GE CA8D Use and Care Manual

ApplianceRegistration CareandCleaning
Defrosting Door SwingOption
Energy-SavingTips FreezingRecommendations 5-10
DairyProducts Fruit
Meats,PoultryandFish PackagingSuggestions
PreparedFoods StorageTimes
AdapterPlug Clearances 4
ElectricalRequirements 3,4 ExtensionCord
Grounding Location
2 LevelingLegs
12 ModelandSerialNumbers
8 6
10 Warranty
9 6
4 How to Reversethe
4 3
ProblemSolver RepairService 15
SafetyInstructions TemperatureAlarm 4
Door Swing
GEAwwer CemeP 80L?62&20817
4 2
12 12
upright Model CA&m
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Readthis book carefully.
It is intendedto helpyouoperate andmaintainyour newfreezer properly.
Keepit handyfor answers to your
Ifyoudon’t understandsomething or needmorehelp,write (include yourphonenumber):
GEAppliances Appliance Park Louisville,KY 40225
Vwte down rncxkd andserialnumbers.
You’llfind them on alabel onthe backof the freezer.
Thesenumberswe alsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCardthat camewith yourfreezer.Beforesendinginthis
card,pleasewritethese numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Usethese numbersin any correspondenceor service calls concerningyourfreezer. .
immediatelycontactthe dealer (or
builder)that soldyouthe freezer.
Savetime and money. Beforeyoucall forservice,check
the Problem Solveron pages 13 and 14.It lists causes of minor operating problemsthat you can correctyourself.
@Locationof yourfreezeris important. Don’tlocateit in awarm, ~
unventilatedlaundryareaor storage room.Avoidputting it nextto your range,a heatingventorwherethe sun will shine directlyon it.
@Tryto arrange yourfrozenfoods
systematicallysoyoucanfind what youwant inthe freezerquickly,
@Don’topen the freezer often than necessaryandclose it assoon aspossible,particularly in hot, humid weather.
@Defrostthe freezerwhenever
frost becomes I/El-inchthick. @When using yourfreezer, be
careful not to leavethe door open. Alwayscheck to makesurethe freezerdoor is properlyclosed before leaving the houseor retiring
for the night.
oIf youturn the temperature control to the coldest position or if you turn the FastFreeze switch on {orquick-freezing, don’t forget to return them to their regularsettings.
appliance,a6way~exercisebasic safetyprecautions, includingthe
* Usethis applianceonlyfpr its intendedpurpose asdikribed in
this Useand CMe Book.
@Ixm’t rdreeiw?lfm!%w’1foods
w havethmfwd Youmaysafelyrefreezefrozen
foodsthat have thawed if theystill
containicecrystalsor’if they are still cold—below40°F,(Shellfish cannot be keptaboveKM? safely becauseof baderia growth.)
* This freezermustbeproperly
in accordancewiththe
hwtallatkm Instructionsbeforeit isused. Seegroundinginstructions
belowand on page 4.
~Neverunplugyourfreezerby pullingon the pcwwrcord.Always grip plug firmly andpull straightout
fromthe out{et.
~Repairor replace imrmediatefy
all electric service cordsthat havebecome frayedorotherwise
DCJnot useacord that
showscracksor abrasion damage along its length or at either the plug
or connector end.
Thawedground meMs,poultry, ‘ or fish that haveany off-c@xor off-colorshouldnot be refrozen and should not be eaten. Thawed icecreamshould bediscarded. If
the odor or colorof any food is pbor orquestionable,get ridof it. The food maybe dangeroustoeat.
reducethe eating quality of foods, particularly fruits, vegetables,and preparedfoods.The eating quality of red meats is affected less than
that of manyother foods.Use refrozenfoods as soonas possible —theywon’t keepaslong as foods frozenonly once,andthe sooner
Note: Westronglyrecommend that anyservicingbe performed bya qualified individual.
B. Beforecleaning.’
they’re used,the bettertheir eating
do nottouch the cold surfaces,
artimdady when handsare damp or wet. Skin mayadhere to thes6 extremely cold surfaces.
~Do not operate yourfreezerin
Me presence of fumes,
quality will be.
~HyourCM freezer is still around
the house but notin use,be sure
to removethe lid or door. This will
reducethe possibility ofdanger to ch!ldren.
-—. lF4wK—
The power cord of this appliance
equipped with a three-prong
(grounding) plug which mates with
standard three-prong (grounding}
=j~~:~~~Possibility Ofelectric shock hazard
wall outlet (Fig. 1)to minimize the
from this appliance.
Fig. ?
Havethe wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly
Where astandard two-prong wall outlet isencountered, it is the personal responsibility and obligation of the customer to have it replacedwith a properlygrounded three-prong wall outlet.
Becauseof potentialsafety
hazardsundercertainconditions, westronglyrecommendagainst useof an adapter plug. However, if you still elect to use an adapter, wherelocalcodes permit, a
TEM%3RARYCONNECTIONmay be madeto a properly grounded two-prongwall outlet byuseofa UL listed adapter (Fig.2)available
at most local hardwarestores.
