GE CB7, CB10, CB15, CB22 Use and Care Manual

ApplianceRegistration (he andCleaning
ConsumerServices Defrosting
Energy-SavingTips FreezingRecommendations
DairyProducts Fruit
Meats,PoultryandFish PackagingSuggestions
PreparedFoods StorageTime
AdapterPlug Clearances
ElectricalRequirements ExtensionCord
12 ModelandSerialNumbers 15 Moving&VacationTips
9 TemperatureAlarm
8 TemperatureControl 6 warran
9 6
4 4
4 3 l%hshwr Center@
PowerFailure ProblemSolver
5 2
12 12
5 4
Readthis bock
It is intendedto help you operate and maintain your newfreezer properly.
Keep it handyfor answersto your
questions. If you don’t understandsomething
or need more help, write (include
your phone number):
GE Appliances Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225
Keep proof of original purchase
date (such as your salesslip or cancelledcheck) with this book to establishthe warranty period.
the modeland
serial numbers.
You’llfind them on a plate located at the top left outside rear corner of the freezer.
These numbers are also on the Consumer Product Ownership Registration Card that came with
your freezer. Before sending in this card, please write these numbers here:
~Locationof yourfreezeris important.Don’tlocateit in a warm, unventilatedlaundryareaorstorage room.Avoidputtingit nextto your range,a heatingventorwherethe sunwillshinedirectlyon it.
* Tryto arrangeyour frozen foods systematicallysoyou canfind what you want in the freezer quickly.
~Don’t open the freezer lid more often than necessaryandclose it as soon as possible,particularlyin hot, humid weather.
~When usingyourfreezer, be careful notto leavethe lid open. Always check to makesure the freezer lid is properlyclosed before leavingthe houseor retiringfor the night.
eIfyou turn the temperature control to the coldest position for quick freezing, don’t forget to turn it back to the regularsetting.
Toobtain serwice,seethe ConsumerServicespagein the
backpage of this book.
We”reproud of our service and want yoL!to be pleased. If for some
reasonyou are not happy with the serviceyou receive,here are three stepsto follow for further help.
FIRST,contactthe people who servicedyour appliance. Explain why you are not pleased, In most cases,this will solve the problem.
NEXT,if you are still not pleased, write all the details—includingyour
phone number—to:
Manager,ConsumerRelations GE Appliances Appliance Park Louisville,Kentucky40225
FINALLY,if your problem is still not resolved,write:
Major Appliance
Consumer Action Panel
20 NorthWacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois60606
Model Number
Serial Number
Use these numbers in any correspondence or service calls concerning your freezer.
If you received a damaged freezer,
immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the freezer.
14. It lists causes of minor operating problems that you can correct vor.3rself.
on pages 13 and
appliance,always exer&3e
basicsafetyprecautions, h’miudingthe foiiowing:
FJUfSethis onlyfor its
purpose asdescribedin
~This freezermust IX?prOpW1y
W3talkdh accordancewiththe InstallationInstructionsbeforeitis
piling onthepowercord.
Aiwaysgrippiugfirmiyandpuii straightoutfromtheoutiet.
electricservicecordsthat have becomefrayedorotherwise
damaged. Donotusea cordthat
showscracksorabrasiondamage aiongitsiengthor ateitherthep[ug
operation,do nottouchthe cold surfaces,partkukly when
handsaredampor wet.Skin
* Don’t Wxwmfcmds
Youmaysafeiyrefreezefrozen foodsthathavethawediftheystili containicecrystais‘oriftheyarestiii
coid-beiow40°F.(Sheiifishcannot bekeptaboveIO°F.safeiybecause ofbacteriagrowth.)
Thawedgroundmeats,pouit~ or
fishthathavearyoff-odororoff­colorshouidnotberefrozenand shouidnotbeeaten.Thawedice creamshouidbediscarded.ifthe odororcoiorofanyfoodispooror questionable,getridofit.Thefood
maybedangeroustoeat. Evenpartiaithawingandrefreezing
reducetheeatingqualityoffoods, particularlyfruits,vegetablesand preparedfoods.Theeatingquaiityof redmeatsisaffectediessthanthat
foodsassoonaspossibie-they won’tkeepasiongasfoodsfrozen oniyonce,andthesoonerthey’re used,thebettertheireatingwiiibe.
