GE CAF19 Use and Care Manual

ApplianceRegistration CareandCleaning
Energy-SavingTips FreezingSuggestions 5-9
Installation 3,4 Vacation&MovingTips
AdapterPlug 4 Clearances 4
ElectricalRequirements 3,4
ExtensionCord Grounding
Location 4
No-Frost Upright Models CAF16L
11 PowerFailure
SafetyInstructions TemperatureControl
Warranty BackCover
l%~w~ef CiI@e~
10 12
3 4
Readthis bmlk Cwe’fullym
It isintended to helpyouoperate and maintainyour newfreezer properly
Keepit handyforanswersto your
[fyoudon’t understandsomething or needmore help,write (include yourphone number):
GEAppliances Appliance Park Louisville,KY 40225
Keepproof of original purchase
date(suchas yoursales slip or cancelled check)with this bookto establishthe warrantyperiod.
Write dawn TM model
seriatl numhm.
You’llfind them on a plateat the bottom,just insidethe door.
These numbers arealso on the Consumer ProductOwnership
Registration Cardthat came with your freezer.Before sending in this card, please write these numbers here:
@Locationof yourfreezeris
important.Don’t locateit in a warm, unventilatedlaundryareaor s$orage room.Avoidputting it nexttoyour range,a heatingventorwherethe
sunwill shine directlyon it. * Tryto arrangeyourfrozenfoods
systematicallysoyoucan find what
youwant inthe freezer quickly.
eDon’topenthe freezerdoor more oftenthan necessaryand close it assoonas possible,particularly in hot, humid weather.
eWhen using yourfreezer,be
careful notto leavethe dooropen. Alwayscheck to makesurethe freezerdoor is properlyclosed beforeleavingthe houseor retiring
for the night. @Ifyouturn the temperature
controlto the coldestposition for quick freezing, don’tforget to turn it backto the regularsetting.
Toobtain service,seethe ConsumerServicespage in the ‘= backofthis book.
We’reproudof ourservice and wantyouto bepleased. If for some reasonyou arenot happywith the serviceyou receive,here arethree stepsto follow for further help.
FIRSTcontact the people who servicedyour appliance.Explain whyyouare not pleased. in most cases,this will solvethe problem.
NEXT if you arestill not pleased, write all the details—including your phonenumber—to:
Manager,Consumer Reiations GEAppliances Appiiance Park Louisviiie,Kentucky40225
FINALLY,ifyour probiem is still not resoived,write:
MajorAppiiance Consumer
Action Panei 20 North WackerDrive Chicago, liiinois 60606
Usethese numbers in any
correspondence or service calls
concerning your freezer.
If you received a damaged freezer, immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the freezer.
Savetime arm!mmey. Beforeyou call for service, check
the Problem Solver on pages 13
and 14.It lists causes of minor operating problems that youcan correct yourself.
Youmaysafely refreezefrozen
foodsthat hatiethawed ifthey still containice crystalsor ifthey are
still cold—belowMY%{Shellfish cannotbe kept aboveflO°F.safely txwause
Thawedground meats,poultry, or fish that haveanyoff-odoror off-colordwm.ddnot be refrozen and should not beeaten.Thawed
ice creamshould bediscarded. If the odor or color of anyfood is poor or questionable,get rid of it.The food maybe dangerousto eat.
I%enpartial thawingand refreezing reducethe eating quality of foods,
particularly fruits, vegetables,and
preparedfoods. Theeating quality of red meats is affectedlessthan that of manyother foods. Use refrozenfoods as soon as possible
—they won’t keepaslong asfoods frozenonly once,andthe sooner they’re used, the better their eating will be.
the Iw3usebut no$inme, besure to removethe hi orckmr.This will
reducethe possibility of danger to children.
ym.NI ok! fretxzerisSW around
A. Before makingany repairs. P&We:weW“Q??@)mN%v’n@nd
thatanyfxmdcing 13epeffomed
bya qmilifiedindividua!. B. Eleforeckming:
C%Beforereplacinga burned-out Hghtbulb,the freezershould be unpltigged in orderto avoid contactwith alive wirefilament.
.(Aburned-out light bulb may ~
breakwhen being ieplaced,)
Note: 7iqningtemperaturecontrol to UWposition doesnoiremwe
powerto the lighfcirctiit.
Where a standard two-prong wail outlet is encountered, it is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer to have it replacedwith a properlygrounded
three-prong wail outlet.
(continued rhxi,pqe,)
Becauseof potential safety
hazardsundercertain conditions, westrongly recommendagainst useof an adapterplug. However, if youstil~elect !0 use anadapter,
wherelocal codes permit, a TlElVlP0f3Af3YCCUVNEX3TIONmay be madeto a properly grounded
two-prongwalioutlet by useof a
LJLlistedadapter (Fig.2)available
atmost local hardwarestores,
f’,,.l,,,,l,,fl,,,,, %
Fig. 2 “ ‘
The larger slot in the adapter must bealigned with the largerslot in the
walloutlet toprovideproperpolarity
the connection of the power cord.
CAUTlON:Attachingadapterground terminal towall outlet coverscrew does not ground the appliance unless cover screw is metal, and
not insulated, and wall outlet is groundedthroughhousewiring.You should havethe circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power cord from the adapter, always hold the adapter with one hand. If this is not done, the adapter
ground terminal is very likely to break with repeated use.
the ground
break, !30 NO-1-USE the appliance until a proper has been
Lk3ed exlrck
Becauseof potentialsafety hazards under certainconditions, we against
the use of an extension cord.
