthe sooner they’re used, the better their eating quality will be.
C+Hyour old freezerisstill around
%hehouse but not in use,be sure to removethe lid or door.This will
reducethe possibility of danger to children.
Cautionshould beus~dwhen removingthe door63fafreezer.
The power cord of this appliance
is equipped with a three-prong (grounding) plug which mateswith a standard three-prong (grounding)
wail outlet (Fig. 1)to minimize the possibility of electric shock hazard from this appliance,
Fig. 1
I-lavethe wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly grounded.
Where a standardtwo-prong wall outlet is encountered, it is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer to have it replacedwith aproperlygrounded
three-prong wall outlet.
cmNo-r, ANY
Use ofadapterplug
Becauseofpotential safety
hazardsunder certain conditions, westrongly recommendagainst useof an adapterplug. However, ifyou still electto usean adapter,
wherelocal codes permit, a THVIPCM3MY CONNIXTION may be madeto a properly grounded two-prongwall outlet byuseof a ULlisted adapter (Fig. 2)availabie
at most local hardwarestores.
Fig. 2 ““ ‘
The larger slot in the adapter must
bealigned with the largerslot inthe walloutlet to provideproperpolarity inthe connection of the power cord.
CALJTKXM:Attachingadapterground terminal to wall outlet coverscrew does not ground the appliance unless cover screw is metal, and
not insulated, and wall outlet is
groundedthrough housewiring.You should havethe circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure
the outlet is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power cord from the adapter, always hold the adapter with one hand. Ifthis is not done, the adapter
ground terminal is very likely to break with repeated use.
Should the adapter ground
break, iX3 NOT USE the
appliance until a proper ground
has been
Use ofextensionmrds
Becauseof potentialsafety hazardsundercertain conditions, we strongly recommendagainst
the useof anextensioncord.
t-iowever,if youstill electto usean extensioncord,it isabsolutely necessarythat it bea ULlisted 3-wiregroundingtype appliance
extensioncordhavinga grounding type plug and outletand that the electrical rating ofthe cord be 15 amperes(minimum)and 120volts.
be pluggedMO itsown+ individualelectricalOut$et——
(115volt, 60 Hertzsingle phase AC).This is recommendedfor best performanceand to prevent
overloading housewiring circuits, which could cause a possiblefire hazardfrom overheatingwires.
Yourfreezershould beconveniently located for day-to-dayuse in a dry, well-ventilated room.
Formost efficient operation, it should not be locatedwhere air temperature aroundthe freezer is ever higher than 1lO°F,or co!der than 32°F.
Be sure to install yourfreezer on a
floor strong enough to support it when it isfully loaded.
Also see Energy-SavingTips regarding location,
The freezer must besolidly positioned onthe floor if it is to function at its best. Shims maybe
used to accomplish this wherever the floor is too uneven. If the place selected for the freezer is damp or moist, piace 2 x 4’s under its entire length io assure adequate support.
Allowa 3-inchclearanceonall
sidesfor properair circulation.
1.Cleanthe insideof the freezer with a mild solution of bakingsoda andwater(seepage 12).
2. Connectcordto poweroutlet.
3. Set alarmto OFF.
4. Turntemperaturecontrolto
No.1.This isthe normalsetting for safe long-termfreezing. Forcolder temperatures,turn to higher
5. Allow freezertooperate for at
leasttwo hours beforeplacing food
6. Set alarm to ON.
Freezingtemperature selection is
made bysetting the control from
No. 1to No.7 (coldest),
Normal safe freezing level is obtained by setting the control
at No. 1.
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