Fig. 2
The larger slot in the adapter must
be aligned with the largerslot in the walloutletto provideproperpolarity in the connection of the powercord.
terminal to wall outlet coverscrew does not ground the appliance unless coverscrew is metal, and
not insulated, and wall outlet is groundedthroughhousewiring.You should havethe circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure
the outlet is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power
cord from the adapter, always
hold the adapter with one hand.
Ifthis is not done, the adapter ground terminal is very likely to break with repeated use.
Should the adapter ground
terminal break, DO NOT USEthe
until a proper ground
has been established.
Becauseofpotentialsafety hazardsundercertainconditions, we strongly recommend against
the useof anextensioncord.
However,if you still electto usean
extensioncord, it isabsolutely
necessarythat it be a UL listed
3-wiregroundingtypeappliance extensioncord havinga grounding type plug and outlet andthat the electrical ratingofthe cordbe 15 amperes(minimum)and 120volts,
The freezershouldalways
be ~hgged into
ik mm
(115volt, 60 Hertz,single phase AC.)This is recommendedfor best performanceandto prevent
overloading housewiring circuits, which could causea possible fire hazardfrom overheatingwires.
Yourfreezershouldbe conveniently locatedfor day-to-dayusein a dry, well-ventilated room.
Formost efficient operation, it
should not be locatedwhere air temperature around the freezeris ever higher than 1lO°F.or colder than 32°F.
Besure to install your freezer on a
floor strong enough to support it when it isfully loaded.
Also see Energy-SavingTips regarding location.
Allow 2 inches on top, 2 inches at back and l/2-inch at sides for proper air circulation.
1. Cleanthe insideofthe freezer with amild solution of bakingsoda andwater(seepage 12).
2. Connectthe powercordto the walloutlet.Thegreenandredlights willglow,andthetemperatureinside the freezerwill beginto cooldown.
Power-On Unsafe
Fast Freeze Switch
3. Setthe FastFreezeswitch. If the yellow light glows,the switch is alreadyset for continuous freezing operation. Ifthe yellow light isout, the switch is set for automatic thermostatically-controlled freezingoperation. Initially setthe switchfor continuousfreezing.
4. When safefreezingtemperature is reached,the redlight wiil go out. Allowthe freezerto operatefor afew hoursafterthe red light goes out beforeplacing food inside:
Note:Neverfreeze morethan 24
poundsof food at a time.
5. About 24 hoursafter loading the last ofthe foods to befrozen, setthe FastFreezeswitch for
6. Insert a coin inthe slot in the TemperatureControl Dial and turn the dial to the midpoint between
“rein” and “max~’Thisisthe normal setting for safe, long-term freezing.
Legs at the front corners of the freezer should be set so the freezer is firmly positioned on the floor,and the front israised just enough so the door closeseasilywhen opened about halfway.
Freezing temperature selection is made by setting the control from “rein” (warmest)to “max” (coldest).
1.Freezethe best. Freezeonly
ualityandflavor;it cannotimprove
2. Keepworkareaclean.
3. Workquickly.The quickerfruits
and vegetablesarefrozenafter picking, the betterthe frozen productwill be. You’llsave time,
too,with lessculling andsorting.
4. Choosecorrect packaging
materials. Frozenfoodswill dry
out if not properlywrappedor packaged. Both rigid containers and flexible bagsor wrappers
can be used. Makesurethey are especially designed for freezing.
5. Follow reliableinstructionsfor freezing different types of food.
6. Freezefoods in practicalmeal-
sized packages.
7.Fill container properly.When
placing liquid or semi-liquid foods in containers, leaveabout 1/2”at
- top (1-1/2”for glass containers)to allowfor expansionduring freezing.
Freezecorrect quantities.
here is an established maximum of food yourfreezer isdesigned to freeze at one time—approximately
3 pounds per cubic foot of freezer
capacity. In normal position, your freezer’s control dial will maintain sufficiently low temperatures in the
freezer to freeze recommended quantities of food.
If you havea large quantity of food to freeze,store part of it in your refrigerator’sfreshfoodcompartment until the first quantity is frozen.
You’llfind these materialshelpful inpreparingfoodsforthe freezer:
. Largekettlewith close-fitting lid
for blanching vegetablesand fruits @Fine sieveor small colanderto
put vegetablesinfor blanching @Assortmentof knivesfor cutting
up meat,fruits andvegetables eRollsof absorbentpaper towelsor
soft cloth towelsfor draining foods IDProperfreezerpackaging
materialsforvarioustypesof food
(seepage 10) @Small loading funnel for fruit and
vegetablecontainers,to keep
sealing edge clean
Glass marking pencil for labeling
packages @Roll of freezertape
Freezingis fastandefficient throughoutthefreezer,butquickest
onthe top shelf—especiallywith the temperaturecontrolat or near the “max” setting.
Ifyouplanto quick-freezelarge amountsoffood, pressthe yellow FastFreezeswitchseveralhours beforefoodwill be readyto be placedinthe freezer.Besureto returnthe switchto itsregular positionafter freezing is completed.
Neverfreezemorethan24 poundsoffoodat one time.
9. Store frozenfoodsimmediately.
Commercially frozen food can be storedanyplace inthe freezer.These foods should not be allowedto thaw
before being placed in the freezer.
10.LJse“oldest” foods first. Continually rotate frozen foods to the front of the freezer so the longest­frozen foods are used first.
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