Readail instructionsbefore
Energy-Saving Tips,.,..., . . ...2
Head this book carefully.
It isintendedto helpyouoperateand
maintainyour newairconditioner
When usingthis appliance, always
exercise basicsafety precautions,
including the follo~ving:
ElectricalSafety .....31.,..’....3
Keep it handyfor answersto your
s Usethis applianceon!yforits
intendedpurposeasdescribed in
this UseandCare Book.
Air Direction..~ .......... ....5
If you don’t understandsomething
or need more help.,.
The GE Answer Centernd
consumer information service
User Maintenance
instructions......... .........5
properlyinstalledin accordance
withthe Instai!ationInstructions
beforeit isused.See grounding
instructions on page 3.
Problem So~ver .. ....+........6
Consumer Services... ........7
Warranty. . . . . . . . . . .. Back Cover
or write (include your phone
General Electric Company
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY40225
~ Neverunplugyourairconditioner
grip plug firmly andpull straight out
from the receptacle.
~ Repairorreplaceimmediately
allelwtric servicecordsthat
havebecomefrayedor otherwise
damaged.Donot usea cord that
showscracksor abrasion damage
along its length or at either the
plug or connector end.
writedown the model and
serial numbers.
@Keep the air filter clean. (See
instructions on page 5.)
You’ll find them on a label on the
frame of the air conditioner behind
the air filter.
~ For most etiicient cooling, keep
vent (on mode~sso equipped) in
closed position except when you
want to exhaust air, smoke or odors
from the room.
~ Don’t let the room get tbo hot.
Whenever possible, turn the unit
on before the room heats up.When
heat is“stored up” inwalls, furniture,
rugs and draperies, your air cor?ditioner tak~s longer to produce the
desired comfort condition.
These numbers are also on the
Consumer Product Ownership
Registration card that came with
your air conditioner. Before sending
in this card, please write these
numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
QKeep windows and doors 6iosed.
Cool, dry air escapes when they’re
Use these numbers in any
correspondence or service calls
concerning your air conditioner.
o l<eQpfurnace floor registers and
co/d air returns ciosed. Cold air
can easily esca~e through them.
if you received a damaged
conditioner,immediately contact
the dealer (or builder) that sold you
the air conditioner.
Savetime and money.
Bafore yo~~reQuest
il?eProbiem Soiveron page6. it lists
-ninorcauses of operating problems
:hatyou can correct yourself.