If youroldfreezeris still
aroundthe housebut notin use,be sureto removetheIid
ordoor,Thiswill reducethe
possibilityofdangerto chiidren.
Cautionshouidbeusedwhen removingthedoorofafreezer,
Particularcautionshouidbeused whenremovingthelidofachest freezer,asmostchestfreezeriids areunderspringtension.Contact themanufacturer’srepresentativefor a methodofsaferemovai.
yournewfreezerareiocatedon thebackofthecabinet.
e Unplugyourfreezer:
A. Beforemakinganyrepairs. Note:Westrongfyrecommend
thatanysenleingbeperformed bya qualifiedindividual.
C.Beforechanginglightbuib. Note:Turningthetemperature
controltotheOFFpositiondoes notremovepowertotheiight circuitonmodels withintetiorlight.
orotherflammablevaporsand liquidsinthevicinityofthisor
stow orusegasoline
Fix pemma! safety,
this must be
The power cord of this appliance is equipped with a three-prong
(grounding) piug which mateswith
.:.g=~a standard three-prong (grounding)
~!::~~~~,aii ~Ljtiet(Fig 1) t. minimize the
possibility of electric shock hazard from this appliance,
'--------------------------------- ——-—
Fig, 1 ~
Have wall outlet and circuit
checked by a cjuaiified electrician
tO make sure the Wtiet i.S properly
.A -..1
Where a standard two-prong wall outiet is encountered, it is your personai responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a properiy grounded three-prong wail outiet,
(continued next page)
—. .-
(conlinwd) Read
useof ph’lg
Becauseof potential safety hazardsunder certain conditions,
we strongly recommendagainst
LEWof an adapter pkg. &k)W@K?r,
if you still elect to use an adapter, where local codes permit,a TEMPORARY CONNECTIONmay be made to a properly grounded
two-prong wall outlet by use of a UL listed adapter (Fig. 2) available
at most local hardwarestores.
The larger slot in the adapter must be aligned with the larger slot in the wall outlet to provide proper polarity in the connection of the
power cord. CAUTION: Attaching adapter
screw does not ground the appliance unless cover screw is metal, and not insulated, and wall
outlet is grounded through house wiring. You should have the circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly
When disconnecting the power
cc.wdfrom the adapter, always
hold the adapter with one hand. If this is not done, the adapter ground terminal is very likely to
break with repeated use.
the adapter ground
terminal break, DO NOT USE the
a prqx?l’
has been established.
used extawmm fxx’ds
Becauseof potential safety hazardsunder certainconditions,
we strongly recommend against
the use IOfan extensioncord.
However,if you still elect to usean extension cord, it isabsolutely necessarythat it bea IJLlisted 3­wire groundingtype appliance
extensioncord havinga grounding type plug and outletand that the electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum)and 120volts.
The freezer should always be into its own
(115volt, 60 Hertz single phase AC). This is recommendedfor bestperformanceandto prevent overloadinghousewiringcircuits,
whichcouldcausea possiblefire hazardfrom overheatingwires.
Yourfreezer shouldbe conveniently located for day-to-day use in a dry,
well-ventilated room.
For most efficient operation, it
should not be located where air
temperature around the freezer is
ever higher than 1IO°F.or colder
than 32°F. Be sure to install your freezer on a
floor strong enough to support it
when it is fully loaded. Also see Energy-Saving Tips
regarding location.
The freezer must be solidly positioned on the floor if it is to function at its best. Shims maybe
used to accomplish this wherever the floor is too uneven. If the place selected for the freezer is damp or moist, place 2 x 4’s under its entire length to assure adequate support.
1. Clean the insideof the freezer with a mild solutionof bakingsoda and water (seepage 12).
2. If the lid was removed,make sure all wiresare reconnected.
3. Connectcord to poweroutlet.
4. Set alarm (ifyour freezerhas one) to OFF.
5. Turn temperature control to No.4. This is the normal setting for safe long-termfreezing. For colder temperatures, turn to higher numbers.
6. Allow freezerto operate for at least two hours before placing food inside.
7. Set alarm to ON.
(on models so equipped)
Freezing temperature selection is made by setting the control from No. 1to No. 7 (coldest).
Normal safe freezing level is obtained by setting the control at No. 4.
Turning the temperature control all the way to the left to or past “0” until it clicks will switch off power to the compressor.
