klp us
Readthis bookcarefully.
Energy-SavingTips. . . . . . .Inside
Front Cover
ImportantCautions . . . . . . . . ...1
Writedownthe model
It is intendedto helpyou operate
and maintain yournewfreezer
You’llfind them on a plate on
the sideof thecabinet. (Onsome
models,it’s behindthe small panel
on the sideof the cabinet.)
HowtoConnect Electricity. . ..1.2
Keepit handyfor answers to your
InstallationRequirements , , , . ..2
OperatingYourFreezer . . . . . ...2
These numbersarealso on the
ConsumerProduct Ownership
RegistrationCardthat came with
your freezer.Beforesending inthis
card, pleasewrite these numbers
Ifyou don’t understandsomething
or need morehelp,write (include
yourphone number):
FreezerFeatures . . . . . . . . . . ...3
Suggestions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3
GeneralElectric Company
Appliance Park
Louisville,KY 40225
SuggestedStorage Times . . . ...4
Model Number
FreezingMeat, Fish,
Poultry&Game, . . . . . . . . . . ...4
Keepproof of original purchase
date(such as yoursales slip or
cancelled check) with this bookto
establishthe warrantyperiod.
Serial Number
Usethese numbersin any
correspondenceor service calls
concerning your freezer.
FreezingVegetables , , , .. . . . . .5
FreezingFruits, . . . . . . . . . . . ...6
FreezingDairy Products . . . . ...7
Ifyou receivedadamagedfreezer,
immediately contact the dealer (or
builder)that soldyou the freezer.
FreezingPrepared Foods ., . ...7
FreezerPackaging. . . . . . . . . . ..8
Savetime andmoney.
Beforeyou callfor service, chec
the Problem Solveron pages 11
and 12.It lists minorcauses of
operating problemsthat youcan
correct yourself. Itcould saveyou
an unnecessaryservice call.
Defrosting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...9
instructions, . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l0
in Case of Extended
PowerFailure .,, ., . . . . . . . . ..l O
The Problem Solver. . . . . . ,11,12
lfYou Need Service . . . . . . . . ..l3
Warranty, . . . . . . . . . .Back
* Location of yourfreezeris
important. Don ‘tlocateit ina warm,
unventilated Iaundryarea or storage
room. Avoid putting it next to your
range, a heating vent or where sun
will shine directly on it.
~ Try to arrange your frozen foods
systematically so YOUcan find what
yOLIwant in the freezer quick]y.
@Don’t open the freezer lid /more
often than necessary and close it
assoan as possible, particularly in
hot, humid weather,
* Whenusingyour freezer,be
careful not to ieavethe lid open.
Alwayscheckto makesurethe
freezerlid isproperly closed
house or retiring
for the night.
* If you turn the temperature
control to the coldest position for
quick freezing, don’t forget to turn
it backto theregularsetting.