However,if you still electto usean
extensioncord, it isabsolutely necessarythat it bea IJLlisted
3-wiregrounding typeappliance extensioncord havinga grounding type plug and outletand that the electrical ratingof the cord be 15 amperes(minimum) and 120volts.
T-hehen!’ dwways
be W(3
(115volt,60 Hertz, Some models arealsorated 100 volt, 50 Hertz. Checkthe
and serial number plate.)
recommendedforbestperformance andto preventoverloading house
wiring circuits, which could cause
a possiblefire hazard from overheatingwires.
ebmlwal olm?t-
single phase AC.
Yourfreezershould beconveniently locatedfor day-to-dayuse in a
well-ventilated room.
Formost efficient operation, it should not be locatedwhere air temperature around the freezer is ever higher than 1lO°F.or colder
than 32°F,
Be sureto install your freezer on a floor strong enough to support it when it is fully loaded.
Also see Energy-Saving Tips regarding location.
Allow 4 inches on tog and 3 inches at sides and back for proper air circulation.
This is
Legsat the frontcornersof the freezershould beset sothe freezer isfirmly positionedon the floor,and thefrontis raised just enough so
1. Clean the insideof the freezer with a mild solution of baking sod and water(seepage 11). -
2. Connect cordto powerout!et.
3. Turntemperature control to No.4.This isthe normal setting for safe,long-termfreezing. Forcolder temperatures,turn to higher numbers.
4. Allowfreezerto operate for at leasttwo hoursbefore placing food inside.
Freezingtemperature selection is
made by setting the control from No. 1to COLDEST.
Normal, safe freezing level is obtained by setting the control at
No, i$.
OFF position permits turning the ‘;’ freezer off with~ut unplugging it.
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The temperaturealarm islocated onthe front of the freezer.The alarmwill sound ifthe freezer temperature risesabove20° F.
The alarm operateson household electricity. If the powerfails, the
alarm will not perform.
An ON/OFF switch allowsthe temperaturealarmto bedeactivated when not wanted. The freezeris shippedwith the temperaturealarm
in the OFF position. After the freezer has run long enough to lowerthe temperature, you may
ctivatethe alarm.
aution: Adding morethan 3
pounds of warm-foodper cubic foot
of freezer capacity can trigger the alarm system.
Toactivate the alarm, pusha key or eraser end of a pencil into the hole marked ON and movethe
rockerswitch to the ON position.
TOdeat%vate the alarm, movethe switch
tO the OFF position.
The keyfor the spring-loaded lock is automatically ejected—key will
not remain in lock in either the open or closed position. Keep the key out Oflv?achof Chi!dtl?n and
awzy the fn??ezw
Letsyoustore frozenfood packages
like books for easy selection.
@#liQ2e+=n dglo[” ~heif
~~~~pecia~[y~jzed for storage of
.4?.->.. :“i:;j
frozen juice cans. Some models have two juice-can shelves.
!. Freezethe best. Freezeonly
top-qualityfoods. Freezingretains
qualityandflavor;it cannotimprove
2. Keep work areaclean.
3. Work Ths quicker fruits
andvegetablesarefrozenafter picking, the betterthe frozen productwill be.You’llsavetime,
too,with lessculling and sorting.
4. Choose correct packaging
materials. Frozenfoods will dry
out if not properlywrapped or
packaged. Both rigid containers and flexible bagsorwrappers can be used. fVlakesurethey are especially designedfor freezing.
5. Follow reliableinstructionsfor freezing different typesof food.
Freeze foods in practical rmeal-
sixxf packages.
7.Fit!container properly.When placing liquid or semi-liquid foods in containers, leaveabout 1/2”at top (1-1/2”for glass containers)to allowfor expansionduring freezing.
8. Freezecorrect quantities.
There is an established maximum of food your freezer isdesigned to
freezeatone time—approximately 3 pounds per cubic foot of freezer capacity. In normal position, your freezer’s control dial will maintain sufficiently low temperatures in the freezer to freeze recommended quantities of food.
If you have a large quantity of food to-freeze,store part of it in your refrigerator’sfreshfoodcompartment until the first quantity is frozen.
9. Freeze foods quickly. Continually rotate frozen foods to the front of the freezerso the longest­frozen foods are used first.
10.Store foods Commercially frozen food can be storedanyplace inthefreezer.These foods should not be allowed to thaw before being placed in the freezer.
You’llfind these materialshelpful inpreparingfoodsfor the freezer:
@Largekettlewithclose-fitting lid
forblanching vegetablesandfruits
Firm sieve or smallcolanderto
putvegetablesinfor blanching
@Assortmentof knivesfor cutting upmeat, fruits and
@t7011sofabsorbent papertowelsor
softcloth towelsfordraining foods
@Properfreezerpackaging materialsforvarioustypes offood (seepage 10)
@Small loading funnel for fruit and vegetablecontainers,to keep sealingedge clean
@Glass marking pencil for labeling
~Rollof freezertape
Freezingisfast andefficient throughoutthe freezer,but quickest onthe top shelf—especially with the temperature control at a
number higher than 4 (the coldest
setting is “COLDEST”).
Ifyou plan to quick-freezelarge
control to “COLDEST” several
hoursbefore food will be ready to
be placed in the freezer.
Never freeze morethan three
pounds of food per cubicfoot of
freezercapacity at onetime.
Tbrnscmwhen the door is openeci; turns off when ihe door is closed.
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