(some models have a preset
The lid and hinge arrangement makes it impossible to install the freezer directly against a wall. The space at the back is essential to maintain proper air circulation
amund the freezer.
and no knob.)
..f.~ ><
f- ,-. i i
!!7!mOdek so
Keepsfrequently-wantedfoods within easy reach; canbe moved asideto makefoods belowmore readilyaccessible.(SomeGE food
freezershavetwoor three baskets.)
(m models
so equipped)
Keeps your frozen food supply
secure. Keep key out of reachof children
and way from thefood freeze~
(cmmodels so equipped)
An alarm sounds if the temperature
inthe freezer rises 10”F.or higher than normalfor the selected temperaturecontrolsetting.The
alarm,on the back of the freezer nextto the control dial, iscontrolled
bya 3-positionswitch.
OFF prevents the alarm from
sounding when the freezer is warm as it is during cooldown, when defrosting, or during initial start-up,
TEST causes the alarm to sound
regardless of temperature. Test the alarm system regularly—at [east once a month.
ON is the setting for normal freezer
use. Be sure to return the switch to ON when the freezer has cooled down after defrosting.
The alarm may sound if the
temperature control dial is turned to a much colder setting, as from “2” to “5.” It may also sound if a large amount of unfrozen food is
added at one time, causing the
freezer temperature to rise.
so equipped)
Turnson whenthe lid is opened; turns off when the lid is closed,
Defrost water drain
Up-frontdrain with hose adapter speeds emptying of defrost water.
!0 for
1. Freeze the best. Freezeoniy top-quality foods. Freezing retains quality and flavor; it cannot improve quality.
2. Keep work area clean.
3. Work quickly. The quicker fruits and vegetables are frozen after picking, the better the frozen
product will be. You’llsavetime,
too, with less culling and sorting.
4. Choose correct packaging materials. Frozenfoods will dry out if not properly wrapped or
packaged. Both rigid containers and flexible bags or wrappers can be used. Make sure they are especially designed for freezing.
5. Fo!low reliable instructions for freezing different types of food.
6. Freeze foods in practical
meal-sized packages.
7. Fill container properly. When
placing liquid or semi-liquid foods
in containers, leave about 1/2”at top (1-1/2’’for glass containers) to allow for expansion during freezing.
Freezecorrect quantities.
There is an established maximum
of food your freezer is designed to freeze at one time—approximately 3 pounds per cubic foot of freezer capacity. in normal position, your
freezer’s control dial will maintain sufficiently low temperatures in the freezer to freeze recommended quantities of food.
If you have a largequantityof food to freeze, storepart of it in your refrigerator’sfreshfoodcompartment untilthe first quantity is frozen,
9. Freezefoods quickly.
Continually rotatefrozenfoods to thefrontofthefreezersothe longest­frozenfoods are usedfirst.
~0.Sore frozenfoodsimmediately,
Commerciallyfrozen food can be storedanyplaceinthefreezer.These
foodsshouldnot be allowedtothaw before being placed in the freezer.
You’llfind these materials helpful in preparingfoods for the freezer:
@Large kettle with close-fitting lid
for blanchingvegetables and fruits @
Fine sieve or small colander to
put vegetables in for blanching ~Assortment of knivesfor cutting
up meat, fruits and vegetables @Roiisof absorbentpapertowels or
soft cloth towels for draining foods ~ proper freezer packaging
materials for various types of food (see page 10)
s Small loading funnel for fruit and vegetable containers,to keep sealing edge clean
e Giass marking pencil for labeling packages
=+Roll of freezer tape
For quick-freezing large amounts
of food, turn control to No. 7 two
hours before loading. Return the temperature control to
No, 4 after freezing is completed. Never
freezemore than thr~~
pm.mdsof food per cubic foot of
freezer capacity at one time.
—r —- -
.—-.—— .—
Roasts(Beef,Venison) . . . . . . . ~.. .6-12
Roasts(Lamb). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-9
Roasts(Pork&Veal) , . ...........4-8
Steaks(Beef)... . . . .............642
Chops(Lamb) . . . . . .............6-9
Chops(Pork)... . . . .............3-4
Ground&StewMeats . .....,....,3-4
Varietylvleats(Beef) . ............3-4
VarietyMeats(Pork) . ...........2-3
Sausage(Pork) . . . . .......,.....1-2
Opossum,Rabbit,Squirrel . ......6-8
Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........1
Frankfurters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...VZ4
Ham(whole,halforslices). . .......1-2
CookedMeats&MainDishes .. ....2-3
Gravy&MeatBroth . .............2-3
Chicken&Turkey(whole) . . .......12
Chicken(pieces). . . . . . . . ........9
Turkey(pieces) . . . . . . . . . ........6
Duck&Goose(whole). . . . ........6
Giblets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....--..3
GameBirds . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .....8-12
Pieces(coveredwithbroth) .. ......6
Pieces(notcoverecl) ... .OO.......1
CookedPoultryDishes . ......,...4-6
FriedChicken . . . . . . . . . . ........4
Shellfish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LeanFish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
FattyFish. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... ..Uptoz
Shrimp(raw,unpeeled). . . . .......12
Shrimp(cooked).. . .............2-3
MostFruits&Vegetables.... ... ...s-lz
Asparagus. ...................6-8
Mushrooms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Onions. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .3-6
CitrusFruits . ..................3-4
Potatoes(french-fried).. ..........2-3
Breads,Quick(baked). . . . ........2
Breads,Yeast(baked). . ..........4-8
Breads,Yeast(unbaked) ... ... ....VZ
Cakes(frosted) . ................1-2
Cakes(unfrosted) . ..............3-4
Cookies. . . . . . . . . ..............3-4
Pastry(unbaked). . ..............2-3
Pies,Fruit(baked). .. .. .. ... .-. ..UPtol
Pies,Fruit(unbaked).. .........-.2-4
Butter(salted). . . .. . . .. . ........3
Butter(unsalted).. . .............5-6
CottageCheese. . . . . . . . ........1
HardorSerni-hardCheese.. ......6
lceCream,Sherbet... .. .. ... ... ,l.fptol
Milk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........1
Candies.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......12
Left-overs(cooked).. .. .. ... ,,. ..UPtol
Pizza. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........1
PreparedDishes.. ..............1-2
Sandwiches.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Soups,Stews,Casseroles.. .......2-3
Newtechniquesareconstantiybein9 developed.ConsulttheCountYEXtension ServiceoryourlocalUtifitYComPanYfor thelatesth_tformationonfreeZin9andstoring
Packagemeat, poultry, fish and
in moisture/vapor-prOOf
material such as aluminum foil, cellophane, freezer foil or plastic bags. Exclude as much air as
possible. Label and freeze at once.
NOTE:Packagesof fresh meats and poultryascommonly purchased
in retail storesare not suitably wrapped for freezing. Rewrapin rnoisture/vapor-prOOfmaterial.
Removeas much bone and fat as possiblefrom meatbeforepa&aging. Do not salt meat. When individual
piecesofmeatarepackagedtogether, place double thickness of freezer wrap between them for easier
separation during thawing.
Clean thoroughly before packaging.
Padsharp or protruding bones with kided fr~ezer paper or aluminum fail. Wrap giblets Separat’eiy.
The same methods suggested for
poultry preparing and freezing
Fish Clean fish thoroughly before pack-
aging. Cut-up pieces of “lean” fish suchas haddockandcod shouldbe rinsed in brine madewith 2/3 cup of puretable salt pergallon ofwaterto reduceleakageduringthawing. Keep in solution not over 1 minute. Brine is unnecessary for whole fish or fatty
fish such as salmon or mackerel.
Wash shells in running water (soak clams) and shuck, working quickly.
Discard sheils. Do not wash clams or oysters.Scallops may be rinsed in fresh water.
and freeze irnrnediately. ~hrimps are best if frozen
Remove and discard heads and black vein. Wash and package in freezer containers.
and meat maybe used for
wild game.
Pack in freezer carton
Crabs and!b3bstws
Chill fish and removeback shell. Steam or boil in waterfor 15to 20 minutes. Cool thoroughly,then pick ediblemeatfromshellsand package
in proper containers. Seal and
freeze immediately.
Frozen meat, fish or poultry should be left inthe original package and thawed in the refrigeratoror cooked frozen. Allow approximately5 hours
per pound to thaw meat in the refrigerator.When cooking frozen meat, increase the cooking time by approximately 1/3to 1/2if cooking conventionally—much less if cooking with microwaves. if necessary to thaw meat quickly, thaw at roomtemperature—allowing only 2 hours per pound.
Don’t refreezemeat that has completely thawed; meat, whether rawor cooked, can be frozen successfully only once.
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